The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I've missed way too much these past few days it seems... From what I'm reading though, mostly the same. Prosecution isn't doing their job and defense is turning their witnesses against them, right?

That was the easiest thread catch up summary in thread history.
Y'all, take a look at 25's list of posts. He has posted non stop 24/7 for 3 days and maybe longer. I was just tired of looking at his list of posts. Is he some kind of bot? Getting paid to post? Is he the new incarnation of she who shall not be named? We all know she got paid to post. How does 1 person post for 3 days (maybe more) straight without taking time out to eat and sleep? Manic high? Meth? Any ideas?

You creepy you are going to my page...looking for my posts...then trolling just outed yourself. And you claim to be a psychologist, a law professor, a nurse, a youth advocate? you childish twit!

You started it with me, were ignored and you continued...calling faggot and other vulgar names along with accusing of racism towards which you finally got a should be ashamed of your behavior. And further ashamed of how you are deceiving this forum with lies about me. My guess is they probably have a pretty good feel for me I have heard. You are known as the old and crazy, braggart lady....a bully of epic proportions. I wont be bullied by you. If you have a problem with your insults being responded to, then you can put a stop to that pretty quick.

It was you who started it again guess is something I said really hit home with you and you dont have the maturity to handle it...that much is blatantly obvious.

How many forums have you been banned from? I'd guess a goodly number. I have been here 4 years. You have been her a little over 4 weeks. Your list of posts is there for anyone to see just like everyone else's. If you don't like it find other digs.

Zimmerman doesn't need to be called to the stand. His entire testimony was played on tape before the court, when he gave it to Investigator Serino. The defense should feel no reason to be compelled to call him to the stand.
[MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION], I understand why you don't want him there. To see him exposed as the pathological liar that he is would be absolutely DEVASTATING to the defense.

I get it.

I give you credit for coming here since this trial has gone sideways on what people thought the evidence was.
You claim Zimmerman is a liar.
What specifically has he lied about and give us proof, evidence introduced at trial, that he is a liar.
First you need to start with disputing the testimony of Good as his testimony supports fully what Zimmerman stated.
1. How do you impeach Good's testimony?
2. What did Zimmerman specifically lie about.
3.Where is your evidence to show Zimmerman is a liar, DIRECT evidence which would be a live witness to prove that Zimmerman lied. Note that DNA is not testimony and not direct evidence.
Marc, DNA evidence is CIRCUMSTANTIAL evidence and the Judge will charge the jury on that. Circumstantial evidence is evidence NOT provided by an eye witness to a crime. Now eye witness testimony is not always direct as "I heard a scream, looked up and saw a car speeding away and the victim was on the ground" invites the inference that the car hit the victim. "I heard a scream and looked up and saw the car hit the victim" is direct evidence.
But a jury can convict on circumstantial evidence but with direct evidence stating they saw something it puts the DNA evidence right where it is, an inference that something happened, NOT that someone saw it happen.
Respectfully, I have no ill will towards any argument here but this one has gone south on you and I know you see it.
I hope the manslaughter charge is considered by the jury but can't you see how the murder charge now HURTS that chance as the evidence is so weak in this murder charge most juries will be upset the government brought such a weak case and wasted their time on it?
All this head bashing and slamming into concrete yet you have the police and the physician's assistant BOTH claiming that his injuries as HE reported them were overblown.

He himself refused to seek additional medical attention when asked if he wanted to on that day.

If I bust a man's head in the concrete, you can best your bottome dollar you'd see a good deal of HIS blood on the concrete. Where is Zimmerman's blood on the concrete? I've seen or heard of no report of a significant, if any, amount of Zimmerman's blood on the concrete.

Even if you include the bogus witnesses with the bogus NEW claim of "Ground and pound" ala "Ground and Pound" type blood on the concrete. It's a joke.

You are a damn fool if you believe a man who practices MMA and karate daily and believes himself to be some kinda cop that works out got beaten by a young whipper snapper 17 year old.

Trayvon got the best of him because he was fighting for his life and the adrenaline gave him the strength to defend himself against Zimmerman, who saw himself losing and pumped a gunshot into Trayvon's heart and ended the event.

Trayvon got the best because Trayvon probably is the one who attacked.

There is at least reasonable doubt.

And guess what ... this is America. Reasonable doubt means Zimmerman gets off. If the justice system is working correctly.

If Trayvon was being followed, how is it he's the one that attacked? GZ's account has holes in it.

His testimony shows that he lost sight of Martin. Jeantel's testimony corroborates that.
They should just drop the murder charge now and save everyone the time. We all know this is about whether GZ will get manslaughter or not.

That will not happen. In reality, the state didn't even bring the murder charge. The state charged Zimmerman with murder at the behest of an angry mob. And I think it should be noted that guilty or not guilty are verdicts that are returned by a jury. Zimmerman has not been convicted of anything, and unless he is he will remain not guilty.
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