The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Why do people who routinely rush to judgement think they are making a salient point in accusing others of rushing to judgement?

You judged GZ as soon as you saw Al Sharpton tell you he was a racist vigilante. You can't deny it. Based on what I heard I thought the same thing. But after I heard the 911 recordings I knew the entire case was a bogus hoax. However Idiots like you kept drinking the justice for Trayvon Kool-Aid & wound up rioting in the street. You are a puppet controlled by your slave masters. I am a free man because I think for myself.

You believe that I heard what Al Sharpton said and decided based on that? Is that what you are saying?
Almost everything in the record is an example of GZ doing something wrong. If by wrong you mean illegal... that's another question isn't it?

Again, you regurgitate your mere conclusion (an opinion devoid of support) as though that somehow constitutes evidence of your assertion.

It doesn't.

There was nothing EITHER illegal or "wrong" in following Trayvon.

There is no EVIDENCE that the physical encounter was initiated by Zimmerman.

There is no EVIDENCE that Zimmerman so much as touched Trayvon.

So, point to something in the evidence concrete: what EXACTLY did Zimmerman do wrong? Legally or morally or whatever. I keep asking. Don't just say it. Support it and tell us in what way it was allegedly "wrong."

You don't do so because -- face facts -- you cannot do so.

Zimmerman exited his vehicle to follow a person he didn't recognize and reported to be acting suspiciously. That alone is sufficient for some here to brand Zimmerman a racist profiler who stalked and wantonly murdered Martin.

Moral of story: never report a suspicious person in your neighborhood, don't participate in neighborhood watch programs, don't consider becoming a police officer, don't attend any law classes of any kind, and don't be a 'WHITE hispanic" if you exit your vehicle in the vicintiy of a minority person, or you will be immediately accused of being up to no good, of having nefarious motives, and will be automatically guilty if you are attacked and defend yourself.

Again I don't know whether Zimmerman is gulty of any crime or not, but I know for damn sure the prosecution has not made a case that he was so far. But the rush to judgment by some on this thread is just mind boggling.

^^^ Irony... jerk, rushing to make a judgment about people he's admonishing for supposedly making a rush to judgement.

Look up god complex. Then read your post pretending you are someone that you are talking about.
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The things they both did wrong are in evidence. I really don't wish to list all of the evidence again. Please read the thread.

Like others you are merely regurgitating the contention as though that somehow constitutes support.

You are wrong.

I didn't ask anybody to share the entire record.

Just point to one thing OBJECTIVELY which Zimmerman did "wrong" that night and tell us HOW it was wrong?

(I am not talking bout the shooting itself, since it is a very open question whether that WAS "wrong" under the circumstances.)

One thing? How about three?

He profiled a kid doing nothing wrong.

He chased the kid.

He murdered the kid.

None of these things happened outside of your imagination.

He saw a person acting suspiciously in a crime ridden neighborhood..

He observed the actions and movements of the suspicious individual.

He was attacked by the suspicious individual...and shot him in self defense.
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So am I getting this right? Zimmerman's school history, credit score, and his past run-ins with the law can be brought up but Martin's texts, school issues, and marijuana use can't?

Good point...of course all of GZ interviews, explanations, excuses, his personal account of the situation, accusations towards Martin, what he saw, blah blah blah are also admitted...Not Martins...Hes dead.

So its give and take I guess.
>>> TM was trying to intimidate GZ by sticking his hand in his waistband as he circled his vehicle mouthing things to him.

or TM was holding his pants up in the rain, and was asking why GZ was following him as he walked around GZ's truck on the way home.

>>> Then when GZ lost him he was afraid to give out his info because he knew TM hid near him instead of ruining away or home.

Interesting ... ok let's go with this point of yours. So if GZ knew TM could hear why would he be spouting racist comments about TM? To incite TM into attacking him maybe?

You are seriously detached from reality. You just make shit up when you don't like reality facts.

Shoving hand in waistband does not look the same as holding up pants. :cuckoo:

GZ did not make a racist comment on the recorded call.

You don't think it's possible he might have "we" pants in the rain that are falling? Ok fine, holding his junk then? Crabs from DD?

Dude... a white guy staring at a black guy and calling the black guy a "___ punk" would most certainly be seen by the black guy as a racist comment. Which would probably be followed by the "___ punk" grabbing his junk and telling the guy on the phone to go "___ himself." Seems like a very plausible sequence...
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If Zimmerman takes the stand, he would increase risk of a 2nd degree murder conviction.

I expect a manslaughter conviction.

Good luck with that. The prosecution will be lucky if they get criminally negligent homicide.
The manslaughter thing:

Manslaughter will be a lesser included offense for jury if either the state or defense request it. Others possible, based on evidence adduced at trial and law.
Why do people who routinely rush to judgement think they are making a salient point in accusing others of rushing to judgement?

