The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Sounds like she's testifying for the prosecution ...hmmmmm

That's what I'm saying why she questioning the witness and acting like the prosc.

I'm missing it or this is whacked out.

This seems like a pseudo-Daubert hearing; the judge is considered a "gatekeeper" in those hearings, and determines which facts are admissible and which are not.
Why is the Zimmerman case devided so sharply along partisan lines? With only a very few exceptions the lefties here believe GZ is guilty and the conservatives wait until the trial is over. I couldn't understand why, since GZ isn't white, the lefties were so ready to string him up.

Moments ago, it hit me.

It's only partially about race. True, if TM was white or hispanic, no one would care, but race isn't the real reason they want GZ to fry. It's guns.

GZ defended himself with a gun and a black man is dead. They cannot stand the thought that GZ might have legally used a gun to defend himself. It's about guns, and self-defense and even Stand-Your-Ground.

If GZ is convicted, they can use this case to revive their efforts to take away our rights and that is THE issue.

The left never ever cares about right and wrong, they only care about winning.


Conservatives believe he’s not guilty and will continue to believe that regardless the facts, evidence, or outcome of the trial.

Zimmerman is a ‘hero’ to the right because he represents the resentment many white conservatives experience when reference are made to racism most whites neither see nor practice.

Conservatives, for the most part, fear a conviction will have a ‘dampening effect’ on others using lawful – but lethal – self-deference against minorities, young African-American males in particular.
so will white people stay home when the verdict is read? like in the suburbs of Philly,Atlanta and Los Angeles? will thugs take us back to 1991 again? (1991, right?)

I imagine whites who live near the big and trashed cities will stay alert for trouble. Not go in to work in the city as much, maybe.

'91? Was that the LA riots where they pulled that white truck driver out and beat him in the intersection? The big-city riots from the late '60s on all run together for me. That was a bad time.

As long as they stay in the ghetto and burn down their own area, who cares. That's the important thing.
You clearly haven't read the other Zimmerman threads, to make a statement like that.
Yeah, what ever happened to Gawdawg...did he slink away in shame?

Given that he has more experience in the facets of this case than you or your liberal friends put together, he probably believes that the facts he gives will confuse you more than benefit you. You ignorant tool.

Right, that's why he always claims his opinions are facts. He reminds me of you except sometimes he isn't retarded.
1. How are the facts "bogus"? Di Maio made it clear that his lacerations and swelling are due to impacts with a hard surface, like concrete.

I have always asserted that the grass was dry, hard and abrasive. You can see it in the crime scene photos. Hitting his head there would cause that minimal amount of damage that was seen on GZ's head. Concrete would have caused far more bleeding and deep wounds which were absent.

There has been testimony referring to punctate abrasions, which can be attributed to the skin coming into contact with concrete.

With dry grass, it is easy to penetrate through to the dirt below where pebbles and little jagged rocks are frequently there.

2. Yes it is going now. Turn it on and catch the action!

3. I am sorry if I got overzealous. Too many people running around USMB thinking they know everything. At least research the history of the case and bring yourself up to speed. I don't have lots of patience, so you will have to forgive me.

No hard feelings. There is always a lot on our minds.

The link you gave me didn't work for me, but I found a livestream of the trial and have been listening to it for awhile now. I don't know how you guys concentrate on it when you're posting here though. :redface:

The animation that they're showing now was made by the defense, right? I only had time to glance at it, but it looks contrived.
Red, White & Liberal: How Left Is Right and Right Is Wrong
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The cover of Red, White & Liberal.

Red, White & Liberal: How Left is Right and Right is Wrong (ISBN 0-06-056297-8) is the debut non-fiction book by Fox News Channel commentator Alan Colmes, the liberal member of the network's Hannity & Colmes show.

Released in 2003, Red, White & Liberal tackles issues such as civil rights, the war on terror, and the perceived liberal media bias. Moreover, Colmes asserts that Bill Clinton was America's greatest president, that O. J. Simpson was innocent, and that Jesus was a liberal. Interspersed throughout are actual emails from Hannity & Colmes viewers, reprinted verbatim.

The book was prominently advertised on the website of Alan Colmes' conservative counterpart, Sean Hannity.
-- Red, White & Liberal: How Left Is Right and Right Is Wrong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Granted fishface Colmes IS a particularly absurd lolberal, but he is far from alone.
I've only been listening - did someone see if a view of the animation has the crime scene markers on it or is this "event" only?
I don't care if Zimmerman was standing outside his truck yelling "******" at Martin, it doesn't give Martin the right to physically attack Zimmerman. Unfortunately for many in this country, we have the freedom to say what we want shy of threatening someone. We do not, however, have the right to attack someone and beat the shit out of them based on what they were saying to us.

