The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Correct me if Im wrong:

I tell [MENTION=21954]Sunshine[/MENTION] that "her BiaS is so thick I can smell her Depends"

and she takes

What's wrong with you? First off you dredge up an old post to get her attention only to be a whiny brat and nasty little creep.

If this is what you youngin's think passes as cool, we need less of you not more

Whats wrong with you? Where were you when grandma goes on her racist tirade of vial and vulgar language unprovoked? Oh, you missed that? Save it.

Shes dredging up my posts...this in retaliation to 3 days of her bs. Try to catch up. She kept picking..she was ignored...she picked some more...neg repped me some more... and now shes getting it back. I dont cowardly hide behind neg reps and offensive comments that go with them like she is doing to me...I put it out here.
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I'm in here again! Laughing out loud.

About my duck....

Don't squish your duck, or you'll get poop.


That duck's pooping bunny poop.

They don't poop that way. :eek:
Not to my satisfaction... IMO the case is invol. manslaughter.

Wrong answer, since the burden is not upon Zimmerman to prove anything. It is on the prosecution and you are the one suggesting the evidence is in equipose. My only conclusion is that you have nothing other than emotion which is driving your conclusion.

My proof for invol. manslaughter was provided by the star witness. George Zimmerman. He provided all the evidence needed in his own testimony.

George Zimmerman has testified? Damn. I shoulda stayed home yesterday!
If I was the defense I would rest immediately when it's my turn.
The prosecution should simply withdraw the charges. The absurdity of their case should even dawn on the black community and the race pimps will eventually stop whining.

You're right. The case should never have been charged. Had it gone through normal channels, the grand jury would have issued a no true bill and that would be the end. The prosecutors knew this so bypassed the process. Now they are stuck with a shit sandwich. Every witness supports Zimmerman. And this is before the defense has started its case.
Again, the stand your ground law protects Zimmerman from the murder charges if it is self defense. However, the FL manslaughter of a minor law does not protect him on the basis of "lawful justification" IE Stand your ground if GZ exercised 'culpable negligence' that led to Travis's death.

Oh shut the fuck up already. I've had a whole day of your ignorance and I'm sick of it.
Stand you ground has nothing to do with this.
Self defense is always an affirmative defense to a charge of murder.
He cannot be charged with manslaughter because on his own testimony he intentionally shot Trayvon.

Do you understand what manslaughter is? You're clearly the ignorant one.
What difference would charging manslaughter rather than murder make?
This should be good.
I don't understand someone claiming to be afraid and creeped out confronting the person he or she is afraid of.

I don't empathize for one reason. Before, I felt a bit bad about the whole thing. Wanna know who turned me off? My daddy always said birds of a feather flock together. RACHEL is the one that made me see Trayvon in a different light. I was already a bit surprised at the REAL pics of him flashing the gang signs and flipping the bird and acting all ghetto. But RACHEL was his friend and they hung out A LOT. And look at Rachel and her attitude. What makes you think Trayvon did not have the SAME ATTITUDE when he confronted Zimmerman?

So explain that in laymans terms. You may sway me back to thinking poor little pony riding Trayvon was not acting like an idiot along with Zimmerman. But don't hold your breath.

Actually, I believe he may very well have had that attitude...I would be willing to bet that he did. But that doesnt excuse the fact that he is being followed in the dark and a truck the entire complex and then on foot.

Im just trying to get people to see what could have been going through his mind. If he is a thug...okay great...then GZ is following the wrong person in the dark. What gets me is that GZ got the same impression, yet he gets out of his truck and initially runs after him...and then according to his own words with Sean Hannity was continuing after him to "keep an eye on him" to give a better location to police.

When GZ saw that the kid was irritated or wondering why he was being followed it was incumbent upon GZ to use his brain and understand why that would irritate the kid and at least try and defuse the situation. The problem was he had made up his mind that this kid was up to no good and that the kid was in the wrong. I beg to far it is GZ in the wrong to that point...the kid did no crime...he was creepily following someone. His intentions were in the right place, but the person he is following doesnt know what his intentions you see my point, gracie? Please tell me you do...please just one person is all I

I see your point but cannot get past my own point. See the red above that you stated. I, too, would have already came to the conclusion that zimmerman did if I lived in that neighborhood and the majority of the crimes being committed was by blacks and I didn't recognize this guy who probably had a major attitude to boot. People make mistakes. Including both that "kid" and wannabe cop Zimmerman. People like RACHEL make me want to barf and Martin was best buds with her. For all we know, she urged him to go get the cracker. It wouldn't surprise me if she did. But she damn sure isn't going to admit it, now is she?

