The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I really don't wish to continue the back and forth with you, 25caliber. You are dealing with emotional issues, not facts. Proof is your comments about if it were your kid that was killed, yet you completely leave out the "what if" ZIMMERMAN was your kid. This shows you are biased to one side. And talking to you about it is like talking to yon wall. There is no wiggle room with you. The wall is the wall.

So...don't be surprised if I don't continue discussing this trial with you.

You are not the only one who has reached the point of scrolling past his/their 24/7 walls of text. I read walls of text in law school, but at least they were worth reading. And now he's even a wanna be Ernie. Or is his new avvy a dishonest attempt to make it look like Ernie has switched sides!
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It's Crooked Seal Time.
It's Crooked Seal Time.
WAT and CNN too,
Show Crooked Seal to you.

Let's give a rousing cheer,
Cause Crooked Seal's here,
It's time to start the show,
So kids let's go!
Why do you feel the need to lie?
Why are you saying what I said is a lie? Head buried in the sand all day?

You must have missed the evidence showing GZ following TM in his truck, pulling ahead of TM and parking right in front of TM in the oncoming traffic lane on an angle cutting off the direction TM was walking. Forcing TM to walk around his truck. Zimmerman was taunting him. Had the cops on the phone, gun in his holster, wannabe cop mode...

Yes, if you are following someone assess where he's going then pull in front of him and park on an angle blocking the road.. Hell yeah you are cutting off their path to where they are going. TM was going home.

And Martin walked right by unmolested.

Then he had all the time in the world to get home.

He choose to confront Zimmerman instead.

But you knew that.

And then lied about it.

No, Martin walked right by while being molested by Zimmerman who was maligning the teen on the phone with the police.

Then, Zimmerman choose to pursue TM. TM decide to not go home because some crazy guy was following him to his home. TM was looking out for his family.

Zimmerman, choose to confront TM. This is why Zimmerman is on trial.

But you knew that.

Then accused me of lying about it.
I am female. Old, but still female. We tend to change our minds a lot. I said you can have the last word but did indeed respond to you again. Won't happen further. Fact.
Toodles, 25caliber.

Fair enough. You built your wall and now you are taking your ball and going home.

Lots of old people on here...we need more clear thinking youngins.

What a douche. I knew the nice guy routine was just a facade.

Your true colors are showing.

I'm disappointed M, that you didn't catch the fact that he is a bigot far earlier.
It's hard to tell.

The prosecution has done a real good job of punching holes in the George Zimmerman story and they've slowly established a narrative to he was playing cop.

And when I sat on a jury, it was the deliberations that really decided the verdict and that was more based on reading back the testimony. When you do that, you decide based on content not the person giving it.

What was germane about Rachel's testimony was that what was said is pretty different from how Zimmerman remembers it as well as establishing the "fight" was not one sided.

The testimony of Good and Mora punch holes in 2 other key elements of Zimmerman's story, that head was being bashed, repeatedly, against the side walk and that his mouth and nose were covered. The cell phone recording also discounts that. As do his pictures, which the defense seem to like to parade around every chance they get. It also dispels the myth that Martin was lying in wait for Zimmerman. The EMTs and the Zimmerman pictures also establish that his wounds were pretty minor and not life threatening.

I think the forensics might be the final nail if played right. If indeed Martin's hands aren't damaged badly it's also going to take away more of the notion that Zimmerman was in a life and death struggle.

The problem becomes convincing the Jury that Zimmerman set out to kill Martin. That's the toughie. He probably didn't when he went in chasing Martin, but once the fight started, it looks as if he flew into a rage.

If they can't prove it was self defense, Zimmerman is going to prison. I want him on the stand and Angely Corey needs to crack the whip on her team. The best one is the good looking guy, John Guy and no, it isn't just because he is good looking. He gave a very compelling opening statement. Hopefully, they can show that everything they said in that opening statement is true.

I agree with you about Zimmerman flying into a rage. They're not letting past incidences in though, unfortunately. We know there are past incidences with this guy.

I heard it was domestic violence. If so, why did he have a firearm ?

Because he was never convicted. The case against him was that flimsy.
It's Crooked Seal Time.
It's Crooked Seal Time.
WAT and CNN too,
Show Crooked Seal to you.

Let's give a rousing cheer,
Cause Crooked Seal's here,
It's time to start the show,
So kids let's go!

one would think that they would correct that


People have called to complain, but the maintenance guy keeps saying it looks fine to him.

What a douche. I knew the nice guy routine was just a facade.

Your true colors are showing.

No worries. I won't speak to him again, and have removed him from my friends list. I plan to send him a prezzie too, when I can.

He is new here. This whole board is populated by older and wiser people, so I'm pretty sure they may be insulted he thinks this place should be inhabited by "youngins".

He's one of those folks that pretends to be a nice guy, but if you won't be swayed by their good guy "logic"...well, suddenly they ain't so nice any more.

