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The Olympic Gymnastic Session is Racist!!!

I won't disagree with that.

The problem I see with your comment is that you're upset that whites don't apologize for the criminal class. Well, as far as I can tell, no such apology would ever come from you for th criminal class among blacks, simply because you don't believe that class exists. You've never, ever taken the position that there are just some piece of shit negroes out there who only know how to commit crimes.

Then, of course, there's the part yhou hate so much: "personal responsibility". Why whould whites "apologize" for their criminal class? I don't make another white guy go and commit crimes. He does that on his own. In that same vein, I wouldn't expect blacks to apologize, either. The difference between you and I is that I'm honest enough to acknowledge the criminal element among whites. You're not capable of doing that when it comes to blacks...

Such a law would protect only black interests so, by definition, it's racist...

And these are all things the black community gets to avail themselves of, not to mention the new jobs which are often filled with blacks...

Oh, horseshit.

You want "Da'Shaundray's Fried Chicken Shack" to get an intersection and traffic lights?

One of the motors on one of my loading dock doors burned out last year. I'd never had to really do anything much with the dock doors until that happened. One thing I learned is that there's not a single black-owned overhead door company in St. Johns or Duval Counties. Not one. So, suffice it to say, a white-owned company fixed the motor.

Paul, what do you think I should've done in that situation? Should I have waited for a black guy to come along and start up an overhead door company, and then be in business long enough for me to have confidence that they know what they're doing?

What should I have done?

Oh, and "Chinese Law" (it's not "Chiona" law) isn't really a law at all. It's a tradition...

There's not an intelligent person, of any color, who would allow himself to be pushed into that business relationship. I would close my doors before I allowed the government to "give" me a business partner. Seriously, that may the most fucked up idea you've ever had.

As an aside, your requirement that businesses be sole black proprietorships or 75% black owned, will have an obviously overlooked consequence.

If a black man owns a business and decides he wants to sell that business and retire, you've just cut his potential buyer pool by 87%. If a black guy comes along and says "I'll give you $700K for your business", and then a white guy comes up and says "I'll give you a $1,000,000!", your "rule" would, in effect, cost that black business owner $300K.

That's pretty fucked up...

Well, maybe if the black parents checked to actually make sure their kids were doing their homework things would change. Instead, the parents are usually passed out, drunk off cheap gin and the kids are out in the street until one in the morning.

And, as to your comments about cuts in schools, my old high school, which is predominantly white, cut the last of its industrial arts classes five years go. No more metal or wood shop, no more auto tech; they're gone. The school music program, which was one of the finest in New York State when I was in school, is now a joke. They don't even have a marching band to play during halftime at the Saturday football games.

The problem here, and it's one you fail to recognize, is that, believe it or not, non-black communities are willing to help. Unfortunately for you, though, we need to see that you're willing to try to help yourself first, and you just don't do that...

Please cite your source for this...

Yeah, it probably has nothing to do with the fact that it requires a king's ransom to have and raise a child...

So, white women pulled up their pantaloons, put their noses to the grindstone and realized some success, while black women dropped their pantaloons and banged out more kids?

I see.

You know, I gave up n the rest of your bullshit post. You always go back to the whole "It's whitey's fault!" argument, and that argument is old and tired and weak and, frankly, false. I hope you harbor no illusion that anyone of any measurable intellect takes you seriously here. All you do is offer up the same old whines, you just find different ways to present them.

Hardly compelling...
As a white liberal I agree with you 100%. Can I ask if you are a conservative? Does any conservative on this board disagree with what you just wrote? Unkotare or Harry Dresden? Papagorgio?

I'm not saying Paul and IM2 are 100% incorrect in all the things they say but they go way too far and this is why I say they have victim mentality. And you are right. When they refuse to even admit the obvious...