All conjecture. And prosecution has to prove their case. So far, all they have proven is there are a shitload of teen blacks who want to kill crackers and have fellow teens wanting to do the same now. Kill a cracker. Problem is, the idiots now know Z is not a cracker. He is hispanic. Does that stop them from their stupid ass threats? Nope. Which shows their mentality. And THAT, 25caliber, is what got Zimmerman to do what he did in following someone he was suspicious of.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be on the police force. And not being hired doesn't mean that you have some major character flaw. Nor does either of those things invalidate your right to defend yourself if you are attacked. I have seen a lot of 'wanna be' nurses. They just couldn't cut it in school and will never be one. That doesn't mean they can't give their own children a spoon of cough syrup. Or care for their elderly demented parents in their own homes. There is nothing wrong with 'wanna bes'. If people weren't wanna bes, no one would ever try to better themselves. At some point in time every successful person was a wanna be. And I'm getting really tired of Zimmerman being dogged because he attempted to better himself in school and by applying for a job.
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The cops and the sheriff are working diligently to "Keep the Peace" aka - stomp the shitkickers before they start kicking shit.

So if there is trouble, they're not going to know what hit them.

They don't want to do last year all over again.

This is going to end here with this jury verdict and that's that.

Here are some major shitkickers. CNN airs George Zimmerman's Social Security, phone numbers - Washington Times

George is going to be a media magnate after his lawsuits. He'll end up owning CNN, NBC & ABC. :eek:
Repeat: Stand your ground is NOT at issue in this trial. The defense is based on self defense. Not stand your ground.

It is covered quite well in CCW class that picking a fight with someone and then shooting them when your getting beat down is not self defense. This is why George Zimmerman is the poster boy of how its done wrong.

Except that's not what happened. But dont let facts get in your way.

I'd call following someone in the dark and rain in a truck and then later on foot when the person was running away...I call that picking a fight. Oh thats right, trayvon was supposed to assume he was just looking for an address...little does trayvon know that they cops have already been called on him and he committed no crime.

Hell, under GZs suspicious radar, he should have called the cops on himself...hes the creep following people around in the dark packing heat. Kids walking home from the store and gets stalked all the way Yeah, I call that picking a fight and asking for trouble...people dont tend to kindly to being followed in the dark and rain. You still dont get that do you?
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I see your point but cannot get past my own point. See the red above that you stated. I, too, would have already came to the conclusion that zimmerman did if I lived in that neighborhood and the majority of the crimes being committed was by blacks and I didn't recognize this guy who probably had a major attitude to boot. People make mistakes. Including both that "kid" and wannabe cop Zimmerman. People like RACHEL make me want to barf and Martin was best buds with her. For all we know, she urged him to go get the cracker. It wouldn't surprise me if she did. But she damn sure isn't going to admit it, now is she?

All conjecture. And prosecution has to prove their case. So far, all they have proven is there are a shitload of teen blacks who want to kill crackers and have fellow teens wanting to do the same now. Kill a cracker. Problem is, the idiots now know Z is not a cracker. He is hispanic. Does that stop them from their stupid ass threats? Nope. Which shows their mentality. And THAT, 25caliber, is what got Zimmerman to do what he did in following someone he was suspicious of.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be on the police force. And not being hired doesn't mean that you have some major character flaw. Nor does either of those things invalidate your right to defend yourself if you are attacked. I have seen a lot of 'wanna be' nurses. They just couldn't cut it in school and will never be one. That doesn't mean they can't give their own children a spoon of cough syrup. Or care for their elderly demented parents in their own homes. There is nothing wrong with 'wanna bes'. If people weren't wanna bes, no one would ever try to better themselves. At some point in time every successful person was a wanna be. And I'm getting really tired of Zimmerman being dogged because he attempted to better himself in school and by applying for a job.
Why are you saying what I said is a lie? Head buried in the sand all day?

You must have missed the evidence showing GZ following TM in his truck, pulling ahead of TM and parking right in front of TM in the oncoming traffic lane on an angle cutting off the direction TM was walking. Forcing TM to walk around his truck. Zimmerman was taunting him. Had the cops on the phone, gun in his holster, wannabe cop mode...

Yes, if you are following someone assess where he's going then pull in front of him and park on an angle blocking the road.. Hell yeah you are cutting off their path to where they are going. TM was going home.

And Martin walked right by unmolested.

Then he had all the time in the world to get home.

He choose to confront Zimmerman instead.

But you knew that.

And then lied about it.

Thats right...great point....walked by several times unmolested and he walked by several times without approaching and calling out Z also...right? in fact even ran away at one point...but that didnt stop MR Z...he kept following...he kept following and Trayvon kept walking...until he was followed on foot near his home...finally he said something...

Z went reaching at that point for a phone to call 911 again? LMAO they were already on their way and he was going to meet them...whatcha calling 911 again for...yeah right. When he reached for what he couldnt find...the creepy follower in the dark got clocked...during the struggle when he kept going for his gun...he continued to get clocked. Oh I know speculation right...why? Because GZ didnt say it? Dont you think he has motive not to say it?

You crack me up are stating that essentially it was Trayvon that repeatedly showed restraint when followed by this strange person in the dark and rain.

How many times must he continue on his way without asking why hes being followed? What number is good for you? Infinitely? Turn tail and book it home...well how do I know he wont be following me the next time I go to the store? I think Ill ask why now and settle it now.

You made my point...I can sleep

I'm not sure about that. At the end of Zimmerman's call he said, "Actually could you have them call me and I'll tell them where I'm at?"

