The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

Like I said, I don't care if the Klan is putting together a great camping trip that sounds like fun. I'm not going to hang out with the Klan at one of their events.

If the Nazi's want to have a bake sale, I'm not going to go there to buy some cookies from them and support them even if I really like cookies.

There's NO good reason to join the largest nazi/Klan rally in decades. None at all to say "this is what I want to join and these are the people I want to associate with and help".
It wasn't a Klan rally, it was a protest march against the removal of a statue of Lee. Not everyone who showed up was a member of the Klan or the nazis, just as not everyone who celebrates Thomas Jefferson's work is an advocate of slavery.

Then why did the rally have the leaders of 4 nazi groups and a grand wizard as their highlighted speakers? Why was it put together and promoted by the biggest nazi groups and local klan chapters? Yes it's intent was to protest a name change (please educate yourself on this if you want to talk on this. There was no push at the time to pull the statue, what you are saying is either uninformed or a lie). But I can't see any cause where I'd want to join the Klan and Nazi's to support. I'll find a day when the nazi's and Klan aren't there to support the cause. Because I don't think very nice people become nazi sympathizers and friends of the Klan.

This is a nazi rally. This is what the people that put it together promoted it as.

View attachment 254952

View attachment 254951

It was literally a Klan and Nazi rally because it was put together, promoted by, set up by, and had selected speakers from the Klan and the nazi's.

I don't care if the Klan and Nazi's have a rally to celebrate the daytona 500 or the upcoming 4th of July. It's still a Klan and Nazi rally if it is being put together by the Klan and Nazi's.
Educate yourself. It was a protest about the removal of the Lee statue, and if the Klan or nazis used the event to hold a rally of their own, it doesn't condemn everyone who was there to protest the removal of the statue.

A timeline of the deadly weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia
Yes it does

We are not talking one or two in a crowd of thousands
We are looking at a predominantly racist event celebrating a racist nation
That's what it was in your imagination, but in fact, there were many groups who showed up to protest the removal of the statue.

agree. It wasn't just one of the Nazi groups are just one of the groups of klan members...

It was put together by the Right Stuff, The daily Stormer, The Traditionalist Workers Party, Vanguard America, Identity Evropa, and the National Socialist movement. It was the Loyal White Knights and Fraternal order of Alt-Knights.

honestly I believe that that makes it the largest rally of different Nazi and Klan groups possibly ever inside the United States.

and yes the white supremacist and white nationalists had their fair share of groups as well.

Of course quite a few of those groups were not supporting it saying specifically that they didn't want to support Nazis. But others were fine to join that Nazi/klan rally.
Last edited:
It wasn't a Klan rally, it was a protest march against the removal of a statue of Lee. Not everyone who showed up was a member of the Klan or the nazis, just as not everyone who celebrates Thomas Jefferson's work is an advocate of slavery.

Then why did the rally have the leaders of 4 nazi groups and a grand wizard as their highlighted speakers? Why was it put together and promoted by the biggest nazi groups and local klan chapters? Yes it's intent was to protest a name change (please educate yourself on this if you want to talk on this. There was no push at the time to pull the statue, what you are saying is either uninformed or a lie). But I can't see any cause where I'd want to join the Klan and Nazi's to support. I'll find a day when the nazi's and Klan aren't there to support the cause. Because I don't think very nice people become nazi sympathizers and friends of the Klan.

This is a nazi rally. This is what the people that put it together promoted it as.

View attachment 254952

View attachment 254951

It was literally a Klan and Nazi rally because it was put together, promoted by, set up by, and had selected speakers from the Klan and the nazi's.

I don't care if the Klan and Nazi's have a rally to celebrate the daytona 500 or the upcoming 4th of July. It's still a Klan and Nazi rally if it is being put together by the Klan and Nazi's.
Educate yourself. It was a protest about the removal of the Lee statue, and if the Klan or nazis used the event to hold a rally of their own, it doesn't condemn everyone who was there to protest the removal of the statue.

A timeline of the deadly weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia
Yes it does

We are not talking one or two in a crowd of thousands
We are looking at a predominantly racist event celebrating a racist nation
That's what it was in your imagination, but in fact, there were many groups who showed up to protest the removal of the statue.

agree. It wasn't just one of the Nazi groups are just one of the groups of klan members...

