The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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>>> Burlgary suspension pot gun
Huh? screwdiver and an ear ring in a locker is not a burglary. Discussing a 22pistol with a friend... desire for a pistol to defend himself from GZ types, did that get to the mother?

.38 gun 4 face is slang for I am going to shoot that fucker in the face with a .38 cal pistol.

really? ouch..

I'd have assumed it meant for show, establishing a strong position, a position of power etc. IOW I'm not the best hand to hand fighter and I'm getting pushed by the man by rival kids at school etc.
State: "Can this weapon be used to commit murder?"


Judge: Sustained.

State's getting desperate, and are going to throw any shit at the wall to see what sticks.
You are not wrong. I didn't get to finish because I had someone in my office I had to deal with.

Treyvon, had every right to be where he was. I'll even stipulate that he would be in his right to confront someone that was following him to ask if there was a problem.

What neither person had a right to put their hands on the other person.

LOL and America's workforce takes an all time dip in production for trial. I try to schedule all calls for lunch break.

Production won't suffer I have a computer with 2 screens and my laptop going all at the same time. I can multitask.

And I don't work in the private sector.

I'm in touch with that emotion, I have one eye on a monitor, the other eye on the thread monitor, an ear on the feed and one on the phone.

LOL well that's for another thread.
State: "Can this weapon be used to commit murder?"


Judge: Sustained.

State's getting desperate, and are going to throw any shit at the wall to see what sticks.

Agreed. He had a great opening statement... been a down hill idiot ride from there. Sort of like Obama's last 5years.
really? ouch..

I'd have assumed it meant for show, establishing a strong position, a position of power etc. IOW I'm not the best hand to hand fighter and I'm getting pushed by the man by rival kids at school etc.

That sounds like supremacist thinking.

TM was the one doing the pushing at school. He pushed drugs & pushed snitches to STFU! If you disobeyed he beat you to cause serious injury or had a .38 for your face. TM says a broken bloody nose was not enough blood for snitches.
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really? ouch..

I'd have assumed it meant for show, establishing a strong position, a position of power etc. IOW I'm not the best hand to hand fighter and I'm getting pushed by the man by rival kids at school etc.

That sounds like supremacist thinking.

TM was the one doing the pushing at school. He pushed drugs & pushed snitches to STFU! If you disobeyed he beat you to cause serious injury. TM says a broken bloody nose was not enough blood for snitches.

Perhaps. You are making some pretty explicit accustions. Are they blogosphere made up stuff or real? Were his statements in response to what was going in his life?

Similar statements could be made about all authoritarian leaning folks...

Snitching is a time honored activity? I don't think so.
The media and left wing liberals were and are so heavily invested in the "George Zimmerman is a racist murdering white Hispanic" that the implosion of the prosecution's "case" against Zimmerman just can not be accepted by them.
The media and left wing liberal talking head leaders say Zimmerman is guilty so he must be guilty.
Facts and evidence be damned.
Sort of hysterical the reaction from the left on this. They are so invested in their fantasy land that Jesus could come back and say he witnessed the entire thing and Zimmerman was not guilty of murder and they would label Jesus a racist idiot.
Martin isnt on trial.

That isn't it.
If anything the standard is to allow it because of that as the rights of the accused are far greater.
Martin was a juvenile and that is a different standard and one also has to show relevance.
Martin's school records are not relevant unless they show violence which they do not.
Zimmerman's records were argued on based on the relevance of his actions as community watch patrolman and if his training/education had anything to do with his actions as that watch patrolman.
I see their relevance and the reason they are allowed in but I bet there will be limitations on the scope of questioning on those records.
And of course in every trial the objections ARE SOLEY FOR appeals if there is a conviction.
The defense KNEW AHEAD OF TIME that these records would be tendered and the Judge would rule them admissable based on what I said above.
This is nothing new.

I just told him WHY they didn't make it admissible. I didnt say I agreed with it.

Martin not being on trial does not make it inadmissible.
Who knows how the altercation went down. We know Z's attitude about TM (The "asshole" and "Fucking punk")...He didn't sound like the Welcome Wagon. I'm not taking Rachael's word on anything.

