The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Here's a pic of Trayvan smoking pot and holding a gun.

Note the lack of long fingernails. Almost impossible to get DNA under those.


Interesting...........................did you watch the movie "Reefer Madness"?

Sorry..............but if you smoke pot, you're not gonna be that combative, nor are you going to push for a fight (unless you've watched the movie and believe the bullshit that Anslinger threw out)...........
Not any blacks on the jury = racism.

however lets keep forgetting that Jorge is hispanic and the 5 white women are all hispanic haters. it's the south so whites there hate anything not white.

I'm gunna love the hypocrassy when racism is used.
They want the toxicology report released showing Trayvon had a tiny amount of marijuana in his system. We know how wild people on marijuana can get. They tear up a bag of Skittle and drink entire cans of Iced Tea.

I don't think they can tell HOW MUCH marijuana is in a persons system, just that it's there.....

I guess you have not had much exposure to the English language.


Yeah, that's probably it. :thup:

1. preceding; prior: an antecedent event.
2. a preceding circumstance, event, object, style, phenomenon, etc.
3. antecedents.
a. ancestors.
b. the history, events, characteristics, etc., of one's earlier life: Little is known about his birth and antecedents.

Apparently you struggle with comprehension.

Don't worry, around here you're not alone. :thup:
I'll cut the lady some slack.

From what I read on the Internet, many other people share her view. However, I believe these people were always convinced that Zimmerman was guilty and they cannot analyze the evidence in a manner which is inconsistent with their preformed opinions. If they were more open minded and objective they might find that Zimmerman may be telling the truth when he said Martin saw his gun.

While it is true that Zimmerman's holster (worn inside the pants) was normally worn near his back pocket, it is still possible - in fact likely - that Martin saw his weapon. There is no doubt that while Martin was on top of him Zimmerman tried to get out from underneath him. Zimmerman would natural try to roll which would expose the weapon. He would not have had to roll much to expose his gun; just a tad, which he could have easily done.

It is also possible that when Zimmerman was on the ground and maneuvering to escape, the holster shifted more towards his front bringing it into Martin's view. The holster is held in place by a clip which is not so tight that it could not have moved during the attack.

I believe this "devastating" prosecutorial argument will be easily handled by the defense.

NOTE: I have read other articles wherein some people (not Swallow) have suggested that the gun would not be visible because the holster was inside the pants. I don't know where people get this stuff, but what they say is obviously untrue. Although much of the weapon is below the belt line, the grip is always above the belt line and very visible. least KoshrSlut is a girl..and it would be sorta appropriate for her to ask a straight guy for a swallow of his jiz. I've read articles where man juice makes girls happy when ingested.

Are you a girl? ProfessorDickSuck? Or are you a faggot?

Not sure.

I don't care for faggots. So no. You can't swallow my man juice. If you are.

I am, or rather was a professor who apologizes for spelling your name wrong. I will correct that shortly. A swallow is a small bird which is why I thought I spelled your name right. I did not intend to insult you, and my misspellings were innocent.

Fair enough. Apology accepted.
I'll cut the lady some slack.

From what I read on the Internet, many other people share her view. However, I believe these people were always convinced that Zimmerman was guilty and they cannot analyze the evidence in a manner which is inconsistent with their preformed opinions. If they were more open minded and objective they might find that Zimmerman may be telling the truth when he said Martin saw his gun.

While it is true that Zimmerman's holster (worn inside the pants) was normally worn near his back pocket, it is still possible - in fact likely - that Martin saw his weapon. There is no doubt that while Martin was on top of him Zimmerman tried to get out from underneath him. Zimmerman would natural try to roll which would expose the weapon. He would not have had to roll much to expose his gun; just a tad, which he could have easily done.

It is also possible that when Zimmerman was on the ground and maneuvering to escape, the holster shifted more towards his front bringing it into Martin's view. The holster is held in place by a clip which is not so tight that it could not have moved during the attack.

I believe this "devastating" prosecutorial argument will be easily handled by the defense.

NOTE: I have read other articles wherein some people (not Swallow) have suggested that the gun would not be visible because the holster was inside the pants. I don't know where people get this stuff, but what they say is obviously untrue. Although much of the weapon is below the belt line, the grip is always above the belt line and very visible. least KoshrSlut is a girl..and it would be sorta appropriate for her to ask a straight guy for a swallow of his jiz. I've read articles where man juice makes girls happy when ingested.

Are you a girl? ProfessorDickSuck? Or are you a faggot?

Not sure.

I don't care for faggots. So no. You can't swallow my man juice. If you are.

What a stupid post. The problem you have Sallow is you don't know shit about guns and their use. I suggest you do some serious reading about the subject because the only shoe that has dropped is your profound ignorance of the subject.

