The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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You guys on the left keep minimizing the injuries involved in this. You claim that Zimmerman only had two little pinhole cuts on his nose. You now claim that Trayvan had only two little cuts on his hand. Which hand, or both hands. You don't know. I think you people want to make shit up as you go along for political reasons.

First off, these are not "claims" these are the actual facts. Zimmerman's injuries were insignificant. As were Martin's except for the hole in his chest. Secondly, it's politics. We think it's bad politics to murder someone. It's also against the law.
Zimmerman had a gun. That is the only thing you folks have on him. He had a gun. A gun that prevented him from becoming a statistic.
He was also playing cop. Had he not followed Martin, or had he waited for 15 more seconds, the police would have arrived..and everything would have been sorted out. Instead? He killed the neighbor's son.

Sure, it's terrible that some kid died because of all of this. Fact is the kid had problems or he wouldn't have jumped Zimmerman in the first place. Everyone wants to feel sorry for the person that died, but let's face it, Trayvan had a tendency for violent behavior and this would have only been the first case in a long rape sheet on this kid. His age isn't relevant because as I pointed out I grew up with kids just like him who ended up in prison before they were 30. My brother included. I even graduated from HS with a serial killer, Wayne Nance, who started murdering folks when he was Trayvan's age. So don't give me this crappolla about how kids are all innocent. Some of them aren't.

You're confusing things.

It was Zimmerman with the "rap" (not rape) sheet. This guy (who couldn't throw a punch) got into a fight with a cop and beat his fiancee. He got off both times. Seems the level of violence that Zimmerman was capable of, keeps escalating. If he gets off for killing a kid? What's next?
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They want the toxicology report released showing Trayvon had a tiny amount of marijuana in his system. We know how wild people on marijuana can get. They tear up a bag of Skittle and drink entire cans of Iced Tea.

I don't think they can tell HOW MUCH marijuana is in a persons system, just that it's there.....

ya they can----I worked at a rehab center. Tox screenings came back showing levels of THC.
[MENTION=44293]pioneerpete[/MENTION]: I have MarcATL on ignore for a reason. He is not interested in a debate, or the facts. His side is losing and he can't seem to wrap his infantile mind around it.

I know, but I do enjoy the debate! Prosecution is relying on emotion, so why shouldn't Marc? When you don't know the facts scream. Not a very sound legal tactic, but he's sticking with it.
This is laughable at best.

YOU'R the one/s that's spewing opinion as if it were fact.

Every. single. account. George Zimmerman gave you and the other Zimmerman supporters are regurgitating as if it were gospel truth, although his own accounts differ.

Not to mention that they're one-sided...and coming from the man that's on trial and would do anything possible to save his own A$$.

Too easy!! :lol:

still going with the guilty until proven black mentality?
They want the toxicology report released showing Trayvon had a tiny amount of marijuana in his system. We know how wild people on marijuana can get. They tear up a bag of Skittle and drink entire cans of Iced Tea.

I don't think they can tell HOW MUCH marijuana is in a persons system, just that it's there.....

That is not correct. By doing a quantitative analysis you can tell not only how much of the actual drug is in the system, but also how much metabolite is there as well.

I used to do quantitative analyses all the time on my patients for various reasons, some to see if they were using along with meds, some to see if they were taking their meds as they were supposed to.

There other reasons to do a drug screen and quantitative analysis A lot of people who just LUV. Soma, a seemingly innocuous muscle relaxer prescribed by the primary care provider. But the first metabolite of Soma is Meprobamate - an old and deadly tranquilizer called Milltown. Quantitative analysis of something like this helps the clinician to know if the person is taking the drug correctly or abusing.
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The jury is sequestered. The state pays for their lodging at a hotel near the courthouse. They may not have any contact with the outside world until after the verdict is read and court adjourns for the final time.

Thanks. I just hope the world is ready for them when they're done--if they find GZ not guilty that is. They may just have started the riots going. :eek:

I don't understand all this talk about riots anymore. I don't get why such an insignificant case got so much attention in the first place. Now if we were talking about someone as influential as MLK being murdered like he was, I can see riots... but this is overkill.

it is why Democrats keep the black neighborhoods poor and angry. makeshift mob just add perceived injustice
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Here's a pic of Trayvan smoking pot and holding a gun.

Note the lack of long fingernails. Almost impossible to get DNA under those.