In the past they didn't deny their communities were more dangerous. Instead they blamed us for it. And in some ways it's true. We are somewhat to blame for the ghettos of America. But today Paul and IM2 won't even admit their black communities are more dangerous. Similar to when Republicans blow off news they don't like by calling it fake news or blowing off the story because it came from a liberal source.
Does unkotare ever call you a racist? Because I agree with you and I'm called a racist. Honestly, I just think the cons here love it that a white liberal like me is here agreeing with them on this subject. They get to point at me and say look see white liberals are racist too. Not that they disagree with anything I've said. And according to Paul and IM2 us white liberals are just as or almost as racist as Republicans so the second I don't buy into their victim mentality, they think that confirms their beliefs that even white liberals are racist.

Just because we think the black community is fucked up and that the black community needs to do more about it than just blame whitey and ask us to throw more money at the problem when they keep popping out kids they won't raise to be good citizens. Imagine how successful those programs would be if blacks started trying.
You post this shit and you really don't understand why you are a vile racist?
If you are letting white people under educate your kids you're dumber than I thought. See this is perfect example of victim mentality.

Black people are victims. We are victims because systematically in the USA black people are a powerless people.

There is nothing systematically black people can do to hurt whites and even individually, that's a tough ask because white people have a system were by the penalties for harming a white person are very severe and on top of that white people make sure they live as far away from blk ppl as poss and they make sure that as fewer blk ppl are working at their job as possible.

That does to mean to say white people are better. They're not. But white people have a system of white supremacy they can fall back on.

And that's why I challenge white supremacy. That's why do the things to challenge white supremacy. That's why I warn my son about white supremacist and white people in general.
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Instead you should be telling me how you achieve despite the obstacles.

This is common knowledge. Everyone knows the obstacles black people overcome. White people need a system to achieve. Black people don't.
  • You look around and see that light skin is a recessive trait the world over, and that white people are the odd ones on the planet in terms of pigmentation.
  • You see black people excelling in any arena where we are given full and equal opportunity (not enough arenas, to be sure, but still);
  • You see a popular culture in which black people are among the nation’s most revered symbols of what’s hip,
  • You see a world in which global white supremacy is everywhere being challenged. In which the white world’s militaries are incapable of subduing a rag-tag bunch of insurgents, with darker skin.
But guys like you are always trying to tell everyone how great you are, are just trying to convince yourselves. And given your persistence, you're finding the job harder than you imagined

You talk about the "ghetto" with such assurance even though you have don't live there because when I think of ghetto.

I think of the mothers trying to work two jobs to support their kids, without childcare, without adequate health care, having to choose between buying them clothes for school or paying a heating bill.

I think of kids who persevere against all odds, going to schools to learn and finding not enough textbooks, or buildings that are crumbling, and yet they still show up every day, hoping to fill their minds with knowledge.

I think of the elderly blk women in public housing who look out for everyone’s children.

I think of the blk ministers who run day care programs, and job training programs, and whose churches are involved in rehabilitating housing for low-income families.

But you don't really here about do ya ? Nope. The media only comes when someone get's blasted.

And as I said to you before.

Sure, there are blk people who have done it and beaten the odds, but why should anyone have to and why in the world would anyone think every child, or even most would be able to do this, who are in a similar situation….? Unrealistic.

But here's the kicker.

No other group of Americans has pulled themselves up by the bootstraps the way African Americans have.

Just 147 years ago most African Americans were held in bondage. Blk ppl owned nothing, no property, no assets of any kind and most were not educated.

And just 1 and a half lifetimes since blk ppl are collectively are worth billions of dollars. Many are working or middle-class. This despite Jim Crow and other examples of outrageous racism and bigotry.

We are a very special group of people
If you are letting white people under educate your kids you're dumber than I thought. See this is perfect example of victim mentality.

Black people are victims. We are victims because systematically in the USA black people are a powerless people.
If you can never see yourself an anything more than that ^^^^^ you can never call yourself a man.
Canon Shooter
You're high. You're just fuckin' high.

I'm speaking the truth

Canon Shooter
According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, there were an estimated 10,085,210 arrests made in the United States in 2019. Of those, 7,014,550 were whites and 2,667,010; just over 2-1/2 times more whites were arrested than blacks. But when you look at murder and non-negligent homicide, 5,070 whites were arrested, but 5,660 blacks were arrested. Blacks were arrested roughly 10% more for murder than whites, despite their actual overall arrest numbers being far less.

