The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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You hit the nail on the head. When they over-charge, they have no respect for what a suspect is going through.

At the same time, I also believe Zimmerman was overcharged since I believe he's only guilty of manslaughter. It'd be nearly impossible to prove murder.

Agree on the over charge. However, I don't think the state has disproven self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt. All the same, if they would have offered a plea for reckless discharge of a firearm, you know he would have snatched it up, for the very reasons we have stated.

I've only watched a few minutes of the trial and the same with the coverage. idk really. Or idk what will come.

Of course, some of us believe strongly that Trayvon did NOT attack Zimmerman and the few and light injuries and cuts GZ had were from desperate attempts by Trayvon to deescalate the whole thing, and Trayvon was never aggressive. Self-defense is a moot point when you were never attacked.

This may be what happened, but the evidence doesn't support it.
You hit the nail on the head. When they over-charge, they have no respect for what a suspect is going through.

At the same time, I also believe Zimmerman was overcharged since I believe he's only guilty of manslaughter. It'd be nearly impossible to prove murder.

Agree on the over charge. However, I don't think the state has disproven self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt. All the same, if they would have offered a plea for reckless discharge of a firearm, you know he would have snatched it up, for the very reasons we have stated.

I've only watched a few minutes of the trial and the same with the coverage. idk really. Or idk what will come.

Of course, some of us believe strongly that Trayvon did NOT attack Zimmerman and the few and light injuries and cuts GZ had were from desperate attempts by Trayvon to deescalate the whole thing, and Trayvon was never aggressive. Self-defense is a moot point when you were never attacked.

If you want the raw trial, take this stream here. Watch it while the trial lasts, the defense may rest this morning or tomorrow morning, defense will call rebuttal witnesses, and both sides will wrap with closing arguments before the jury goes into deliberation.

Zimmerman Trial LIVE: Trayvon Martin Murder Case Live-stream
Passion and fear are two different emotions. Fear is linked to self-defense, not "heat of passion." Acting out of fear is one thing, acting out of passion is another. Evaluate the concept of culpable negligence. Zimmerman had to have engaged in recklessness which would be the direct cause of Trayvon's death, but as it so happens, Trayvon it seems started the fight that got himself killed.

"The term culpable negligence should be construed to mean a negligence of a higher degree than that which in civil cases is held to be gross negligence, and must be a negligence of a degree so gross as to be tantamount to a wanton disregard of, or utter indifference to, the safety of human life." [Smith v. State, 197 Miss. 802 (Miss. 1945)]
No where has that been proven. Only hard RW fundamentalists and Zimmerman supporters are claiming that nonsense. If that were the case, there'd be no court case right now, Zimmerman would be a free man.

We're trying to determine what happened now, in a court of law.

Stop spewing that Zimmerman BS as if it were fact.

But, it hasn't been disproven beyond a reasonable doubt either. Glad to have you back. Thought you had tucked tail and ran after the last few days of testimony.
But, but, but, but....

Hey, if Zimmerman was the one screaming for help, then why when the gunshot rang out did the screaming IMMEDIATELY stop?

Common sense dictates that had it been Zimmerman screaming he would still have been screaming immediately after the gunshot.

Common sense dictates that the person who was shot was cut off mid scream IMMEDIATELY after receiving a fatal gunshot wound to the heart.

The sound-recording, which the defense is touting around as if it's in their favor, will most likely be the MAIN evidence that damns Zimmerman.


Ok, let's say TM was on top of him screaming. What narrative has the defense given to put him in that situation? Everybody has spent so much time on this tape that they have forgotten to prove how else GZ could have been injured or instigated the fight. If I'm being honest, after all the testimony, I have no idea who is screaming. I could very well see the jury feeling the same way. This could very well lead to reasonable doubt, as there is no other evidence to disprove the injuries.
You guys keep on saying this "reasonable doubt" stuff, the question at hand is whether or not Zimmerman had a good cause/reason to shoot Trayvon, whether or not he was truly in fear for his life.