Quit with the stupid posts and do some basic reading dude.


I've been around guns since the age of seven.

I know all I need to know.

Point. Shoot. Done.

That's what Zimmerman did and a kid is dead.
George Zimmerman's story has way, way too many holes in it.

To believe it requires too many leaps of logic.

Agreed but he will walk. There is mo.way 6 people will say Zimmerman went to college to Learn how to.shoot unarmed.people. he will walk.

The prosecution (and defense), have done a pretty good job deconstructing Zimmerman's story.

It was also a major mistake putting Martin's father on the stand to try and shake his story.

They had an awful day yesterday. It was great for the prosecution.

Zimmerman's trainer testified he worked out for a year, lost 50 lbs, but couldn't throw a punch..yet he somehow manages to arm lock an "MMA" Martial artist (A complicated move under good conditions) and with the same arm, pull his gun from behind, while on his back and shoot.

The holster was worn inside the pants above the buttocks.

The put several people up to testify that it's Zimmerman's voice on the tape, yet the screaming ENDS abruptly after the gun shot.

In any case..the only thing that seems to be correct about Zimmerman's story is that he shot Martin.
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Zimmerman said that while he was trying to move down enough to get his head off the concrete, his jacket and shirt pulled up to expose the gun.

Movement verified by John Good testimony


So while Zimmerman was on his back. While the gun was above his buttocks. Inside his pants. In the dark. Martin "instantly" saw it and knew it was a gun. He saw it through his belly straight on through to his back.

Neat trick.

Martin was really one of the Xmen.

The only neat trick here is your ability to ignore facts and steadfastly believe that Zimmerman didn't fire his weapon in self-defense.

When did you go full fraud anyway?
Generally women have long nails, men don't. One of the primary ways for police to identify a rapist is through DNA under their nails or from sperm. Women usually try to scratch the assailant. It doesn't take nails to grab a person with both hands and bash their head into the ground.

It was drizzling that night. Couple that with sweat.

And you have a slippery surface that isn't easy to grab.

Additionally, Zimmerman's injuries don't jibe with his story.

Unless, of course, you are contending that Martin was a weakling.

Which of Zimmerman's injuries does not jibe with his story?

The "Slamming" of the head into the concrete.

Unless Martin was very weak..those injuries don't comport with the story.
Suffice it to say, JQPubic, that your ignorance knows no bounds.

The case has ZERO to do with "stand your ground."

You have lapped up the uninformed blather of the silly main stream lolberal media.

Stand your ground means you are not required to run away if you are able to do so in safety.

But when some guy is ON TOP of you, pounding you, the question of running away is utterly moot.

You remain entirely wrong.

Laughably so.

Well, Zimmerman's pistol was kept at the small of his back.

If Trayvon was sitting on his chest pounding on him, how would it be possible for him to know he had a gun, much less reach for it?

No one outside the movies carries their weapon in the small of their back if they use an inside the waistband holster. What makes you think Zimmerman did?

Zimmerman's statement.
So if it were impossible for martin to see the weapon in the struggle, why didn't the prosecution make the point and prove the point?

Probably because the defense did it for them.

10:20 a.m. ET: O'Mara is sticking his hands in his pants to demonstrate the internal holster Zimmerman was using the night of the shooting. Osterman said Zimmerman was allowed to use that type of holster, because he had a concealed and carry permit. Osterman has been excused.
Win for defense: Jury to hear Martin's pot use |
Zimmerman said that while he was trying to move down enough to get his head off the concrete, his jacket and shirt pulled up to expose the gun.

Movement verified by John Good testimony


So while Zimmerman was on his back. While the gun was above his buttocks. Inside his pants. In the dark. Martin "instantly" saw it and knew it was a gun. He saw it through his belly straight on through to his back.

Neat trick.

Martin was really one of the Xmen.
Zimmerman said that while he was trying to move down enough to get his head off the concrete, his jacket and shirt pulled up to expose the gun.

Movement verified by John Good testimony


So while Zimmerman was on his back. While the gun was above his buttocks. Inside his pants. In the dark. Martin "instantly" saw it and knew it was a gun. He saw it through his belly straight on through to his back.

Neat trick.

Martin was really one of the Xmen.

He wasn't the one carrying the gun.

Zimmerman was.

And Zimmerman pointed out it was behind him.
Zimmerman said that while he was trying to move down enough to get his head off the concrete, his jacket and shirt pulled up to expose the gun.

Movement verified by John Good testimony


So while Zimmerman was on his back. While the gun was above his buttocks. Inside his pants. In the dark. Martin "instantly" saw it and knew it was a gun. He saw it through his belly straight on through to his back.

Neat trick.

Martin was really one of the Xmen.

