The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The defense wants sensible people to believe that the killer, George Zimmerman, was a wanna-be cop, gun-toting neigborhood watchman that took MMA fighting lessons for a year, but somehow couldn't fight.

They want us to FURTHER believe that a man with a history of beating his wife, so much so that she had to get a restraining order out on him, and getting into fights with REAL cops was incapable of violence.

They want to put that record up against a high-schooler who's been suspended and had a little bit of weed in his system to relax him.


Too funny!
What the prosecution needs to argue and bring the point home is that is it acceptable for their kid to die under those exact same circumstances?

If they're able to get the jury to put their own kid in the place of Trayvon...Zimmerman is TOAST!

Let's see what this almost all-white, all-female cast does.

Hopefully, they'll even out the shameful behavior of the almost all black O.J. Simpson jury.
how does having full control of the gun have anything to do with this?

When someone has full control of a gun and aiming at you, that would cause you to scream or at least it's fully consistent with that being Trayvon screaming.

Running at him or approaching quickly in order to converse. That could give anyone with a CHL a license to blow people away in many circumstances.

Martin could have have had a knife, or a gun of his own, or could have strangled him to death, or beat him to death. I'm not seeing your point as how when Z pulled his firearm indicates murder or self-defense.

You can't speculate when it comes to blowing people away.

Why can't he if you are?

Here is a scenario for you Trayvon called the defendant a "creepy ass cracker/****"

I don't condone any racist statement, but what would you say to someone that has followed you a long distance and confronted you?

then according to the state, Trayvon grabbed the defendant by the feet and swung him like a baseball bat into the trunk of a tree, or violently dragged his head across dry grass that doesn't matter if it is wet, aka magic grass. At this point GZ pointed a gun at TM's heart while TM straddled him. TM screamed as he rained down blows upon GZ. The only eye witness didn't see it this way, but lets not worry about that now. Finally at some point GZ just says fuck it and shoots him with his expert aim, aiming for the right ventricle with a confirmed left to right path in the body.

Read that, look in the mirror, then go slap the shit out of the mailman for dropping a load that made you.

Only if it was COD. :badgrin:
What the prosecution needs to argue and bring the point home is that is it acceptable for their kid to die under those exact same circumstances?

If they're able to get the jury to put their own kid in the place of Trayvon...Zimmerman is TOAST!

Let's see what this almost all-white, all-female cast does.

LOL, damn the real "evidence" make em "feel" bad.

We wouldn't find 11 other people as stupid as you are for that to work.
I don't know what RW nonsense you're thinking, but if the jury is unable and/or un-willing to empathize with Trayvon, Zimmerman, the killer, walks.

However, if they are able to put their own child in place of Trayvon, they'll be able to fully understand the depths of Zimmerman's crime and convict.

Let's see which way they go.
Does the law say you can harass some kid into a fight, then shoot him when you start losing?

NO, but the evidence does not support that anything like that happened.

The law does say that when a thug is cracking your head on the concrete and trying to kill you that you can shoot him.

You lefties just cannot admit that TM was a trouble maker and a thug. He was probably going to end the same way in some gang bang shootout or drug deal gone sour.

No evidence? I guess it was Martin following Zimmerman around then.

Even if we completely ignore the evidence that Zimmerman was walking back to his car and assume you are correct that he was following TM. Following someone is not harassment.
btw: I'd wager a king's ransom that Zimmerman is a first rate shitstain and a coward and never would've been following Tray Tray if he wasn't packing heat...

...but none of that makes him guilty of murder or manslaughter as long as he fired his weapon in self-defense.

And that's all that matters here. :thup:

It does in Floriduh if stand your ground laws have any validity.

I don't follow.
The defense wants sensible people to believe that the killer, George Zimmerman, was a wanna-be cop, gun-toting neigborhood watchman that took MMA fighting lessons for a year, but somehow couldn't fight.

They want us to FURTHER believe that a man with a history of beating his wife, so much so that she had to get a restraining order out on him, and getting into fights with REAL cops was incapable of violence.

They want to put that record up against a high-schooler who's been suspended and had a little bit of weed in his system to relax him.


Too funny!

You know he got a restraining order out against his girlfriend too right? She was probably beating the shit out of him, after hearing how well he fights.
The defense wants sensible people to believe that the killer, George Zimmerman, was a wanna-be cop, gun-toting neigborhood watchman that took MMA fighting lessons for a year, but somehow couldn't fight.

They want us to FURTHER believe that a man with a history of beating his wife, so much so that she had to get a restraining order out on him, and getting into fights with REAL cops was incapable of violence.

They want to put that record up against a high-schooler who's been suspended and had a little bit of weed in his system to relax him.


Too funny!

Poor Marc, so many non black people, so little time.

