The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I picked some green beans from my garden this am.
A pic of those would be more interesting than listening to this!
Prosecution: So you deliberately omitted facts from this animation to show what the defense told you to show.

Animator: the stuff missing is not impossible...

Prosecution: can I tell the facts from this animation?

Animator: they are in this animation but not expounded

Prosecution: so I tell the facts from this animation?

Animator: you can calculate from the scale

Yeah so they move the angle of the animation to purposefully hide the gun. They hide the killing. But they want to show the beating. Yeah the Judge should throw it out.

The animator is admitting the purpose of the video is to expound on the defense's case by hiding some facts.


There is some compelling need to animate a gun when nobody is denying (and the defendant has fully admitted) that he had a gun and fired it thereby causing the death of TM?

This is where lawyers and judges lose track of reality
Prosecution: So you deliberately omitted facts from this animation to show what the defense told you to show.

Animator: the stuff missing is not impossible...

Prosecution: can I tell the facts from this animation?

Animator: they are in this animation but not expounded

Prosecution: so I tell the facts from this animation?

Animator: you can calculate from the scale

Yeah so they move the angle of the animation to purposefully hide the gun. They hide the killing. But they want to show the beating. Yeah the Judge should throw it out.

The animator is admitting the purpose of the video is to expound on the defense's case by hiding some facts.


There is some compelling need to animate a gun when nobody is denying (and the defendant has fully admitted) that he had a gun and fired it thereby causing the death of TM?

Yeah why would we want to show the killing in the animation about the killing. Let's move the camera around so we can "miss" the shot?
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The state and the judge will not be happy until O'Mara agrees to replace his animation with this one...

[ame=]Fight Scene from Popeye cartoon "Assault and Flattery" (1956) - YouTube[/ame]
He was ambidextrous!

It could have been a powerful backhand.

Uhm. GZ still had his fucking nose broken and he said (and the STATE introduced his account) that it happened when he was punched by TM.

So what fucking difference does it make that there is a very small possibility that TM used the OTHER hand?

It's all the prosecution has left???
Zimmerman probably pulled the gun on Trayvon early on. Even if it was later on with a gun out, it is nearly impossible to be at a disadvantage in a strugle no matter what position you get into. If you got the gun out, with a flick of the wrist, you're a split second from shooting it. We've seen this in the movies countless times. In matters of this type, movies are very accurately based on reality. Right?

Also, we shouldn't forget that GZ's injuries were very light.

False, here's a video of a police officer fighting a guy twice his size. With the guy on top of the officer the officer is at an EXTREME disadvantage but manages to pull his gun and fire 1 round into the man. The man is unfazed and continues to fight. Then the man takes the officers gun but the officer manages to hit the mag release before the guy gets a chance to use it on him. Granted the two aren't on the ground grappling but you get my point.

Furthermore, If Martin is using his hands to either hit Zimmerman or thrust his head into the ground, this leaves Zimmerman's hands free to do what he did. The idea that he had his gun out before doesn't make much sense. If he had it out before he would have shot Martin as he was coming at him, not after getting the shit beat out of him.

[ame=]Police Officer fights for his life against an Ex-Heavy Weight Boxer ALMOST DIES - YouTube[/ame]

The fact that Trayvon was shot through the heart indicates that GZ was in full control of the gun.


Trayvon Martin shot in heart at point-blank range - World - News - London Evening Standard

how does having full control of the gun have anything to do with this? GZ had a CHL and had been to numerous trainings. Whether or not GZ had full control of his gun has no bearing on niether the moment in which he drew his weapon nor whether or not he was using the firearm in self-defense. Even if he'd had drawn his weapon as Martin was running at him he would still be justified to use deadly force because he feared for his life. Martin could have have had a knife, or a gun of his own, or could have strangled him to death, or beat him to death. I'm not seeing your point as how when Z pulled his firearm indicates murder or self-defense.
Prosecution: So you deliberately omitted facts from this animation to show what the defense told you to show.

Animator: the stuff missing is not impossible...

Prosecution: can I tell the facts from this animation?

Animator: they are in this animation but not expounded

Prosecution: so I tell the facts from this animation?

Animator: you can calculate from the scale

Yeah so they move the angle of the animation to purposefully hide the gun. They hide the killing. But they want to show the beating. Yeah the Judge should throw it out.

