The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I am putting myself in his shoes and I am getting the shit kicked out of me for doing

I agree with you for the most part and I can see how trayvon may think that...but I thought what you were saying before was that Mr Z was intentionally blocking him...I dont believe he was...I think he was being much more creepy than that.

But yeah, everytime Trayvon turned around...there GZ was. GZ is guilty of negligence as soon as he continues up the path in the same direction of a teen running from him. He was advised not to and he did anyway.

They are pulling your chain. It's a deflection tactic.

Anyhow. My scenario was from TM's pov, the dead guy. We already have GZ's pov in writing and signed. Not much to talk about there. GZ does not need anyone to defend what he did, he said he'd do it again the same way. He needs to be taught a lesson. Or he'll do it again.

This trial isn't a behavior mod class

It's not?
I am putting myself in his shoes and I am getting the shit kicked out of me for doing

I agree with you for the most part and I can see how trayvon may think that...but I thought what you were saying before was that Mr Z was intentionally blocking him...I dont believe he was...I think he was being much more creepy than that.

But yeah, everytime Trayvon turned around...there GZ was. GZ is guilty of negligence as soon as he continues up the path in the same direction of a teen running from him. He was advised not to and he did anyway.

They are pulling your chain. It's a deflection tactic.

Anyhow. My scenario was from TM's pov, the dead guy. We already have GZ's pov in writing and signed. Not much to talk about there. GZ does not need anyone to defend what he did, he said he'd do it again the same way. He needs to be taught a lesson. Or he'll do it again.

Then yes...I see what you are saying...yep, I agree.

And it is nice having GZs testimony...if the prosecution had an ounce of sense...they could fry him with his own words. I shouldnt say fry...I dont think the poor guy should fry, but I do think he should serve some time and the charges reduced to manslaughter...10 years and out in 5 on good behavior...he was negligent on more than one occasion.

3y out in 6m.
Only one witness said that Zimmerman was on top. The rest said the one on top got up, the other was dead on the ground. The jury heard this and that is what is important, not what people here are making up.

There is also a dna report that does NOT support Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon Martin caused his injuries The jury also has this stuff:

No, you are so far off base it is pathetic. Are you really this ignorant?
The DNA evidence has already been introduced and ALL it says that may help the prosecution is that they found no DNA on the gun.
And since it was raining the forensic examiner stated that was common to have rain wash off DNA from the gun.
There has been no "the rest" of the witnesses to testify what you claim.
Go away and look at the videos of the trial. You know nothing of anything factual in this case.

The Jury will see the DNA report shows that none of Zimmerman's DNA was under Martin's fingernails. You are the one who needs to look better at the evidence. It was only drizzling that night.

You're a fool. You always have been.

The liberal logic:
Ignore the facts if they do not agree with your ideology.
Slant, twist and distort the facts to fit your ideology.
Call names to those who do not agree with your ideology.
If Martin never scratched Zimmerman with his fingernails how could there be DNA under them?
Lack of DNA evidence means nothing in this case.
You have an eye witness that testifies that Martin was on top of Zimmerman pounding him.
That is direct evidence. Undisputed.
Zimmerman's blood was found on Martin's clothing.

What does that mean?
Sorry you were conned and misled as to the law as well as most everything else in this case.
How does it feel listening to the Martin attorney Crump to get your facts?
He has misled you from the start as he is after the 40% fee he gets for the civil settlements only and his own ambulance chasing law firm.
Prayers and thoughts to the Martin family that did nothing wrong in this, are entitlted to every penny of any and all civil settlements, lost a son and have been conned, misled and manipulated from the start.
Same for you.
I am putting myself in his shoes and I am getting the shit kicked out of me for doing

I agree with you for the most part and I can see how trayvon may think that...but I thought what you were saying before was that Mr Z was intentionally blocking him...I dont believe he was...I think he was being much more creepy than that.

But yeah, everytime Trayvon turned around...there GZ was. GZ is guilty of negligence as soon as he continues up the path in the same direction of a teen running from him. He was advised not to and he did anyway.

Just because someone happens to be walking in the same direction you are doesn't mean that you are following them or heading that direction for the same purpose.

Huh? in a truck stops stares... follows.. stares... talking about you on the phone. Parks illegally to follow you ... yeah he's following him by car then by foot. Not rocket science. Additionally, GZ admits what he's doing on the audio tape, then by sworn testimony. Open and shut case. Reckless act.. in part leading to death of a human being.

Sorry dude...there about 3 or 4 people that can even admit that its even a little bit and I make up half that shocked to be honest.
It's like they went home last night and it dawned on them that something went askew in court yesterday.
I've missed way too much these past few days it seems... From what I'm reading though, mostly the same. Prosecution isn't doing their job and defense is turning their witnesses against them, right?
Y'all, take a look at 25's list of posts. He has posted non stop 24/7 for 3 days and maybe longer. I was just tired of looking at his list of posts. Is he some kind of bot? Getting paid to post? Is he the new incarnation of she who shall not be named? We all know she got paid to post. How does 1 person post for 3 days (maybe more) straight without taking time out to eat and sleep? Manic high? Meth? Any ideas?

While youre at it...pull Sunshines...particularly the one where she responds to one of my posts accusing me of playing on both sides.

I have made cases for both and she knows it. I know why she went into nursing...she would have been a terrible attorney.

Yeah...Now she says I hate Mexicans...because I give some things that Mr Z may have done wrong that night...what a whacko...and shes starting to creep me out..

