The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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MaBelle ? help us out here, woman !

I feel bad for the Animation guy.

I don't think he thought his product would be subject to such intense scrutiny.

But he is doing a good job defending his product.

*And he sighed in relief*

You are not making any sense bud. Wet grass causes gashes in the head.

Getting your head violently dragged across dry grass would cause that wound on GZ's head whether it's wet or not. Being wet would not make a difference.

Happens in the movies. Probably. Juries make their decisions based on movies. That's some of the most stupid fucking shit I've seen on this topic.

I cited the movies merely as an example. It wasn't meant to be taken wholesale.

You will have to excuse me if I take a world renowned forensic scientist's word over yours. WOW!!! You've got to be fucking with me on this line of shit. Although I will give you one thing you got right.
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Why is the Zimmerman case devided so sharply along partisan lines? With only a very few exceptions the lefties here believe GZ is guilty and the conservatives wait until the trial is over. I couldn't understand why, since GZ isn't white, the lefties were so ready to string him up.

Moments ago, it hit me.

It's only partially about race. True, if TM was white or hispanic, no one would care, but race isn't the real reason they want GZ to fry. It's guns.

GZ defended himself with a gun and a black man is dead. They cannot stand the thought that GZ might have legally used a gun to defend himself. It's about guns, and self-defense and even Stand-Your-Ground.

If GZ is convicted, they can use this case to revive their efforts to take away our rights and that is THE issue.

The left never ever cares about right and wrong, they only care about winning.

The question is, do they believe Martin deserved to die because he was black? Because they certainly are convinced he deserved to die and they believed that waaaaaaaaay before the trial started.

GZ's story has not changed his story, and the evidence shows him to have been walking BACK TO HIS TRUCK (after being told he didnt need to follow TM) when TM confronted him and asked WTF he wanted. TM then cold cocked GZ (which broke GZ's nose) and he then began to beat the shit out of GZ... PLUS, the evidence presented today also showed TM was on top of GZ when he was shot.

Then again... you liberal idiots DO NOT CARE ABOUT FACTS!

BTW, I dont think one person on this board believes Trayvon deserved to die BEACUSE HE WAS BLACK....

You are the one who appears racist if ya ask me.

SHAME ON YOU RAVI..! :doubt:
MaBelle ? help us out here, woman !

I feel bad for the Animation guy.

I don't think he thought his product would be subject to such intense scrutiny.

But he is doing a good job defending his product.

*And he sighed in relief*

Owens was a quack with his "software" and software pitch.

This guy is on the level.

And apparently he looks like Liam, that should cinch it.
Believe me I could tell. That's why I made the statement I did. Normally I like your posts but on this issue you are just flat wrong. Politics and race have nothing to do with this case (nor should they ever), flat out GZ is a dumb jackass.

We don't know what occurred that terrible night but we can look at the evidence and make a very well informed assumption...or series of assumptions if you will.

We KNOW that GZ followed TM and called 9/11.
We KNOW that 9/11 told him they didn't need him to follow TM.
We KNOW that eventually GZ broke off his tail and started to walk back to his truck.
We KNOW that TM then followed GZ back to GZ's truck and began to assault GZ.
We KNOW that GZ had water stains on his back and that TM had water stains on his knees.
We KNOW the GZ had a bashed in nose and lacerations on the back of his head.
We KNOW that TM had abrasions on his hand and a gunshot wound to his torso.

ALL the rest is BS that you, and a whole host of other pundits and ambulance chasers have spewed out in an attempt to influence the jury and the legal system. It began with that scumbag NBC PA who edited the 9/11 tape to make it seem as if GZ was a racist and it has continued on with scurrilous bastards like Spike Lee and others like him.

The facts are we KNOW that GZ is not racist. Period. Any claim that he is ignores every bit of evidence that he wasn't,and casts the utterer as a non-thinking propagandist.

W also know that a young man was tragically killed in the prime of his life. We also know that he was complicit in his death. He too could have simply walked away but he didn't. He CHOSE to pursue GZ back to GZ's truck. At that point,while GZ certainly instigated the encounter, TM (IMO) escalated that encounter to its tragic end.
How do you think Z got his gun if he was lying on top of it being beat?

Also, why didn't his medical exam uncover some nasty bruising on his lower back?

It's called adrenaline. How do you think little women pick cars up off of their children. I don't know, my guess is because they didn't bother to look. The one thing that has struck me about this case is how poorly the investigation was done. From the beginning there was no real attempt to do a good job. Even the prosecutions medical examiner never bothered to physically inspect GZ. She based her opinions on photographs. That's stupid.