The animator is admitting the purpose of the video is to expound on the defense's case by hiding some facts.


There is some compelling need to animate a gun when nobody is denying (and the defendant has fully admitted) that he had a gun and fired it thereby causing the death of TM?

Yeah why would we want to show the killing in the animation about the killing. Let's move the camera around so we can "miss" the shot?

Why would we NEED to show the shooting when it isn't fucking disputed?

What IS disputed is what happened that led up to the shooting.
Prosecution: So you deliberately omitted facts from this animation to show what the defense told you to show.

Animator: the stuff missing is not impossible...

Prosecution: can I tell the facts from this animation?

Animator: they are in this animation but not expounded

Prosecution: so I tell the facts from this animation?

Animator: you can calculate from the scale

Yeah so they move the angle of the animation to purposefully hide the gun. They hide the killing. But they want to show the beating. Yeah the Judge should throw it out.

The animator is admitting the purpose of the video is to expound on the defense's case by hiding some facts.


There is some compelling need to animate a gun when nobody is denying (and the defendant has fully admitted) that he had a gun and fired it thereby causing the death of TM?

Yeah why would we want to show the killing in the animation about the killing. Let's move the camera around so we can "miss" the shot?
Got bloodlust?
Maybe the animation would be acceptable if they shrunk Martin to the size of a 12 year old, and had George breathing fire. :dunno:
The fact that Trayvon was shot through the heart indicates that GZ was in full control of the gun.

Or that Trayvon was close..........It is hard to believe you even wrote something so obviously flawed.

Saying he hit him squarely in the heart through dumb luck is stretching credibility beyond limit. Like I said, nothing is absolute. That has to be weighed along with all the evidence.

Being "close" and shooting locked in a struggle would mean he'd get hit in the stomach or leg.

Really? Do you realize how many soldiers on the battle field have been hit directly in the heart by a shot fired from 100s of yards away? Are you telling me that every soldier killed by a bullet directly to the heart was being shot at by someone aiming directly at their heart? Or will you admit that dumb luck is a possibility. There are trained police officers who have emptied their entire magazines at a person at close range and completely missed. GZ hitting TM directly in the heart only means that GZ followed the first rule of firearms: Never point your gun at something you don't intend to destroy. And it makes perfect sense if TM was on top of GZ and had his hands anywhere near GZs face. This would make TMs cardiovascualr region completely exposed for GZ to bring his gun underneath and fire. I haven't seen the photographs but I'm not so sure that shot went straight through his chestbone and only into his heart. For all we know it could have traveled through one of his lungs first and hit the heart after; which would entail that GZ just put the gun up and fired. The gun was against his clothing but not against TMs chest. By looking at a picture of TMs hoodie you can see the blood stain is to the right of the center....
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The question is, do they believe Martin deserved to die because he was black? Because they certainly are convinced he deserved to die and they believed that waaaaaaaaay before the trial started.

GZ's story has not changed his story, and the evidence shows him to have been walking BACK TO HIS TRUCK (after being told he didnt need to follow TM) when TM confronted him and asked WTF he wanted. TM then cold cocked GZ (which broke GZ's nose) and he then began to beat the shit out of GZ... PLUS, the evidence presented today also showed TM was on top of GZ when he was shot.

Then again... you liberal idiots DO NOT CARE ABOUT FACTS!

BTW, I dont think one person on this board believes Trayvon deserved to die BEACUSE HE WAS BLACK....

You are the one who appears racist if ya ask me.

SHAME ON YOU RAVI..! :doubt:
One, I don't see that the evidence shows him going back to his truck. Two, even if it did, he still got back out of it and went looking. Otherwise he'd be sitting pretty in his truck with his door locked and Martin would have never gotten near him.

The most likely scenario is he got out of his truck with his gun drawn and threatened Martin. Martin defended himself and ended up dead.

I don't know about you, but if I was looking for someone I deemed dangerous I sure as hell wouldn't leave my gun in my ass.
The left is rabid over the fact that the evidence in the case doesn't match the evidence in their heads.

I just dont understand why they feel the need to make things up about it. So the evidence doesnt match their preconcieved notions. Fix your viewpoints. Dont make things up.
Brains, class, understatement...priceless. Sexy.'s past my attention span at this point. A girl's mind wanders..............................
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