It was put together by the Right Stuff, The daily Stormer, The Traditionalist Workers Party, Vanguard America, Identity Evropa, and the National Socialist movement. It was the Loyal White Knights and Fraternal order of Alt-Knights.

honestly I believe that that makes it the largest rally of different Nazi and Klan groups possibly ever inside the United States.

Let me make an anaology that your simple mind might be able to understand......say you give a party for your school class but it gets crashed by other groups who start fights etc. Just because other groups showed up does not mean they organized the party.

Left-Wing Agitators Call For Escalated Tactics In Response To Charlottesville
Last edited:
People can believe that history should not be censored and not be nazis.

Marching at night with lit torches…
Chanting Nazi slogans….
Driving their car through protestors….

It’s all defended here daily…. Sad

I'm sad to see you lying so blatantly. No one is defending neo-Nazis marching at night with lit torches.
Tipsycatlover is. She even denies the nazi slogans

No one defends chanting Nazi slogans. I would hope that every right thinking person would condemn driving cars through crowds of protesters. To see you trying to make believe it is happening is sad.

See for yourself:
Ya mean the fat chick who never got hit by a car and died of a heart attack?
That fat chick?

I imagine if I looked hard enough I can see someone calling his conviction (he being Fields) a huge miscarriage of justice.

Just kidding:

It wasn’t hard at all:

The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

100 posts earlier in this very thread.

That you don’t condemn these people is sad.

The fat chick wasn't hit by the car,and of course I denounce what the guy did.

When you start denouncing pantifa get back with me.

It seems the guy was convicted of hitting her with his car, so I can't understand why you'd make such a claim. Stick to the truth. If nothing else, it'll confuse then clowns on the Left.

Whenever a trump fluffer comes within 5 feet of the truth, it’s shocking.

Confusing? Hardly.

What is laughable is the justification.

MIdfdle of the night torch rally chanting Nazi slogans. And we have a 300 post thread
Marching at night with lit torches…
Chanting Nazi slogans….
Driving their car through protestors….

It’s all defended here daily…. Sad

I'm sad to see you lying so blatantly. No one is defending neo-Nazis marching at night with lit torches.
Tipsycatlover is. She even denies the nazi slogans

No one defends chanting Nazi slogans. I would hope that every right thinking person would condemn driving cars through crowds of protesters. To see you trying to make believe it is happening is sad.

See for yourself:
Ya mean the fat chick who never got hit by a car and died of a heart attack?
That fat chick?

I imagine if I looked hard enough I can see someone calling his conviction (he being Fields) a huge miscarriage of justice.

Just kidding:

It wasn’t hard at all:

The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

100 posts earlier in this very thread.

That you don’t condemn these people is sad.

The fat chick wasn't hit by the car,and of course I denounce what the guy did.

When you start denouncing pantifa get back with me.

It seems the guy was convicted of hitting her with his car, so I can't understand why you'd make such a claim. Stick to the truth. If nothing else, it'll confuse then clowns on the Left.

Just going by the actual video.
Marching at night with lit torches…
Chanting Nazi slogans….
Driving their car through protestors….

It’s all defended here daily…. Sad

I'm sad to see you lying so blatantly. No one is defending neo-Nazis marching at night with lit torches.
Tipsycatlover is. She even denies the nazi slogans

No one defends chanting Nazi slogans. I would hope that every right thinking person would condemn driving cars through crowds of protesters. To see you trying to make believe it is happening is sad.

See for yourself:
Ya mean the fat chick who never got hit by a car and died of a heart attack?
That fat chick?

I imagine if I looked hard enough I can see someone calling his conviction (he being Fields) a huge miscarriage of justice.

Just kidding:

It wasn’t hard at all:

The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

100 posts earlier in this very thread.

That you don’t condemn these people is sad.

The fat chick wasn't hit by the car,and of course I denounce what the guy did.

When you start denouncing pantifa get back with me.

She was murdered.

She died due to the guys actions.
Lock him up,or preferably execute the guy.

Amazing how sensible your bitch ass can be when you’re forced into it.
I'm sad to see you lying so blatantly. No one is defending neo-Nazis marching at night with lit torches.
Tipsycatlover is. She even denies the nazi slogans

No one defends chanting Nazi slogans. I would hope that every right thinking person would condemn driving cars through crowds of protesters. To see you trying to make believe it is happening is sad.

