The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Wait. Is he talking about a Slim Jim as in Slim Jim goes with beer or slim jim - break in and steal the stuff?

I dozed off for a sec.

He was talking about the eves of a house, so I am assuming the slim jim referenced was to the slim tool used to gain entry into locked cars.

At least I wouldn't recommend eating a piece of some guy's gutter.


I thought there was a slim jim with the skittles and tea. I'm like that sh!t don't go together. Beer with slim jims, skittles with tea.
Okay you are at it again...time to put up or shut the post of me calling you a bigot and your reply of one called you a bigot, but you called me a post it or I will and we will let them decide. Some attorney you are...make accusations and cant back it up...put it up or I will...its right at my finger tips...Im giving you the chance to post it or apologize...moment of truth for you miss.

Well [MENTION=21954]Sunshine[/MENTION] ? anything? Last chance.

The penalty for ignoring you is execution, it would seem.

You had a big trap until your lie was billboarded. You are a proven closed.
Zimmerman will be acquited and blacks will burn their neighborhoods in every major city.

You can thank obama and the media for stirring up all the racial animosity.

If Zimmerman was black instead of "white hispanic" this case would not have made the news on any outlet.
Im busy right now.

Busy? You started talking about your "smoking gun" about 8PM. You've had roughly 13 hours.

He's flirting with Sunshine

And getting nowhere. Sunshine much prefers mature men who have the 'slow hand.'

[ame=]The Pointer Sisters - Slow Hand - YouTube[/ame]

That immature guy 'left nipple, right nipple, IN' is not for me. :D
The agenda from the beginning was to start racial conflict by declaring zimmerman white and trayvon black. If they had both been white or black or asian this story would be no big deal.

They are basing their whole case on the fact that Z is a racist hunting blacks. Which may or may not be true.

They can use voice specialists who can take Z's voice and trayvon's voice and compare them digitally to the yelling voice on tape. I think they can match them definitively.

I think it all comes down to who was screaming for help. If it was Z he has a case for self defense. If it's trayvon's voice Z will go down.
Okay you are at it again...time to put up or shut the post of me calling you a bigot and your reply of one called you a bigot, but you called me a post it or I will and we will let them decide. Some attorney you are...make accusations and cant back it up...put it up or I will...its right at my finger tips...Im giving you the chance to post it or apologize...moment of truth for you miss.

Well [MENTION=21954]Sunshine[/MENTION] ? anything? Last chance.

The penalty for ignoring you is execution, it would seem.

You have done quite the opposite of ignoring...ignoring is what I have been doing to you until I had enough of your trolling the last 4 or 5 the other thread also.

You continue to are a proven liar.
The liberal logic:
Ignore the facts if they do not agree with your ideology.
Slant, twist and distort the facts to fit your ideology.
Call names to those who do not agree with your ideology.
If Martin never scratched Zimmerman with his fingernails how could there be DNA under them?
Lack of DNA evidence means nothing in this case.
You have an eye witness that testifies that Martin was on top of Zimmerman pounding him.
That is direct evidence. Undisputed.
Zimmerman's blood was found on Martin's clothing.

What does that mean?
Sorry you were conned and misled as to the law as well as most everything else in this case.
How does it feel listening to the Martin attorney Crump to get your facts?
He has misled you from the start as he is after the 40% fee he gets for the civil settlements only and his own ambulance chasing law firm.
Prayers and thoughts to the Martin family that did nothing wrong in this, are entitlted to every penny of any and all civil settlements, lost a son and have been conned, misled and manipulated from the start.
Same for you.

You're wrong again, better read the reports.

The report says no DNA under the fingernails like you said and I state DNA is circumstantial evidence, not direct evidence.
A live witness is the best evidence as you can cross examine a live witness.
How does anyone cross examine a piece of paper?
Accordingly, the DNA evidence means next to nothing in this case.
Sorry you are a sucker for the CSI bull shit TV shows that fabricate drama court cases into 46 minutes for low information citizens like you that are not bright enough to understand THE LAW.
I am talking about the law, Florida statute and all statutes that state circumstantial evidence is by INFERENCE ONLY.
Now the jury can convict on circumstantial evidence but which is more reliable?
Direct live testimony by an eye witness or by inference only circumstantial DNA evidence?
Which has more weight in front of a jury?

No, you're wrong. There is conflicting testimony from eye witnesses. You believe a DNA report showing no Zimmerman on Trayvon means nothing? You just don't want the facts to enter into this case.
The prosecution is getting repeatedly hammered.

There IS in fact nothing illegal in following a person.

And after following him, there is also nothing illegal about asking the person followed what he's doing.

As for the claim that the State is making any headway with regard to the videotape showing Zimmerman doing that walk through, that's laughable.

If one is getting disoriented in the dark and he doesn't see any of the addresses on the houses, that is NOT the same thing as saying that Zimmerman lied about those addresses. Evidently, they are generally posted on the front of houses in that community. If one swuch posted address was on a house in that "back" yard area, that does not mean Zimmerman lied about it. If he didn't see it in the dark at the time of this ongoing incident, then he didn't see it. The jury is destined to be smarter than Snoopie.

Also, using disingenuous packed language, such as Snoopie does, doesn't work. Snooppie says "stalked." NOTHING in the evidence says "stalked."

Snoopie is acting a bit desperate for a reason. The State's case blows.

If somebody followed you on a dark rainy night and would it bother you, especially if he was black?
I want to see 25's "smoking gun".

Note to 25: Your hookah is NOT a smoking gun.

The smoking gun is for those with the capacity to dont qualify...sorry...the appropriate thinkers have been didnt get yours?:eek:

I'll put my capacity to comprehend up against yours any fucking day. Your reluctance to put your theory out here in the open indicates to me that you have something to hide.

Hey! The seal is straight!
Well [MENTION=21954]Sunshine[/MENTION] ? anything? Last chance.

The penalty for ignoring you is execution, it would seem.

You have done quite the opposite of ignoring...ignoring is what I have been doing to you until I had enough of your trolling the last 4 or 5 the other thread also.

You continue to are a proven liar.

I honestly would just drop it 25caliber, this thread is about the Zimmerman case not your spat with various people. If you can't let this go take it to the Flame zone and call them out there like somebody has already said...
Busy? You started talking about your "smoking gun" about 8PM. You've had roughly 13 hours.

He's flirting with Sunshine

And getting nowhere. Sunshine much prefers mature men who have the 'slow hand.'

[ame=]The Pointer Sisters - Slow Hand - YouTube[/ame]

That immature guy 'left nipple, right nipple, IN' is not for me. :D

you prefer those who fall for your ernie... :). Hes too dumb.

I prefer women that are honest...and unafraid to show their own face...not marilyn monroe in a wig. I mean your 65 and your avatar is that of a 20 year old...wishful thinking or just really ashamed?
The agenda from the beginning was to start racial conflict by declaring zimmerman white and trayvon black. If they had both been white or black or asian this story would be no big deal.

They are basing their whole case on the fact that Z is a racist hunting blacks. Which may or may not be true.

They can use voice specialists who can take Z's voice and trayvon's voice and compare them digitally to the yelling voice on tape. I think they can match them definitively.

I think it all comes down to who was screaming for help. If it was Z he has a case for self defense. If it's trayvon's voice Z will go down.

It's already been covered, but.....

It doesn't take a genius to figure out who would be yelling for help. If you are above someone beating the crap out of them, are you going to be yelling for help? I think not.

Logic says it would be the person that is being hurt.
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