You judged GZ as soon as you saw Al Sharpton tell you he was a racist vigilante. You can't deny it. Based on what I heard I thought the same thing. But after I heard the 911 recordings I knew the entire case was a bogus hoax. However Idiots like you kept drinking the justice for Trayvon Kool-Aid & wound up rioting in the street. You are a puppet controlled by your slave masters. I am a free man because I think for myself.

You believe that I heard what Al Sharpton said and decided based on that? Is that what you are saying?

You were influenced by someone. Admit it! You signed a petition or protested in some way before seeing the facts. You still can't see the forest for the trees. You are still a slave & will remain one until you can wake-up.
Zimmerman will walk and cities will burn. Racism is alive and well in the USA thanks to obama-the most racist president in history.

As usual. you have it bassawkward, it's conservatives who are racist toward Obama.
Simple enough question , if, as you claim, he can not use self defense as a means to avoid manslaughter, then why is he USING it? Are you claiming his lawyer is incompetent?

Wow, you just make wicked jumps in logic. Who says that the lawyer is using the self defense as an absolute defense against manslaughter? He has to defend the murder charge first and foremost and of course the self defense is part of the equation.
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Again, you regurgitate your mere conclusion (an opinion devoid of support) as though that somehow constitutes evidence of your assertion.

It doesn't.

There was nothing EITHER illegal or "wrong" in following Trayvon.

There is no EVIDENCE that the physical encounter was initiated by Zimmerman.

There is no EVIDENCE that Zimmerman so much as touched Trayvon.

So, point to something in the evidence concrete: what EXACTLY did Zimmerman do wrong? Legally or morally or whatever. I keep asking. Don't just say it. Support it and tell us in what way it was allegedly "wrong."

You don't do so because -- face facts -- you cannot do so.

Zimmerman exited his vehicle to follow a person he didn't recognize and reported to be acting suspiciously. That alone is sufficient for some here to brand Zimmerman a racist profiler who stalked and wantonly murdered Martin.

Moral of story: never report a suspicious person in your neighborhood, don't participate in neighborhood watch programs, don't consider becoming a police officer, don't attend any law classes of any kind, and don't be a 'WHITE hispanic" if you exit your vehicle in the vicintiy of a minority person, or you will be immediately accused of being up to no good, of having nefarious motives, and will be automatically guilty if you are attacked and defend yourself.

Again I don't know whether Zimmerman is gulty of any crime or not, but I know for damn sure the prosecution has not made as case that he was. But the rush to judgment by some on this thread is just mind boggling.


Act like the witnesses, hear someone screaming for help, go back to cooking dinner.

Got dinner on the stove here! Stupid people yelling for help.

Further still...

Hear someone begging you for help, tell them you're calling the po-po and walk away.
Zimmerman exited his vehicle to follow a person he didn't recognize and reported to be acting suspiciously. That alone is sufficient for some here to brand Zimmerman a racist profiler who stalked and wantonly murdered Martin.

Moral of story: never report a suspicious person in your neighborhood, don't participate in neighborhood watch programs, don't consider becoming a police officer, don't attend any law classes of any kind, and don't be a 'WHITE hispanic" if you exit your vehicle in the vicintiy of a minority person, or you will be immediately accused of being up to no good, of having nefarious motives, and will be automatically guilty if you are attacked and defend yourself.

Again I don't know whether Zimmerman is gulty of any crime or not, but I know for damn sure the prosecution has not made as case that he was. But the rush to judgment by some on this thread is just mind boggling.


Act like the witnesses, hear someone screaming for help, go back to cooking dinner.

Got dinner on the stove here! Stupid people yelling for help.

Further still...

Hear someone begging you for help, tell them you're calling the po-po and walk away.

Yeah, I'm about 118 pound girl, I'd still jump right the hell on in there or come out locked and loaded and someone would get shot.

Dinner schminner

I don't get the mentality.
You judged GZ as soon as you saw Al Sharpton tell you he was a racist vigilante. You can't deny it. Based on what I heard I thought the same thing. But after I heard the 911 recordings I knew the entire case was a bogus hoax. However Idiots like you kept drinking the justice for Trayvon Kool-Aid & wound up rioting in the street. You are a puppet controlled by your slave masters. I am a free man because I think for myself.

You believe that I heard what Al Sharpton said and decided based on that? Is that what you are saying?

You were influenced by someone. Admit it! You signed a petition or protested in some way before seeing the facts. You still can't see the forest for the trees. You are still a slave & will remain one until you can wake-up.

Now you are not sure if I was influenced by Sharpton....but you are certain that I did not come to my opinion on my own.....someone influenced me. Interesting.

In addition, you think I signed a petition or protested in some way. You have drawn this conclusion based on really solid evidence, I assume. You are not in any way jumping to a conclusion?

Based on this exchange, I am certain that you are a person of little intelligence. I also conclude that you are projecting your tendencies upon me. I believe that you are quite easily impressed by the opinion of television personalities and are essentially unable to reach a conclusion on your own.
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