How bout another neg rep, you child.

You're negged because you refuse to consider the law, despite being instructed in it many times over. Instead you focus on irrelevant details like whether Zimmerman should have gotten out of his car.

And now he's a real Ernie wannabe with that new avvy. Can ya stand it?
No, you are so far off base it is pathetic. Are you really this ignorant?
The DNA evidence has already been introduced and ALL it says that may help the prosecution is that they found no DNA on the gun.
And since it was raining the forensic examiner stated that was common to have rain wash off DNA from the gun.
There has been no "the rest" of the witnesses to testify what you claim.
Go away and look at the videos of the trial. You know nothing of anything factual in this case.

The Jury will see the DNA report shows that none of Zimmerman's DNA was under Martin's fingernails. You are the one who needs to look better at the evidence. It was only drizzling that night.

You're a fool. You always have been.

The liberal logic:
Ignore the facts if they do not agree with your ideology.
Slant, twist and distort the facts to fit your ideology.
Call names to those who do not agree with your ideology.
If Martin never scratched Zimmerman with his fingernails how could there be DNA under them?
Lack of DNA evidence means nothing in this case.
You have an eye witness that testifies that Martin was on top of Zimmerman pounding him.
That is direct evidence. Undisputed.
Zimmerman's blood was found on Martin's clothing.

What does that mean?
Sorry you were conned and misled as to the law as well as most everything else in this case.
How does it feel listening to the Martin attorney Crump to get your facts?
He has misled you from the start as he is after the 40% fee he gets for the civil settlements only and his own ambulance chasing law firm.
Prayers and thoughts to the Martin family that did nothing wrong in this, are entitlted to every penny of any and all civil settlements, lost a son and have been conned, misled and manipulated from the start.
Same for you.

In the libtard brain, a lack of evidence is evidence?

Thats right...great point....walked by several times unmolested and he walked by several times without approaching and calling out Z also...right? in fact even ran away at one point...but that didnt stop MR Z...he kept following...he kept following and Trayvon kept walking...until he was followed on foot near his home...finally he said something...

Z went reaching at that point for a phone to call 911 again? LMAO they were already on their way and he was going to meet them...whatcha calling 911 again for...yeah right. When he reached for what he couldnt find...the creepy follower in the dark got clocked...during the struggle when he kept going for his gun...he continued to get clocked. Oh I know speculation right...why? Because GZ didnt say it? Dont you think he has motive not to say it?

You crack me up are stating that essentially it was Trayvon that repeatedly showed restraint when followed by this strange person in the dark and rain.

How many times must he continue on his way without asking why hes being followed? What number is good for you? Infinitely? Turn tail and book it home...well how do I know he wont be following me the next time I go to the store? I think Ill ask why now and settle it now.

You made my point...I can sleep

I'm not sure about that. At the end of Zimmerman's call he said, "Actually could you have them call me and I'll tell them where I'm at?"

It's completely plausible that he was going to call again since he knew where Martin was.

Its certainly possible...problem is...trayvon doesnt know this...its just like Mr Z heading up the same path that trayvon ran away from him on. GZ says he was going to look for an apartment number...yep he was...but Trayvon doesnt know that! To Trayvon, this guy thats been following him in a truck is now following him on foot.

Remember...MR Z says that Trayvon is running away...or going away from is MR Z who gets out of his truck and continues following up the path. Trayvon left MR Z or ran away from Mr Z....Mr Z went to Trayvon or followed him up the path. This was at best negligent...Mr Z also knows that he is carrying a pistol...Trayvon doesnt know hes carrying a gun. MR Z is knowingly following a suspicious teen who he thinks may have a weapon up the side walk in the dark and rain holstering a pistol...and surprise surprise look what happened and look who is dead and look who shot that pistol. Why because after being followed the entire complex he finally asked you why? Then you lie to him and say there is no problem, when you have already called and reported a trayvon supposed to play stupid?

It's still an unfortunate incident of a guy bringing his fists to a gun fight. If Martin had simply kept going home he would be alive. The key to this case is proving who started the fight. If the prosecution cannot prove that Zimmerman started it, he walks.

The rest is just conjecture and speculation.
I've missed way too much these past few days it seems... From what I'm reading though, mostly the same. Prosecution isn't doing their job and defense is turning their witnesses against them, right?


The two defenses of George Zimmerman show :eusa_whistle:
The more information that is released on George Zimmerman, the individual that killed defenseless 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, for walking in his own family's neighborhood, the more it becomes clear that he is a paranoid racist, with a serious aversion to black people. Zimmerman equates being black with guilt and crime.

So much so, prior to murdering poor Martin, Zimmerman called 911 on April 22, 2011 to report a suspicious black 7-year-old, seeking police assistance. That says it all. He is deranged. The police department in Sanford, Florida should have arrested Zimmerman long ago, as his conduct was menacing, disturbing the peace and fraudulently usurping police resources, which is a serious crime the taxpayers footed the bill for.

There have been stories in the press of police and FBI in different parts of America, arresting people that called them too much. It is a crime to do such a thing, but Zimmerman mysteriously got away with it - 49 times in one year, complaining about black men and black children with no penalty. Something is very wrong with that. Filing a fraudulent police complaint is a crime. The Sanford police department bears liability in this fact.

Aisha: Trayvon Martin's Killer George Zimmerman Previously Reported Suspicious Black 7-Year-Old To 911

It seems the only common thread in his "suspicion" was the person being black.
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