He can dish but he can't take it. He called me a 'bigot' and when I shot back the rhyme 'faggot' he got ALL bent out of shape. He is not forum material. And he is cluttering the internet with his mindless gibberish. His inane jabbering is long overdue for the deep six.
Lets say there was not audio just an overhead surveilance camera on that night.

If someone turned on the surveillance camera and you werent privy to any 911 call by GZ (as Trayvon wasnt), then what would you find more creepy?

1) the kid walking home from the store


2) A truck slowly following behind the kid walking home from the store


3) You see the teen running away and the guy in the truck follows him up the path on foot in the dark and rain.

Thats all the information you get...thats all trayvon had.

Who likes the creep? Who is initiating what here?
Thats right...great point....walked by several times unmolested and he walked by several times without approaching and calling out Z also...right? in fact even ran away at one point...but that didnt stop MR Z...he kept following...he kept following and Trayvon kept walking...until he was followed on foot near his home...finally he said something...

Z went reaching at that point for a phone to call 911 again? LMAO they were already on their way and he was going to meet them...whatcha calling 911 again for...yeah right. When he reached for what he couldnt find...the creepy follower in the dark got clocked...during the struggle when he kept going for his gun...he continued to get clocked. Oh I know speculation right...why? Because GZ didnt say it? Dont you think he has motive not to say it?

You crack me up are stating that essentially it was Trayvon that repeatedly showed restraint when followed by this strange person in the dark and rain.

How many times must he continue on his way without asking why hes being followed? What number is good for you? Infinitely? Turn tail and book it home...well how do I know he wont be following me the next time I go to the store? I think Ill ask why now and settle it now.

You made my point...I can sleep

I'm not sure about that. At the end of Zimmerman's call he said, "Actually could you have them call me and I'll tell them where I'm at?"

It's completely plausible that he was going to call again since he knew where Martin was.

Its certainly possible...problem is...trayvon doesnt know this...its just like Mr Z heading up the same path that trayvon ran away from him on. GZ says he was going to look for an apartment number...yep he was...but Trayvon doesnt know that! To Trayvon, this guy thats been following him in a truck is now following him on foot.

TM had plenty of time to make it home while GZ lost him & was still talking to police.

TM motives for not going home:

1 - Did not want to lead GZ to his home.
2 - He was hiding
3 - He was pissed & full of rage about being busted for drugs, suspended from school, his friends & life back home & forced to stay there with the Juvenile detention officer Brandy Green & dad riding his ass. So he was going to do everything possible to stop Zimmerman from having the police get involved again.
4 - He was a racist thug that wanted to kick that creepy white crackers ass for following & calling cops on him.

25Caliber's going for the phone/gun theory is full of holes. It is the prosecutions job to prove their theory beyond a reasonable doubt. The jury is not supposed to dream up every possible scenario under the sun because the prosecution does not have a case. Non of their crazy shit held water but they just did not want to believe GZ. This is a political popularity contest & not about facts. It is sad we convict on mob rule instead of law & facts.

Here is why you are wrong:

First - Dee-Dee did not hear gun on the TM call. So Trayvon did not think GZ was going for his gun.

Second - The police were in route to the mailboxes, not to GZ & TM's location. GZ knew he had to call back with the new location. Dialing 911 will GPS locate the cell-phone. TM may have wanted no part of any police.

Third - Police only came to that spot because the neighbors told them where to go.

Fourth - GZ told police what happened a minute after it happened. He could not have came up with anything that matched witness & 911 sounds on the spot like that. GZ said he was screaming for help & the call recorded that.

Fifth - GZ was relieved at the possibility of a surveillance video recording from the house at that location. He said it would exonerate him.
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I enjoy reading people with open minds. Yours is closed. And I will hand out reps to those that post what I have a hard time expressing. You are getting personal. Lighten up. That's all I was saying but if you want to make more of it than what it is, be my guest.

Dont falsely accuse me of something made more of it. You call that closed...I call it retorting slander.

Here Ill show you one sample just a few posts back...

Me to M:
"BTW...I dont believe that Mr Z drove in front of trayvon and parked in his way...dont believe that at all...I believe he was following him...not cutting him off...just clearing that up. Now that was made up by RKM...and you are right."

Ok. 25. Put yourself in TM's shoes. Guy is following you in a truck stops stares at you multiple times. Pulls ahead of where you are going by about 40yards. Illegally parks in the oncoming traffic lane at the sidewalk, not a parking place. You continue on your way to your home walk around the guy. He's still in his car on the phone staring at you. Then he gets out of the car and follows you. You turn right at the T to your house. Then this crazy guy continues on.. past the T. Then he turns around and starts coming back to you...

Yeah TM's gonna think GZ tried to intercept him with the car.. TM's gonna think the crazy guy got out of the car because he ran out of road. Then followed on foot.

