The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I think you're letting these boards get to you too much man...

Probably right...but im not gonna be trolled and lied about...continually...i have been ignoring it for a week of I had enough...she lied...I proved it...she still lies just for the hell of it. And because some in here allow it...its common on message boards there is always at least one of her...and then a whole bunch that go after the trolled instead of the to speak.

Still nothing has been said to her...all to me...yet it was her that lied to all of you. Now shes giggling about it.

(((((((((((((((((:)D)))))))))))))))))) Shakin' in my flip flops!

Youre a real stand up gal, arent ya sunshine? lied and it was proven...thats all I need to know about arent denying your lie now are you? Now that its been billboarded for all to see. But you wont apologize either for falsely accusing and lying about it and making me prove it. Yeah, youre real special arent ya?

BTW, for the record...who is interrupting trial talk again?
Well, the water system is down here, so it's bottled water or nothing. The plumber was to come today, but I guess he better wait until tomorrow. I'm going to see what I can put together to eat that doesn't require much water.

Yep, the plumber was gonna come...but he saw you and couldnt get it up...blame yourself...crack kills.

Hours later...still a douche.

Water's back on. Plumber will be here this afternoon.

I be having a motorcycle avvy too!
OMG...finally! Finally one that can concede that it wasnt a good idea...and he didnt even have to change his overall view.

I agree with the post...its common sense. Following up the path that the kid was running from him on wasnt smart either...but nope cant get that admitted too...all you get is "ITS NOT ILLEGAL TO WALK ON A SIDEWALK AT NIGHT"...lmao...of course its not but it goes to who logically has the perception of being pursued...imagine how trayvon felt...he had committed no crime and didnt know who z was. This goes to who is pursuing and therefore who is initiating...trayvon avoids conflict numerous times and only when he is followed on foot does he say something. Then he goes frantically reaching for something in the dark and trayvons supposed to wait and see what he pulls out? Lmao.

Great construct, only in your mind though. Why not for fun, come up with another 25 ways it could have actually gone down. If you could get the Defense to convince the Jury that there is no reasonable doubt, in spite of reality, you might actually get a conviction. ;)

And that's the thing, the jury is going to go on what's been said throughout the case and, so far, the prosecution hasn't delivered any solid evidence on Zimmerman being the aggressor.
As it stands, the defense has laid out a great claim of self defense with the prosecutor's own witnesses!

I agree...the defense is winning...prosecution is horrid. Im just listing a few things that he may have done wrong...and trying to think for a dead kid, someones son, who cant refute GZs claims...hes dead.

I dont think GZ was out to get anyone that night...I believe most of what he makes sense. But some of it doesnt...and some of it doesnt jive with what would logically and rightfully going thru Trayvons mind.
784.048 Stalking; definitions; penalties.—
(1) As used in this section, the term:
(a) “Harass” means to engage in a course of conduct directed at a specific person which causes substantial emotional distress to that person and serves no legitimate purpose.
(b) “Course of conduct” means a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, which evidences a continuity of purpose. The term does not include constitutionally protected activity such as picketing or other organized protests.
(c) “Credible threat” means a verbal or nonverbal threat, or a combination of the two, including threats delivered by electronic communication or implied by a pattern of conduct, which places the person who is the target of the threat in reasonable fear for his or her safety or the safety of his or her family members or individuals closely associated with the person, and which is made with the apparent ability to carry out the threat to cause such harm. It is not necessary to prove that the person making the threat had the intent to actually carry out the threat. The present incarceration of the person making the threat is not a bar to prosecution under this section.

....(2) A person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person commits the offense of stalking, a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
(3) A person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person and makes a credible threat to that person commits the offense of aggravated stalking, a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s.

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

I think Zimmerman's harassment of blacks could be a crime.

Could what you call "harassment of blacks" also be called accurate descriptor of the people committing crimes in the area? No body says it but statistics show that relative to percentage of population blacks commit more crime against person and property than any other identified racial or ethnic group.