White people are always going to need some kinda statistical reason as to why it's ok to kill, lock up or harm black people. That's the reason why stats are used in the first place

It's impossible to know how much crime is committed in America. All you know is the number of arrests and convictions. That's were context comes in. So if we have law enforcement brimming with white supremacists who is gonna to be arrested more ? Charged more ?

We also cannot get statistics on which of the convicted people are guilty. We can only have the opinion of the court system as to their guilt and that opinion assumes guilt from the fact of conviction. Even if all convicted persons are guilty that does not mean that their sentences are fair. Longer sentences for black people will make the prison system majority black.

@Canon Shooter
Blacks comprise roughly 13% of the US population, yet they are responsible for a much higher percentage of crime than whites. Why is that, Paul? Don't come back with one of your ignorant answers about how everything lies and how my numbers are false. Blacks are a pronounced minority in this country. Their total arrests for murder should've been closer to 660...

1) White racists use these silly statistics to prove why Blacks are more prone to criminal behaviour

2) Many if not most of these statistics are old or skrewed to suit the biases of the White population in America

3) Plus none of these crime statistics even seem to suit reality.

The legal system has built in protection for the whites called the Plea Bargain. If you can afford legal counsel that will not roll over then in many cases your potential felony case gets commuted to a misdemeanor.

So the statistics are skewed on multiple levels due to systemic advantages. Prior to arrest, post arrest and jurisprudence itself is disproportionally meted out
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If you can never see yourself an anything more than that ^^^^^ you can never call yourself a man.
Systematically black people are a powerless people in the USA

That's doesn't mean that whites are better or smarter. They're not. You understand ? See I don't get involved in EGO talk. So call me cry baby, a whiner, less of man all day. I don't give a crap about that man.

That's EGO talk and that's a trick the white supremacists do.

White people used to do that on slave plantations to black women "Hey !! Look there's Queenie !! "Hey look there's King" That's a little joke they have with themselves.

And because I know systematically black people are a powerless people, that's why black people like me and many other work on ways to try to change that issue.
Black people are victims. We are victims because systematically in the USA black people are a powerless people.

Oh my God you're such a whiney little fuck...
There is nothing systematically black people can do to hurt whites and even individually, that's a tough ask because white people have a system were by the penalties for harming a white person are very severe and on top of that white people make sure they live as far away from blk ppl as poss and they make sure that as fewer blk ppl are working at their job as possible.

And this is why no one gives a flying fuck about you or your opinion. You want to hurt whites, even though whites today have done nothing to put you in the ghettos slums in which you dwell. And this is why there was such a run on firearms last year. You're not alone in your desire to hurt whites. That's a common negro mantra. Well, this is why we're armed. I can't speak for anyone else, but I would not hesitate to aerate some negro coming at me with a baseball bat. I'll let him get close enough to where he starts to believes he's going to hurt me.

And then I'll kill him in the middle of the street, right in front of God and everybody. And you'd best believe that I'm not alone in my willingness to do that...

That does to mean to say white people are better. They're not. But white people have a system of white supremacy they can fall back on.

We are better, if only for the reason that we don't whine like you...

And that's why I challenge white supremacy. That's why do the things to challenge white supremacy. That's why I warn my son about white supremacist and white people in general.

You challenge nothing. You're scared shitless of challenging whites at anything. You're one of those people who'll teach his son that all white people are evil, and then you'll sit back and wonder why blacks can't get ahead. Well, that would be because there's a whole new generation of blacks being raised with the same entitled bullshit attitude as you.

So, fuck you...
..... I would not hesitate to aerate some negro coming at me with a baseball bat. I'll let him get close enough to where he starts to believes he's going to hurt me.

And then I'll kill him in the middle of the street, ....
How many times have you done that?
I'm speaking the truth

Bitch, please. You wouldn't know "the truth" if you fell over it...

