The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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There is some compelling need to animate a gun when nobody is denying (and the defendant has fully admitted) that he had a gun and fired it thereby causing the death of TM?

Yeah why would we want to show the killing in the animation about the killing. Let's move the camera around so we can "miss" the shot?

Why would we NEED to show the shooting when it isn't fucking disputed?

What IS disputed is what happened that led up to the shooting.

What is the video gonna focus on? What disputed fact? Who's camera angle perspective are we gonna use?

Judge: Ok. THAT would be admissible. comes the buzzkill....................

Stupid, clueless, doofus......ugh
how does having full control of the gun have anything to do with this?

When someone has full control of a gun and aiming at you, that would cause you to scream or at least it's fully consistent with that being Trayvon screaming.

GZ had a CHL and had been to numerous trainings. Whether or not GZ had full control of his gun has no bearing on niether the moment in which he drew his weapon nor whether or not he was using the firearm in self-defense. Even if he'd had drawn his weapon as Martin was running at him he would still be justified to use deadly force because he feared for his life.

Running at him or approaching quickly in order to converse. That could give anyone with a CHL a license to blow people away in many circumstances.

Martin could have have had a knife, or a gun of his own, or could have strangled him to death, or beat him to death. I'm not seeing your point as how when Z pulled his firearm indicates murder or self-defense.

You can't speculate when it comes to blowing people away.
Yeah why would we want to show the killing in the animation about the killing. Let's move the camera around so we can "miss" the shot?

Why would we NEED to show the shooting when it isn't fucking disputed?

What IS disputed is what happened that led up to the shooting.

What is the video gonna focus on? What disputed fact? Who's camera angle perspective are we gonna use?

The State used their own demonstrative materials, correct? Did those not contain disputed fact?

Did George Zimmerman see the address on the corner house or not? According to their presentations, he could.

Okay. She is totally non-technical and doesn't get fancy pants cartoons.

Herein lies the problem.
Quick, as I told you last night, there is a reason why black people aren't on the jury, and you are proving it right now. The prosecution has already abandoned the logic you are using. They have started trying to counter with how many times he was hit on the concrete. Your logic is entirely flawed. Your assumptions don't match evidence. You defendant is going to walk. See you at the riot. Kick rocks dip shit.

There is some compelling need to animate a gun when nobody is denying (and the defendant has fully admitted) that he had a gun and fired it thereby causing the death of TM?

Yeah why would we want to show the killing in the animation about the killing. Let's move the camera around so we can "miss" the shot?
Got bloodlust?

Some of this hasn't made 100% sense yet. But then I've never shot a guy, while laying down, that is on top of me wailing... I would be somewhat interested to see if the scenario presented by the defense is at all possible. Where were TM's legs and arms when GZ was pulling and shooting. Where is the angle of the shot. Did GZ shoot with his left hand? All this testimony has run together in one big jumble of mess. I'd like to see a detailed enactment of what the defense thinks happened.
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Yes it's definitely guns. To me this is an example how things can go really wrong if your carrying a gun. Clearly Martin wasn't doing anything wrong until he was confronted. After that I guess we don't know what happened. If they were fighting after Zimmerman confronted him it seems really wrong that Martin ends up dead. Seems like he was minding his own business and Zimmerman brought about the confrontation. If Martin did attack him I don't think he was going to kill him, should have just been a fight. But instead it's a death thanks to the gun. All that said Zimmerman probably had good intentions that went really bad. Again probably thanks to the gun. So yes the politics is because of the gun.

Clearly Martin wasn't doing anything wrong until he decided to assault Zimmerman for no reason.

Confirming this is sarcasm.....correct?
Well no.

It's because a grown man got out of his car after calling 911, chased an unarmed kid that was not involved in any criminal activity into a dark courtyard, and shot him.

Then the cops let the killer go.

Except.. that is not all that happened, and evidence shows it did not happen in the way you state...

But then again.. you are a person who loves to put out myth as fact to support your stance

That's exactly the way it happened.

Really? Then why have none of the witnesses testified to that?
Or that Trayvon was close..........It is hard to believe you even wrote something so obviously flawed.

Saying he hit him squarely in the heart through dumb luck is stretching credibility beyond limit. Like I said, nothing is absolute. That has to be weighed along with all the evidence.

Being "close" and shooting locked in a struggle would mean he'd get hit in the stomach or leg.

Really? Do you realize how many soldiers on the battle field have been hit directly in the heart by a shot fired from 100s of yards away? Are you telling me that every soldier killed by a bullet directly to the heart was being shot at by someone aiming directly at their heart? Or will you admit that dumb luck is a possibility. There are trained police officers who have emptied their entire magazines at a person at close range and completely missed. GZ hitting TM directly in the heart only means that GZ followed the first rule of firearms: Never point your gun at something you don't intend to destroy. And it makes perfect sense if TM was on top of GZ and had his hands anywhere near GZs face. This would make TMs cardiovascualr region completely exposed for GZ to bring his gun underneath and fire. I haven't seen the photographs but I'm not so sure that shot went straight through his chestbone and only into his heart. For all we know it could have traveled through one of his lungs first and hit the heart after; which would entail that GZ just put the gun up and fired. The gun was against his clothing but not against TMs chest. By looking at a picture of TMs hoodie you can see the blood stain is to the right of the center....

In murder cases, there is very rarely direct evidence that is absolute. Most of the time, juries convict on mere circumstantial evidence.
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