Also does someone who harasses black people also spend time mentoring black children? Remember that is also direct testimony from the lead investigator of the case.

I'm skeptical about Zimmerman's claim he is "mentoring" black children. What proof is it that blacks were committing these crimes? was his profiling of blacks rational? I say no.
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All Black people are "suspicious" I guess. :(

Come on your better than that and you know it. This has become a RACE issue when it never should have been. Facts of the matter most teens would have been stopped white or black, if they were wandering around a GATED community in the rain. This is ESP true for a teen the size of Trayvon. Unfortunately in the early days the media PURPOSEFUL, RECKLESS and DISHONESTLY protrayed Trayvon as a small kid and not the massive kid he was.

Everyone is blaming Zimmerman for confronting Trayvon and excusing Trayvon for attacking Zimmerman. What if when Zimmerman asked, "what are you doing here?" Trayvon replied, "I live just across the way and I'm just passing through. Not looking for trouble." Zimmerman would have let him pass through and no issues.

Instead he ran. Does that not look suspicious. Then he got mad. Trayvon probably though at that point, why am I running from that little asshole, I could kick his ass, he had no right to mess with me, that guy is dead and followed him back to his car and kicked the shit out of the "creepy ass cracker." Look at Zimmerman's wounds, that was just getting the bad end of a fight that was literally getting beat to death.

I know what your saying, but the tensions from this case reminds me of racial tensions before the LA riots and OJ Simpson case, I don't think anything will happen and I hope not but I am worried.
Even though it's not illegal, you're right it's not a good idea to follow someone like that. I think(again just throwing my own opinion in this) that Zimmerman had a chip on his shoulder because he had been ineffective in stopping the crime in his neighborhood and he was going to be certain to help the police catch this one, hence the call to the dispatcher while following.
For me, if he hadn't called for the police before he shot the kid then I would be more pressed in believing he was racially profiling or was out for some "vigilante justice"

OMG...finally! Finally one that can concede that it wasnt a good idea...and he didnt even have to change his overall view.

I agree with the post...its common sense. Following up the path that the kid was running from him on wasnt smart either...but nope cant get that admitted too...all you get is "ITS NOT ILLEGAL TO WALK ON A SIDEWALK AT NIGHT"...lmao...of course its not but it goes to who logically has the perception of being pursued...imagine how trayvon felt...he had committed no crime and didnt know who z was. This goes to who is pursuing and therefore who is initiating...trayvon avoids conflict numerous times and only when he is followed on foot does he say something. Then he goes frantically reaching for something in the dark and trayvons supposed to wait and see what he pulls out? Lmao.

Great construct, only in your mind though. Why not for fun, come up with another 25 ways it could have actually gone down. If you could get the Defense to convince the Jury that there is no reasonable doubt, in spite of reality, you might actually get a conviction. ;)

^ This.
So he isn't just a cold blooded murderer, he's a moron as well..

I think Zimmerman had a warped mind. To him all blacks are criminals.

Zimmerman tutored black kids on the weekend and lived in a MIXED race community that INCLUDED Blacks, you fucking mental midget!

George Zimmerman « YWN Coffee Room

The only reason Zimmerman would get a group of blacks together would be to keep an eye on the and to profile them...

Any of them disappear ?
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OMG...finally! Finally one that can concede that it wasnt a good idea...and he didnt even have to change his overall view.

I agree with the post...its common sense. Following up the path that the kid was running from him on wasnt smart either...but nope cant get that admitted too...all you get is "ITS NOT ILLEGAL TO WALK ON A SIDEWALK AT NIGHT"...lmao...of course its not but it goes to who logically has the perception of being pursued...imagine how trayvon felt...he had committed no crime and didnt know who z was. This goes to who is pursuing and therefore who is initiating...trayvon avoids conflict numerous times and only when he is followed on foot does he say something. Then he goes frantically reaching for something in the dark and trayvons supposed to wait and see what he pulls out? Lmao.