The only neat trick here is your ability to ignore facts and steadfastly believe that Zimmerman didn't fire his weapon in self-defense.

When did you go full fraud anyway?

Zimmerman shot his neighbor's kid.

Most parts of society would consider that bad form.
Hi everyone here! This is my first post on the forum and just joined. :redface:

I'm a Zimmerman fanatic although I haven't followed the case for several months. I thought I might read through the posts ITT.

I'm rooting for the Trayvon side btw.

Welcome! Regardless of who side you are on, we love to hear your arguments. What do you think is the most important facts of this case?

Wow, thanks. :tongue: I'm on the spot already.

I was hoping to do a lot of reading to refresh my memory of it all, there is so much.

Anyhow, I know it is unpopular, but I think the original analysis of GZ saying "coons" is near the top. It is very obvious to me he did say it. The difference between him being a definite racist saying such an inflammatory remark and "Well we don't know for sure" is a lot.

Of course, I have always been so thoroughly emotionally invested in Martin/Zimmerman because I believe people should be free to roam around without being controlled, stopped, finagled or questioned. Life is difficult enough without having to worry about people like Zimmy.

GZ's post-arrest troubles come to mind. He lied about where the donations were going and how much money he got. Stuff like that?

You're better start catching up on this, you've missed a LOT. Like Trayvon calling Z a "Creepy Ass Cracker" before doubling back and attacking him. THAT is racist too (and Z didn't say coon either, no matter how you want to spin it).

But welcome to the site, I'm sure you'll fit right in with the others that deny the truth. :)
He was one of the Xmen, doncha know.

He was able to pound Zimmerman's head into the cement without grabbing it and see a black gun tucked inside the pants near the buttocks in the dark.

Truly amazing fellow.

It's a "wonder" Zimmerman survived.

Hey..he may be an Xman too!

Guess you've never grabbed a bald head before.

It's not that hard.


But I've been in a few scraps.

And one of the things that happens is even when you win a fight..and you pummel the other guy?

It REALLY messes up your hands.

Martin had 2 small cuts.

The guy is like superman..except of course..for the bullet thing.

You guys on the left keep minimizing the injuries involved in this. You claim that Zimmerman only had two little pinhole cuts on his nose. You now claim that Trayvan had only two little cuts on his hand. Which hand, or both hands. You don't know. I think you people want to make shit up as you go along for political reasons.

Zimmerman had a gun. That is the only thing you folks have on him. He had a gun. A gun that prevented him from becoming a statistic. Sure, it's terrible that some kid died because of all of this. Fact is the kid had problems or he wouldn't have jumped Zimmerman in the first place. Everyone wants to feel sorry for the person that died, but let's face it, Trayvan had a tendency for violent behavior and this would have only been the first case in a long rape sheet on this kid. His age isn't relevant because as I pointed out I grew up with kids just like him who ended up in prison before they were 30. My brother included. I even graduated from HS with a serial killer, Wayne Nance, who started murdering folks when he was Trayvan's age. So don't give me this crappolla about how kids are all innocent. Some of them aren't.
Well, Zimmerman's pistol was kept at the small of his back.

If Trayvon was sitting on his chest pounding on him, how would it be possible for him to know he had a gun, much less reach for it?

No one outside the movies carries their weapon in the small of their back if they use an inside the waistband holster. What makes you think Zimmerman did?

Zimmerman's statement.

WHAT statement by GZ said that he carried the gun in the small of his back?
Unless the killer gets on the stand.

I believe the pretend lawyer Sunshine is forgetting the jury factor.

Doesn't take a lawyer to recognize the case is lost. The jury could surprise us, but at this point it would be like a lightning strike. You can hear TM's dad pleading for a negligence charge today... why did GZ get out of the car. But I just don't see that happening either.
RKM Brown, Sunshine doesn't deliver negs for nothing, and you do need to get over it because it won't last once you figure out she only means well. I know. My first tangle with her wound up with me saying some pretty stupid stuff, for which I was appropriately negged by her and others. When you get over being a newbie at USMB, you may wind up being best of friends with people who only negged you because newbies tend to walk blindly in new surroundings and complain a lot. When the complaining stops, it probably means you have caught on. There's not a finer person anywhere than Sunshine, and you can trust when you catch on to what she's saying, you may realize she's just keeping you on the USMB pathway to getting along here. Not all angels prod you to do a better job of figuring stuff out. Some will say nothing and let your refusal to see other people's viewpoints make you look like an eternal USMB dummy. Not Sunshine. She's in your corner making you right here. Wait a week. Then reread her posts. They'll make a lot better sense. ;) And no more griping about negs, or you will get a whack from a lot of veterans here. IOW, it is not appreciated. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
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