The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Wannabe... playing cop was hot on the trail of a guy he called a "fucking punk" on the dispatch call.

The problem you have is GZ was right on saying that.

Ok. Based on what, did GZ make his determination? We have hindsight. GZ did not.... or did he? Show me some evidence that they had a prior run in. (i'm not asking you to show.. just saying...) That's what started this whole thing.. the profiling.

GZ saw way more than he can verbalize given his situation. But I could hear enough on the recorded call to police. TM was trying to intimidate GZ by sticking his hand in his waistband as he circled his vehicle mouthing things to him. Then when GZ lost him he was afraid to give out his info because he knew TM hid near him instead of ruining away or home.

Then the 911 recordings prove the beating would not stop after repeatedly screaming for help. It takes a very depraved person to beat someone screaming for help who has not injured you & is retreating. But TM has repeated this behavior many times before.
Zimmerman will walk and cities will burn. Racism is alive and well in the USA thanks to obama-the most racist president in history.
Almost everything in the record is an example of GZ doing something wrong. If by wrong you mean illegal... that's another question isn't it?

Again, you regurgitate your mere conclusion (an opinion devoid of support) as though that somehow constitutes evidence of your assertion.

It doesn't.

There was nothing EITHER illegal or "wrong" in following Trayvon.

There is no EVIDENCE that the physical encounter was initiated by Zimmerman.

There is no EVIDENCE that Zimmerman so much as touched Trayvon.

So, point to something in the evidence concrete: what EXACTLY did Zimmerman do wrong? Legally or morally or whatever. I keep asking. Don't just say it. Support it and tell us in what way it was allegedly "wrong."

You don't do so because -- face facts -- you cannot do so.

Zimmerman exited his vehicle to follow a person he didn't recognize and reported to be acting suspiciously. That alone is sufficient for some here to brand Zimmerman a racist profiler who stalked and wantonly murdered Martin.

Moral of story: never report a suspicious person in your neighborhood, don't participate in neighborhood watch programs, don't consider becoming a police officer, don't attend any law classes of any kind, and don't be a 'WHITE hispanic" if you exit your vehicle in the vicintiy of a minority person, or you will be immediately accused of being up to no good, of having nefarious motives, and will be automatically guilty if you are attacked and defend yourself.

Again I don't know whether Zimmerman is gulty of any crime or not, but I know for damn sure the prosecution has not made as case that he was. But the rush to judgment by some on this thread is just mind boggling.


Act like the witnesses, hear someone screaming for help, go back to cooking dinner.

Got dinner on the stove here! Stupid people yelling for help.
If you were the lawyer for the defense and the prosecution at the end of the trial asked if the jury could consider a lesser charge, would you as the defense take the prosecution up on the deal?

I sure as hell wouldn't, but I guess that's why I'm not a lawyer and thank God for that. Maybe there is still a chance that the jury can come back with a guilty verdict, slim as it might be, but that chance is still there.

As to what I think happened that night, the evidence tells me Zimmerman was defending his life. All the testimony and evidence has shown that Zimmerman was well within his rights to defend himself. Unfortunately, and this may sound cold hearted, but Martin was wrong and it cost him his life.

Did Zimmerman chase Martin? I don't think so but he did follow him. Chasing someone means that you want to catch up to the other person while following means you want to see where the other person is going.

Did Zimmerman "Throw the first punch"? No and I get that from Martin's friend who was on the phone with him. She said she heard Martin ask "What you following me for?" and Zimmerman answering with, "What you doing around here?" and then a scuffle. This tells me Martin initiated the fight.

Did Martin come back to confront Zimmerman? Yes and this also comes from Martins friend who was on the phone. She said Martin told her he was and this isn't a direct quote, but she said "He said he was behind the house he was staying" or something like that. This tells me Martin came back at least 100 yards or 300 feet to confront Zimmerman. The pursued became the pursuer so to speak.

Did Zimmerman fear for his life? Yes he did and there are a few reasons as to why he fear for his life.

The first reason is that he was getting his ass whooped. Now this here wouldn't be cause to fear for his life or harm to his person, but compound it with the two other things, which are coming, I believe anyone no matter how big and bad they think they are, would fear for their own life.

The second reason he feared for his life is while he was screaming for help, no one came and he even said this. He said, not a direct quote here either but he said, "I called for help and no one came". Plus, when Good testified, he said Zimmerman saw him and Good yelled that he was going to call 911 then turned and went back into his house to call. We don't know if Zimmerman heard him or not, but when Good turned and walked away, Zimmerman could have felt like he was alone.

The third reason Zimmerman feared for his life is because he said that Martin told him he was going to die that night and Martin went for Zimmermans gun. Martin may have not even known Zimmerman had a gun but moved in a way to where Zimmerman thought he was going for it.
I don't think I have EVER seen a nationally televised case in which the evidence against the accused was so weak as we have seen in the Zimmerman trial. If Rick Scott had stayed out of it, I believe there would have been a quick local trial that either the judge would have dismissed or the jury would have returned an early acquittal. The medical report, along with eye witness testimony, alone should settle it. Martin had no injuries anywhere on his body other than to his knuckles and the gunshot wound, while Zimmerman had multiple injuries, but none to his hands. How can anybody assume that Zimmerman was the one who physically assaulted Martin?

