The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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OK, I'll weigh in on the question of the moment.

What I think George did wrong that night was trying to help a neighborhood full of people that didn't give a damn. All the witnesses heard a fight, and someone screaming for help. Did anyone come to stop the fight? No. They all ran to their phones to beg the cops to come and save them.

George should have just driven away thinking "Fuck it, it's not my problem. I'll just go back and watch over my own house."

I would agree except that know how badly one's property values can plummet if their neighborhood goes to hell. I've seen that happen, thankfully not to me, but to friends. Anybody can search out records on crimes committed in their neighborhood or one they are thinking about moving into. If they find your neighborhood is crime ridden, no matter how good the curb appeal of your how is, you will either not sell it, or you will take a considerable loss on it. That's what HOAs are all about - maintaining property values.
@MsRachel_94 Hi Rachel. My name is Andres and I am a freelance reporter in South Florida. I was hoping you wanted to talk about your year.


DD Reality Show... reality?

Well if the Martins got paid for creating & releasing that thug TM on society. :redface: Why not let DD make some coin telling her story?
I'm more conservative than most republicans. I think they both did wrong that night.

The GOP is a party of those primarily in the middle of the road all the way down to liberals.

What did Zimmerman "do" wrong?

I don't ask for baseless opinion. I mean, by pointing to specific evidence, tell us what in your estimation constitutes Zimmerman doing something wrong that night.

The things they both did wrong are in evidence. I really don't wish to list all of the evidence again. Please read the thread.

Like others you are merely regurgitating the contention as though that somehow constitutes support.

You are wrong.

I didn't ask anybody to share the entire record.

Just point to one thing OBJECTIVELY which Zimmerman did "wrong" that night and tell us HOW it was wrong?

(I am not talking bout the shooting itself, since it is a very open question whether that WAS "wrong" under the circumstances.)
Similar statements could be made about all authoritarian leaning folks...

Snitching is a time honored activity? I don't think so.

So you agree with Trayvon attacking & seriously injuring GZ because he snitched on him to police!!!!!!!!!

That certainly explains your depraved view of GZ on this thread. SMH!

Seriously injuring?

Is that what you kids are calling it today?

In my day we called those "Boo-Boos".
OK, I'll weigh in on the question of the moment.

What I think George did wrong that night was trying to help a neighborhood full of people that didn't give a damn. All the witnesses heard a fight, and someone screaming for help. Did anyone come to stop the fight? No. They all ran to their phones to beg the cops to come and save them.

George should have just driven away thinking "Fuck it, it's not my problem. I'll just go back and watch over my own house."

I would agree except that know how badly one's property values can plummet if their neighborhood goes to hell. I've seen that happen, thankfully not to me, but to friends. Anybody can search out records on crimes committed in their neighborhood or one they are thinking about moving into. If they find your neighborhood is crime ridden, no matter how good the curb appeal of your how is, you will either not sell it, or you will take a considerable loss on it. That's what HOAs are all about - maintaining property values.

He should have just sold, and left. Nobody was backing him up, why should he have single-handedly tried to save the whole neighborhood?
The defense is not claiming that the injuries to Zimmerman were serious physical injuries much less life threatening injuries.

And, that is not required under the law, either.
I don't think I have EVER seen a nationally televised case in which the evidence against the accused was so weak as we have seen in the Zimmerman trial. If Rick Scott had stayed out of it, I believe there would have been a quick local trial that either the judge would have dismissed or the jury would have returned an early acquittal. The medical report, along with eye witness testimony, alone should settle it. Martin had no injuries anywhere on his body other than to his knuckles and the gunshot wound, while Zimmerman had multiple injuries, but none to his hands. How can anybody assume that Zimmerman was the one who physically assaulted Martin?

Is Zimmerman innocent? I don't know nor does anybody else here. But there sure doesn't appear to be any evidence of any kind to convict him. If there is, the prosecution is sure slow in bringing it up.

Just to make sure I understand what you are trying to say. Shooting someone in the chest and killing them is not assault. But having one scratch on your hand is assault if someone sees you on top of the person who killed you?

As usual RKM your reading dysfunction issues have kicked in again and you are seeing all sorts of things that were not said. If that is not the case, then your intentional disingenuousness becomes quite tiresome after awhile.

WFTV has learned that the medical examiner found two injuries on Martin’s body: The fatal gunshot wound and broken skin on his knuckles
Autopsy results show Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles |

A medical report compiled by the family physician of Trayvon Martin shooter George Zimmerman and obtained exclusively by ABC News found that Zimmerman was diagnosed with a "closed fracture" of his nose, a pair of black eyes, two lacerations to the back of his head and a minor back injury the day after he fatally shot Martin during an alleged altercation. . . .

