The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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btw: I'd wager a king's ransom that Zimmerman is a first rate shitstain and a coward and never would've been following Tray Tray if he wasn't packing heat...

...but none of that makes him guilty of murder or manslaughter as long as he fired his weapon in self-defense.

And that's all that matters here. :thup:
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to dismiss race as a motivation would make you foolish. Zimmerman based on the fact that black people where stealing things from the homes in his area made this a race issue.
But like the gun issue, its only part of the story here.

I'm not talking about Zimmerman's motives here. I'm theorizing on what is the motivation for the lefties steadfast belief that GZ is guilty.

guns, race, bad law, and a kid/boy/young adult was killed over stupidity.

I agree the young man was killed over stupidity. But what's the bad law?
Quick, as I told you last night, there is a reason why black people aren't on the jury, and you are proving it right now. The prosecution has already abandoned the logic you are using. They have started trying to counter with how many times he was hit on the concrete. Your logic is entirely flawed. Your assumptions don't match evidence. You defendant is going to walk. See you at the riot. Kick rocks dip shit.

If they abandoned it, it is because every Zimmerman lover has this same stick and never quits. When each juror votes, I'm sure those in doubt have hung on to common sense and long ago ruled out the cement theory.

They've been showing the animation. It show's TM decking GZ to start the fight. Then a couple shots of TM on top of GZ.

It's not even stick figures. It looks like GZ and TM. They are clearly trying to make it look like this is the accurate video.

Did the prosecution do this earlier? I missed it if they did.
The fact that Trayvon was shot through the heart indicates that GZ was in full control of the gun.

Or that Trayvon was close..........It is hard to believe you even wrote something so obviously flawed.

Saying he hit him squarely in the heart through dumb luck is stretching credibility beyond limit. Like I said, nothing is absolute. That has to be weighed along with all the evidence.

Being "close" and shooting locked in a struggle would mean he'd get hit in the stomach or leg.
Actually, TM's motions could have affected the position of the gun when the shot was fired. Speculation is unlimited.
What the prosecution needs to argue and bring the point home is that is it acceptable for their kid to die under those exact same circumstances?

If they're able to get the jury to put their own kid in the place of Trayvon...Zimmerman is TOAST!

Let's see what this almost all-white, all-female cast does.
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Why is the Zimmerman case devided so sharply along partisan lines? With only a very few exceptions the lefties here believe GZ is guilty and the conservatives wait until the trial is over. I couldn't understand why, since GZ isn't white, the lefties were so ready to string him up.

Moments ago, it hit me.

It's only partially about race. True, if TM was white or hispanic, no one would care, but race isn't the real reason they want GZ to fry. It's guns.

GZ defended himself with a gun and a black man is dead. They cannot stand the thought that GZ might have legally used a gun to defend himself. It's about guns, and self-defense and even Stand-Your-Ground.

If GZ is convicted, they can use this case to revive their efforts to take away our rights and that is THE issue.

The left never ever cares about right and wrong, they only care about winning.
huh....that might be true for some people but for me it is about being the mother of teenagers in Florida and wanting them not to worry about some asswipe killing them simply because said asswipe thinks they are a danger. It is also about how wrong vigilante justice is.

Tell them not to assault anyone and the odds are much better that they won't get their ass blown away. Teenagers who go around assaulting people and committing robbery are a danger to everyone.
We get it, A$$. You can stop
What the prosecution needs to argue and bring the point home is that is it acceptable for their kid to die under those exact same circumstances?

If they're able to get the jury to put their own kid in the place of Trayvon...he's TOAST!

Let's see what this almost all-white, all-female cast does.

Yes, sad but true, if their kid goes down a path which leads him to be expelled from school and then walks around a neighborhood like he's on drugs looking into houses and then assaults a neighborhood watch person and tries to pulverize him, it's possible that something bad could happen to their kid.

I don't think the jury will be dishonest enough to put someone in jail on the possibility that if their kids start acting badly there could be bad consequences.
Do you realize why the same statements are repeated? Because they are FACTS. You are speculating. We talk FACTS. I understand you can't admit when you are beat. Protect the race right? That is what you are all about. You hate judges and think everyone is innocent, especially when they are black, but GZ is convicted by you before the trial starts. You ignore the actual law, and case law supporting it. You haven't seen the trial or testimony, yet you are convinced you are right. You are so much worse than MarcATL, Sarah G and the lot. At least they have been following the trial and form some kind of opinion based on that. You, just go by MSNBC screamers and your black best friend. Your theories are so far out there that nobody will touch them. Fly to Florida right now and tell the state that Dry wet grass caused those injuries and see if you aren't told to go fuck yourself. You are need to put down the Obama phone, let the pipe go, quit using your EBT for Newports, raise your children and stay off Maury. Leave grown up talk to grown ups.
What the prosecution needs to argue and bring the point home is that is it acceptable for their kid to die under those exact same circumstances?

If they're able to get the jury to put their own kid in the place of Trayvon...Zimmerman is TOAST!

Let's see what this almost all-white, all-female cast does.

LOL, damn the real "evidence" make em "feel" bad.

We wouldn't find 11 other people as stupid as you are for that to work.
btw: I'd wager a king's ransom that Zimmerman is a first rate shitstain and a coward and never would've been following Tray Tray if he wasn't packing heat...

...but none of that makes him guilty of murder or manslaughter as long as he fired his weapon in self-defense.

And that's all that matters here. :thup:

It does in Floriduh if stand your ground laws have any validity.
Zimmerman saying that martin said " your going to die tonight" is fucking hack.

Seriously nobody says this unless you are in a die hard movie.....
Remove your partisanship for a second and at least admit that was fucking stupid.

and how exactly do you know that he did not say that? were you there? maybe you should volunteer as a witness since you KNOW what was said and who said it.

sigh....You are one of these people i see....Rational thought does not sit well with partisans.....Oh well.

So that's your excuse?
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