See for yourself:
Ya mean the fat chick who never got hit by a car and died of a heart attack?
That fat chick?

I imagine if I looked hard enough I can see someone calling his conviction (he being Fields) a huge miscarriage of justice.

Just kidding:

It wasn’t hard at all:

The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

100 posts earlier in this very thread.

That you don’t condemn these people is sad.

The fat chick wasn't hit by the car,and of course I denounce what the guy did.

When you start denouncing pantifa get back with me.

It seems the guy was convicted of hitting her with his car, so I can't understand why you'd make such a claim. Stick to the truth. If nothing else, it'll confuse then clowns on the Left.

Just going by the actual video.
I'm sad to see you lying so blatantly. No one is defending neo-Nazis marching at night with lit torches.
Tipsycatlover is. She even denies the nazi slogans

No one defends chanting Nazi slogans. I would hope that every right thinking person would condemn driving cars through crowds of protesters. To see you trying to make believe it is happening is sad.

See for yourself:
Ya mean the fat chick who never got hit by a car and died of a heart attack?
That fat chick?

I imagine if I looked hard enough I can see someone calling his conviction (he being Fields) a huge miscarriage of justice.

Just kidding:

It wasn’t hard at all:

The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

100 posts earlier in this very thread.

That you don’t condemn these people is sad.

The fat chick wasn't hit by the car,and of course I denounce what the guy did.

When you start denouncing pantifa get back with me.

She was murdered.

She died due to the guys actions.
Lock him up,or preferably execute the guy.

She was a liberal cockroach who died because her friends with bats started beating on the fellow's car....he was surrounded and greatly out numbered by leftwingers with bats....he was merely attempting to get away.

She should not have been there in the middle of the road....she got what she deserved.

The Media’s Niagara of Lies About Charlottesville
You would fit right in with those Nazis
It wasn't a Klan rally, it was a protest march against the removal of a statue of Lee. Not everyone who showed up was a member of the Klan or the nazis, just as not everyone who celebrates Thomas Jefferson's work is an advocate of slavery.

Then why did the rally have the leaders of 4 nazi groups and a grand wizard as their highlighted speakers? Why was it put together and promoted by the biggest nazi groups and local klan chapters? Yes it's intent was to protest a name change (please educate yourself on this if you want to talk on this. There was no push at the time to pull the statue, what you are saying is either uninformed or a lie). But I can't see any cause where I'd want to join the Klan and Nazi's to support. I'll find a day when the nazi's and Klan aren't there to support the cause. Because I don't think very nice people become nazi sympathizers and friends of the Klan.

This is a nazi rally. This is what the people that put it together promoted it as.

View attachment 254952

View attachment 254951

It was literally a Klan and Nazi rally because it was put together, promoted by, set up by, and had selected speakers from the Klan and the nazi's.

I don't care if the Klan and Nazi's have a rally to celebrate the daytona 500 or the upcoming 4th of July. It's still a Klan and Nazi rally if it is being put together by the Klan and Nazi's.
Educate yourself. It was a protest about the removal of the Lee statue, and if the Klan or nazis used the event to hold a rally of their own, it doesn't condemn everyone who was there to protest the removal of the statue.

A timeline of the deadly weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia
Yes it does

We are not talking one or two in a crowd of thousands
We are looking at a predominantly racist event celebrating a racist nation
That's what it was in your imagination, but in fact, there were many groups who showed up to protest the removal of the statue.

agree. It wasn't just one of the Nazi groups are just one of the groups of klan members...

It was put together by the Right Stuff, The daily Stormer, The Traditionalist Workers Party, Vanguard America, Identity Evropa, and the National Socialist movement. It was the Loyal White Knights and Fraternal order of Alt-Knights.

honestly I believe that that makes it the largest rally of different Nazi and Klan groups possibly ever inside the United States.

Histories of the National Mall | Ku Klux Klan Rally
Then why did the rally have the leaders of 4 nazi groups and a grand wizard as their highlighted speakers? Why was it put together and promoted by the biggest nazi groups and local klan chapters? Yes it's intent was to protest a name change (please educate yourself on this if you want to talk on this. There was no push at the time to pull the statue, what you are saying is either uninformed or a lie). But I can't see any cause where I'd want to join the Klan and Nazi's to support. I'll find a day when the nazi's and Klan aren't there to support the cause. Because I don't think very nice people become nazi sympathizers and friends of the Klan.

