The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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to dismiss race as a motivation would make you foolish. Zimmerman based on the fact that black people where stealing things from the homes in his area made this a race issue.
But like the gun issue, its only part of the story here.

yet most of his 911 calls are not about black people.

why is it very few on the left know facts about this case?

Why is the Zimmerman case devided so sharply along partisan lines? With only a very few exceptions the lefties here believe GZ is guilty and the conservatives wait until the trial is over. I couldn't understand why, since GZ isn't white, the lefties were so ready to string him up.

Moments ago, it hit me.

It's only partially about race. True, if TM was white or hispanic, no one would care, but race isn't the real reason they want GZ to fry. It's guns.

GZ defended himself with a gun and a black man is dead. They cannot stand the thought that GZ might have legally used a gun to defend himself. It's about guns, and self-defense and even Stand-Your-Ground.

If GZ is convicted, they can use this case to revive their efforts to take away our rights and that is THE issue.

The left never ever cares about right and wrong, they only care about winning.

No, it's race.

They got their marching orders from racist black leaders and jumped the gun, :lol:, and once they found out the truth, they can't admit they were wrong, so the had to go full steam ahead.

taking our guns is the win win, it's an add to their racism
The ruling SHOULD be immediate (like she has the ability to do as shown by her deep consideration of the defense motion for a directed judgment of acquittal):

It's admissible.

The not-so-special prosecutors will shit themselves right there at the prosecutors' table.

But, that MUST be risked!


She already knows what she's going to rule just like with acquittal prior to those arguments.

This is just.... Red Tape.
Which reinforces the defense's case.

Martin was beating on Zimmerman so why would Martin have been the one screaming?

I think you misunderstood my question.

I think you asked the right question and may not yet understand the ramifications of what you actually said.

Zimmerman was the one with injuries. Martin was wailing on him. Zimmerman was at a severe disadvantage with regard to both fighting skills and body position. Why would the person winning the fight be yelling for help? It makes much more sense for the one getting his head bashed against the concrete to be the one yelling for help.

Zimmerman probably pulled the gun on Trayvon early on. Even if it was later on with a gun out, it is nearly impossible to be at a disadvantage in a strugle no matter what position you get into. If you got the gun out, with a flick of the wrist, you're a split second from shooting it. We've seen this in the movies countless times. In matters of this type, movies are very accurately based on reality. Right?

Also, we shouldn't forget that GZ's injuries were very light.
Having a CHL myself I used to be in the opinion that Z should be found guilty because I was under the impression that Z was following M and confronted him (which I believe most current M supporters still believe). However, after watching hours of this trial I've changed my opinion. By the 911 tapes it's obvious that Z was in his car when Martin started to run. Z only follwed him for a few (maybe 5) seconds until the dispatcher told him to stop following. Z's breathing eased as he started walking back to his truck, giving information to the dispatcher. EVEN IF Z continued to walk in the diretion of M, M was running the other direction and Z would have never caught up with him. Now if Z stopped following M, and M was running the other way, how did the two end up meeting up with one another again? It's obvious that M circled back around to confront Z. Now numerous people have already stated that M was on top of Z beating the living hell out of him. That's enough grounds to use self-defnse in Florida; as well as other states. I don't care if Zimmerman was standing outside his truck yelling "******" at Martin, it doesn't give Martin the right to physically attack Zimmerman. Unfortunately for many in this country, we have the freedom to say what we want shy of threatening someone. We do not, however, have the right to attack someone and beat the shit out of them based on what they were saying to us.
The evidence does not support his head being slammed into the concrete.

Then what exactly made the cuts on the back of his head? I don't want assumptions provide evidence.
He had an abrasion that the medical expert testified was very minor.

Does slamming someone's head into concrete produce only minor abrasions?

He had two aprox 1 inch cuts on the back of his head along with the abrasions. And the damage done could vary greatly depending on the force exerted and the number of times the head hits the pavement. Are you disputing the fact that concrete could easily be a deadly weapon?
to dismiss race as a motivation would make you foolish. Zimmerman based on the fact that black people where stealing things from the homes in his area made this a race issue.
But like the gun issue, its only part of the story here.

yet most of his 911 calls are not about black people.

why is it very few on the left know facts about this case?


46 Calls - The Daily Beast

Although, in fairness, he did describe some of the suspicious folks as male blacks. If they were male blacks, it would have been pretty pointless to describe female Asians.

He also reported car(s) with tinted windows and a dog that was BOTH black and white, so yeah.

He MUST be a racist.

I think you misunderstood my question.

I think you asked the right question and may not yet understand the ramifications of what you actually said.

Zimmerman was the one with injuries. Martin was wailing on him. Zimmerman was at a severe disadvantage with regard to both fighting skills and body position. Why would the person winning the fight be yelling for help? It makes much more sense for the one getting his head bashed against the concrete to be the one yelling for help.

Zimmerman probably pulled the gun on Trayvon early on. Even if it was later on with a gun out, it is nearly impossible to be at a disadvantage in a strugle no matter what position you get into. If you got the gun out, with a flick of the wrist, you're a split second from shooting it. We've seen this in the movies countless times. In matters of this type, movies are very accurately based on reality. Right?

Also, we shouldn't forget that GZ's injuries were very light.

As regards to his injuries, I'm assuming you didn't watch today's testimony. The gun was not out seconds prior to the shot, according to the only eye witness. If you think just having a gun on you means you are not entitled to self defense, you are ignorant of the law. Words like probably and in the movies aren't usually going to convict anyone in the real world. You said last night that "you're going to die tonight mother fucker" was straight out of a bad movie. You seem convinced that lethal weapon franchise is akin to GZ's murder trial. You are going to have to do better than this man.
I think you misunderstood my question.

I think you asked the right question and may not yet understand the ramifications of what you actually said.

Zimmerman was the one with injuries. Martin was wailing on him. Zimmerman was at a severe disadvantage with regard to both fighting skills and body position. Why would the person winning the fight be yelling for help? It makes much more sense for the one getting his head bashed against the concrete to be the one yelling for help.

Zimmerman probably pulled the gun on Trayvon early on. Even if it was later on with a gun out, it is nearly impossible to be at a disadvantage in a strugle no matter what position you get into. If you got the gun out, with a flick of the wrist, you're a split second from shooting it. We've seen this in the movies countless times. In matters of this type, movies are very accurately based on reality. Right?

Also, we shouldn't forget that GZ's injuries were very light.

False, here's a video of a police officer fighting a guy twice his size. With the guy on top of the officer the officer is at an EXTREME disadvantage but manages to pull his gun and fire 1 round into the man. The man is unfazed and continues to fight. Then the man takes the officers gun but the officer manages to hit the mag release before the guy gets a chance to use it on him. Granted the two aren't on the ground grappling but you get my point.

Furthermore, If Martin is using his hands to either hit Zimmerman or thrust his head into the ground, this leaves Zimmerman's hands free to do what he did. The idea that he had his gun out before doesn't make much sense. If he had it out before he would have shot Martin as he was coming at him, not after getting the shit beat out of him.

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Then what exactly made the cuts on the back of his head? I don't want assumptions provide evidence.
He had an abrasion that the medical expert testified was very minor.

Does slamming someone's head into concrete produce only minor abrasions?

He had two aprox 1 inch cuts on the back of his head along with the abrasions. And the damage done could vary greatly depending on the force exerted and the number of times the head hits the pavement. Are you disputing the fact that concrete could easily be a deadly weapon?
One inch deep? No. :lol:

Did they find any bits of dirt or concrete in his head? No.

Did he have any imprint on his scalp? No.

Did he claim his head was bashed into concrete that night? No.
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