. . . . The record shows that Zimmerman also suffered bruising in the upper lip and cheek and lower back pain. The two lacerations on the back of his head, one of them nearly an inch long, the other about a quarter-inch long, were first revealed in photos obtained exclusively by ABC News last month. . . .
George Zimmerman Medical Report Sheds Light on Injuries After Trayvon Martin Shooting - ABC News
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Every conservative here thinks Zimmerman did nothing wrong? Is that correct?

Are there any conservatives viewing this thread who think that Zimmerman did anything wrong that night?

I do. Zimmerman was not vigilant enough guarding his 6. He should have never allowed Martin within arms length of him.

Maybe GZ could not keep TM away. As this unfolds it is looking more like that was the case. TM came out of hiding, came at him & kept beating GZ as he was retreating.
@MsRachel_94 Hi Rachel. My name is Andres and I am a freelance reporter in South Florida. I was hoping you wanted to talk about your year.


DD Reality Show... reality?

I saw that. There was another last week after she testified from some dude claiming to be Toni Braxton's manager. He wanted to 'manage her career'. :lol:

there's a bunch of them - the tweeter is lit up.
The GOP is a party of those primarily in the middle of the road all the way down to liberals.

What did Zimmerman "do" wrong?

I don't ask for baseless opinion. I mean, by pointing to specific evidence, tell us what in your estimation constitutes Zimmerman doing something wrong that night.

The things they both did wrong are in evidence. I really don't wish to list all of the evidence again. Please read the thread.

Like others you are merely regurgitating the contention as though that somehow constitutes support.

You are wrong.

I didn't ask anybody to share the entire record.

Just point to one thing OBJECTIVELY which Zimmerman did "wrong" that night and tell us HOW it was wrong?

(I am not talking bout the shooting itself, since it is a very open question whether that WAS "wrong" under the circumstances.)

One thing? How about three?

He profiled a kid doing nothing wrong.

He chased the kid.

He murdered the kid.
Rabbi has destroyed you and your illogical ineffectual efforts to share what we laughingly call your "thoughts."

You're an idiot. Sad really. You're seemingly smart enough to know better. Rabid Loser is just a mindless animal that can't help himself.

Your posts have already granted you the certified title of village idiot.

So your musings are not of much interest.

You spout silly shit and, for "support," you quote statutes which do not support your initial stupidity and ignorance.

You are a void.
Yea, I'd spin away from your ignorant BS too. Now, that I told you I'm not even arguing for a manslaughter conviction, merely telling you the definition of manslaughter. I guess it finally sunk into your tiny bird brain.

I've never said that GZ should have been charged with manslaughter. I stated that if there was any charge, it should have been manslaughter at most. I've also stated that from the evidence I've seen that I don't believe manslaughter occurred. You're just getting your panties in a bunch b/c I correctly told you that self defense was not an absolute defense against manslaughter when it is a minor in the state of Florida.

And don't judge my lawyer skills; because unlike you I have at least taken law classes and unlike you I look at statutes properly instead of constantly crying out like a little whiny baby who's due for a nap. Yea, take that fuck off to the juice bank, bitch.

^ STILL unable to grasp the meaning of the words he quotes. It claims that "I correctly told you that self defense was not an absolute defense against manslaughter when it is a minor in the state of Florida." But it is wrong.

Justification is an absolute defense in this case inasmuch as the provision cited by the ignorant Gatsby simply has NO applicability to the Zimmerman case.

Under the proper circumstances, he has the beginnings of a point. In the proper case, under the proper circumstances, where the relevant crime is charged, if the justification defense is raised as against the injury to (or death of) a minor, then justification would NOT be a valid defense.

But those are not the circumstances in the Zimmerman trial.

In Zimmerman's case, "justification" is a fully proper defense; and would indeed serve as an absolute defense in the Zimmerman case.

Bla bla bla. I could care less about your bold faced denials. I've showed you in black and white what the law says. I don't care about the fantasy inside your head. I've told you a million times that 'lawful justification' does not apply as a defense if there is 'negligent culpability' that 'causes' the death of 'someone under the age of 18.'

You know what you've came back with?

- 'Well minor isn't what you think it is?' Whatever the fuck that means you senile tool.

- 'Here's what some judge somewhere read.' - Yea, I'm showing you in black and white what the law actually says, you fucking tool.

- 'Well I'm going to apply the first definition of mansalughter and not the third definition that applies to minors. In that definition there's justification.' You're a fucking loser.

Loserbility didn't have an answer for that. It was just easier to throw out mindless insults then face his mindless line of thinking.
OK, I'll weigh in on the question of the moment.

