The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Ernie if you don't agree following a suspect who had his hand in his pocket, who you just told the police has a gun or something. If you don't think that is reckless then we'll just have to disagree on this point. If you don't agree it was reckless to not announce himself, then we'll just have to disagree.

Can we at least agree on the parking ticket.

Here in Florida it's not reckless, its' considered being a good citizen.

I would have thought it to be the same in Texas. Maybe you're from one of the liberal cesspools like Houston or Austin.

Those are fighting words... Put up your hands!


If its not reckless let him go.
The Jury will see the DNA report shows that none of Zimmerman's DNA was under Martin's fingernails. You are the one who needs to look better at the evidence. It was only drizzling that night.

You're a fool. You always have been.

The liberal logic:
Ignore the facts if they do not agree with your ideology.
Slant, twist and distort the facts to fit your ideology.
Call names to those who do not agree with your ideology.
If Martin never scratched Zimmerman with his fingernails how could there be DNA under them?
Lack of DNA evidence means nothing in this case.
You have an eye witness that testifies that Martin was on top of Zimmerman pounding him.
That is direct evidence. Undisputed.
Zimmerman's blood was found on Martin's clothing.

What does that mean?
Sorry you were conned and misled as to the law as well as most everything else in this case.
How does it feel listening to the Martin attorney Crump to get your facts?
He has misled you from the start as he is after the 40% fee he gets for the civil settlements only and his own ambulance chasing law firm.
Prayers and thoughts to the Martin family that did nothing wrong in this, are entitlted to every penny of any and all civil settlements, lost a son and have been conned, misled and manipulated from the start.
Same for you.

You're wrong again, better read the reports.

GaDawg probably has more experience in the area than you think. He sounds like a detective or something. And most likely than not, he's watching the same trial we are. Remember what we talked about yesterday? Oh that's right, you don't care what I think.
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The Jury will see the DNA report shows that none of Zimmerman's DNA was under Martin's fingernails. You are the one who needs to look better at the evidence. It was only drizzling that night.

You're a fool. You always have been.

The liberal logic:
Ignore the facts if they do not agree with your ideology.
Slant, twist and distort the facts to fit your ideology.
Call names to those who do not agree with your ideology.
If Martin never scratched Zimmerman with his fingernails how could there be DNA under them?
Lack of DNA evidence means nothing in this case.
You have an eye witness that testifies that Martin was on top of Zimmerman pounding him.
That is direct evidence. Undisputed.
Zimmerman's blood was found on Martin's clothing.

What does that mean?
Sorry you were conned and misled as to the law as well as most everything else in this case.
How does it feel listening to the Martin attorney Crump to get your facts?
He has misled you from the start as he is after the 40% fee he gets for the civil settlements only and his own ambulance chasing law firm.
Prayers and thoughts to the Martin family that did nothing wrong in this, are entitlted to every penny of any and all civil settlements, lost a son and have been conned, misled and manipulated from the start.
Same for you.

You're wrong again, better read the reports.

The report says no DNA under the fingernails like you said and I state DNA is circumstantial evidence, not direct evidence.
A live witness is the best evidence as you can cross examine a live witness.
How does anyone cross examine a piece of paper?
Accordingly, the DNA evidence means next to nothing in this case.
Sorry you are a sucker for the CSI bull shit TV shows that fabricate drama court cases into 46 minutes for low information citizens like you that are not bright enough to understand THE LAW.
I am talking about the law, Florida statute and all statutes that state circumstantial evidence is by INFERENCE ONLY.
Now the jury can convict on circumstantial evidence but which is more reliable?
Direct live testimony by an eye witness or by inference only circumstantial DNA evidence?
Which has more weight in front of a jury?
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All Black people are "suspicious" I guess. :(

Come on your better than that and you know it. This has become a RACE issue when it never should have been. Facts of the matter most teens would have been stopped white or black, if they were wandering around a GATED community in the rain. This is ESP true for a teen the size of Trayvon. Unfortunately in the early days the media PURPOSEFUL, RECKLESS and DISHONESTLY protrayed Trayvon as a small kid and not the massive kid he was.

