The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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He's being very clear, imo. No injury and no disease..

Wonder how he hit Zimmerman so many times and came out without any injury to his hands, arms, no defensive injuries. Was that wimp wannabe cop Zimmerman just laying there taking such a thumpin? Like 50 slams to the head and shoulders?

No Zimmerman blood on Trayvon, no injuries.. Amazing.

You missed a portion of the evidence.

Autopsy shows Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles: report - NY Daily News

Autopsy results confirm that Trayvon Martin sustained injuries to his knuckles before he was gunned down in a Florida gated community.
The medical examiner found two injuries on Martin’s body: the fatal gunshot wound on his chest and broken skin on his knuckles, according to WFTV....

Are you watching the testimony?
He's being very clear, imo. No injury and no disease..

Wonder how he hit Zimmerman so many times and came out without any injury to his hands, arms, no defensive injuries. Was that wimp wannabe cop Zimmerman just laying there taking such a thumpin? Like 50 slams to the head and shoulders?

No Zimmerman blood on Trayvon, no injuries.. Amazing.

You seemed to have missed his testimony that there were apperasions on two of his fingers.

As well as Zimmerman's blood being found, among other places, on Mr. Martin's undershirt.

If you make us go back thru every stain on the dirty jacket and dirty shirt again I'm going to poke my eyeballs out.

There are no winners and losers in this. This is a massive tragedy every way you look at it.
Especially to the Martin family as they lost a son and did nothing wrong.
I am glad they got every penny they have in the civil suits and it appears they will be very smart in how they use that money but that is their business and not mine.

Society wins. Martin was starting off on the career criminal path and Zimmerman put an end to it. It was no tragedy for Martin, who chose his fate when he chose to go back and confront Zimmerman.
He's being very clear, imo. No injury and no disease..

Wonder how he hit Zimmerman so many times and came out without any injury to his hands, arms, no defensive injuries. Was that wimp wannabe cop Zimmerman just laying there taking such a thumpin? Like 50 slams to the head and shoulders?

No Zimmerman blood on Trayvon, no injuries.. Amazing.

I fell asleep during the blood evidence testimony.

If GZ blood did not fall on TM it was because GZ was under TM, not over him.

When you get sucker punched hard enough to break your nose & knock you to the ground, you can't see for a while & are dazed to bad to fight back for a while. GZ may have also figured TM would stop beating him if he did not hit back & squirmed backward. It all proves GZ was not the aggressor.
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Zakiya Laurent (Richardson) was staying at the same house as Trayvon. She was caught with 700-lbs of weed. Zakiya's Seminole County, Florida mugshot & criminal record. Zakiya Richardson is Brandy Green's drug dealing sister who lived with with her. Trayvon was staying at Brandy Green's house when he was shot. Brandy Green is Trayvon's fathers girlfriend. Trayvon was suspended from school at the time for fighting & possession of Marijuana. Trayvon went to the 7-11 to get a lighter that was found on his body. Marijuana was found in his blood during the autopsy.

Is that what Trayvon picked up off the ground at the 7-11 a lighter?

Dunno what that was about. Weird.


The part in the movie where the guy says zoom in and enhance...
He's being very clear, imo. No injury and no disease..

Wonder how he hit Zimmerman so many times and came out without any injury to his hands, arms, no defensive injuries. Was that wimp wannabe cop Zimmerman just laying there taking such a thumpin? Like 50 slams to the head and shoulders?

No Zimmerman blood on Trayvon, no injuries.. Amazing.

Based on some of the inconsistencies of Mr Z the last few make a good point.

Is it possible that he EMBELLISHED just a tad? Nah...couldnt be...I mean what for? All he did was shoot someone he was following in the dark...why embellish?
I told you... go catch up and then come back and talk to the adults. Shirt pocket? Back Pocket? What the hell are your talking about?

Heres a the video. And not just one...theres at least 3 different ones. Not that you will watch them objectively from the other sides have shown you are uncapable of will watch it with a bias to the extreme and then make excuses...consider yourself predictable.

No surprise you dont understand a simple post. It's part of that low intelligence thing you've got going.
I am sure you can post a link proving what you're saying.

They have been posted...Im not going to make it easy for a mean, rude, bitter and insulting poster. You get no favors...go find it yourself.

