The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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of course it's about the guns.

Not for me, I am pro-Second Amendment, and anti-blowhard who is trying to "play cop" when he should have reported what he saw (Black kid walking down the street with a hoodie), kept a safe distance, and waited for the police to arrive.

My stance on "gun ownership" , is that if you are over 18, show a valid ID to prove it, you should be able to purchase a legal firearm without jumping through hoops to get it, just like people who purchase them from private citizens. I think that one of Our American traditions IS "gun ownership" and THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS.
You're assuming Zimmerman initiated the confrontation. The Evidence doesn't support that.

"“Fucking punks...These assholes, they always get away.”

Deny the audio, deny the DNA. Deny, deny, deny.

Deny that the police dispatcher tried to stop Z from following the kid and Z said OK.

Deny that Z told the police he would meet them at the mailboxes and then followed the kid.

Deny that Z was arrested 3 times for violence and assault.

Reality just isn't your cup of tea.

Don't need to deny it. the evidence supports Zimmerman.

The only "evidence" you folks are considering is anything favorable to Zimmerman.

And that would make one witness, who saw a very brief part of the fight where he didn't see Zimmerman's head being bashed into the ground..and Zimmerman's ever changing story.

But the bottom line still remains.

Zimmerman killed an unarmed kid not involved in criminal activity.
What the prosecution needs to argue and bring the point home is that is it acceptable for their kid to die under those exact same circumstances?

If they're able to get the jury to put their own kid in the place of Trayvon...Zimmerman is TOAST!

Let's see what this almost all-white, all-female cast does.

LOL, damn the real "evidence" make em "feel" bad.

We wouldn't find 11 other people as stupid as you are for that to work.
I don't know what RW nonsense you're thinking, but if the jury is unable and/or un-willing to empathize with Trayvon, Zimmerman, the killer, walks.

However, if they are able to put their own child in place of Trayvon, they'll be able to fully understand the depths of Zimmerman's crime and convict.

Let's see which way they go.

You enjoy piping sunshine where there is none !!
Amazing isn't it.

In Florida you can follow a kid in the dark, shoot him for no reason, tell the coppers you are part of the neighborhood watch and they let you go.

Great place.

What's truly amazing is you have to make up your own narrative of what happened when the facts don't support your viewpoint.

Shooting someone who is on top of you beating you is hardly "for no reason".

Just wondering.

Is getting into a fistfight now going to be attempted murder in Florida?


It certainly could be depending on the intent and motives of the individuals in the fight.

Of course, that's completely irrelevant to everything I just said. But then, you wouldn't have to resort to a red herring if the facts were on your side.
Why is the Zimmerman case devided so sharply along partisan lines? With only a very few exceptions the lefties here believe GZ is guilty and the conservatives wait until the trial is over. I couldn't understand why, since GZ isn't white, the lefties were so ready to string him up.

Moments ago, it hit me.

It's only partially about race. True, if TM was white or hispanic, no one would care, but race isn't the real reason they want GZ to fry. It's guns.

GZ defended himself with a gun and a black man is dead. They cannot stand the thought that GZ might have legally used a gun to defend himself. It's about guns, and self-defense and even Stand-Your-Ground.

If GZ is convicted, they can use this case to revive their efforts to take away our rights and that is THE issue.

The left never ever cares about right and wrong, they only care about winning.

And ironically, most blacks who are shot to death are killed by other blacks. Where is the outrage?

Does that justify this senseless killing?
Just because you idiots believe shooting an unarmed teen is wrong regardless of the situation does not make GZ a criminal. The law gives him the right to shoot an unarmed person. You retards need to get over it & stop inventing stupid fictions as to why GZ is guilty.
Why is the Zimmerman case devided so sharply along partisan lines? With only a very few exceptions the lefties here believe GZ is guilty and the conservatives wait until the trial is over. I couldn't understand why, since GZ isn't white, the lefties were so ready to string him up.

Moments ago, it hit me.

It's only partially about race. True, if TM was white or hispanic, no one would care, but race isn't the real reason they want GZ to fry. It's guns.

GZ defended himself with a gun and a black man is dead. They cannot stand the thought that GZ might have legally used a gun to defend himself. It's about guns, and self-defense and even Stand-Your-Ground.

If GZ is convicted, they can use this case to revive their efforts to take away our rights and that is THE issue.

The left never ever cares about right and wrong, they only care about winning.


Conservatives believe he’s not guilty and will continue to believe that regardless the facts, evidence, or outcome of the trial.

Zimmerman is a ‘hero’ to the right because he represents the resentment many white conservatives experience when reference are made to racism most whites neither see nor practice.

Conservatives, for the most part, fear a conviction will have a ‘dampening effect’ on others using lawful – but lethal – self-deference against minorities, young African-American males in particular.

Of course we think he's not guilty. This is the United States of America. Everyone has a presumption of innocence until they are proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. There is enough reasonable doubt in this case to drive a semi truck through.
Yes it's definitely guns. To me this is an example how things can go really wrong if your carrying a gun. Clearly Martin wasn't doing anything wrong until he was confronted. After that I guess we don't know what happened. If they were fighting after Zimmerman confronted him it seems really wrong that Martin ends up dead. Seems like he was minding his own business and Zimmerman brought about the confrontation. If Martin did attack him I don't think he was going to kill him, should have just been a fight. But instead it's a death thanks to the gun. All that said Zimmerman probably had good intentions that went really bad. Again probably thanks to the gun. So yes the politics is because of the gun.

Clearly Martin wasn't doing anything wrong until he decided to assault Zimmerman for no reason.

Pred, you are a self confessed "tough guy";what would you do if you were walking down the street and some asshole was following you in his vehicle even after you tried to avoid him, and then he got out of his vehicle to try to find you? :lol:
LOL, damn the real "evidence" make em "feel" bad.

We wouldn't find 11 other people as stupid as you are for that to work.
I don't know what RW nonsense you're thinking, but if the jury is unable and/or un-willing to empathize with Trayvon, Zimmerman, the killer, walks.

However, if they are able to put their own child in place of Trayvon, they'll be able to fully understand the depths of Zimmerman's crime and convict.

Let's see which way they go.[/QUOTE]

I bet the way the go is not towards Church's Chicken

Um, not making heads or tails out of this...who are you sympathizing with?
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