There is no eveidnce to support your do know that that is why the prosecution is losing?
They want to put that record up against a high-schooler who's been suspended and had a little bit of weed in his system to relax him.


Too funny!

This is the kid who had all that stolen jewelry in his backpack and was kicked out of school? And was smoking dope?

Uh-huh. This was a rotten kid headed for a life in and out of prison, like way too many.

Why make excuses for this kind of behavior?
What the prosecution needs to argue and bring the point home is that is it acceptable for their kid to die under those exact same circumstances?

If they're able to get the jury to put their own kid in the place of Trayvon...Zimmerman is TOAST!

Let's see what this almost all-white, all-female cast does.

LOL, damn the real "evidence" make em "feel" bad.

We wouldn't find 11 other people as stupid as you are for that to work.
I don't know what RW nonsense you're thinking, but if the jury is unable and/or un-willing to empathize with Trayvon, Zimmerman, the killer, walks.

However, if they are able to put their own child in place of Trayvon, they'll be able to fully understand the depths of Zimmerman's crime and convict.

Let's see which way they go.[/QUOTE]

I bet the way the go is not towards Church's Chicken
Why is the Zimmerman case devided so sharply along partisan lines? With only a very few exceptions the lefties here believe GZ is guilty and the conservatives wait until the trial is over. I couldn't understand why, since GZ isn't white, the lefties were so ready to string him up.

Moments ago, it hit me.

It's only partially about race. True, if TM was white or hispanic, no one would care, but race isn't the real reason they want GZ to fry. It's guns.

GZ defended himself with a gun and a black man is dead. They cannot stand the thought that GZ might have legally used a gun to defend himself. It's about guns, and self-defense and even Stand-Your-Ground.

If GZ is convicted, they can use this case to revive their efforts to take away our rights and that is THE issue.

The left never ever cares about right and wrong, they only care about winning.

I disagree; at least as far as I am concerned. My problem with zimmerman has NOTHING to do with race. I don't think that he should be convicted of second degree murder, I think that he should be convicted of Manslaughter or Negligent Homicide.
Here's my reason; there was no imminent need for him to keep following Martin, there was no imminent reason for him to get out of his truck and look for Martin, thus after following and harassing someone, he either confronted or was confronted by Martin and a fight broke out. Then zimmerman shot him. If zimmerman simply reported it to the police, kept a good distance, and followed their advice not to keep following him, this incident would not have happened.

I would love to see what some of the zimmerman supporters would do if someone was following them and they were in the 17/18 year male mindset........................
The question is, do they believe Martin deserved to die because he was black? Because they certainly are convinced he deserved to die and they believed that waaaaaaaaay before the trial started.

GZ's story has not changed his story, and the evidence shows him to have been walking BACK TO HIS TRUCK (after being told he didnt need to follow TM) when TM confronted him and asked WTF he wanted. TM then cold cocked GZ (which broke GZ's nose) and he then began to beat the shit out of GZ... PLUS, the evidence presented today also showed TM was on top of GZ when he was shot.

Then again... you liberal idiots DO NOT CARE ABOUT FACTS!

BTW, I dont think one person on this board believes Trayvon deserved to die BEACUSE HE WAS BLACK....

You are the one who appears racist if ya ask me.

SHAME ON YOU RAVI..! :doubt:
One, I don't see that the evidence shows him going back to his truck. Two, even if it did, he still got back out of it and went looking. Otherwise he'd be sitting pretty in his truck with his door locked and Martin would have never gotten near him.

The most likely scenario is he got out of his truck with his gun drawn and threatened Martin. Martin defended himself and ended up dead.

I don't know about you, but if I was looking for someone I deemed dangerous I sure as hell wouldn't leave my gun in my ass.

There ya go again... making SHIT up!

Admit it... you made up you mind WAY BEFORE THE TRIAL.
Yes it's definitely guns. To me this is an example how things can go really wrong if your carrying a gun. Clearly Martin wasn't doing anything wrong until he was confronted. After that I guess we don't know what happened. If they were fighting after Zimmerman confronted him it seems really wrong that Martin ends up dead. Seems like he was minding his own business and Zimmerman brought about the confrontation. If Martin did attack him I don't think he was going to kill him, should have just been a fight. But instead it's a death thanks to the gun. All that said Zimmerman probably had good intentions that went really bad. Again probably thanks to the gun. So yes the politics is because of the gun.

You're assuming Zimmerman initiated the confrontation. The Evidence doesn't support that.

"“Fucking punks...These assholes, they always get away.”

Deny the audio, deny the DNA. Deny, deny, deny.

Deny that the police dispatcher tried to stop Z from following the kid and Z said OK.

Deny that Z told the police he would meet them at the mailboxes and then followed the kid.

Deny that Z was arrested 3 times for violence and assault.

Reality just isn't your cup of tea.

Don't need to deny it. the evidence supports Zimmerman.
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