Well, not unless we can get away with it.

If we can get away with it, as we like.

I take no interest in the "rights" of abusive men to abuse.

If they get a surprise, good.
I think you asked the right question and may not yet understand the ramifications of what you actually said.

Zimmerman was the one with injuries. Martin was wailing on him. Zimmerman was at a severe disadvantage with regard to both fighting skills and body position. Why would the person winning the fight be yelling for help? It makes much more sense for the one getting his head bashed against the concrete to be the one yelling for help.

Zimmerman probably pulled the gun on Trayvon early on. Even if it was later on with a gun out, it is nearly impossible to be at a disadvantage in a strugle no matter what position you get into. If you got the gun out, with a flick of the wrist, you're a split second from shooting it. We've seen this in the movies countless times. In matters of this type, movies are very accurately based on reality. Right?

Also, we shouldn't forget that GZ's injuries were very light.

" In matters of this type, movies are very accurately based on reality. Right?"

You had me going until that line.


Nothing is absolute, and in most trials it doesn't take much to convince a jury.
It's Zimmerman's contention that he defended himself. If events didn't unfold in exactly the way Zimmerman says, he certainly has a motivation to lie, though, doesn't he? Who doesn't understand that?

I remember when I was a kid and did something that I just KNEW would get me in trouble. As a consequence, I lied to my parents in an effort to avoid that possibility. In fact, something I read about 20 years ago stated that trying to avoid punishment is the overwhelming main reason why ALL people lie. That includes adults who screw up something and no they're going to catch hell if the truth be told.

Now, conservatives like to say that they see the world how it is instead of through rose-colored glasses like they seem to believe liberals see the world. Well, are conservatives here going to tell me that they don't believe that someone who commits a crime isn't inclined to lie his ass off if he thinks it will make the difference between going to prison and going free?

This question here is why are conservatives so willing to believe Zimmerman when there is so much about his story that just doesn't ring true.

You're missing the point. The point is the question of why the lefties were so convinced that GZ was guilty even before they heard ANY evidence, ANY witnesses, and way before there was a trial?

It's because a man defended himself with a gun.

Well no.

It's because a grown man got out of his car after calling 911, chased an unarmed kid that was not involved in any criminal activity into a dark courtyard, and shot him.

Then the cops let the killer go.
Yep. It really is that simple. If Z had strangled the guy the result would have been the same. Vigilante justice SHOULD be investigated. But for some reason the cops decided they were the judge and jury. They made the same mistake Z made.
I think you asked the right question and may not yet understand the ramifications of what you actually said.

Zimmerman was the one with injuries. Martin was wailing on him. Zimmerman was at a severe disadvantage with regard to both fighting skills and body position. Why would the person winning the fight be yelling for help? It makes much more sense for the one getting his head bashed against the concrete to be the one yelling for help.

Zimmerman probably pulled the gun on Trayvon early on. Even if it was later on with a gun out, it is nearly impossible to be at a disadvantage in a strugle no matter what position you get into. If you got the gun out, with a flick of the wrist, you're a split second from shooting it. We've seen this in the movies countless times. In matters of this type, movies are very accurately based on reality. Right?

Also, we shouldn't forget that GZ's injuries were very light.

False, here's a video of a police officer fighting a guy twice his size. With the guy on top of the officer the officer is at an EXTREME disadvantage but manages to pull his gun and fire 1 round into the man. The man is unfazed and continues to fight. Then the man takes the officers gun but the officer manages to hit the mag release before the guy gets a chance to use it on him. Granted the two aren't on the ground grappling but you get my point.

Furthermore, If Martin is using his hands to either hit Zimmerman or thrust his head into the ground, this leaves Zimmerman's hands free to do what he did. The idea that he had his gun out before doesn't make much sense. If he had it out before he would have shot Martin as he was coming at him, not after getting the shit beat out of him.

[ame=]Police Officer fights for his life against an Ex-Heavy Weight Boxer ALMOST DIES - YouTube[/ame]

The fact that Trayvon was shot through the heart indicates that GZ was in full control of the gun.

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He had an abrasion that the medical expert testified was very minor.

Does slamming someone's head into concrete produce only minor abrasions?