White people are always going to need some kinda statistical reason as to why it's ok to kill, lock up or harm black people. That's the reason why stats are used in the first place

It's impossible to know how much crime is committed in America. All you know is the number of arrests and convictions. That's were context comes in. So if we have law enforcement brimming with white supremacists who is gonna to be arrested more ? Charged more ?

We also cannot get statistics on which of the convicted people are guilty. We can only have the opinion of the court system as to their guilt and that opinion assumes guilt from the fact of conviction. Even if all convicted persons are guilty that does not mean that their sentences are fair. Longer sentences for black people will make the prison system majority black.

The only statistics you believe are the ones you bring to the argument, and they're often easily proven wrong. The fact that you don't like the picture the stats paint doesn't mean the argument is flawed. What's flawed is the black race...

1) White racists use these silly statistics to prove why Blacks are more prone to criminal behaviour

I've done no such thing, so stop lying.

I said nothing about the statistics prove the "why" blacks are more prone to criminal behavior, only that they are.

And they are.

And you know it...

2) Many if not most of these statistics are old or skrewed to suit the biases of the White population in America

The stats came from 2019...

3) Plus none of these crime statistics even seem to suit reality.

The legal system has built in protection for the whites called the Plea Bargain. If you can afford legal counsel that will not roll over then in many cases your potential felony case gets commuted to a misdemeanor.

So the statistics are skewed on multiple levels due to systemic advantages. Prior to arrest, post arrest and jurisprudence itself is disproportionally meted out


They don't suit your reality, which is a reality where every black man is good and every white man is bad. Well, fuck you. Just... eat a bag of shit...


All DPSCD Students to Receive Wireless Tablets and Internet Access Through $23 Million Investment by Detroit Community and Business Leaders

Students and Families will have 24/7 Access to Learning Opportunities

Now lets see some improvement in the next 5 years.

Detroit Public Schools Community District (DPSCD) along with DTE Energy Foundation, Quicken Loans and the Skillman Foundation announced today an at scale solution to address the historical digital divide through the Connected Futures Project, all enrolled DPSCD students and families will receive wireless tablets and internet access through a $23 million investment. And I bet you don't appreciate this. You do know white people gave this $23 million right?

The fact that you're even pointing this out to me....... is the problem.

This is should be standard. As normal as eating ice cream.

I don't give credit to someone for doing something your supposed to do. You're supposed to financially invest in the community. You're supposed to invest schools.

I already told you don't ask me what I want to do about our nations ghettos.

And I already you that the reason why you have ghettoes is because of white supremacy and if you want to stop ghettoes then white people have to stop practicing white supremacy

Take where you're from, Detroit, there is a reason neighbourhoods came to be so racially distinct. It was directly the result of racism. Take Dearborn, where Ford is headquartered they blocked Blacks from living there, thanks to a racist Mayor (That Hubbard guy) who would actually travel South to give pointers on how to maintain white dominance.

Similar stories of barring too many Blacks seeking to live in white spaces are common in every state. So too is bank redlining and government lending programs predicated on maintaining neighbourhood whiteness.

And of course there was the Homestead Act of 1862, which gave whites, and pretty much only whites, access to cheap acreage in places Blacks were not, by and large, allowed to reside.

O sure nowadays they have have neighbourhood “improvement” associations, restrictive covenants to limit Black access to most neighbourhoods for several decades to this.

I'm not black and don't live in those ghettos.

So what are you worried about them for ? You don't live there ? You're still not happy are you ?

This is the white world you want. Right ?


You wake up and you look one way ? And what do you see ? White people !! Look another ? "Yipee !! More white people !!" Even when your not even around black people we are still on your mind.

These behaviours seem to be part of the White Colonial Settler mentality. Perhaps if a group of people take land by force they are aware of how easily the tables could be turned on them

To be honest suburban life is an unnatural form of social organization from a human perspective. Many of the pathologies in today’s white youth (the school shootings, the “emo” culture, cutting, eating disorders) are related to the social isolation imposed on young people by the suburban lifestyle.