That's it. Period. End-of-story.

We already know he shot and killed Trayvon, the killer Zimmerman is not "innocent."
You hit the nail on the head. When they over-charge, they have no respect for what a suspect is going through.

At the same time, I also believe Zimmerman was overcharged since I believe he's only guilty of manslaughter. It'd be nearly impossible to prove murder.

Agree on the over charge. However, I don't think the state has disproven self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt. All the same, if they would have offered a plea for reckless discharge of a firearm, you know he would have snatched it up, for the very reasons we have stated.

I've only watched a few minutes of the trial and the same with the coverage. idk really. Or idk what will come.

Of course, some of us believe strongly that Trayvon did NOT attack Zimmerman and the few and light injuries and cuts GZ had were from desperate attempts by Trayvon to deescalate the whole thing, and Trayvon was never aggressive. Self-defense is a moot point when you were never attacked.

Law of Self Defense ? Blog

This is the absolute best site to get all of the relative evidence and testimony. Sites Florida law and gives all self defense statutes applicable to the case. The guy literally wrote the book on self defense law.
Agree on the over charge. However, I don't think the state has disproven self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt. All the same, if they would have offered a plea for reckless discharge of a firearm, you know he would have snatched it up, for the very reasons we have stated.

I've only watched a few minutes of the trial and the same with the coverage. idk really. Or idk what will come.

Of course, some of us believe strongly that Trayvon did NOT attack Zimmerman and the few and light injuries and cuts GZ had were from desperate attempts by Trayvon to deescalate the whole thing, and Trayvon was never aggressive. Self-defense is a moot point when you were never attacked.

This may be what happened, but the evidence doesn't support it.

He saw a doctor for, what, a few minutes? And then he went to the jail strolling around like almost nothing happened.
No where has that been proven. Only hard RW fundamentalists and Zimmerman supporters are claiming that nonsense. If that were the case, there'd be no court case right now, Zimmerman would be a free man.

We're trying to determine what happened now, in a court of law.

Stop spewing that Zimmerman BS as if it were fact.

But, it hasn't been disproven beyond a reasonable doubt either. Glad to have you back. Thought you had tucked tail and ran after the last few days of testimony.
But, but, but, but....

Hey, if Zimmerman was the one screaming for help, then why when the gunshot rang out did the screaming IMMEDIATELY stop?

Common sense dictates that had it been Zimmerman screaming he would still have been screaming immediately after the gunshot.

Common sense dictates that the person who was shot was cut off mid scream IMMEDIATELY after receiving a fatal gunshot wound to the heart.

The sound-recording, which the defense is touting around as if it's in their favor, will most likely be the MAIN evidence that damns Zimmerman.


Ok, let's say TM was on top of him screaming. What narrative has the defense given to put him in that situation? Everybody has spent so much time on this tape that they have forgotten to prove how else GZ could have been injured or instigated the fight. If I'm being honest, after all the testimony, I have no idea who is screaming. I could very well see the jury feeling the same way. This could very well lead to reasonable doubt, as there is no other evidence to disprove the injuries.
You guys keep on saying this "reasonable doubt" stuff, the question at hand is whether or not Zimmerman had a good cause/reason to shoot Trayvon, whether or not he was truly in fear for his life.

That's it. Period. End-of-story.

We already know he shot and killed Trayvon, the killer Zimmerman is not "innocent."

Really man? The state of Florida must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman was not acting in self defense. GZ doesn't have to prove anything. Especially now that the state made the self defense claim for him.
[MENTION=44293]pioneerpete[/MENTION]: I have MarcATL on ignore for a reason. He is not interested in a debate, or the facts. His side is losing and he can't seem to wrap his infantile mind around it.