He had two aprox 1 inch cuts on the back of his head along with the abrasions. And the damage done could vary greatly depending on the force exerted and the number of times the head hits the pavement. Are you disputing the fact that concrete could easily be a deadly weapon?
One inch deep? No. :lol:

Did they find any bits of dirt or concrete in his head? No.

Did he have any imprint on his scalp? No.

Did he claim his head was bashed into concrete that night? No.

There are no places on the back of the head that the scalp is 1 in thick, STRAWMAN.

You don't know what was cleaned out of his wounds, most of the cleanup was done by his wife, a nursing student, because he was not charged the night of the incident.

What is there to imprint on a flat sidewalk. Another STRAWMAN.

And yes he told the cops that the kid was hitting him in the head with his head on the concrete. Did he use the word "bashing", that's irrelevant, his head was being pummeled and it was in fact on the concrete. If you know anything about metal work there is a reason a blacksmith uses an anvil, a solid backing makes it easier to change the shape of the object between the hammer and the anvil, the same principle applies here. BTW you like most of the liberals around here didn't answer my question.
You're missing the point. The point is the question of why the lefties were so convinced that GZ was guilty even before they heard ANY evidence, ANY witnesses, and way before there was a trial?

It's because a man defended himself with a gun.

Well no.

It's because a grown man got out of his car after calling 911, chased an unarmed kid that was not involved in any criminal activity into a dark courtyard, and shot him.

Then the cops let the killer go.
Yep. It really is that simple. If Z had strangled the guy the result would have been the same. Vigilante justice SHOULD be investigated. But for some reason the cops decided they were the judge and jury. They made the same mistake Z made.

Investigation would have been a much better idea than filing murder 2. Now the State has to look like idiots trying to prove it. Much like liberals trying to prove anything.
1. How are the facts "bogus"? Di Maio made it clear that his lacerations and swelling are due to impacts with a hard surface, like concrete.

I have always asserted that the grass was dry, hard and abrasive. You can see it in the crime scene photos. Hitting his head there would cause that minimal amount of damage that was seen on GZ's head. Concrete would have caused far more bleeding and deep wounds which were absent.

There has been testimony referring to punctate abrasions, which can be attributed to the skin coming into contact with concrete.

With dry grass, it is easy to penetrate through to the dirt below where pebbles and little jagged rocks are frequently there.

2. Yes it is going now. Turn it on and catch the action!

3. I am sorry if I got overzealous. Too many people running around USMB thinking they know everything. At least research the history of the case and bring yourself up to speed. I don't have lots of patience, so you will have to forgive me.

No hard feelings. There is always a lot on our minds.

The link you gave me didn't work for me, but I found a livestream of the trial and have been listening to it for awhile now. I don't know how you guys concentrate on it when you're posting here though. :redface:

The animation that they're showing now was made by the defense, right? I only had time to glance at it, but it looks contrived.

It was raining that night. How hard could the grass be? The leading forensic scientist in the country said the injuries were consistent with concrete. What are your forensic credentials? Since you seem to be an expert on grass, what does wet grass sound like? Are you MarcATL clone?
Zimmerman probably pulled the gun on Trayvon early on. Even if it was later on with a gun out, it is nearly impossible to be at a disadvantage in a strugle no matter what position you get into. If you got the gun out, with a flick of the wrist, you're a split second from shooting it. We've seen this in the movies countless times. In matters of this type, movies are very accurately based on reality. Right?

Also, we shouldn't forget that GZ's injuries were very light.

False, here's a video of a police officer fighting a guy twice his size. With the guy on top of the officer the officer is at an EXTREME disadvantage but manages to pull his gun and fire 1 round into the man. The man is unfazed and continues to fight. Then the man takes the officers gun but the officer manages to hit the mag release before the guy gets a chance to use it on him. Granted the two aren't on the ground grappling but you get my point.

Furthermore, If Martin is using his hands to either hit Zimmerman or thrust his head into the ground, this leaves Zimmerman's hands free to do what he did. The idea that he had his gun out before doesn't make much sense. If he had it out before he would have shot Martin as he was coming at him, not after getting the shit beat out of him.

[ame=]Police Officer fights for his life against an Ex-Heavy Weight Boxer ALMOST DIES - YouTube[/ame]

The fact that Trayvon was shot through the heart indicates that GZ was in full control of the gun.

Or that Trayvon was close..........It is hard to believe you even wrote something so obviously flawed.
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