Great construct, only in your mind though. Why not for fun, come up with another 25 ways it could have actually gone down. If you could get the Defense to convince the Jury that there is no reasonable doubt, in spite of reality, you might actually get a conviction. ;)

^ This.

^ Dis.

There I fixed dis, dat and da udda ting.
Any guesses on the prosecution's next witness?

My bet's on McGruff the Crime Dog, or Phinias J. Whoopie. :)
The lead investigator said he was not skeptical. One of the phone calls that you are basing the harassment off of led to the capture of a black person committing a crime. Again, the lead investigator found it credible that GZ was not profiling blacks. The only reason he asked him this question was because of outside pressures, including an anonymous call to report GZ was a racist. No basis was found for these allegations, confirmed by SPD and the FBI. These are all facts of the case.
OMG...finally! Finally one that can concede that it wasnt a good idea...and he didnt even have to change his overall view.

I agree with the post...its common sense. Following up the path that the kid was running from him on wasnt smart either...but nope cant get that admitted too...all you get is "ITS NOT ILLEGAL TO WALK ON A SIDEWALK AT NIGHT"...lmao...of course its not but it goes to who logically has the perception of being pursued...imagine how trayvon felt...he had committed no crime and didnt know who z was. This goes to who is pursuing and therefore who is initiating...trayvon avoids conflict numerous times and only when he is followed on foot does he say something. Then he goes frantically reaching for something in the dark and trayvons supposed to wait and see what he pulls out? Lmao.

Great construct, only in your mind though. Why not for fun, come up with another 25 ways it could have actually gone down. If you could get the Defense to convince the Jury that there is no reasonable doubt, in spite of reality, you might actually get a conviction. ;)

^ This.

Really? Do you count 25 ways in that where does "another" come from? You arent reading again, M. Sleep did you no good.
Show me a law that says that a person following a stranger is a felony. If that is the case do I have legal rights to attack the person in the car behind me riding my ass?

if the car behind you was menacing you, that could be a crime.

Following isn't a crime. Menacing is a crime. Is GZ charged with menacing? Following someone is a felony IF the person doing the following is under a restraining order. Did Trayvon Martin file a restraining order?

This little thug went to the store. On the way back he decided to scout out the area for his next burglary.

Even if he was, having a moron following him with a gun is what has created the problem.

This isn't some uncivilized country where thieves have their hands cut off for stealing and certainly not one where you a stupid cowboy like Zimmerman decides who lives and who dies.

Sanford isn't Tombstone.
bernies little temper tantrum isnt going to carry much

positive weight for the state


Train. Wreck.

Bernster just sit down and try to minimize the damage.

i have been studying on what went so wrong in martins life

that led to this

maybe one should study as to what went so wrong in Berns life

that has led to this awful performance

Finally caught up.
[MENTION=42969]jon_berzerk[/MENTION]...That is an intriguing topic.

Have you found anything interesting?
if the car behind you was menacing you, that could be a crime.

Following isn't a crime. Menacing is a crime. Is GZ charged with menacing? Following someone is a felony IF the person doing the following is under a restraining order. Did Trayvon Martin file a restraining order?

This little thug went to the store. On the way back he decided to scout out the area for his next burglary.

Even if he was, having a moron following him with a gun is what has created the problem.

This isn't some uncivilized country where thieves have their hands cut off for stealing and certainly not one where you a stupid cowboy like Zimmerman decides who lives and who dies.

Sanford isn't Tombstone.

Couldn't have killed him with a knife?
Great construct, only in your mind though. Why not for fun, come up with another 25 ways it could have actually gone down. If you could get the Defense to convince the Jury that there is no reasonable doubt, in spite of reality, you might actually get a conviction. ;)

And that's the thing, the jury is going to go on what's been said throughout the case and, so far, the prosecution hasn't delivered any solid evidence on Zimmerman being the aggressor.
As it stands, the defense has laid out a great claim of self defense with the prosecutor's own witnesses!