Everyone is blaming Zimmerman for confronting Trayvon and excusing Trayvon for attacking Zimmerman. What if when Zimmerman asked, "what are you doing here?" Trayvon replied, "I live just across the way and I'm just passing through. Not looking for trouble." Zimmerman would have let him pass through and no issues.

Instead he ran. Does that not look suspicious. Then he got mad. Trayvon probably though at that point, why am I running from that little asshole, I could kick his ass, he had no right to mess with me, that guy is dead and followed him back to his car and kicked the shit out of the "creepy ass cracker." Look at Zimmerman's wounds, that was just getting the bad end of a fight that was literally getting beat to death.
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It is odd that Martin's hands are under him. Could it be his body tightened as he laid there dying? Just a guess...

I have prepared dead bodies to go from the hospital to the funeral home. That early in death the person is still warm and you are able to move their limbs with ease. The only difference in them and you is that they are not breathing and have no vital signs. Rigor Mortis takes a bit longer.
Wait. Is he talking about a Slim Jim as in Slim Jim goes with beer or slim jim - break in and steal the stuff?

I dozed off for a sec.
He can dish but he can't take it. He called me a 'bigot' and when I shot back the rhyme 'faggot' he got ALL bent out of shape. He is not forum material. And he is cluttering the internet with his mindless gibberish. His inane jabbering is long overdue for the deep six.

Okay you are at it again...time to put up or shut the post of me calling you a bigot and your reply of one called you a bigot, but you called me a post it or I will and we will let them decide. Some attorney you are...make accusations and cant back it up...put it up or I will...its right at my finger tips...Im giving you the chance to post it or apologize...moment of truth for you miss.

Well [MENTION=21954]Sunshine[/MENTION] ? anything? Last chance.

The penalty for ignoring you is execution, it would seem.
Wait. Is he talking about a Slim Jim as in Slim Jim goes with beer or slim jim - break in and steal the stuff?

I dozed off for a sec.

He was talking about the eves of a house, so I am assuming the slim jim referenced was to the slim tool used to gain entry into locked cars.

At least I wouldn't recommend eating a piece of some guy's gutter.

The persecution gave up on Murder II at the onset of the Trial, IMO.

They are now going for Manslaughter, hence the play on emotions
All Black people are "suspicious" I guess. :(

Let me present this to you this way. Back in high-school we used to drive down to Humbolt Park to get weed and coke. We usually had some blacks and Hispanics, but it was mostly white suburb kids. And the black and Hispanic kids were always always well over kids in nice clothes (definitely distinguishable from inner city blacks and Hispanics). Whenever we were their if a cop saw us, we got pulled over immediately. They would make quick UTurns to catch us.

They racially profiled us in those neighbors, because whites only went into those neighbors to get drugs! For better or for worse racially profiling has to be a method of law enforcement.

It used for serial killers all the time. They usually start the profile as a middle-aged white asshole!
The more information that is released on George Zimmerman, the individual that killed defenseless 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, for walking in his own family's neighborhood, the more it becomes clear that he is a paranoid racist, with a serious aversion to black people. Zimmerman equates being black with guilt and crime.

So much so, prior to murdering poor Martin, Zimmerman called 911 on April 22, 2011 to report a suspicious black 7-year-old, seeking police assistance. That says it all. He is deranged. The police department in Sanford, Florida should have arrested Zimmerman long ago, as his conduct was menacing, disturbing the peace and fraudulently usurping police resources, which is a serious crime the taxpayers footed the bill for.

There have been stories in the press of police and FBI in different parts of America, arresting people that called them too much. It is a crime to do such a thing, but Zimmerman mysteriously got away with it - 49 times in one year, complaining about black men and black children with no penalty. Something is very wrong with that. Filing a fraudulent police complaint is a crime. The Sanford police department bears liability in this fact.

Aisha: Trayvon Martin's Killer George Zimmerman Previously Reported Suspicious Black 7-Year-Old To 911

So he isn't just a cold blooded murderer, he's a moron as well..
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