We all know how the altercation "went down". The injuries to the back of Zimmerman's head prove that when he was knocked to the ground, his head landed on the concrete. He was sucker punched. Then as Zimmerman lie there helpless to blows, he has his nose broken. Next, he has his head repeatedly driven into the dog-walk, which results in the two lacerations you see. At some point during the fight Zimmerman tries to slide out from under Martin, but in doing so reveals his holster with the weapon inside. Martin reaches for (doesn't touch) Zimmerman's firearm, and utters the words "you're going to die tonight motherfucker!" at that point after hearing such a threat, Zimmerman acted in genuine fear for his life, pulled the gun out and fatally wounds the teenager.

It can't be any more precise than that (to this point).

How did you feel about Jenteal's testimony? Bet you're not going to take it to the bank, are you? Just as I am not going to take Z's to the bank either. Both are self serving, and Jenteal's has more problems in hers that just that.

But, GZ is telling what he remembers, and what he couldn't remember, he filled in with what he thought probably happened. I will go with additional expert testimony and witness testimony.

Then decide what most likely happened.

You will go with "expert" testimony and "witness" testimony OVER DIRECT EVIDENCE EYE WITNESS TESTIMONY?
You have no clue as to what is going on.
really? ouch..

I'd have assumed it meant for show, establishing a strong position, a position of power etc. IOW I'm not the best hand to hand fighter and I'm getting pushed by the man by rival kids at school etc.

That sounds like supremacist thinking.

TM was the one doing the pushing at school. He pushed drugs & pushed snitches to STFU! If you disobeyed he beat you to cause serious injury. TM says a broken bloody nose was not enough blood for snitches.

Perhaps. You are making some pretty explicit accustions. Are they blogosphere made up stuff or real? Were his statements in response to what was going in his life?

Similar statements could be made about all authoritarian leaning folks...

Snitching is a time honored activity? I don't think so.

Just reading Trayvon Martins texts
WOW! JUST WOW!I've said this before. You clearly don't even know what negligence is. You wouldn't even ask a question like that if you did.

Negligence basically means a legal short-sightedness. GZ could have execute degrees of negligence in a myriad of ways in the lead-up to to the shooting death of Travis. For instance, his decision to approach Travis after the police told him not to, could be considered negligent. His decision to effectively stalk him could be considered negligent.

Now, the key is culpable negligence. Culpable means deserving blame. So, even if the prosecution proves a degree of negligence, the question would be, did he ultimately deserve blame or does he not despite his il-advised actions.

Police didnt tell him anything. That's been established.
He isnt on trial for stalking. He isnt on trial for approaching Travis, whoever Travis is supposed to be. The dead guy was named Trayvon.
He's on trial for shooting and killing someone. That was not negligent. That was intentional. Therefore it cannot be negigent.

What has also been established is you are an ignorance dunce.

Seriously. How old are you and what's your IQ?

'Police didnt tell him anything. That's been established.' - I don't even know what that means, what it refers to, or how it's relevant to anything I said.

'He isnt on trial for stalking.' No, he isn't. I was giving you an example of a potential negligent act/factor. There's no need to nitpick like an idiot.

'He's on trial for shooting and killing someone. That was not negligent.' Sigh. He's on trial for murder and manslaughter. I broke down some of the nuances of manslaughter for you. But, honestly, you're just an ass. I can't keep spending time on you. I honestly think your mental and emotional faculties are too weak and I'll give you a thoughtful, technical answer and you'll come back with spastic insults. It's the same shit every time dude. So, how about this time, you just take a deep breath. Be thankful you were schooled and stfu like I've suggested oh so many times now.

I know you don't read my posts. Do you even read your own?
You gave no thoughtful technical answer. You regurgitated a bunch of half truths and misinformation. Which seems all you're capable of.

I am not nitpicking. I am showing that your assertion he could have been tried for negligence is simply wrong. Now you want to backtrack, in the manner of all good fools, and claim you didnt say that. You want to backtrack to say you never said Zimmerman ignored an order by the police, even though you write exactly that.
You are a poseur and an ignoramus. Time for you to join your friends on iggy. You're dismissed.
Now we've entered the Peanut Gallery stage of the presentation of the case.

The persecution wants to show that Z was e-vul for having a round in the chamber of his gun.