This is a nazi rally. This is what the people that put it together promoted it as.

View attachment 254952

View attachment 254951

It was literally a Klan and Nazi rally because it was put together, promoted by, set up by, and had selected speakers from the Klan and the nazi's.

I don't care if the Klan and Nazi's have a rally to celebrate the daytona 500 or the upcoming 4th of July. It's still a Klan and Nazi rally if it is being put together by the Klan and Nazi's.
Educate yourself. It was a protest about the removal of the Lee statue, and if the Klan or nazis used the event to hold a rally of their own, it doesn't condemn everyone who was there to protest the removal of the statue.

A timeline of the deadly weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia
Yes it does

We are not talking one or two in a crowd of thousands
We are looking at a predominantly racist event celebrating a racist nation
That's what it was in your imagination, but in fact, there were many groups who showed up to protest the removal of the statue.

agree. It wasn't just one of the Nazi groups are just one of the groups of klan members...

It was put together by the Right Stuff, The daily Stormer, The Traditionalist Workers Party, Vanguard America, Identity Evropa, and the National Socialist movement. It was the Loyal White Knights and Fraternal order of Alt-Knights.

honestly I believe that that makes it the largest rally of different Nazi and Klan groups possibly ever inside the United States.

Let me make an anaology that your simple mind might be able to understand......say you give a party for your school class but it gets crashed by other groups who start fights etc. Just because other groups showed up does not mean they organized the party.
They did organize the party in Charlottesville
It wasn't a Klan rally, it was a protest march against the removal of a statue of Lee. Not everyone who showed up was a member of the Klan or the nazis, just as not everyone who celebrates Thomas Jefferson's work is an advocate of slavery.

Then why did the rally have the leaders of 4 nazi groups and a grand wizard as their highlighted speakers? Why was it put together and promoted by the biggest nazi groups and local klan chapters? Yes it's intent was to protest a name change (please educate yourself on this if you want to talk on this. There was no push at the time to pull the statue, what you are saying is either uninformed or a lie). But I can't see any cause where I'd want to join the Klan and Nazi's to support. I'll find a day when the nazi's and Klan aren't there to support the cause. Because I don't think very nice people become nazi sympathizers and friends of the Klan.

This is a nazi rally. This is what the people that put it together promoted it as.

View attachment 254952

View attachment 254951

It was literally a Klan and Nazi rally because it was put together, promoted by, set up by, and had selected speakers from the Klan and the nazi's.

I don't care if the Klan and Nazi's have a rally to celebrate the daytona 500 or the upcoming 4th of July. It's still a Klan and Nazi rally if it is being put together by the Klan and Nazi's.
Educate yourself. It was a protest about the removal of the Lee statue, and if the Klan or nazis used the event to hold a rally of their own, it doesn't condemn everyone who was there to protest the removal of the statue.

A timeline of the deadly weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia
Yes it does

We are not talking one or two in a crowd of thousands
We are looking at a predominantly racist event celebrating a racist nation
That's what it was in your imagination, but in fact, there were many groups who showed up to protest the removal of the statue.

agree. It wasn't just one of the Nazi groups are just one of the groups of klan members...

It was put together by the Right Stuff, The daily Stormer, The Traditionalist Workers Party, Vanguard America, Identity Evropa, and the National Socialist movement. It was the Loyal White Knights and Fraternal order of Alt-Knights.

honestly I believe that that makes it the largest rally of different Nazi and Klan groups possibly ever inside the United States.

and yes the white supremacist and white nationalists had their fair share of groups as well.

Of course quite a few of those groups were not supporting it saying specifically that they didn't want to support Nazis. But others were fine to join that Nazi/klan rally.

Antifa and the BLM also showed up.....did they help organize it?
I'm sad to see you lying so blatantly. No one is defending neo-Nazis marching at night with lit torches.
Tipsycatlover is. She even denies the nazi slogans

No one defends chanting Nazi slogans. I would hope that every right thinking person would condemn driving cars through crowds of protesters. To see you trying to make believe it is happening is sad.