I know, but I do enjoy the debate! Prosecution is relying on emotion, so why shouldn't Marc? When you don't know the facts scream. Not a very sound legal tactic, but he's sticking with it.
This is laughable at best.

YOU'R the one/s that's spewing opinion as if it were fact.

Every. single. account. George Zimmerman gave you and the other Zimmerman supporters are regurgitating as if it were gospel truth, although his own accounts differ.

Not to mention that they're one-sided...and coming from the man that's on trial and would do anything possible to save his own A$$.

Too easy!! :lol:
This is the first time I've ever heard the term "antecedent" used to refer to people. :lol:
I guess you have not had much exposure to the English language.


Yeah, that's probably it. :thup:

1. preceding; prior: an antecedent event.
2. a preceding circumstance, event, object, style, phenomenon, etc.
3. antecedents.
a. ancestors.
b. the history, events, characteristics, etc., of one's earlier life: Little is known about his birth and antecedents.
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I've only watched a few minutes of the trial and the same with the coverage. idk really. Or idk what will come.

Of course, some of us believe strongly that Trayvon did NOT attack Zimmerman and the few and light injuries and cuts GZ had were from desperate attempts by Trayvon to deescalate the whole thing, and Trayvon was never aggressive. Self-defense is a moot point when you were never attacked.

This may be what happened, but the evidence doesn't support it.

He saw a doctor for, what, a few minutes? And then he went to the jail strolling around like almost nothing happened.

Zimmerman Trial | Exclusive Legal Analysis | Self-Defense
If the jury is average or below intellectually - then I believe Zimmerman may walk. However, if the jury is sophisticated - then Zimmerman may be in trouble.
But, it hasn't been disproven beyond a reasonable doubt either. Glad to have you back. Thought you had tucked tail and ran after the last few days of testimony.
But, but, but, but....

Ok, let's say TM was on top of him screaming. What narrative has the defense given to put him in that situation? Everybody has spent so much time on this tape that they have forgotten to prove how else GZ could have been injured or instigated the fight. If I'm being honest, after all the testimony, I have no idea who is screaming. I could very well see the jury feeling the same way. This could very well lead to reasonable doubt, as there is no other evidence to disprove the injuries.
You guys keep on saying this "reasonable doubt" stuff, the question at hand is whether or not Zimmerman had a good cause/reason to shoot Trayvon, whether or not he was truly in fear for his life.

That's it. Period. End-of-story.

We already know he shot and killed Trayvon, the killer Zimmerman is not "innocent."

Really man? The state of Florida must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman was not acting in self defense. GZ doesn't have to prove anything. Especially now that the state made the self defense claim for him.
What happens to Zimmerman if the jury decides he didn't have reason to shoot Trayvon?
Agree on the over charge. However, I don't think the state has disproven self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt. All the same, if they would have offered a plea for reckless discharge of a firearm, you know he would have snatched it up, for the very reasons we have stated.

I've only watched a few minutes of the trial and the same with the coverage. idk really. Or idk what will come.

Of course, some of us believe strongly that Trayvon did NOT attack Zimmerman and the few and light injuries and cuts GZ had were from desperate attempts by Trayvon to deescalate the whole thing, and Trayvon was never aggressive. Self-defense is a moot point when you were never attacked.

This is the absolute best site to get all of the relative evidence and testimony. Sites Florida law and gives all self defense statutes applicable to the case. The guy literally wrote the book on self defense law.

I don't think the jury will buy Zimmerman's story so I don't know if a stack of such laws would help. I mean who says, "You're going to die tonight." It's straight from a bad action movie.
[MENTION=44293]pioneerpete[/MENTION]: I have MarcATL on ignore for a reason. He is not interested in a debate, or the facts. His side is losing and he can't seem to wrap his infantile mind around it.

I know, but I do enjoy the debate! Prosecution is relying on emotion, so why shouldn't Marc? When you don't know the facts scream. Not a very sound legal tactic, but he's sticking with it.
This is laughable at best.