What good is an unloaded gun?

Be interesting to see if the defense mocks the witness or just lets it go

I want to see the defense destroy this particular point. Cops carry guns with rounds loaded all the time. I guess they're evul too.

This one will get crammed up their ass.
Zimmerman has a license to carry a weapon. He has NO violations carrying a weapon.
Far up their ass this one will go.
Desperate times bring desperate motives.
This is getting very bad for the prosecution. Even the Martin family attorney Crump knows it as HE IS NO WHERE TO FOUND as his daily news conferences have ended.
The media and left wing liberals were and are so heavily invested in the "George Zimmerman is a racist murdering white Hispanic" that the implosion of the prosecution's "case" against Zimmerman just can not be accepted by them.
The media and left wing liberal talking head leaders say Zimmerman is guilty so he must be guilty.
Facts and evidence be damned.
Sort of hysterical the reaction from the left on this. They are so invested in their fantasy land that Jesus could come back and say he witnessed the entire thing and Zimmerman was not guilty of murder and they would label Jesus a racist idiot.


I bold gigantic fonted your name again heh heh

Where is she?

Relationship Status
In a Relationship with Brandy Green

Was she deposed?

Are they calling her?

Why did she disappear but the status still says what it says above - I just now pulled that off his wall?

Why did she say this?
Brandy tells reporter, “He don’t know anybody here” and “he was sitting on the porch and this man had killed him, are you serious?”. What was on the porch that made Brandy think he was sitting there before he was killed?

What's the deal with Brandy?
Ballistics evidence is suggesting according to this witness, that Martin was directly on top of Zimmerman when he fired. This supports the opening statements made by the Defense on Day 1, it corroborates Good's testimony, and of course, Zimmerman's testimony.

That was released months ago but the heavily invested in Zimmerman being a racist whote Hispanic left wing liberal media never said a word about it.
Again, prayers and thoughts to the Martin family.
They were conned to and lied to by media and money hungry groups that are supported by some of the folks here that have no sympathy for the Martin family.
They have an agenda first and could care less if their lies and innuendo cause them pain ifrom seeing the truth come out at trial.
So sad that many here allow their political partisan hack ideology instead of facts and evidence to push their agenda.
I am hearing on TV that the little stunt the prosecution tried to pull accusing and proving Zimmerman that he lied about stand your ground is mere semantics. Since this case isn't about stand your ground, but one of self-defense, the prosecution seems to be floundering.
The judge said the jury is getting a special lunch today.

I wonder if that lunch is toasted prosecution case with a side of sour grapes?
Ballistics evidence is suggesting according to this witness, that Martin was directly on top of Zimmerman when he fired. This supports the opening statements made by the Defense on Day 1, it corroborates Good's testimony, and of course, Zimmerman's testimony.

That was released months ago but the heavily invested in Zimmerman being a racist whote Hispanic left wing liberal media never said a word about it.
Again, prayers and thoughts to the Martin family.
They were conned to and lied to by media and money hungry groups that are supported by some of the folks here that have no sympathy for the Martin family.
They have an agenda first and could care less if their lies and innuendo cause them pain ifrom seeing the truth come out at trial.
So sad that many here allow their political partisan hack ideology instead of facts and evidence to push their agenda.

One thing I did notice is how the Martin family was dragged along for the ride. Tracy in particular. That is the most low down dirty thing I've ever seen the media do.
That isn't it.
If anything the standard is to allow it because of that as the rights of the accused are far greater.
Martin was a juvenile and that is a different standard and one also has to show relevance.
Martin's school records are not relevant unless they show violence which they do not.
Zimmerman's records were argued on based on the relevance of his actions as community watch patrolman and if his training/education had anything to do with his actions as that watch patrolman.
I see their relevance and the reason they are allowed in but I bet there will be limitations on the scope of questioning on those records.
And of course in every trial the objections ARE SOLEY FOR appeals if there is a conviction.
The defense KNEW AHEAD OF TIME that these records would be tendered and the Judge would rule them admissable based on what I said above.
This is nothing new.

I just told him WHY they didn't make it admissible. I didnt say I agreed with it.

Martin not being on trial does not make it inadmissible.
The judge will say otherwise....
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