Is Zimmerman innocent? I don't know nor does anybody else here. But there sure doesn't appear to be any evidence of any kind to convict him. If there is, the prosecution is sure slow in bringing it up.

Just to make sure I understand what you are trying to say. Shooting someone in the chest and killing them is not assault. But having one scratch on your hand is assault if someone sees you on top of the person who killed you?

As usual RKM your reading dysfunction issues have kicked in again and you are seeing all sorts of things that were not said. If that is not the case, then your intentional disingenuousness becomes quite tiresome after awhile.

WFTV has learned that the medical examiner found two injuries on Martin’s body: The fatal gunshot wound and broken skin on his knuckles
Autopsy results show Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles |

A medical report compiled by the family physician of Trayvon Martin shooter George Zimmerman and obtained exclusively by ABC News found that Zimmerman was diagnosed with a "closed fracture" of his nose, a pair of black eyes, two lacerations to the back of his head and a minor back injury the day after he fatally shot Martin during an alleged altercation. . . .

. . . . The record shows that Zimmerman also suffered bruising in the upper lip and cheek and lower back pain. The two lacerations on the back of his head, one of them nearly an inch long, the other about a quarter-inch long, were first revealed in photos obtained exclusively by ABC News last month. . . .
George Zimmerman Medical Report Sheds Light on Injuries After Trayvon Martin Shooting - ABC News

As usual you just can't have a discussion without insulting and urinating on anyone that questions your statements.
Why do people who routinely rush to judgement think they are making a salient point in accusing others of rushing to judgement?

You judged GZ as soon as you saw Al Sharpton tell you he was a racist vigilante. You can't deny it. Based on what I heard I thought the same thing. But after I heard the 911 recordings I knew the entire case was a bogus hoax. However Idiots like you kept drinking the justice for Trayvon Kool-Aid & wound up rioting in the street. You are a puppet controlled by your slave masters. I am a free man because I think for myself.
The problem you have is GZ was right on saying that.

Ok. Based on what, did GZ make his determination? We have hindsight. GZ did not.... or did he? Show me some evidence that they had a prior run in. (i'm not asking you to show.. just saying...) That's what started this whole thing.. the profiling.

GZ saw way more than he can verbalize given his situation. But I could hear enough on the recorded call to police. TM was trying to intimidate GZ by sticking his hand in his waistband as he circled his vehicle mouthing things to him. Then when GZ lost him he was afraid to give out his info because he knew TM hid near him instead of ruining away or home.

Then the 911 recordings prove the beating would not stop after repeatedly screaming for help. It takes a very depraved person to beat someone screaming for help who has not injured you & is retreating. But TM has repeated this behavior many times before.

wow dude you are so deep in GZ's camp you just can't be objective at all..

>>> TM was trying to intimidate GZ by sticking his hand in his waistband as he circled his vehicle mouthing things to him.

or TM was holding his pants up in the rain, and was asking why GZ was following him as he walked around GZ's truck on the way home.

>>> Then when GZ lost him he was afraid to give out his info because he knew TM hid near him instead of ruining away or home.

Interesting ... ok let's go with this point of yours. So if GZ knew TM could hear why would he be spouting racist comments about TM? To incite TM into attacking him maybe?

>>> Then the 911 recordings prove the beating would not stop after repeatedly screaming for help. It takes a very depraved person to beat someone screaming for help who has not injured you & is retreating. But TM has repeated this behavior many times before.

WOW I'm sorry who's the guy with the priors again?
[my correction of Gatsby's stupid error is in brackets! :D]

Actually, I had not been back in time to see that moronic post of yours.

You quoted a statute without the slightest hint of what it actually addresses and what it does NOT address. :lmao:

I cited for you the very law that the judge is almost certainly going to give the jury in the Zimmerman case FROM the law book that spells out Criminal Jury Instructions in the State of Florida.

You, being a mindless and ignorant hack, cannot grasp it.

That's ok.

Your opinions are of no value anyway.

So, your giving me ten degrees of shit because you want to speculate that the judge is going to ignore the statute for manslaughter of a minor in favor of regular manslaughter? That's fucking pathetic loserbility. You could have just that you thought that would be the case. But all your bull shit about me not knowing the law is just that; bull fucking shit. Go fuck yourself.

No you imbecile. I am trying to educate you. Limited by the material I am stuck working with.

The judge will follow the ACTUAL law, not your uneducated, ignorant, uninformed and misguided "understanding" of the law.

The judge WILL (almost beyong doubt) READ the legal jury instructions which I shared for your benefit.

I can lead the jackass (you) to water, but I cannot make you drink from the font of knowledge or wisdom.

You have the right - one you studiously exercise - to remain willfully ignorant.

It is a shame that it's all you have any knack for.

Oh, so you're not just being obstinate. You are an idiot after all.