See for yourself:
Ya mean the fat chick who never got hit by a car and died of a heart attack?
That fat chick?

I imagine if I looked hard enough I can see someone calling his conviction (he being Fields) a huge miscarriage of justice.

Just kidding:

It wasn’t hard at all:

The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

100 posts earlier in this very thread.

That you don’t condemn these people is sad.

The fat chick wasn't hit by the car,and of course I denounce what the guy did.

When you start denouncing pantifa get back with me.

It seems the guy was convicted of hitting her with his car, so I can't understand why you'd make such a claim. Stick to the truth. If nothing else, it'll confuse then clowns on the Left.

Just going by the actual video.
I'm sad to see you lying so blatantly. No one is defending neo-Nazis marching at night with lit torches.
Tipsycatlover is. She even denies the nazi slogans

No one defends chanting Nazi slogans. I would hope that every right thinking person would condemn driving cars through crowds of protesters. To see you trying to make believe it is happening is sad.

See for yourself:
Ya mean the fat chick who never got hit by a car and died of a heart attack?
That fat chick?

I imagine if I looked hard enough I can see someone calling his conviction (he being Fields) a huge miscarriage of justice.

Just kidding:

It wasn’t hard at all:

The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

100 posts earlier in this very thread.

That you don’t condemn these people is sad.

The fat chick wasn't hit by the car,and of course I denounce what the guy did.

When you start denouncing pantifa get back with me.

She was murdered.

She died due to the guys actions.
Lock him up,or preferably execute the guy.

She was a liberal cockroach who died because her friends with bats started beating on the fellow's car....he was surrounded and greatly out numbered by leftwingers with bats....he was merely attempting to get away.

She should not have been there in the middle of the road....she got what she deserved.

The Media’s Niagara of Lies About Charlottesville


See...several trump supporters are firmly locked into blaming the victim, defending the Nazis, etc... And this is what they are willing to say in public. Can you imagine how deep the hatred goes in private?
It wasn't a Klan rally, it was a protest march against the removal of a statue of Lee. Not everyone who showed up was a member of the Klan or the nazis, just as not everyone who celebrates Thomas Jefferson's work is an advocate of slavery.

Then why did the rally have the leaders of 4 nazi groups and a grand wizard as their highlighted speakers? Why was it put together and promoted by the biggest nazi groups and local klan chapters? Yes it's intent was to protest a name change (please educate yourself on this if you want to talk on this. There was no push at the time to pull the statue, what you are saying is either uninformed or a lie). But I can't see any cause where I'd want to join the Klan and Nazi's to support. I'll find a day when the nazi's and Klan aren't there to support the cause. Because I don't think very nice people become nazi sympathizers and friends of the Klan.

This is a nazi rally. This is what the people that put it together promoted it as.

View attachment 254952

View attachment 254951

It was literally a Klan and Nazi rally because it was put together, promoted by, set up by, and had selected speakers from the Klan and the nazi's.

I don't care if the Klan and Nazi's have a rally to celebrate the daytona 500 or the upcoming 4th of July. It's still a Klan and Nazi rally if it is being put together by the Klan and Nazi's.
Educate yourself. It was a protest about the removal of the Lee statue, and if the Klan or nazis used the event to hold a rally of their own, it doesn't condemn everyone who was there to protest the removal of the statue.

A timeline of the deadly weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia
Yes it does

We are not talking one or two in a crowd of thousands
We are looking at a predominantly racist event celebrating a racist nation
That's what it was in your imagination, but in fact, there were many groups who showed up to protest the removal of the statue.

agree. It wasn't just one of the Nazi groups are just one of the groups of klan members...

It was put together by the Right Stuff, The daily Stormer, The Traditionalist Workers Party, Vanguard America, Identity Evropa, and the National Socialist movement. It was the Loyal White Knights and Fraternal order of Alt-Knights.

honestly I believe that that makes it the largest rally of different Nazi and Klan groups possibly ever inside the United States.

and yes the white supremacist and white nationalists had their fair share of groups as well.

Of course quite a few of those groups were not supporting it saying specifically that they didn't want to support Nazis. But others were fine to join that Nazi/klan rally.
Certainly the nazis, Klan and others held their rally there and there were others who came to protest the removal of the statue.
Like I said, I don't care if the Klan is putting together a great camping trip that sounds like fun. I'm not going to hang out with the Klan at one of their events.