I agree...the defense is winning...prosecution is horrid. Im just listing a few things that he may have done wrong...and trying to think for a dead kid, someones son, who cant refute GZs claims...hes dead.

I dont think GZ was out to get anyone that night...I believe most of what he makes sense. But some of it doesnt...and some of it doesnt jive with what would logically and rightfully going thru Trayvons mind.

As things have gone on in this trial, there were a few things Zimmerman did do wrong but nothing that should have led to Martin attacking him... And, unless something new comes to light, I'd have to say Martin did in fact attack Zimmerman first.
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Everybody can sit on this thread and analyze this thing to death, no pun intended. But if you look at the actual timeline of this incident it's easy to see that not only cooler heads did not prevail, but the one with the gun has nothing inside his head except hate and sheer stupidity.

7 minutes....

7:09:34 - 7:13:41 — George Zimmerman calls the Sanford Police Department (SPD) from his truck; total time of the call is 4 minutes 7 seconds.[15]

7:11:33 — Zimmerman tells the police dispatcher that Trayvon Martin is running.

7:11:59 — In reply to the dispatcher's question, "Are you following him?" Zimmerman says, "Yes." Dispatcher states, "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman replies, "OK."

7:12:00 - 7:12:59 — The girl calls Martin again at some point during this minute.[16]

7:13:10 — Zimmerman says he does not know where Martin is.

7:13:41 — Zimmerman's call to Sanford police ends.[16]

7:16:00 - 7:16:59 — Martin's call from the girl goes dead during this minute.[16][17]

7:16:11 — First 911 call from witness about a fight, calls for help heard.[18]

7:16:55 — Gunshot heard on 911 call.[19]

Timeline of the shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Train. Wreck.

Bernster just sit down and try to minimize the damage.

i have been studying on what went so wrong in martins life

that led to this

maybe one should study as to what went so wrong in Berns life

that has led to this awful performance

Finally caught up.
[MENTION=42969]jon_berzerk[/MENTION]...That is an intriguing topic.

Have you found anything interesting?

We keep him around for more than his bows.
Following isn't a crime. Menacing is a crime. Is GZ charged with menacing? Following someone is a felony IF the person doing the following is under a restraining order. Did Trayvon Martin file a restraining order?

This little thug went to the store. On the way back he decided to scout out the area for his next burglary.

Even if he was, having a moron following him with a gun is what has created the problem.

This isn't some uncivilized country where thieves have their hands cut off for stealing and certainly not one where you a stupid cowboy like Zimmerman decides who lives and who dies.

Sanford isn't Tombstone.

Couldn't have killed him with a knife?

Another stupid Keyboard Kowboy. (Here's your [stupid] sign.)
Everybody can sit on this thread and analyze this thing to death, no pun intended. But if you look at the actual timeline of this incident it's easy to see that not only cooler heads did not prevail, but the one with the gun has nothing inside his head except hate and sheer stupidity.

7 minutes....

7:09:34 - 7:13:41 — George Zimmerman calls the Sanford Police Department (SPD) from his truck; total time of the call is 4 minutes 7 seconds.[15]

7:11:33 — Zimmerman tells the police dispatcher that Trayvon Martin is running.

7:11:59 — In reply to the dispatcher's question, "Are you following him?" Zimmerman says, "Yes." Dispatcher states, "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman replies, "OK."

7:12:00 - 7:12:59 — The girl calls Martin again at some point during this minute.[16]

7:13:10 — Zimmerman says he does not know where Martin is.

7:13:41 — Zimmerman's call to Sanford police ends.[16]

7:16:00 - 7:16:59 — Martin's call from the girl goes dead during this minute.[16][17]

7:16:11 — First 911 call from witness about a fight, calls for help heard.[18]

7:16:55 — Gunshot heard on 911 call.[19]

Timeline of the shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sure, that's what the timeline shows. *sigh*
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