The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I've only watched a few minutes of the trial and the same with the coverage. idk really. Or idk what will come.

Of course, some of us believe strongly that Trayvon did NOT attack Zimmerman and the few and light injuries and cuts GZ had were from desperate attempts by Trayvon to deescalate the whole thing, and Trayvon was never aggressive. Self-defense is a moot point when you were never attacked.

If you want the raw trial, take this stream here. Watch it while the trial lasts, the defense may rest this morning or tomorrow morning, defense will call rebuttal witnesses, and both sides will wrap with closing arguments before the jury goes into deliberation.

Zimmerman Trial LIVE: Trayvon Martin Murder Case Live-stream

That's exactly what I was looking for! I don't have cable and started to look at the trial today. And I said, "wow, this looks live." I didn't even know it was in full-swing, really. ha ha

Thanks a million.

Much obliged. If you need any explanations about what's going on, just ask.
But, but, but, but....

You guys keep on saying this "reasonable doubt" stuff, the question at hand is whether or not Zimmerman had a good cause/reason to shoot Trayvon, whether or not he was truly in fear for his life.

That's it. Period. End-of-story.

We already know he shot and killed Trayvon, the killer Zimmerman is not "innocent."

Really man? The state of Florida must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman was not acting in self defense. GZ doesn't have to prove anything. Especially now that the state made the self defense claim for him.
What happens to Zimmerman if the jury decides he didn't have reason to shoot Trayvon?

The more relevant question is what happens to our nation if GZ is found to be innocent?
Just takes one

Nah, they'll just be playing pinochle in the jury room with Officer Jarvis.

Is the jury sequestered or what do they call it? Can they go home at night? They're going to be famous like the OJ jury. They can gamble for high-stakes to relieve the downtime.

The jury is sequestered. The state pays for their lodging at a hotel near the courthouse. They may not have any contact with the outside world until after the verdict is read and court adjourns for the final time.
Just takes one

Nah, they'll just be playing pinochle in the jury room with Officer Jarvis.

Is the jury sequestered or what do they call it? Can they go home at night? They're going to be famous like the OJ jury. They can gamble for high-stakes to relieve the downtime.

This is week 3 of their sequester. 6 women on the jury. 5 white 1 Hispanic. All of them are middle-aged depending on your view of middle-aged.
Nah, they'll just be playing pinochle in the jury room with Officer Jarvis.

Is the jury sequestered or what do they call it? Can they go home at night? They're going to be famous like the OJ jury. They can gamble for high-stakes to relieve the downtime.

The jury is sequestered. The state pays for their lodging at a hotel near the courthouse. They may not have any contact with the outside world until after the verdict is read and court adjourns for the final time.

Thanks. I just hope the world is ready for them when they're done--if they find GZ not guilty that is. They may just have started the riots going. :eek:
Is the jury sequestered or what do they call it? Can they go home at night? They're going to be famous like the OJ jury. They can gamble for high-stakes to relieve the downtime.

The jury is sequestered. The state pays for their lodging at a hotel near the courthouse. They may not have any contact with the outside world until after the verdict is read and court adjourns for the final time.

Thanks. I just hope the world is ready for them when they're done--if they find GZ not guilty that is. They may just have started the riots going. :eek:

I don't understand all this talk about riots anymore. I don't get why such an insignificant case got so much attention in the first place. Now if we were talking about someone as influential as MLK being murdered like he was, I can see riots... but this is overkill.
Nah, they'll just be playing pinochle in the jury room with Officer Jarvis.

Is the jury sequestered or what do they call it? Can they go home at night? They're going to be famous like the OJ jury. They can gamble for high-stakes to relieve the downtime.

This is week 3 of their sequester. 6 women on the jury. 5 white 1 Hispanic. All of them are middle-aged depending on your view of middle-aged.

That's another thing I really wanted to know. How many blacks were interviewed by the attorneys? How many blacks were excused? I was hoping for there to be some, and there should have been. Too bad. Even if there are few blacks in that community, they could have drawn a larger pool.
Is the jury sequestered or what do they call it? Can they go home at night? They're going to be famous like the OJ jury. They can gamble for high-stakes to relieve the downtime.

This is week 3 of their sequester. 6 women on the jury. 5 white 1 Hispanic. All of them are middle-aged depending on your view of middle-aged.

That's another thing I really wanted to know. How many blacks were interviewed by the attorneys? How many blacks were excused? I was hoping for there to be some, and there should have been. Too bad. Even if there are few blacks in that community, they could have drawn a larger pool.