Whenever I testify in a case I know BOTH sides stories inside out. I study every aspect of the case before me. To do otherwise is simply stupid. I value my reputation far too much to ever cut corners. The prosecution cut almost every corner there is. They believed (IMO) they could crucify GZ in the media so felt they could get away with a shoddy job. That's why their case is so weak.
I don't think adrenaline would prevent his lower back from bruising if he was lying on his gun while getting beaten. I also would point out that if he had that much adrenaline he would still have to thrown Martin off of him to access his gun.
False, here's a video of a police officer fighting a guy twice his size. With the guy on top of the officer the officer is at an EXTREME disadvantage but manages to pull his gun and fire 1 round into the man. The man is unfazed and continues to fight. Then the man takes the officers gun but the officer manages to hit the mag release before the guy gets a chance to use it on him. Granted the two aren't on the ground grappling but you get my point.

Furthermore, If Martin is using his hands to either hit Zimmerman or thrust his head into the ground, this leaves Zimmerman's hands free to do what he did. The idea that he had his gun out before doesn't make much sense. If he had it out before he would have shot Martin as he was coming at him, not after getting the shit beat out of him.

The fact that Trayvon was shot through the heart indicates that GZ was in full control of the gun.

Or that Trayvon was close..........It is hard to believe you even wrote something so obviously flawed.

Saying he hit him squarely in the heart through dumb luck is stretching credibility beyond limit. Like I said, nothing is absolute. That has to be weighed along with all the evidence.

Being "close" and shooting locked in a struggle would mean he'd get hit in the stomach or leg.
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The Kennedy Assassination is not depicted in the video either.

And they forgot to show the bullets were filled with nano-thermite. :eek:

Good catch!

Exclude the video.

Exclude the transcript, too.

Exclude all the defense witnesses.

Exclude the jury, too, for that matter.

Pass the guilty verdict and pronounce sentence and forbid an appeal and

NO fucking habeas corpus.

NOW Sarie can get a sound sleep.
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Prosecution: So you deliberately omitted facts from this animation to show what the defense told you to show.

Animator: the stuff missing is not impossible...

Prosecution: can I tell the facts from this animation?

Animator: they are in this animation but not expounded

Prosecution: so I tell the facts from this animation?

Animator: you can calculate from the scale

Yeah so they move the angle of the animation to purposefully hide the gun. They hide the killing. But they want to show the beating. Yeah the Judge should throw it out.

The animator is admitting the purpose of the video is to expound on the defense's case by hiding some facts.
Prosecution: So you deliberately omitted facts from this animation to show what the defense told you to show.

Animator: the stuff missing is not impossible...

Prosecution: can I tell the facts from this animation?

Animator: they are in this animation but not expounded

Prosecution: so I tell the facts from this animation?

Animator: you can calculate from the scale

Yeah so they move the angle of the animation to purposefully hide the gun. They hide the killing. But they want to show the beating. Yeah the Judge should throw it out.

The animator is admitting the purpose of the video is to expound on the defense's case by hiding some facts.
No he didn't. The only purpose of the animation was, using testimony, to back up the Drs testimony

For example blood spats are not there either
Prosecution: So you deliberately omitted facts from this animation to show what the defense told you to show.

Animator: the stuff missing is not impossible...

Prosecution: can I tell the facts from this animation?

Animator: they are in this animation but not expounded

Prosecution: so I tell the facts from this animation?

Animator: you can calculate from the scale

Yeah so they move the angle of the animation to purposefully hide the gun. They hide the killing. But they want to show the beating. Yeah the Judge should throw it out.

The animator is admitting the purpose of the video is to expound on the defense's case by hiding some facts.


There is some compelling need to animate a gun when nobody is denying (and the defendant has fully admitted) that he had a gun and fired it thereby causing the death of TM?

You are not making any sense bud. Wet grass causes gashes in the head.

Getting your head violently dragged across dry grass would cause that wound on GZ's head whether it's wet or not. Being wet would not make a difference.

Happens in the movies. Probably. Juries make their decisions based on movies. That's some of the most stupid fucking shit I've seen on this topic.

I cited the movies merely as an example. It wasn't meant to be taken wholesale.

You will have to excuse me if I take a world renowned forensic scientist's word over yours. WOW!!! You've got to be fucking with me on this line of shit. Although I will give you one thing you got right.

You'd have to be really dense to think that little scrape on his came from cement, even if you heard God tell you it was.
He was ambidextrous!

It could have been a powerful backhand.

Uhm. GZ still had his fucking nose broken and he said (and the STATE introduced his account) that it happened when he was punched by TM.

So what fucking difference does it make that there is a very small possibility that TM used the OTHER hand?
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