The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Well you got one thing right. :clap2:


And so are you, right? Whats the matter, RKM? Ernies rep power got you scared too?

I like Ernie, so what if he negs me from time to time? I don't know why you two are fighting again. I just found it somewhat humorous that you called yourself a newbie in a post meant to teach someone a lesson that is 2.5 times older than you :) all in fun big guy...

I find it funny that you found that funny and not a double post of threats initiated by him...I get it you dont wannna rock the boat...but dont act like you dont know whats going on...I havent said a thing for a few days and his first chance hes littering the board that so many appear scared to tell him to knock it off...youre one of them. But I get it....I can stick up for myself...i dont want cowards in the foxhole, so to speak. Have a good day, cowboy...Im going to catch some rays.
No surprise you dont understand a simple post. It's part of that low intelligence thing you've got going.
I am sure you can post a link proving what you're saying.

They have been posted...Im not going to make it easy for a mean, rude, bitter and insulting poster. You get no favors...go find it yourself.

Translation: I can't find it.
Hint: That's because it doesnt exist.

blah blah...get off my leg.
[MENTION=43893]25Caliber[/MENTION] .. every day is a new day.. every antagonist a potential new friend. We can find common ground in any disagreement. Or we can focus on the neggsatives :)
Not according to the rules of the Blockwatch.

The "rules of the Blockwatch" do not determine what is legal.

And no matter how many times you say it, it has not been established that he continued to follow. At least as much evidence points away from that as points to it.

Stop saying he didn't follow then I wouldn't have to correct you.

Ya...he followed, for a short distance. Remember, Zimmerman told the dispatcher when Martin started running away. Then Z made the comment of F'ing Punks Always get he went BACK to his truck. Why didn't Martin just keep running HOME? He wasn't that far from his fathers. You know why? Because he was a punk, and he'd decided to confront Zimmerman. He could have gone home and called the police. He could have called the police instead of that goofy girlfriend he had on the phone! But he didn't want to involve the police for some reason....
The abraision so small on Trayvon's finger, it couldn't be measured.

Matches the punctate wounds on George's head that were too small to measure.

Nothing compares to the straight shot into the heart of that 17 yr. old kid.

And yes Zimmerman's head is too fucking small to be measured. So were his injuries.

You mean the shot that first passed through the lung?

What trial are you watching?
There are no winners and losers in this. This is a massive tragedy every way you look at it.
Especially to the Martin family as they lost a son and did nothing wrong.
I am glad they got every penny they have in the civil suits and it appears they will be very smart in how they use that money but that is their business and not mine.

The real tragedy here is that if TM and GZ were both white or both black this case would not have made the national news, it would have been a ten second clip on the local station and that would have been the end of it.

A grand jury would not have indicted GZ because the evidence supports self defense.

But our race bating media and the race bating whitehouse, along with race stirrers like Sharpton and Jackson, have worked this into a major national event.

it is a sad commentary on our very screwed up society.

It took 44 days (forty-four) for political pressure and race-baiting, rent-a-riot scumbags and the piece of fukking shit we have in the white house to get Zimmerman arrested.

Before that, the local authorities weren't interested in bringing charges.

This was pure politics coupled with greed.

Get rich AND score political points? what a deal
[MENTION=43893]25Caliber[/MENTION] .. every day is a new day.. every antagonist a potential new friend. We can find common ground in any disagreement. Or we can focus on the neggsatives :)

Kin youz identify that dialect please?
Every time I see the bailiff, I'm reminded of day 3...

And so are you, right? Whats the matter, RKM? Ernies rep power got you scared too?

I like Ernie, so what if he negs me from time to time? I don't know why you two are fighting again. I just found it somewhat humorous that you called yourself a newbie in a post meant to teach someone a lesson that is 2.5 times older than you :) all in fun big guy...

I find it funny that you found that funny and not a double post of threats initiated by him...I get it you dont wannna rock the boat...but dont act like you dont know whats going on...I havent said a thing for a few days and his first chance hes littering the board that so many appear scared to tell him to knock it off...youre one of them. But I get it....I can stick up for myself...i dont want cowards in the foxhole, so to speak. Have a good day, cowboy...Im going to catch some rays.

This is a trial thread, not an "innernets is serious business" thread. Can't you address the "cowards in the foxhole" by PM?

