The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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? I'm confused. Your a smart guy. What am I missing? What about all what GZ did wasn't wreck-less endangerment? There were about a dozen things he did that he should not have done. I don't understand how you can in one sec. agree invol. manslaughter is likely, then in the next second accuse us of emotional conjecture. You can't have it both ways.

Remember when you got cut off on your bike? GZ was cutting this kid off from his path to his home.

Would he have acted differently if he had known what the outcome would be? Of course, but the fact remains. He broke no law. I'm going to bed. Perhaps you will be more mature tomorrow, but I'm not holding out much hope.

Dude, GZ was asked if he would do anything differently. He said no. Not one thing. The law says if by your own reckless act a person dies you are accountable. That's the law.

The law goes on to define reckless. Following someone in the dark is not reckless, punching someone in the nose is.

OK it seems 25 caliber never sleeps or is really 3 people working in shifts. He promised us a smoking gun several times last night. Did he deliver? I'm not about to read 150 posts of RMK and him calling George Zimmerman a reckless racist with a scary black gun. Someone please catch me up with the pertinent information.

I have noticed that everyone is spelling reckless the same way now. I'm glad. That bothered me too Gracie.
Hold on stop right there, let me take a video or photo before you shoot me??

He's having a meltdown...yikes
Fair enough. You built your wall and now you are taking your ball and going home.

Lots of old people on here...we need more clear thinking youngins.

What a douche. I knew the nice guy routine was just a facade.

Your true colors are showing.

I'm disappointed M, that you didn't catch the fact that he is a bigot far earlier.

Lol. Look at the lady bragging that she was able to pull the young guys chain, make him angry. Good job sunshine.
Now Bernie is trying to impeach his own witness. :lol: He is trying to imply the detective warned GZ they were trying to bluff him. :lol: They are drinking the media Kool-Aid.
The prosecution knows this trial is over and that they lost, I just don't understand why they continue on. When the prosecution starts using over exaggeration and sarcasm when asking questions, there is no argument and it's over.

I guess now the prosecution has to look like they are trying and hope the riots don't start tonight.
It is odd that Martin's hands are under him. Could it be his body tightened as he laid there dying? Just a guess...
The more information that is released on George Zimmerman, the individual that killed defenseless 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, for walking in his own family's neighborhood, the more it becomes clear that he is a paranoid racist, with a serious aversion to black people. Zimmerman equates being black with guilt and crime.

So much so, prior to murdering poor Martin, Zimmerman called 911 on April 22, 2011 to report a suspicious black 7-year-old, seeking police assistance. That says it all. He is deranged. The police department in Sanford, Florida should have arrested Zimmerman long ago, as his conduct was menacing, disturbing the peace and fraudulently usurping police resources, which is a serious crime the taxpayers footed the bill for.

There have been stories in the press of police and FBI in different parts of America, arresting people that called them too much. It is a crime to do such a thing, but Zimmerman mysteriously got away with it - 49 times in one year, complaining about black men and black children with no penalty. Something is very wrong with that. Filing a fraudulent police complaint is a crime. The Sanford police department bears liability in this fact.

Aisha: Trayvon Martin's Killer George Zimmerman Previously Reported Suspicious Black 7-Year-Old To 911

If this is what is being thrown around the interwebs by those seeking to crucify zimmerman then the trial must be going far far worse than I even thought for the prosecution.

Cue the progressive "trial by media" backup plan when the actual trial doesnt go the way they want it to go.
It is odd that Martin's hands are under him. Could it be his body tightened as he laid there dying? Just a guess...

I don't know what this is and I've ignored it waiting to get to that part in trial.

[MENTION=42969]jon_berzerk[/MENTION] ?
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