If the Nazi's want to have a bake sale, I'm not going to go there to buy some cookies from them and support them even if I really like cookies.

There's NO good reason to join the largest nazi/Klan rally in decades. None at all to say "this is what I want to join and these are the people I want to associate with and help".
It wasn't a Klan rally, it was a protest march against the removal of a statue of Lee. Not everyone who showed up was a member of the Klan or the nazis, just as not everyone who celebrates Thomas Jefferson's work is an advocate of slavery.

Then why did the rally have the leaders of 4 nazi groups and a grand wizard as their highlighted speakers? Why was it put together and promoted by the biggest nazi groups and local klan chapters? Yes it's intent was to protest a name change (please educate yourself on this if you want to talk on this. There was no push at the time to pull the statue, what you are saying is either uninformed or a lie). But I can't see any cause where I'd want to join the Klan and Nazi's to support. I'll find a day when the nazi's and Klan aren't there to support the cause. Because I don't think very nice people become nazi sympathizers and friends of the Klan.

This is a nazi rally. This is what the people that put it together promoted it as.

View attachment 254952

View attachment 254951

It was literally a Klan and Nazi rally because it was put together, promoted by, set up by, and had selected speakers from the Klan and the nazi's.

I don't care if the Klan and Nazi's have a rally to celebrate the daytona 500 or the upcoming 4th of July. It's still a Klan and Nazi rally if it is being put together by the Klan and Nazi's.
Educate yourself. It was a protest about the removal of the Lee statue, and if the Klan or nazis used the event to hold a rally of their own, it doesn't condemn everyone who was there to protest the removal of the statue.

A timeline of the deadly weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia
Yes it does

We are not talking one or two in a crowd of thousands
We are looking at a predominantly racist event celebrating a racist nation
That's what it was in your imagination, but in fact, there were many groups who showed up to protest the removal of the statue.

But it kind of makes you wonder. What kind of groups see a Nazi/KKK rally being put together by their largest groups.. sees that the chosen speakers are leaders of Nazi and Klan groups, and decides that that's the thing that they want to partake in?

What groups see this flier and say "this is the rally we need to be at!"


I guess if I was in a group and that was what they wanted to go support, I would find myself a new group. if they told me that our group wants to stand side by side with Nazis and the Klan. I'd leave.

But some people think that's what good people do I guess
Educate yourself. It was a protest about the removal of the Lee statue, and if the Klan or nazis used the event to hold a rally of their own, it doesn't condemn everyone who was there to protest the removal of the statue.

A timeline of the deadly weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia
Yes it does

We are not talking one or two in a crowd of thousands
We are looking at a predominantly racist event celebrating a racist nation
That's what it was in your imagination, but in fact, there were many groups who showed up to protest the removal of the statue.

agree. It wasn't just one of the Nazi groups are just one of the groups of klan members...

It was put together by the Right Stuff, The daily Stormer, The Traditionalist Workers Party, Vanguard America, Identity Evropa, and the National Socialist movement. It was the Loyal White Knights and Fraternal order of Alt-Knights.

honestly I believe that that makes it the largest rally of different Nazi and Klan groups possibly ever inside the United States.

Let me make an anaology that your simple mind might be able to understand......say you give a party for your school class but it gets crashed by other groups who start fights etc. Just because other groups showed up does not mean they organized the party.
They did organize the party in Charlottesville
They organized their party there but not everyone showed up to join their party. Others showed up just to protest the removal of the statue.
Yes it does

We are not talking one or two in a crowd of thousands
We are looking at a predominantly racist event celebrating a racist nation
That's what it was in your imagination, but in fact, there were many groups who showed up to protest the removal of the statue.

agree. It wasn't just one of the Nazi groups are just one of the groups of klan members...

It was put together by the Right Stuff, The daily Stormer, The Traditionalist Workers Party, Vanguard America, Identity Evropa, and the National Socialist movement. It was the Loyal White Knights and Fraternal order of Alt-Knights.

honestly I believe that that makes it the largest rally of different Nazi and Klan groups possibly ever inside the United States.