Most whites living in the burbs are bored and depressed and hate your white neighbours. There is no love amongst white people. Racism to black is the ONE thing whites agree on.

Also the suburban lifestyle consumes a high level of natural resources. Petroleum to fuel not only the high level of automobile use, but also to supply utilities, water and sewer service to a large number of small individual users. Paving, repairing, plowing and maintaining miles and miles of roadway used by few users.

And then whites like you and others have the nerve to turn around and say to blk ppl "Stop asking for help"

Besides, you don't want whitey's help. So don't ask for my opinion. Without bringing up white people, what do you think needs to be done? ZERO white involvement.

What black people want is to stop practicing white supremacy.
  • Stop mal-distributing the resources.
  • Stop with the all white labour unions.
  • Stop the racist laws they use to funnel black people into the prison system.
  • Stop cancelling blk ppl from getting the loans instead. When black people do have business or create business don't burn down the place down, like they did in Wilimington and Tulsa.
  • Don't run freeways down in black communities like they did in Florida - Miami when they had prosperous black areas. Don't run another freeway like they did in central avenue
Basically stop acting like an animal. Believe you are just as good as black men and that you don't need a system to compete

There is no high black crime rate? Are you fucking dumb? Detroit has over 2000 violent crimes for every 100,000 citizens. The national average is 300. Wake the fuck up blind boy

Asking white supremacists for stats about black crime is like asking Ronald McDonald for stats about vegans.

How do explain Michael A. Wood Jr was a white retired White American police sergeant he noted what he saw while serving on the Baltimore police force from 2003 to 2014

He confirmed much of what many Black Americans in Baltimore have long known.

The Police :
  • Racially profile.·
  • Lie.
  • Do not see Black and poor people as real human being.
  • Are an occupying force in Black ghettos.
  • See the people there as the enemy, not as citizens to protect and serve.
  • Use unspoken arrest quota.
  • Each officer is expected to make so many arrests a month.
  • Do not care much about the US Constitution.
  • Are badly trained.
  • Fear Black males.
He found that arrests and crime bear little relationship to each other.

When he was put on patrol in a well-to-do White neighbourhood he would go to a nearby Black neighbourhood to make his arrest quota.

Not because there was more crime there but because he could get away with arresting blacks for little things, like throwing a cigarette on the floor or playing basketball in the street. Also the police were told not to enforce drug laws against white people

He did not see himself as racist but took part in a racist institution by following orders. And these orders came from top. Who were supported by politicians who represented not the people but moneyed interests like the prison-industrial complex that need 90% occupancy.

Or white cop Adrian Schoolcraft he logged how the NYPD used to manipulate crime stats. He recorded everything that was said with a small tape recorder while he was on duty.

Police officers were told how many people to stop and search. How many tickets to write. How many arrests to make every month. Meanwhile serious crime was not taken seriously. .

When he had a solid case he went to InternalAffairs. So the police arrived at his door with a dozen policemen. They tore his place apart. They threw him to the ground, beat him up and handcuffed him.

After six days missing his dad found his son at last in a mental ward in Queens NY, where the police had put him.

That's only touching the surface the police plant evidence on suspects to frame them, as with the Ramparts division scandal or they protect drug runners.

The police deal in drugs themselves. Ever heard about New York’s infamous 75th precinct ?

We do see racism in the animal kingdom.

No you don't.

At the dog park you should see how excited a German Shepard gets when it sees another German Shepard.

Dogs get excited when they see another dog regardless of breed.

And wolves kill coyote. Wolves and coyote have been known to mate too. But usually, wolves will kill any coyote in their territory.

But do black wolves (like this)


Running around attacking white coyotes like this one ?


.No. They don't. Any coyote is going to get it. They would not look at a brown coyote and say "Hang on boys !! Hang on !! White coyotes only !!"

Human races are differentiated primarily by skin color, but even though the genes responsible for skin color are noticeable, the actual genetic differences among races are slight.

