The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I think you misunderstood my question.

I think you asked the right question and may not yet understand the ramifications of what you actually said.

Zimmerman was the one with injuries. Martin was wailing on him. Zimmerman was at a severe disadvantage with regard to both fighting skills and body position. Why would the person winning the fight be yelling for help? It makes much more sense for the one getting his head bashed against the concrete to be the one yelling for help.

Zimmerman probably pulled the gun on Trayvon early on. Even if it was later on with a gun out, it is nearly impossible to be at a disadvantage in a strugle no matter what position you get into. If you got the gun out, with a flick of the wrist, you're a split second from shooting it. We've seen this in the movies countless times. In matters of this type, movies are very accurately based on reality. Right?

Also, we shouldn't forget that GZ's injuries were very light.

" In matters of this type, movies are very accurately based on reality. Right?"

You had me going until that line.

Is she supposed to be questioning this and the witness lawyerees?????

What is this?
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yet most of his 911 calls are not about black people.

why is it very few on the left know facts about this case?


46 Calls - The Daily Beast

Although, in fairness, he did describe some of the suspicious folks as male blacks. If they were male blacks, it would have been pretty pointless to describe female Asians.

He also reported car(s) with tinted windows and a dog that was BOTH black and white, so yeah.

He MUST be a racist.

He also mentions pitbulls and basketball. :)

Read between the lines!
Yes. liberals are deathly afraid of white people with guns. Note the way they froth at the mouth about militias and domestic terrorists. They don't like white people with guns. They especially don't like southern white people with guns.
Same deal as the Gabby Giffords shooting down in Tucson.....WHERE WERE THE COPS? The left loves to blame everybody and see who refuses to defend themselves to pin something on. If Gabby had had ONE officer or sheriff deputy at her function, there would have been no shooting...same as all the school and theatre shootings....WHERE WERE THE COPS? As many times as Zimmy reported suspicious activity in a neighborhood with increasing numbers of burglaries, WHERE WERE THE COPS? Not that most police departments are worth a bent dick anymore.....all equipment, no guts.
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Do not accept anything Ghook has to say about race. Ghook called me a spear chucker. This tells me where all his support for Zimmerman comes from.

He called me something starting with an "N" and ending with a "ger".

Didn't really get it.

I just got hit with a neg which is fine but then I was called "boy" and in a racist way. Poster

The infidel. And then teapublicans wonder why many see them as racist

No I dont... I couldnt give a rats ass about what you idiots think of me.
If you and your ilk think I'm a racist, then I must be doing it right.

:dev3: :321: :finger3: :dev3: :321: :finger3: :dev3: :321: :finger3: :dev3: :321: :finger3:
There's the strawman. The trial is about does someone have the right to get out of his car, follow a teen, and kill him with impunity? It is also about the stand your ground law, which should have applied to Martin since he was the one being followed and reported on when he had done nothing wrong.

Amazing isn't it.

In Florida you can follow a kid in the dark, shoot him for no reason, tell the coppers you are part of the neighborhood watch and they let you go.

Great place.

What's truly amazing is you have to make up your own narrative of what happened when the facts don't support your viewpoint.

Shooting someone who is on top of you beating you is hardly "for no reason".

Just wondering.

Is getting into a fistfight now going to be attempted murder in Florida?

Amazing isn't it.

In Florida you can follow a kid in the dark, shoot him for no reason, tell the coppers you are part of the neighborhood watch and they let you go.

Great place.

What's truly amazing is you have to make up your own narrative of what happened when the facts don't support your viewpoint.

Shooting someone who is on top of you beating you is hardly "for no reason".

Just wondering.

Is getting into a fistfight now going to be attempted murder in Florida?


If he's black and gets his ass kicked Al will come screaming. Don't you worry.
Found a Basic programming simulator...TRS-80 Level I BASIC Simulator :lol:

Thx for the link.. their print appears to be doing a println I might've forgotten the trick to keep the print cursor going around the screen...

10 G=1
20 PRINT G;" "
30 G=G+1
40 GOTO 20

oh there it is... 20 PRINT G;" ";


Fun to play with isn't it...

10 G=10000
30 IF G=0 THEN GOTO 60
40 G=G-1
50 GOTO 20
70 END

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