Let me make an anaology that your simple mind might be able to understand......say you give a party for your school class but it gets crashed by other groups who start fights etc. Just because other groups showed up does not mean they organized the party.
They did organize the party in Charlottesville
They organized their party there but not everyone showed up to join their party. Others showed up just to protest the removal of the statue.
You show up at a Nazi rally?
Are you sick?
It wasn't a Klan rally, it was a protest march against the removal of a statue of Lee. Not everyone who showed up was a member of the Klan or the nazis, just as not everyone who celebrates Thomas Jefferson's work is an advocate of slavery.

Then why did the rally have the leaders of 4 nazi groups and a grand wizard as their highlighted speakers? Why was it put together and promoted by the biggest nazi groups and local klan chapters? Yes it's intent was to protest a name change (please educate yourself on this if you want to talk on this. There was no push at the time to pull the statue, what you are saying is either uninformed or a lie). But I can't see any cause where I'd want to join the Klan and Nazi's to support. I'll find a day when the nazi's and Klan aren't there to support the cause. Because I don't think very nice people become nazi sympathizers and friends of the Klan.

This is a nazi rally. This is what the people that put it together promoted it as.

View attachment 254952

View attachment 254951

It was literally a Klan and Nazi rally because it was put together, promoted by, set up by, and had selected speakers from the Klan and the nazi's.

I don't care if the Klan and Nazi's have a rally to celebrate the daytona 500 or the upcoming 4th of July. It's still a Klan and Nazi rally if it is being put together by the Klan and Nazi's.
Educate yourself. It was a protest about the removal of the Lee statue, and if the Klan or nazis used the event to hold a rally of their own, it doesn't condemn everyone who was there to protest the removal of the statue.

A timeline of the deadly weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia
Yes it does

We are not talking one or two in a crowd of thousands
We are looking at a predominantly racist event celebrating a racist nation
That's what it was in your imagination, but in fact, there were many groups who showed up to protest the removal of the statue.

But it kind of makes you wonder. What kind of groups see a Nazi/KKK rally being put together by their largest groups.. sees that the chosen speakers are leaders of Nazi and Klan groups, and decides that that's the thing that they want to partake in?

What groups see this flier and say "this is the rally we need to be at!"

View attachment 254967

I guess if I was in a group and that was what they wanted to go support, I would find myself a new group. if they told me that our group wants to stand side by side with Nazis and the Klan. I'd leave.

But some people think that's what good people do I guess
Again, the nazis and Klan were there for their reasons and others were there just ot oppose the removal of the statue.
My understanding is the torch marching was on the previous night.
White supremacist posters and chants

At what point do you leave?
Why would you leave if you have another purpose for being there?
You like associating with NAZIs?

It defines you

Like I said, I don't care if the Klan is putting together a great camping trip that sounds like fun. I'm not going to hang out with the Klan at one of their events.

If the Nazi's want to have a bake sale, I'm not going to go there to buy some cookies from them and support them even if I really like cookies.

There's NO good reason to join the largest nazi/Klan rally in decades. None at all to say "this is what I want to join and these are the people I want to associate with and help".
It wasn't a Klan rally, it was a protest march against the removal of a statue of Lee. Not everyone who showed up was a member of the Klan or the nazis, just as not everyone who celebrates Thomas Jefferson's work is an advocate of slavery.

good point
Then why did the rally have the leaders of 4 nazi groups and a grand wizard as their highlighted speakers? Why was it put together and promoted by the biggest nazi groups and local klan chapters? Yes it's intent was to protest a name change (please educate yourself on this if you want to talk on this. There was no push at the time to pull the statue, what you are saying is either uninformed or a lie). But I can't see any cause where I'd want to join the Klan and Nazi's to support. I'll find a day when the nazi's and Klan aren't there to support the cause. Because I don't think very nice people become nazi sympathizers and friends of the Klan.

This is a nazi rally. This is what the people that put it together promoted it as.

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It was literally a Klan and Nazi rally because it was put together, promoted by, set up by, and had selected speakers from the Klan and the nazi's.

I don't care if the Klan and Nazi's have a rally to celebrate the daytona 500 or the upcoming 4th of July. It's still a Klan and Nazi rally if it is being put together by the Klan and Nazi's.
Educate yourself. It was a protest about the removal of the Lee statue, and if the Klan or nazis used the event to hold a rally of their own, it doesn't condemn everyone who was there to protest the removal of the statue.