In fact, skin colour doesn’t accurately reflect the genetic differences among humans. Two people of African descent could easily be more genetically different from each other than a person of European descent may be from a person of Asian descent. Bottom line: Races have slight differences, and these differences are nowhere near the level they’d have to be to decrease gene exchange.
It doesn't matter if a black school is under funded. You can still learn.

Well dude you can eat pizza and chocolate cake and still get in shape and still lose weight,

As long as you smash your cardio and weight training that's possible..

But it's not the best way to go about it.

So yes you can still learn even in under funded school ?

So of course it matters. If you have a system with profoundly unstandardized schools, profoundly unstandardized financial resources, profoundly unstandardized teaching training, profoundly unstandardized curriculum then at the end you give them a standardized test ?

And then at the end of an unstandardized process is it really a surprise that all the kids coming through don't do equally as well ?

And you say to those who didn't do as well (who will disproportionately be black of low income because who those are ones who are likely to go to the schools without those equal resources) that "You can't go to that college" "You can't to this uni" "Matter of fact you can't go to any college at all" "You're not that smart"

When I moved out of Detroit the counselor told my mom besides what she taught me, I learned nothing in that Detroit school. That meant I would have been 5 years behind those white kids if not for my mother teaching me at home


And for the record, you can't use those bullshit excuses about your schools being under funded because the same problem you have with way too many of your parents, we have the same problem in our white public schools. A teacher can only do so much if the kid won't do his homework and if the parents don't care.

That's because we have white supremacist teachers like yourself and in that case the black kids at white public schools will be punished more harshly than the white kids for minor stuff that the white kids get away with.

The black kids will be tracked into basic and remedial level classes, while most all the white kids will be tracked into advanced and honors classes, whether or not they show promise.

Look at this photo of teachers serving white children first while the black children watch & wait. This happened Sandy Springs, GA a few months back


But these black kids in kindergarten, are on the hit list now that they're arming teachers.


These guns are not for white kids. Let's be clear on that.

And nothing will get done about it as usual. Because the teacher will use "I was scared for my life" card

Did you see Stand By Me? Did you see how many parents argued with the Principal? He was trying to fix the school and those ghetto parents didn't like it. Rather than side with the school, those parents were just as ignorant as their kids. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. And you can't say that's just a movie because I lived in a community just like that. The three kids across the street were named Booney, ChooChoo and Man. Who names their kids that?

Yeah and I've seen ET and Star Wars and Superman too. I guess they were true as well.
A lot of what you say is true. Not all, but a lot.
Canon Shooter
And this is why no one gives a flying fuck about you or your opinion.

Eh ? You replied to me.

Canon Shooter
You want to hurt whites, even though whites today have done nothing to put you in the ghettos slums in which you dwell.

I want to hurt whites ? Thanks for being able to read my mind.

Dude. You're already hurting. Black people don't need to do anything really. You're already hurt.

Canon Shooter
And this is why there was such a run on firearms last year.

Put the guns down - You ain't about that life.

Bearing arms makes you safer ?

China has over 4 times the population of the USA.

People are subject to human rights abuses to a significant extent, esp. given the very weak rule of law, local corruption and the extensive use of the death penalty. Ethnic minorities in particular feel that their rights have been constrained. Now, do we suppose that if everyone had guns, it would be safer, more free, or more rights?

Actually, what is more likely to happen would be that ordinary Chinese, esp. Han Chinese would carry guns to protect themselves from imagined fears. Individual Uyghur or Tibetans or foreigners would simply be shot dead and Han Chinese would get away with it.

Sometimes there are lunatics who raid schools or shopping centres and knife several people before stabbing themselves. They might kill 2-3 persons and injure a few. With guns they could easily kill 20-30 people before shooting themselves.

China is by no means a very free society. But at least you can be about 99.9% certain that no one would shoot you, even the police. You can be 99.999999% certain that no one would suspect you of carrying a phantom weapon. Carrying guns certainly would not make anyone feel safer and would not make you feel like you have more right

Canon Shooter
You're not alone in your desire to hurt whites.

