The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Zimmerman doesn't need to be called to the stand. His entire testimony was played on tape before the court, when he gave it to Investigator Serino. The defense should feel no reason to be compelled to call him to the stand.

Oh, they want this guy on the stand. Hope he doesn't refuse..

He doesn't need to be. They already played his testimony to Inspector Serino in court! Why would you want him to go on the stand? You're desperate.
I will say though that if I'm ever in need of a defense lawyer, I hope O'Mara is available and doesn't cost too much! The man is a brilliant lawyer.
Isn't it simple? GZ was not out looking for trouble that night.

The evidence from ear, eye, mouth, and tongue witnesses - whatever - proves there is NO appreciable discrepancies in his account of events. There's no evidence of discrepancy for God's sake. Doesn't that mean anything to you people? Honest to goodness! This is pedantic farce.

Pick apart any scenario and there are bound to be slight variants. But that is not what a murder, or any other charge, makes. This is a politically driven witch hunt and the prosecution witnesses have basically said that. All this idiotic parsing of every piece of testimony is so stupid.

It happened so fast. Obviously TM decided to double back and confront GZ. He would have been warm, dry and cozy in his LR if he just went home. He chose not to. It was his choice. The end. What more do you all need to know? He accosted GZ and punched him in the face. Since, unfortunately, TM is not here to dispute that, and there are no witnesses to dispute that, how can we as reasonable citizens dispute the word of a fellow citizen whose account fits perfectly with ear, eye, whatever witnesses who have given statements and testimony to support GZ?

Who doubts the word of a citizen where there is NO evidence to dispute his word? Is he a liar even though his words have been supported and proven to be truthful? What country are we living in? What has made us question him without any reason besides the inflammatory accusations of a few instigators with agendas?

We better all wake up and see the light here or, I'm afraid, one or more of us will be victimized by the same mentality that has victimized GZ. This racial intimidation must stop. Understandably the Martin family does not want to believe their son's choices were the cause of his own tragic demise, but reality should have set in long ago and well before a new victim named George Zimmerman was created by the ill-advised route they chose to take in this matter. Let their son rest in peace. This unjust persecution serves no one.

You accept Z's variants in testimony but you do not accept Dee Dee's variants?
I will say though that if I'm ever in need of a defense lawyer, I hope O'Mara is available and doesn't cost too much! The man is a brilliant lawyer.

If O'Mara isn't available, you could try Bernie de la Rionda or John Guy. They look like good defense lawyers too.
He's one of those folks that pretends to be a nice guy, but if you won't be swayed by their good guy "logic"...well, suddenly they ain't so nice any more.

He can dish but he can't take it. He called me a 'bigot' and when I shot back the rhyme 'faggot' he got ALL bent out of shape. He is not forum material. And he is cluttering the internet with his mindless gibberish. His inane jabbering is long overdue for the deep six.

Okay you are at it again...time to put up or shut the post of me calling you a bigot and your reply of one called you a bigot, but you called me a post it or I will and we will let them decide. Some attorney you are...make accusations and cant back it up...put it up or I will...its right at my finger tips...Im giving you the chance to post it or apologize...moment of truth for you miss.

Well [MENTION=21954]Sunshine[/MENTION] ? anything? Last chance.
Isn't it simple? GZ was not out looking for trouble that night.

The evidence from ear, eye, mouth, and tongue witnesses - whatever - proves there is NO appreciable discrepancies in his account of events. There's no evidence of discrepancy for God's sake. Doesn't that mean anything to you people? Honest to goodness! This is pedantic farce.

Pick apart any scenario and there are bound to be slight variants. But that is not what a murder, or any other charge, makes. This is a politically driven witch hunt and the prosecution witnesses have basically said that. All this idiotic parsing of every piece of testimony is so stupid.

It happened so fast. Obviously TM decided to double back and confront GZ. He would have been warm, dry and cozy in his LR if he just went home. He chose not to. It was his choice. The end. What more do you all need to know? He accosted GZ and punched him in the face. Since, unfortunately, TM is not here to dispute that, and there are no witnesses to dispute that, how can we as reasonable citizens dispute the word of a fellow citizen whose account fits perfectly with ear, eye, whatever witnesses who have given statements and testimony to support GZ?

Who doubts the word of a citizen where there is NO evidence to dispute his word? Is he a liar even though his words have been supported and proven to be truthful? What country are we living in? What has made us question him without any reason besides the inflammatory accusations of a few instigators with agendas?

We better all wake up and see the light here or, I'm afraid, one or more of us will be victimized by the same mentality that has victimized GZ. This racial intimidation must stop. Understandably the Martin family does not want to believe their son's choices were the cause of his own tragic demise, but reality should have set in long ago and well before a new victim named George Zimmerman was created by the ill-advised route they chose to take in this matter. Let their son rest in peace. This unjust persecution serves no one.

You accept Z's variants in testimony but you do not accept Dee Dee's variants?

Zimmerman was there while DeeDee's testimony was mostly speculation... Also, a lil racist to us "cracka's"
A slim gin found in the bushes a few days later. I did not know that
They should just drop the murder charge now and save everyone the time. We all know this is about whether GZ will get manslaughter or not.

More ignorant yawp.
Zimmerman raised a claim of self defense. The prosecutor must overcome that claim no matter the charge. He cannot and Zimmerman will go free.

Let me clarify that I'm not saying Zimmerman should or shouldn't be convicted of manslaughter.

Now, get to your retarded muck; Self defense is a valid defense against murder. It is NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT (Saying it enough times to sink into your pudding brain) an absolute defense against manslaughter. The FL statute for manslaughter regards whether GZ exercised culpable negligence that led to Travis's death. Now that this has been explained to you for the fourth fucking time; you should get it now.
The state is hitting some home runs today.

When TM confronted Z outside his car Z said he was afraid to confront him [face on].

Then a few minutes later he is stalking him again.

Z said there were no addresses visible on the street he was on. Lie.

He was not going to let this suspicious black punk get away this time.
We can hope.

Couldnt find it could ya?...I told you that...wanna see it?

I've been on this forum since 2009. For a month, I've had a 25 year old trolling and baiting me. Others have done that in the past. Gee, I wonder where they are about now! :eek:

Thats another lie...I havnt trolled you for a month...hell you were pos repping within a week ago when I was making the Zimmerman lie to the forum again...its in the last week where I have given another perspective and you have since been relentless...and not just in this thread. I finally responded your way yesterday when you were trolling me again.
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