See, when you say this:

"I cited for you the very law that the judge is almost certainly going to give the jury in the Zimmerman case FROM the law book that spells out Criminal Jury Instructions in the State of Florida"

The term 'almost certainly' refers to you thinking that the judge is going to use one definition of manslaughter instead of another definition. The only other conclusion, would be that the judge would read no law and that would be a miscarriage of justice. So, clearly the implication is that the judge would use that first definition instead of the third.

But now, you're trying to say that you're not saying that. You're just pretending that legal definition for manslaughter of a minor doesn't exist. And that's just your own stupidity. Utter stupidity. That's all it is. You should not let your personal animosity rule you. It makes you do stupid stuff. Unless, I'm reading you wrong, and you just are that fucking stupid.
He did papers on how to testify in court, how to handle cross examination, etc.. He did one on the 4th ammendment.

This guy is a vigilante.

Justice Kagan also wrote on those topics. Is she also a vigilante?

Is she on trial for murdering someone?

No, and neither would Zimmerman be if the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM, racists like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and the Stuttering Clusterfukk hadn't gotten involved.

You people forget that.

No charges were filed. Then, somebody in dimocrap-scum HQ said, "Hey, we need something to stir up the Black racist base. They aren't nearly as interested this time as they were last time."

And that's a fact. the Stuttering Clusterfukk and his gang of criminals were SERIOUSLY worried about the Black vote until the professional racists like Sharpton and Jackson got involved, invited the domestic terror group, the New Black Panther Party and showed St Skittles mommy and daddy how to get rich off the fact that their son was a piece of shit, ghetto punk that got what he would have gotten at some point anyway -- Dead in the dirt.

St Skittles parents have already applied to Copyright several terms related to St Skittles death, they won a MILLION lawsuit againt the association's Insurance Company.

You people are just fukking stupid.

Stupid fukking dimocrap scum.

This has nothing to do with 'justice' and everything to do with politics. Including race and gun control.

Fukk you people
There is also the testimony of the cop the judge threw out because the cop drew a personal assumption about Zimmerman telling the truth. But the testimony included the cop saying he told Zimmerman (as bait) that there was video footgage of the whole incident. He reported that Zimmerman was very excited about that as it would verify his account of what happened. And this convinced the cop that Zimmerman was being truthful. But unfortunately it is apparently not allowed for a witness to draw such a conclusion.
You are embellishing. The investigator also said Zimmerman might be a pathological liar.
Just to make sure I understand what you are trying to say. Shooting someone in the chest and killing them is not assault. But having one scratch on your hand is assault if someone sees you on top of the person who killed you?

As usual RKM your reading dysfunction issues have kicked in again and you are seeing all sorts of things that were not said. If that is not the case, then your intentional disingenuousness becomes quite tiresome after awhile.

A medical report compiled by the family physician of Trayvon Martin shooter George Zimmerman and obtained exclusively by ABC News found that Zimmerman was diagnosed with a "closed fracture" of his nose, a pair of black eyes, two lacerations to the back of his head and a minor back injury the day after he fatally shot Martin during an alleged altercation. . . .

. . . . The record shows that Zimmerman also suffered bruising in the upper lip and cheek and lower back pain. The two lacerations on the back of his head, one of them nearly an inch long, the other about a quarter-inch long, were first revealed in photos obtained exclusively by ABC News last month. . . .
George Zimmerman Medical Report Sheds Light on Injuries After Trayvon Martin Shooting - ABC News

As usual you just can't have a discussion without insulting and urinating on anyone that questions your statements.

Well I can promise you that if you intentionally misrepresent what I have posted and/or intend with my post, you will be called on it. Pretty much count on that. If you see calling you on it as insulting and urination, so be it.

Now you can either acknowledge that you did mispresent my post and that I have showed you the evidence that you did and apologize, or not. Your choice.

Meanwhile, the evidence presented so far clearly comes down on the side of George Zimmerman's version of the facts and not what those who want GZ to hang have manufactured as the facts.
There is also the testimony of the cop the judge threw out because the cop drew a personal assumption about Zimmerman telling the truth. But the testimony included the cop saying he told Zimmerman (as bait) that there was video footgage of the whole incident. He reported that Zimmerman was very excited about that as it would verify his account of what happened. And this convinced the cop that Zimmerman was being truthful. But unfortunately it is apparently not allowed for a witness to draw such a conclusion.
You are embellishing. The investigator also said Zimmerman might be a pathological liar.

And THEN he said "I think he was telling the truth".

Curtain Close.
Simple enough question , if, as you claim, he can not use self defense as a means to avoid manslaughter, then why is he USING it? Are you claiming his lawyer is incompetent?
>>> TM was trying to intimidate GZ by sticking his hand in his waistband as he circled his vehicle mouthing things to him.

or TM was holding his pants up in the rain, and was asking why GZ was following him as he walked around GZ's truck on the way home.

>>> Then when GZ lost him he was afraid to give out his info because he knew TM hid near him instead of ruining away or home.

Interesting ... ok let's go with this point of yours. So if GZ knew TM could hear why would he be spouting racist comments about TM? To incite TM into attacking him maybe?

You are seriously detached from reality. You just make shit up when you don't like reality facts.

Shoving hand in waistband does not look the same as holding up pants. :cuckoo:

GZ did not make a racist comment on the recorded call.
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