The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I think it's more of a racial issue.

Would this case even be here if it were two black or two hispanic men?

It is certainly about race, not guns. And about Obama's son. Once Obama tagged the dead kid as his son, the people who hate Obama wanted to see the guy who killed the kid get away with it, and the people who like Obama wanted to see the guy who killed the kid go to prison.

So the media is providing the theater the rubes crave.
Don't be an idiot. He could have been anyone's son. Walking around in Florida has become dangerous.
Why doesn't the judge just put this circus out of it's misery and say she's already decided to exclude the animation?
1. How are the facts "bogus"? Di Maio made it clear that his lacerations and swelling are due to impacts with a hard surface, like concrete.

I have always asserted that the grass was dry, hard and abrasive. You can see it in the crime scene photos. Hitting his head there would cause that minimal amount of damage that was seen on GZ's head. Concrete would have caused far more bleeding and deep wounds which were absent.

There has been testimony referring to punctate abrasions, which can be attributed to the skin coming into contact with concrete.

With dry grass, it is easy to penetrate through to the dirt below where pebbles and little jagged rocks are frequently there.

2. Yes it is going now. Turn it on and catch the action!

3. I am sorry if I got overzealous. Too many people running around USMB thinking they know everything. At least research the history of the case and bring yourself up to speed. I don't have lots of patience, so you will have to forgive me.

No hard feelings. There is always a lot on our minds.

The link you gave me didn't work for me, but I found a livestream of the trial and have been listening to it for awhile now. I don't know how you guys concentrate on it when you're posting here though. :redface:

The animation that they're showing now was made by the defense, right? I only had time to glance at it, but it looks contrived.

Okay first off, the grass was wet, as it was raining, impossible to assert that those punctate abrasions were caused by the grass. Di Maio also said the lacerations were "markers of force" conducive with impacting a hard surface, and that he has done work on patients who died from a blow to the head without any damage to the skin or bleeding whatsoever.

I'm using Firefox and switching between this tab and the tab I have the stream on, the audio plays whether or not I am on that tab or not. If there isn't any visual evidence being presented, I can post here. And Mr. Schumaker is a defense witness.
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You are not making any sense bud. Wet grass causes gashes in the head. Happens in the movies. Probably. Juries make their decisions based on movies. That's some of the most stupid fucking shit I've seen on this topic.
Well no.

It's because a grown man got out of his car after calling 911, chased an unarmed kid that was not involved in any criminal activity into a dark courtyard, and shot him.

Then the cops let the killer go.
Yep. It really is that simple. If Z had strangled the guy the result would have been the same. Vigilante justice SHOULD be investigated. But for some reason the cops decided they were the judge and jury. They made the same mistake Z made.

Investigation would have been a much better idea than filing murder 2. Now the State has to look like idiots trying to prove it. Much like liberals trying to prove anything.
The "state" is Republican. But yes, they should have gone for manslaughter because there is no way the could prove he set out to kill someone that night or killed someone simply because of who he was.
She relented on the THC. I think that was likely a safe ruling but she reversed field anyway.

If against astronomical odds the Not So Special Prosecutors manage to get a conviction "for" the STATE of Florida, why would her honor want to interject reversible error into the equation?

You would be better served saying Crump told me he did it, so that's how I know, at the end of every illogical post that you make. Grass caused the gashes in the back of a man's head. That is pretty fucking hilarious right there. It will take me a while to get over that one. Dry grass on a rainy night. That is truly the greatest quote of the entire trial.
You're missing the point. The point is the question of why the lefties were so convinced that GZ was guilty even before they heard ANY evidence, ANY witnesses, and way before there was a trial?

It's because a man defended himself with a gun.

Well no.

It's because a grown man got out of his car after calling 911, chased an unarmed kid that was not involved in any criminal activity into a dark courtyard, and shot him.

Then the cops let the killer go.
Yep. It really is that simple. If Z had strangled the guy the result would have been the same. Vigilante justice SHOULD be investigated. But for some reason the cops decided they were the judge and jury. They made the same mistake Z made.

The police chief looked at the circumstances and decided Zimmerman acted within the law, that's not being judge and jury, that is part of his job. They only arrest people who acted contrary to the law.

You are not making any sense bud. Wet grass causes gashes in the head.

Getting your head violently dragged across dry grass would cause that wound on GZ's head whether it's wet or not. Being wet would not make a difference.

Happens in the movies. Probably. Juries make their decisions based on movies. That's some of the most stupid fucking shit I've seen on this topic.

I cited the movies merely as an example. It wasn't meant to be taken wholesale.
Zimmerman probably pulled the gun on Trayvon early on. Even if it was later on with a gun out, it is nearly impossible to be at a disadvantage in a strugle no matter what position you get into. If you got the gun out, with a flick of the wrist, you're a split second from shooting it. We've seen this in the movies countless times. In matters of this type, movies are very accurately based on reality. Right?

Also, we shouldn't forget that GZ's injuries were very light.

False, here's a video of a police officer fighting a guy twice his size. With the guy on top of the officer the officer is at an EXTREME disadvantage but manages to pull his gun and fire 1 round into the man. The man is unfazed and continues to fight. Then the man takes the officers gun but the officer manages to hit the mag release before the guy gets a chance to use it on him. Granted the two aren't on the ground grappling but you get my point.

Furthermore, If Martin is using his hands to either hit Zimmerman or thrust his head into the ground, this leaves Zimmerman's hands free to do what he did. The idea that he had his gun out before doesn't make much sense. If he had it out before he would have shot Martin as he was coming at him, not after getting the shit beat out of him.

[ame=]Police Officer fights for his life against an Ex-Heavy Weight Boxer ALMOST DIES - YouTube[/ame]

The fact that Trayvon was shot through the heart indicates that GZ was in full control of the gun.


Trayvon Martin shot in heart at point-blank range - World - News - London Evening Standard
Not at all. That is opinion.

..and as was done by other media, the photo of Martin is years old. Biased reporting to say the least. Bullshit to be more accurate.
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