A timeline of the deadly weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia
Yes it does

We are not talking one or two in a crowd of thousands
We are looking at a predominantly racist event celebrating a racist nation
That's what it was in your imagination, but in fact, there were many groups who showed up to protest the removal of the statue.

But it kind of makes you wonder. What kind of groups see a Nazi/KKK rally being put together by their largest groups.. sees that the chosen speakers are leaders of Nazi and Klan groups, and decides that that's the thing that they want to partake in?

What groups see this flier and say "this is the rally we need to be at!"

View attachment 254967

I guess if I was in a group and that was what they wanted to go support, I would find myself a new group. if they told me that our group wants to stand side by side with Nazis and the Klan. I'd leave.

But some people think that's what good people do I guess
Again, the nazis and Klan were there for their reasons and others were there just ot oppose the removal of the statue.

The leftwingers that showed up....antifa, blm,etc. came with the criminal intent to use violence to shut a legal assembly of those there to protest the tearing down of historical statues...much like how the Taliban tears down ancient monuments.

Taliban tears down another ancient historical monument........Taliban/Communists tear down another historical Monument
Yes it does

We are not talking one or two in a crowd of thousands
We are looking at a predominantly racist event celebrating a racist nation
That's what it was in your imagination, but in fact, there were many groups who showed up to protest the removal of the statue.

agree. It wasn't just one of the Nazi groups are just one of the groups of klan members...

It was put together by the Right Stuff, The daily Stormer, The Traditionalist Workers Party, Vanguard America, Identity Evropa, and the National Socialist movement. It was the Loyal White Knights and Fraternal order of Alt-Knights.

honestly I believe that that makes it the largest rally of different Nazi and Klan groups possibly ever inside the United States.

Let me make an anaology that your simple mind might be able to understand......say you give a party for your school class but it gets crashed by other groups who start fights etc. Just because other groups showed up does not mean they organized the party.
They did organize the party in Charlottesville
They organized their party there but not everyone showed up to join their party. Others showed up just to protest the removal of the statue.

This has to be one of the saddest defenses I've ever heard. I can see their meeting now...

Leader. "Hey guys you want to go protest the removal of a statue?"

Group. "Yeah! When are we going"

Leader "well I was thinking the 19th would be okay the 26th we are free too, but if we go on the 12th we can join the Ku Klux Klan and American Nazis and stand side by side with them instead at the rally they are putting together."

Group. "Uhhhh...."

Leader "seriously if we go on the 12th I heard we'll get to hear from four of the largest American Nazi leaders and a Grand wizard"

Group "are you sure about this?"

Leader "I have it on good authority that the president will even call us very nice people for making this decision to choose to join with a Nazi and KKK rally"

Group "you had me at chumming with the Klan, the 12th it is"

Here are the unambiguous actual words of President Trump:
“Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

After another question at that press conference, Trump became even more explicit:

“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”

NY Times Reporter Admits Antifa Protesters In Charlottesville Were 'Hate-Filled' And Violent Before Left Forces Her To Backtrack
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This lie has been presented in the media so often some republicans even believe it....just goes to show the power of the media and how they are able to deceive so many....the latest being Adam Schiff......." look, it's not the Democratic Party that believes that there are good people on both sides of a Nazi rally," Rep. Schiff told CNN's "State of the Union." "There's just one party and one party leader who believes that, and that's Donald Trump."

Now......we must understand that some of these folks do not want the truth they want to believe that Trump is a Nazi ----as that fits their they keep repeating the lie.

Proof that President Called the Nazis in Charlottesville good people is a lie.....................Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics!
Thats funny; you post this thing like facts actually matter to libtards.

In the 1920s the Klan was a “great fraternal lodge” with “nationwide political power.”

While men made up the majority of Klan members, women “poured into” the group, which valued home, hearth, and the sanctity of womanhood. Female Kluxers wore skirted robes and had their own group, WKKK—Women of the Ku Klux Klan—which organized activities that were often separate from the men’s. Doing so turned some of the Klanswomen into leaders and activists.

It appears history is repeating itself......when the nation is in peril.....American Patriots have always come to the rescue.

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