It's completely plausible that he was going to call again since he knew where Martin was.

Zimmerman doesn't need to be called to the stand. His entire testimony was played on tape before the court, when he gave it to Investigator Serino. The defense should feel no reason to be compelled to call him to the stand.

[MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION], I understand why you don't want him there. To see him exposed as the pathological liar that he is would be absolutely DEVASTATING to the defense.

I get it.
It is covered quite well in CCW class that picking a fight with someone and then shooting them when your getting beat down is not self defense. This is why George Zimmerman is the poster boy of how its done wrong.

Except that's not what happened. But dont let facts get in your way.

I'd call following someone in the dark and rain in a truck and then later on foot when the person was running away...I call that picking a fight. Oh thats right, trayvon was supposed to assume he was just looking for an address...little does trayvon know that they cops have already been called on him and he committed no crime.

Hell, under GZs suspicious radar, he should have called the cops on himself...hes the creep following people around in the dark packing heat. Kids walking home from the store and gets stalked all the way Yeah, I call that picking a fight and asking for trouble...people dont tend to kindly to being followed in the dark and rain. You still dont get that do you?

You understand that Trayvon doubled back and confronted Zimmerman, right? That's all you need to know right there.
I see your point but cannot get past my own point. See the red above that you stated. I, too, would have already came to the conclusion that zimmerman did if I lived in that neighborhood and the majority of the crimes being committed was by blacks and I didn't recognize this guy who probably had a major attitude to boot. People make mistakes. Including both that "kid" and wannabe cop Zimmerman. People like RACHEL make me want to barf and Martin was best buds with her. For all we know, she urged him to go get the cracker. It wouldn't surprise me if she did. But she damn sure isn't going to admit it, now is she?

All conjecture. And prosecution has to prove their case. So far, all they have proven is there are a shitload of teen blacks who want to kill crackers and have fellow teens wanting to do the same now. Kill a cracker. Problem is, the idiots now know Z is not a cracker. He is hispanic. Does that stop them from their stupid ass threats? Nope. Which shows their mentality. And THAT, 25caliber, is what got Zimmerman to do what he did in following someone he was suspicious of.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be on the police force. And not being hired doesn't mean that you have some major character flaw. Nor does either of those things invalidate your right to defend yourself if you are attacked. I have seen a lot of 'wanna be' nurses. They just couldn't cut it in school and will never be one. That doesn't mean they can't give their own children a spoon of cough syrup. Or care for their elderly demented parents in their own homes. There is nothing wrong with 'wanna bes'. If people weren't wanna bes, no one would ever try to better themselves. At some point in time every successful person was a wanna be. And I'm getting really tired of Zimmerman being dogged because he attempted to better himself in school and by applying for a job.

Ridiculous analogy. The dude was not playing cop in his own home. He went out with a gun and shot a "suspect". An unarmed, 17 year old suspect.
And Martin walked right by unmolested.

Then he had all the time in the world to get home.

He choose to confront Zimmerman instead.

But you knew that.

And then lied about it.

Thats right...great point....walked by several times unmolested and he walked by several times without approaching and calling out Z also...right? in fact even ran away at one point...but that didnt stop MR Z...he kept following...he kept following and Trayvon kept walking...until he was followed on foot near his home...finally he said something...

Z went reaching at that point for a phone to call 911 again? LMAO they were already on their way and he was going to meet them...whatcha calling 911 again for...yeah right. When he reached for what he couldnt find...the creepy follower in the dark got clocked...during the struggle when he kept going for his gun...he continued to get clocked. Oh I know speculation right...why? Because GZ didnt say it? Dont you think he has motive not to say it?

You crack me up are stating that essentially it was Trayvon that repeatedly showed restraint when followed by this strange person in the dark and rain.

How many times must he continue on his way without asking why hes being followed? What number is good for you? Infinitely? Turn tail and book it home...well how do I know he wont be following me the next time I go to the store? I think Ill ask why now and settle it now.

You made my point...I can sleep

I'm not sure about that. At the end of Zimmerman's call he said, "Actually could you have them call me and I'll tell them where I'm at?"

It's completely plausible that he was going to call again since he knew where Martin was.

Its certainly possible...problem is...trayvon doesnt know this...its just like Mr Z heading up the same path that trayvon ran away from him on. GZ says he was going to look for an apartment number...yep he was...but Trayvon doesnt know that! To Trayvon, this guy thats been following him in a truck is now following him on foot.

Remember...MR Z says that Trayvon is running away...or going away from is MR Z who gets out of his truck and continues following up the path. Trayvon left MR Z or ran away from Mr Z....Mr Z went to Trayvon or followed him up the path. This was at best negligent...Mr Z also knows that he is carrying a pistol...Trayvon doesnt know hes carrying a gun. MR Z is knowingly following a suspicious teen who he thinks may have a weapon up the side walk in the dark and rain holstering a pistol...and surprise surprise look what happened and look who is dead and look who shot that pistol. Why because after being followed the entire complex he finally asked you why? Then you lie to him and say there is no problem, when you have already called and reported a trayvon supposed to play stupid?
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