YOU'R the one/s that's spewing opinion as if it were fact.

Every. single. account. George Zimmerman gave you and the other Zimmerman supporters are regurgitating as if it were gospel truth, although his own accounts differ.

Not to mention that they're one-sided...and coming from the man that's on trial and would do anything possible to save his own A$$.

Too easy!! :lol:

You should probably be the prosecutor in the case then. Because the state hasn't proven it's case big man. DD lied, but you trust her. Tracy Martin lied, but you trust him. Ben Crump lied, but you trust him. You ate their story hook line and sinker.
But, but, but, but....

You guys keep on saying this "reasonable doubt" stuff, the question at hand is whether or not Zimmerman had a good cause/reason to shoot Trayvon, whether or not he was truly in fear for his life.

That's it. Period. End-of-story.

We already know he shot and killed Trayvon, the killer Zimmerman is not "innocent."

Really man? The state of Florida must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman was not acting in self defense. GZ doesn't have to prove anything. Especially now that the state made the self defense claim for him.
What happens to Zimmerman if the jury decides he didn't have reason to shoot Trayvon?

IF, IF, IF....see how that works.
I've only watched a few minutes of the trial and the same with the coverage. idk really. Or idk what will come.

Of course, some of us believe strongly that Trayvon did NOT attack Zimmerman and the few and light injuries and cuts GZ had were from desperate attempts by Trayvon to deescalate the whole thing, and Trayvon was never aggressive. Self-defense is a moot point when you were never attacked.

This is the absolute best site to get all of the relative evidence and testimony. Sites Florida law and gives all self defense statutes applicable to the case. The guy literally wrote the book on self defense law.

I don't think the jury will buy Zimmerman's story so I don't know if a stack of such laws would help. I mean who says, "You're going to die tonight." It's straight from a bad action movie.

You're certainly entitled to your opinion. But as the witness that testified the other day said. Any injuries at all only support the claim of self defense, but no injuries are required. That was a state witness btw.
This is the absolute best site to get all of the relative evidence and testimony. Sites Florida law and gives all self defense statutes applicable to the case. The guy literally wrote the book on self defense law.

I don't think the jury will buy Zimmerman's story so I don't know if a stack of such laws would help. I mean who says, "You're going to die tonight." It's straight from a bad action movie.

You're certainly entitled to your opinion. But as the witness that testified the other day said. Any injuries at all only support the claim of self defense, but no injuries are required. That was a state witness btw.

Nothing is quite so cut-and-dried.
I don't think the jury will buy Zimmerman's story so I don't know if a stack of such laws would help. I mean who says, "You're going to die tonight." It's straight from a bad action movie.

You're certainly entitled to your opinion. But as the witness that testified the other day said. Any injuries at all only support the claim of self defense, but no injuries are required. That was a state witness btw.

Nothing is quite so cut-and-dried.

Agree to disagree.
Agree on the over charge. However, I don't think the state has disproven self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt. All the same, if they would have offered a plea for reckless discharge of a firearm, you know he would have snatched it up, for the very reasons we have stated.

I've only watched a few minutes of the trial and the same with the coverage. idk really. Or idk what will come.

Of course, some of us believe strongly that Trayvon did NOT attack Zimmerman and the few and light injuries and cuts GZ had were from desperate attempts by Trayvon to deescalate the whole thing, and Trayvon was never aggressive. Self-defense is a moot point when you were never attacked.

If you want the raw trial, take this stream here. Watch it while the trial lasts, the defense may rest this morning or tomorrow morning, defense will call rebuttal witnesses, and both sides will wrap with closing arguments before the jury goes into deliberation.

Zimmerman Trial LIVE: Trayvon Martin Murder Case Live-stream

That's exactly what I was looking for! I don't have cable and started to look at the trial today. And I said, "wow, this looks live." I didn't even know it was in full-swing, really. ha ha

Thanks a million.
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