Translation: I can't find it.
Hint: That's because it doesnt exist.
Keep something in mind people...

Within 3 days of Trayvon Martin’s death his family hired a media consulting firm. Within two weeks of Trayvon Martin’s death his mother, Sybrina Fulton, filed legal documents to trademark his name. Subsequently Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton set out on a cross country tour to collect money. After the coast to coast tour, they took the scheme international and headed to Europe to continue exploiting the financial opportunity.

The family also filed for money from Florida's "Crime Victims Relief Fund". How can you file for money from a victim relief fund when there has been no finding of a crime?

Also keep in mind that Pam Bondi and Benjamin have a long standing personal and professional relationship. Crump was the Attorney for Martin Lee Anderson wrongful death case in which he sued for $7.4 MILLION while Bondi was the prosecutor on the case.

Crump and the Martins also sued the Homeowners Association where Trayvon was shot and have settle for over a MILLION DOLLARS.

Not only that, but does this look like the act of a grieving mother..?



You people on the left? You're dupes.

And stupid.

And pretty scummy to boot seem pretty pissed. Gather yourself, ernie. Its just a message board...if you cant hack it maybe you should find another place to entertain yourself.

Im just a newbie and have you totally flustered and i have a hunch it has more to do than just my omission of apostrophes.
Well you got one thing right. :clap2:


And so are you, right? Whats the matter, RKM? Ernies rep power got you scared too?

I like Ernie, so what if he negs me from time to time? I don't know why you two are fighting again. I just found it somewhat humorous that you called yourself a newbie in a post meant to teach someone a lesson that is 2.5 times older than you :) all in fun big guy...
I believe the Defense will try to call for dismissal and a directed verdict, I don't think the judge will grant it. Would you agree with this presumption?

They always do and it will not be dismissed.
Especially if Zimmerman testifies as he has some inconsistencies in his different versions.
And that is a jury question of fact so it has to go to the jury.
But I wonder how high the bounty would be from the New Black Panthers on the head of the Judge if she did dismiss it?
Let the jury decide is what I believe should and needs to happen. They are the true determiners of fact and I stand by their decision.

I'd hate to be on that Jury....if they don't convict Zimmerman of something, they'll have to be in hiding for a long time! They'll need guards to protect them :(

sadly you are probably right, we are living in a very sick society.
Keep something in mind people...

Within 3 days of Trayvon Martin’s death his family hired a media consulting firm. Within two weeks of Trayvon Martin’s death his mother, Sybrina Fulton, filed legal documents to trademark his name. Subsequently Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton set out on a cross country tour to collect money. After the coast to coast tour, they took the scheme international and headed to Europe to continue exploiting the financial opportunity.

The family also filed for money from Florida's "Crime Victims Relief Fund". How can you file for money from a victim relief fund when there has been no finding of a crime?

Also keep in mind that Pam Bondi and Benjamin have a long standing personal and professional relationship. Crump was the Attorney for Martin Lee Anderson wrongful death case in which he sued for $7.4 MILLION while Bondi was the prosecutor on the case.

Crump and the Martins also sued the Homeowners Association where Trayvon was shot and have settle for over a MILLION DOLLARS.

Not only that, but does this look like the act of a grieving mother..?



You people on the left? You're dupes.

And stupid.

And pretty scummy to boot

Is that b-o-o-t?
There are no winners and losers in this. This is a massive tragedy every way you look at it.
Especially to the Martin family as they lost a son and did nothing wrong.
I am glad they got every penny they have in the civil suits and it appears they will be very smart in how they use that money but that is their business and not mine.

tell me how would you like to have been sued for defending yourself?
There are no winners and losers in this. This is a massive tragedy every way you look at it.
Especially to the Martin family as they lost a son and did nothing wrong.
I am glad they got every penny they have in the civil suits and it appears they will be very smart in how they use that money but that is their business and not mine.

The real tragedy here is that if TM and GZ were both white or both black this case would not have made the national news, it would have been a ten second clip on the local station and that would have been the end of it.

A grand jury would not have indicted GZ because the evidence supports self defense.

But our race bating media and the race bating whitehouse, along with race stirrers like Sharpton and Jackson, have worked this into a major national event.

it is a sad commentary on our very screwed up society.
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