So whites are the victims now ?

Canon Shooter
That's a common negro mantra. Well, this is why we're armed.

Lotta people are armed dude.



If you want that smoke ...........bring it

Of the several pistols I own, my Glock 45 has a nice grip I find it easy to control. My Glock 42 belonged to my dad and I only take it to the range to shoot just for "memory sake" I can also fight with my hands so you'd be easy work you over weight fat fk.

Canon Shooter
I can't speak for anyone else, but I would not hesitate to aerate some negro coming at me with a baseball bat. I'll let him get close enough to where he starts to believes he's going to hurt me.

I agree if a black man or any man for that matter came at you, then you should defend yourself.

Granted in your scenario, if someone came at me with a baseball bat and I had a gun. Me ? I would not kill them. I'd simply warn them that I was packing show them I'm strapped and that would be enough and if it wasn't ? Then one shot fired in the air and that'd most certainly be enough

But if you wanna play Rambo and go down for 2nd degree murder that's on you
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China is by no means a very free society. But at least you can be about 99.9% certain that no one would shoot you, even the police. You can be 99.999999% certain that no one would suspect you of carrying a phantom weapon. Carrying guns certainly would not make anyone feel safer and would not make you feel like you have more right

You have no idea what you're talking about.
If you are letting white people under educate your kids you're dumber than I thought. See this is perfect example of victim mentality.

Black people are victims. We are victims because systematically in the USA black people are a powerless people.

There is nothing systematically black people can do to hurt whites and even individually, that's a tough ask because white people have a system were by the penalties for harming a white person are very severe and on top of that white people make sure they live as far away from blk ppl as poss and they make sure that as fewer blk ppl are working at their job as possible.

That does to mean to say white people are better. They're not. But white people have a system of white supremacy they can fall back on.

And that's why I challenge white supremacy. That's why do the things to challenge white supremacy. That's why I warn my son about white supremacist and white people in general.
I don't agree that blacks are powerless. However if you are powerless it's because YOU choose to be powerless. Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Italians, Irish, Eastern Europeans, South Americans, Central Americans and Mexicans were all powerless at one time. They aren't anymore. Even illegal aliens kids aren't powerless despite being born into desperate poverty and living on government handouts.
How many times have you done that?
I don't know why canon shooter has to bring race into that equation. I'd kill anyone who tried to harm me or my family. Color doesn't matter at all. Statistically a white or latino is more likely to attempt to harm me because there are numerically more latino and white criminals simply because there are more latinos and whites than blacks.
I don't agree that blacks are powerless. However if you are powerless it's because YOU choose to be powerless. Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Italians, Irish, Eastern Europeans, South Americans, Central Americans and Mexicans were all powerless at one time. They aren't anymore. Even illegal aliens kids aren't powerless despite being born into desperate poverty and living on government handouts.
I never said black ppl were powerless. I said blk ppl were systematically powerless in the USA
If you are letting white people under educate your kids you're dumber than I thought. See this is perfect example of victim mentality.

Black people are victims. We are victims because systematically in the USA black people are a powerless people.

There is nothing systematically black people can do to hurt whites and even individually, that's a tough ask because white people have a system were by the penalties for harming a white person are very severe and on top of that white people make sure they live as far away from blk ppl as poss and they make sure that as fewer blk ppl are working at their job as possible.

That does to mean to say white people are better. They're not. But white people have a system of white supremacy they can fall back on.

And that's why I challenge white supremacy. That's why do the things to challenge white supremacy. That's why I warn my son about white supremacist and white people in general.
Don't challenge it. Just go with it. It is what it is. Or go to a primarily black nation where there is black supremacy.
I don't know why canon shooter has to bring race into that equation. I'd kill anyone who tried to harm me or my family. Color doesn't matter at all. Statistically a white or latino is more likely to attempt to harm me because there are numerically more latino and white criminals simply because there are more latinos and whites than blacks.
And yet whites and latinos don't cause all that much trouble.

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