What I think George did wrong that night was trying to help a neighborhood full of people that didn't give a damn. All the witnesses heard a fight, and someone screaming for help. Did anyone come to stop the fight? No. They all ran to their phones to beg the cops to come and save them.

George should have just driven away thinking "Fuck it, it's not my problem. I'll just go back and watch over my own house."

I would agree except that know how badly one's property values can plummet if their neighborhood goes to hell. I've seen that happen, thankfully not to me, but to friends. Anybody can search out records on crimes committed in their neighborhood or one they are thinking about moving into. If they find your neighborhood is crime ridden, no matter how good the curb appeal of your how is, you will either not sell it, or you will take a considerable loss on it. That's what HOAs are all about - maintaining property values.

He should have just sold, and left. Nobody was backing him up, why should he have single-handedly tried to save the whole neighborhood?

Wannabe... playing cop was hot on the trail of a guy he called a "fucking punk" on the dispatch call.
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Similar statements could be made about all authoritarian leaning folks...

Snitching is a time honored activity? I don't think so.

So you agree with Trayvon attacking & seriously injuring GZ because he snitched on him to police!!!!!!!!!

That certainly explains your depraved view of GZ on this thread. SMH!

Seriously injuring?

Is that what you kids are calling it today?

In my day we called those "Boo-Boos".

According to TM texts the injury GZ suffered were not nearly serious enough for snitches. TM was no where near done injuring GZ for snitching on him to police.
^ STILL unable to grasp the meaning of the words he quotes. It claims that "I correctly told you that self defense was not an absolute defense against manslaughter when it is a minor in the state of Florida." But it is wrong.

Justification is an absolute defense in this case inasmuch as the provision cited by the ignorant Gatsby simply has NO applicability to the Zimmerman case.

Under the proper circumstances, he has the beginnings of a point. In the proper case, under the proper circumstances, where the relevant crime is charged, if the justification defense is raised as against the injury to (or death of) a minor, then justification would NOT be a valid defense.

But those are not the circumstances in the Zimmerman trial.

In Zimmerman's case, "justification" is a fully proper defense; and would indeed serve as an absolute defense in the Zimmerman case.

Bla bla bla. I could care less about your bold faced denials. I've showed you in black and white what the law says. I don't care about the fantasy inside your head. I've told you a million times that 'lawful justification' does not apply as a defense if there is 'negligent culpability' that 'causes' the death of 'someone under the age of 18.'

You know what you've came back with?

- 'Well minor isn't what you think it is?' Whatever the fuck that means you senile tool.

- 'Here's what some judge somewhere read.' - Yea, I'm showing you in black and white what the law actually says, you fucking tool.

- 'Well I'm going to apply the first definition of mansalughter and not the third definition that applies to minors. In that definition there's justification.' You're a fucking loser.

[Ilar] didn't have an answer for that. It was just easier to throw out mindless insults then face his mindless line of thinking.
[my correction of Gatsby's stupid error is in brackets! :D]

Actually, I had not been back in time to see that moronic post of yours.

You quoted a statute without the slightest hint of what it actually addresses and what it does NOT address. :lmao:

I cited for you the very law that the judge is almost certainly going to give the jury in the Zimmerman case FROM the law book that spells out Criminal Jury Instructions in the State of Florida.

You, being a mindless and ignorant hack, cannot grasp it.

That's ok.

Your opinions are of no value anyway.
The GOP is a party of those primarily in the middle of the road all the way down to liberals.

What did Zimmerman "do" wrong?

I don't ask for baseless opinion. I mean, by pointing to specific evidence, tell us what in your estimation constitutes Zimmerman doing something wrong that night.

The things they both did wrong are in evidence. I really don't wish to list all of the evidence again. Please read the thread.

Like others you are merely regurgitating the contention as though that somehow constitutes support.

You are wrong.

I didn't ask anybody to share the entire record.

Just point to one thing OBJECTIVELY which Zimmerman did "wrong" that night and tell us HOW it was wrong?

(I am not talking bout the shooting itself, since it is a very open question whether that WAS "wrong" under the circumstances.)

Almost everything in the record is an example of GZ doing something wrong. If by wrong you mean illegal... that's another question isn't it?
I am hearing on TV that the little stunt the prosecution tried to pull accusing and proving Zimmerman that he lied about stand your ground is mere semantics. Since this case isn't about stand your ground, but one of self-defense, the prosecution seems to be floundering.

It proves that he is lying. They played that Hannity interview, and it was a long one, right in court. He actually laughed and said he had never heard of stand your ground. He must be fabricating other things in his version of events.

In most circumstances wouldn't you give him a medal for lying to FoxNews?

And I would think lying to Sean Hannity would earn one a nomination to the Nobel committee.

Your question and comment are irrelevant. Watch the trial and learn.
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