I can't answer all those questions, but someone else possibly could. They had like 89 people in the pool I believe. Kind of hard to find somebody in Florida that hasn't heard of this case. I know a few have been residents of the county for less than 6 months. I believe that I read the population of blacks in the pool was proportionate to population of the area and both side struck blacks. I believe that the judge also stuck some blacks from the pool too.
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The jury is sequestered. The state pays for their lodging at a hotel near the courthouse. They may not have any contact with the outside world until after the verdict is read and court adjourns for the final time.

Thanks. I just hope the world is ready for them when they're done--if they find GZ not guilty that is. They may just have started the riots going. :eek:

I don't understand all this talk about riots anymore. I don't get why such an insignificant case got so much attention in the first place. Now if we were talking about someone as influential as MLK being murdered like he was, I can see riots... but this is overkill.

When it got going, it was a media firestorm that took on a (huge) life of its own.

As for the riots, I believe people who'd have a tendency to do it probably are looking for a reason to riot with the state of the economy and nation so bad. A lot of it, less than half, could be genuine empathy.
Thanks. I just hope the world is ready for them when they're done--if they find GZ not guilty that is. They may just have started the riots going. :eek:

I don't understand all this talk about riots anymore. I don't get why such an insignificant case got so much attention in the first place. Now if we were talking about someone as influential as MLK being murdered like he was, I can see riots... but this is overkill.

When it got going, it was a media firestorm that took on a (huge) life of its own.

As for the riots, I believe people who'd have a tendency to do it probably are looking for a reason to riot with the state of the economy and nation so bad. A lot of it, less than half, could be genuine empathy.

I think that media storm, along with Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, with the help of the politicians at the local, state and federal level, could be the reason why you don't have any blacks on the jury. And I don't mean that racially. They created a frenzy that tainted that demographic with regards to the jury pool.
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Oh wait, it's just Swallow popping off nonsensically again. Never mind.

I'll cut the lady some slack.

From what I read on the Internet, many other people share her view. However, I believe these people were always convinced that Zimmerman was guilty and they cannot analyze the evidence in a manner which is inconsistent with their preformed opinions. If they were more open minded and objective they might find that Zimmerman may be telling the truth when he said Martin saw his gun.

While it is true that Zimmerman's holster (worn inside the pants) was normally worn near his back pocket, it is still possible - in fact likely - that Martin saw his weapon. There is no doubt that while Martin was on top of him Zimmerman tried to get out from underneath him. Zimmerman would natural try to roll which would expose the weapon. He would not have had to roll much to expose his gun; just a tad, which he could have easily done.

It is also possible that when Zimmerman was on the ground and maneuvering to escape, the holster shifted more towards his front bringing it into Martin's view. The holster is held in place by a clip which is not so tight that it could not have moved during the attack.

I believe this "devastating" prosecutorial argument will be easily handled by the defense.

NOTE: I have read other articles wherein some people (not Swallow) have suggested that the gun would not be visible because the holster was inside the pants. I don't know where people get this stuff, but what they say is obviously untrue. Although much of the weapon is below the belt line, the grip is always above the belt line and very visible. least KoshrSlut is a girl..and it would be sorta appropriate for her to ask a straight guy for a swallow of his jiz. I've read articles where man juice makes girls happy when ingested.

Are you a girl? ProfessorDickSuck? Or are you a faggot?

Not sure.

I don't care for faggots. So no. You can't swallow my man juice. If you are.

What a stupid post. The problem you have Sallow is you don't know shit about guns and their use. I suggest you do some serious reading about the subject because the only shoe that has dropped is your profound ignorance of the subject.

Quit with the stupid posts and do some basic reading dude.
I don't understand all this talk about riots anymore. I don't get why such an insignificant case got so much attention in the first place. Now if we were talking about someone as influential as MLK being murdered like he was, I can see riots... but this is overkill.

When it got going, it was a media firestorm that took on a (huge) life of its own.

As for the riots, I believe people who'd have a tendency to do it probably are looking for a reason to riot with the state of the economy and nation so bad. A lot of it, less than half, could be genuine empathy.

I think that media storm, along with Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, with the help of the politicians at the local, state and federal level, could be the reason why you don't have any blacks on the jury. And I don't mean that racially. They created a frenzy that tainted that demographic with regards to the jury pool.

You make a very good point, but that's kind of like throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

I can't imagine it won't create a lot of frustration among blacks and make it hard for them to make heads and tails of it all. IMO it makes the whole thing feel illegitamite.
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