The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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West is questioning him so another 2 hours or so..

The prosecution should pepper him with objections, they should be ready at least by now.
Why is it that liberals are so completely invested in GZ being guilty?

Good question.

But it's not universal. I voted a complete democratic ballot in 2012 and I still think he fired his weapon in self-defense.

But then again I can't for the life of me figure out why partisan politics has any business in this case at all.

Agreed, and I do know at least one other democrat who is interested in justice rather than a lynching, but it's pretty obvious that most lefties are absolutely sure that GZ is guilty.

I could understand if GZ was a white man, it would go along with the left's pretend allegience to black americans, but this I don't get since GZ is obviously not white.

Shouldn't be any politics in this at all.

Wait what?

You just booted Zimmerman from the white club?

I have almost the same ethnic background.

Did I loose my "white" card too?

Oh man.
GZ will be acquitted and he will spend the rest of his life hiding from black racists who are trying to kill him. And, cities will burn when the verdict is handed down. Black racists will burn their own neighborhoods. Wow, that will show whitey.

A "post racial USA" is that what obama said? Bullshit, everything he has done has increased racial tension in this country. its what he wants---keep us divided by race, sex, age, location, sexual preference, income. Its called divide and conquer------and along with the stupid media, he is doing it.
I'm playing WoW, waiting for this group to form so we can take down Oondasta and listening to the trial.

So, is the judge going to let this in?
Did you see the animation?
Why do you think she will or will not let it in?

It's Tuesday? Did they just do rolling restarts today?

Last week, they took certain servers down for 3 hours and this week they did the others.

EDIT: I just wish they would release 5.4. I really want to try out that training thing they have coming, the Proving Grounds
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This is laughable at best.

YOU'R the one/s that's spewing opinion as if it were fact.

Every. single. account. George Zimmerman gave you and the other Zimmerman supporters are regurgitating as if it were gospel truth, although his own accounts differ.

Not to mention that they're one-sided...and coming from the man that's on trial and would do anything possible to save his own A$$.

Too easy!! :lol:

still going with the guilty until proven black mentality?
Still dodging and/or denying the fact that Zimmerman is a bonifide liar huh?

coming from a race baiter like you that is not much
So if it were impossible for martin to see the weapon in the struggle, why didn't the prosecution make the point and prove the point?

Good question. I don't think they could do anything with that point. It's speculation and they've dug quite a large hole for themselves already.

If the prosecution were more aggressive, maybe. I'd heard that Angela Corey was a tough cookie and I hoped that she would be a part of the team in court. Too bad. They're not meeting expectations and it isn't because the Defense is so good.

They aren't.
still going with the guilty until proven black mentality?
Still dodging and/or denying the fact that Zimmerman is a bonifide liar huh?
So was the "star witness" for the prosecution, Marc.
The other credible eye witnesses tell a different story that makes it very difficult for the prosecution.
Of course, if you throw out the credible facts of the case, then you might be able to get to that guilty verdict that you're looking for.

you have to understand to marc those other witnesses were mostly white thus.they have to be liars
First off, these are not "claims" these are the actual facts. Zimmerman's injuries were insignificant. As were Martin's except for the hole in his chest. Secondly, it's politics. We think it's bad politics to murder someone. It's also against the law.

He was also playing cop. Had he not followed Martin, or had he waited for 15 more seconds, the police would have arrived..and everything would have been sorted out. Instead? He killed the neighbor's son.

You're confusing things.

It was Zimmerman with the "rap" (not rape) sheet. This guy (who couldn't throw a punch) got into a fight with a cop and beat his fiancee. He got off both times. Seems the level of violence that Zimmerman was capable of, keeps escalating. If he gets off for killing a kid? What's next?

Rap, schmap. It's all the same at 5am.

Speaking of rap, Trayvan had a record. The media sources you use don't like to admit that.

And murder is a moral issue, not a political issue unless you're talking about abortion. Then it's both.
A record involves arrests, convictions, jail know.

Actual crimes.

Feel free.

Post it..along with links.

Because he's a juvenile there are privacy laws to protect him. However it was reported he had been suspended from school more than once. He posted on his twitter page that he punched out a bus driver and before they started sanitizing his page there were various admissions of drinking under age, possessing a weapon, and pot cultivation.

There are different types of records. Criminal record are only one. He has a disciplinary record at school. I figure if he had lived he would have a criminal record after this dust up with Zimmerman.
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Good question.

But it's not universal. I voted a complete democratic ballot in 2012 and I still think he fired his weapon in self-defense.

But then again I can't for the life of me figure out why partisan politics has any business in this case at all.

Agreed, and I do know at least one other democrat who is interested in justice rather than a lynching, but it's pretty obvious that most lefties are absolutely sure that GZ is guilty.

I could understand if GZ was a white man, it would go along with the left's pretend allegience to black americans, but this I don't get since GZ is obviously not white.

Shouldn't be any politics in this at all.

Wait what?

You just booted Zimmerman from the white club?

I have almost the same ethnic background.

Did I loose my "white" card too?

Oh man.

No shit, me too. Sunshine has been going around calling me Black for some reason. Not that I care but they just don't know what they're talking about in their rage that the Martin family forced Florida to do the right thing.
This is laughable at best.

YOU'R the one/s that's spewing opinion as if it were fact.

Every. single. account. George Zimmerman gave you and the other Zimmerman supporters are regurgitating as if it were gospel truth, although his own accounts differ.

Not to mention that they're one-sided...and coming from the man that's on trial and would do anything possible to save his own A$$.

Too easy!! :lol:

still going with the guilty until proven black mentality?
Still dodging and/or denying the fact that Zimmerman is a bonifide liar huh?

You are right Marc. Everything you suggest is based on the fact that Z is white... or half white... hell who cares, he ain't black!
This is laughable at best.

YOU'R the one/s that's spewing opinion as if it were fact.

Every. single. account. George Zimmerman gave you and the other Zimmerman supporters are regurgitating as if it were gospel truth, although his own accounts differ.

Not to mention that they're one-sided...and coming from the man that's on trial and would do anything possible to save his own A$$.

Too easy!! :lol:

still going with the guilty until proven black mentality?
Still dodging and/or denying the fact that Zimmerman is a bonifide liar huh?

So who's the real liar, Marc...Zimmerman for not being honest about how much money they'd gotten for their defense...or Tracy Martin for saying that all those Police officers misquoted him saying it wasn't his son's voice on that 9/11 call? It's patently obvious that Martin changed his story. Why? Because he was told by his attorney that admitting it was Zimmerman screaming for help on that tape meant it was Trayvon Martin beating the shit out of him...which meant Zimmerman was well within his rights to use deadly force to defend himself. Which of THOSE two lies is actually germane to the case that is being judged?
What is the point of black men walking the street when racist people can chase you and call self defense. How are you supposed to protect yourselves? People have been doing this for years. Really is there is no point of blacks walking to stores or other places because they will be bothered.
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