Interesting...........................did you watch the movie "Reefer Madness"?

Sorry..............but if you smoke pot, you're not gonna be that combative, nor are you going to push for a fight (unless you've watched the movie and believe the bullshit that Anslinger threw out)...........

Using illegal drugs at his young age is indicative of a lax attitude towards obeying the law. Pot doesn't make you aggressive, just lazy.

I know kids who do what Trayvan did. They don't just smoke a little grass. They do other things. They get drunk just about every night when they have the money. Most of the time every night is just another opportunity to get in trouble.

They didn't find beer on him. They found a soft drink. And the amount of marijuana in his system was extremely small..and could have been ingested days before. alcohol was found in his system.

It's also curious they did a tox screen on the victim and not the suspect.

No they don't. They are the eyes and ears for the police. Pursuit and apprehension is for the cops, not armed vigilantes.

GZ wasn't in "poor" health.

Don't like my hat? Find a cactus and sit on it.

You really are stupid.

How can a person be eyes and ears if they don't follow the suspicious person to SEE where they're going and what they're doing.

Sit on a cactus? Wow, you look much older than thirteen. Oh and it's not that hat that I have a problem with, it's the idiot wearing it.

Please post a link indicating GZ's health status.
>>> How can a person be eyes and ears if they don't follow the suspicious person to SEE where they're going and what they're doing.

You call the cops. You take a photo. Not rocket science.

To your insults, ... easy to play the part of a big man hiding behind a keyboard and a monitor. You fool no one with your Avatar. Cattleman my ass.

Please don't confuse my observations as insults. I have more cowboy in my little finger than you do in your entire body boy!

The fact is you have as much sense as the cattle I raise.
No one outside the movies carries their weapon in the small of their back if they use an inside the waistband holster. What makes you think Zimmerman did?

Zimmerman's statement.

WHAT statement by GZ said that he carried the gun in the small of his back?

It's in the video, around 4 minutes in, when Zimmerman is recounting the fight.

He also starts to make stuff comport with the location of the fight.
Good Morning!

Has anyone posted this yet?

White supremacist fliers surface in Milford - Connecticut Post

Already something seems amiss.....related to this case or not? Some seem to think so.

Oh crap.

Everybody just be :cool:

No sense getting all worked up over verdict. Verdict is the end of the madness.

After reading it, it sounds to me as though the media is TRYING to convince people in that area that it's related to the Z case. The media will never stop trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.
Did anyone else watch Fancy Grapes last night and see her beginning to melt down?

"What does it matter if Trayvon smoked a doobie?"

Here is what her tiny brain will do when George is found not guilty...

Good Morning!

Has anyone posted this yet?

White supremacist fliers surface in Milford - Connecticut Post

Already something seems amiss.....related to this case or not? Some seem to think so.

Oh crap.

Everybody just be :cool:

No sense getting all worked up over verdict. Verdict is the end of the madness.

After reading it, it sounds to me as though the media is TRYING to convince people in that area that it's related to the Z case. The media will never stop trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

They've been trying hard. Someone had Al on about this new "gun holster inside back of pants" straw they're clutching now.

They need to sit the f down and shut up.

They need a couple big fat judgments against them so they can rethink journalistic ethics.
Good Morning!

Has anyone posted this yet?

White supremacist fliers surface in Milford - Connecticut Post

Already something seems amiss.....related to this case or not? Some seem to think so.

Oh crap.

Everybody just be :cool:

No sense getting all worked up over verdict. Verdict is the end of the madness.

After reading it, it sounds to me as though the media is TRYING to convince people in that area that it's related to the Z case. The media will never stop trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

Hope you're right. Prob just a local problem. I mean, reaction way up in CT? Made me think cuz I correlated the "neighborhood watch" with the trial, and then the plastic bags with yesterday's ruling to allow in the THC tox report/marijuana traced bag in TM's backpack. Prob paranoia on my part! :cuckoo:
Did anyone else watch Fancy Grapes last night and see her beginning to melt down?

"What does it matter if Trayvon smoked a doobie?"

Here is what her tiny brain will do when George is found not guilty...


Studies have shown that watching her will cause more brain damage than drinking Sterno.
Side note. If you're not the CEO of Fed Ex - who the hell names their kid Shipping.

I think I'm sick, so this is how it's going to be today ;)
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