Zimmerman doesn't need to be called to the stand. His entire testimony was played on tape before the court, when he gave it to Investigator Serino. The defense should feel no reason to be compelled to call him to the stand.
[MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION], I understand why you don't want him there. To see him exposed as the pathological liar that he is would be absolutely DEVASTATING to the defense.

I get it.

the state does not want him on the stand

that is why they played the video

the last thing they want is for soft spoken george on the stand
No worries. I won't speak to him again, and have removed him from my friends list. I plan to send him a prezzie too, when I can.

He is new here. This whole board is populated by older and wiser people, so I'm pretty sure they may be insulted he thinks this place should be inhabited by "youngins".

He's one of those folks that pretends to be a nice guy, but if you won't be swayed by their good guy "logic"...well, suddenly they ain't so nice any more.

He can dish but he can't take it. He called me a 'bigot' and when I shot back the rhyme 'faggot' he got ALL bent out of shape. He is not forum material. And he is cluttering the internet with his mindless gibberish. His inane jabbering is long overdue for the deep six.

Okay you are at it again...time to put up or shut the post of me calling you a bigot and your reply of one called you a bigot, but you called me a post it or I will and we will let them decide. Some attorney you are...make accusations and cant back it up...put it up or I will...its right at my finger tips...Im giving you the chance to post it or apologize...moment of truth for you miss.
Dr Drew show. I got so pissed, I changed the channel but then switched back...and Mz Footstool head is not there. They replaced her. Gosh. I wonder why. :eusa_hand:

I'm late to the party. I envisioned Ms Footstool as Rachel/DD/Diamond, which is why I asked about her having a presser. Who then? All I know's obvious if the natives are restless then they see the writing on the wall that this case is going nowhere.

i am not a racist. I am a businesswoman who interacts with people of all races and ethnicities. I hate needing to provide this disclaimer. It's degrading in itself, but the BS PC community expects it so I'll comply.

I haven't heard what happened or that someone was calling for "unrest" if the verdict doesn't comport with the guilty verdict blacks seem to want in this case. When did this happen and who predicted this "tantrum"???

You can announce it all you want, but the race baiters on here will still go after you. I, too, worked with all kinds, and I worked in the projects and in prisons. I continue to be slandered by this new bunch who came from God knows where and called biased. I am definitely biased for the law. Everyone deserves to have counsel. No one deserves to have the law changed to turn a case of self defense into murder. And up to now, I've seen nothing that shows this to be a murder case. Nothing.

Agreed it's not a murder case. It's a case of negligence that led to the death of a human being.
It's Crooked Seal Time.
It's Crooked Seal Time.
WAT and CNN too,
Show Crooked Seal to you.

Let's give a rousing cheer,
Cause Crooked Seal's here,
It's time to start the show,
So kids let's go!

one would think that they would correct that


People have called to complain, but the maintenance guy keeps saying it looks fine to him.


It's fixed. FYI that's a still shot they show, they had to retake the still. And life and the seal were in balance once again.

Zimmerman is wearing the same suit he wore for opening statements.

Snookie is going to be disappointed that it isn't a new one.
Wrong answer, since the burden is not upon Zimmerman to prove anything. It is on the prosecution and you are the one suggesting the evidence is in equipose. My only conclusion is that you have nothing other than emotion which is driving your conclusion.

My proof for invol. manslaughter was provided by the star witness. George Zimmerman. He provided all the evidence needed in his own testimony.

George Zimmerman has testified? Damn. I shoulda stayed home yesterday!

Yes, it did provided it willingly to the investigators and signed it as his testimony to the events.
I smell smoke and a media ass whipping.

Think I will take the day off when the acquittal comes and order some KFC.

Makes for great TV


Remember the Duke LaCrosse Players Rape Case?

Remember the ENTIRE DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM and how they had already convicted them?

Remember the 'Duke 88'? The professors who signed a petition to convict the LaCrosse players?

Remember Mike Nifong and how he was the Hero of the left and seeking only Justice for the downtrodden, hard-working, mistreated, child-rearing Crystal Mangum?

Who was just released from Jail on a reduced bond and is set to face FIRST DEGREE MURDER CHARGES on July 8th?

The biggest difference here.... About the only difference is, the prosecution isn't crooked.

Other than that -- No difference.

We have the same brainless libtards saying the same brainless shit without a bit of regard to the innocence or guilt of the White Boy(s).

They don't care. libtards are such scum, they would rather put innocent people in Jail than admit that maybe, just maybe, they were wrong.

Which is reason #1 why libtards should never hold power. Of any kind, In any place. At any time.

They are mentally incompetent.

And the best thing to do with libtards?

Don't argue with them. They're too stupid to know when the truth bites them in the ass. Just insult and humiliate them so that people on the political fence can see what scumbags they are and won't have anything to do with them.

I don't try to change libtards. They're too far gone and too stupid. I try to prevent libtardism by showing what dirtbags they really are.

libtards are too stupid to even know what douche-nozzles they are.
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