There are no winners and losers in this. This is a massive tragedy every way you look at it.
Especially to the Martin family as they lost a son and did nothing wrong.
I am glad they got every penny they have in the civil suits and it appears they will be very smart in how they use that money but that is their business and not mine.

tell me how would you like to have been sued for defending yourself?

The HOA was sued, not Zimmerman. The insurance carrier was from the HOA, not Zimmerman.
The burden of proof in a civil suit is preponderance of the evidence, NOT beyond a reasonable doubt. Slam dunk on the HOA.
If Zimmerman is found not guilty of all charges that is based on beyond a reasonable doubt.
Under the law not guilty DOES NOT mean someone is innocent of anything. ALL that means is that the state failed to prove their case. The Judge will charge the jury that they may not believe Zimmerman is innocent, that there may be NO facts to prove he is innocent but if the state fails to prove THEIR CASE as the burden is 100% on them then the jury has to find Zimmerman NOT GUILTY, not innocent.
If a civil jury finds ZIMMERMAN acted in self defense they may believe he should not have used a gun and they can rule they believe that he is liable for the death of Martin.
The burden of proof in a civil case is just a hair better than the other side, NOT all or nothing as in a criminal case.
Different standard on self defense in a civil case than a criminal case but if Zimmerman is found not guilty on the criminal case it will be a hard road in the civil case on Zimmerman individually.
And Zimmerman will have ZERO $$$ SO WHAT WOULD BE THE POINT?
And so are you, right? Whats the matter, RKM? Ernies rep power got you scared too?

I like Ernie, so what if he negs me from time to time? I don't know why you two are fighting again. I just found it somewhat humorous that you called yourself a newbie in a post meant to teach someone a lesson that is 2.5 times older than you :) all in fun big guy...

I find it funny that you found that funny and not a double post of threats initiated by him...I get it you dont wannna rock the boat...but dont act like you dont know whats going on...I havent said a thing for a few days and his first chance hes littering the board that so many appear scared to tell him to knock it off...youre one of them. But I get it....I can stick up for myself...i dont want cowards in the foxhole, so to speak. Have a good day, cowboy...Im going to catch some rays.

Again.. I don't know what the neg was for. Your post attacked him based on history... as opposed to the reason for the neg. You say the history was water under the bridge... but your post used the history as evidence. Maybe ernie did not like something you said. I don't know why he negged ya.. I usually like to hear from both parties before taking sides :) And I'm a firm believer in every day is a new day... don't hold grudges long. Sigh.. have fun in the rays.
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Haha! I love doctors on the stand. They always know more about the law than the attorneys examining them. Procedure and all.
There are no winners and losers in this. This is a massive tragedy every way you look at it.
Especially to the Martin family as they lost a son and did nothing wrong.
I am glad they got every penny they have in the civil suits and it appears they will be very smart in how they use that money but that is their business and not mine.

tell me how would you like to have been sued for defending yourself?

The HOA was sued, not Zimmerman. The insurance carrier was from the HOA, not Zimmerman.
The burden of proof in a civil suit is preponderance of the evidence, NOT beyond a reasonable doubt. Slam dunk on the HOA.
If Zimmerman is found not guilty of all charges that is based on beyond a reasonable doubt.
Under the law not guilty DOES NOT mean someone is innocent of anything. ALL that means is that the state failed to prove their case. The Judge will charge the jury that they may not believe Zimmerman is innocent, that there may be NO facts to prove he is innocent but if the state fails to prove THEIR CASE as the burden is 100% on them then the jury has to find Zimmerman NOT GUILTY, not innocent.
If a civil jury finds ZIMMERMAN acted in self defense they may believe he should not have used a gun and they can rule they believe that he is liable for the death of Martin.
The burden of proof in a civil case is just a hair better than the other side, NOT all or nothing as in a criminal case.
Different standard on self defense in a civil case than a criminal case but if Zimmerman is found not guilty on the criminal case it will be a hard road in the civil case on Zimmerman individually.
And Zimmerman will have ZERO $$$ SO WHAT WOULD BE THE POINT?
The HOA settled out of court, as i recall. I do not see where Martin's family has a case. In a wrongful death suit the preponderance of evidence must show it was not necessary to kill him. I dont think they can make that case. But I am not expert in FL law. In TN it is a positive defense to wrongful death that the dead person was engaged in life threatening actiivty.
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