The one good thing about the capitol insurrection.

"A real insurrection would have ended in political prisoner's being taken, and then them being locked up, a new government installed, and the President reinstalled to his rightful position, and the country locked down completely until sorted all out."

Well, I suppose, in theory.

That is what poster 'beagle9's view of what a 'real' insurrection could possibly look like. see, 'real' insurrections oft-times have 'can-do' semi-competent folks spearheading them. Not always, but probably many of the successful ones do.

And there's the rub. The January 6th Insurrection was pushed, promoted, and executed by America's demographic of cultural losers.

The last-row-in-class, don't study, last-2b-hired, first-2b-fired, ne'er-do-wells. America's losers who have accumulated and curated a whole host of grievances....about 'college-educated', smarty-pants, Title IX sports, Affirmative Action, SUV driving chardonnay drinking pretty people, and Mexican immigrants, Muslims, Jews, Asians, and people who live in cities.

Hell, that collection of losers is pissed at everything because they have been unsuccessful in achieving the American Dream.

Don Trump recognized that, spoke to them and stoked them.

THAT's who led that Insurrection.

It's no wonder it was a failed attempt.

But an attempted insurrection nonetheless.

Lose the "H".
Loose the "H".

Have you given up on 'Let loose the Kraken'?

I kinda a miss her flavor of nutso-crazo in the daily discourse. Where is she these days?

She should be accepted back in legal circles with respect and welcome......after all, she said (and I quote):

" lawyer Sidney Powell told a judge that the defamation lawsuit Dominion Voting Systems filed against her earlier this year should be dismissed because “no reasonable person” would believe that her well-publicized comments about an international plot against former President Donald Trump..."

I love this bar.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
That's some wishful thinking. It will be long forgotten by mid-summer, and trying to rehash around mid-terms will backfire. The American attention span for old news isn't that long. Meanwhile, illegal aliens will still be flooding into the country, because the person in charge of the border, Harris, is totally AWOL. That is something people will be talking about.
No, that's how your masters are trying to distract you. In reality everyone is still talking about the republican insurrection at the Capitol, not your made up bullshit.
You mean like these "patriots?"




Yes, those idiots probably think they're being patriotic too.

You nutters are birds of a feather.

I appreciate your pointing that out.
Yeah but you support certain thought to be patriot's against other thought to be patriot's by taking one side. And everyone knows the side that you've taken. Thanks for pointing that out eh ? As if you didn't know.
I'm not exactly sure what that means, but great.
He/she needs a better ESL teacher.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
It shows what coward our supposedly brave politicians are. The run and hide not one stood up to the crowd. The were more than happy to cower in the corner, Also says a lot about capital security.
They let a crowd led by a guy wearing the Fred Flintstone Water Buffalo head dress run rough shod against them. I cant imagine what would have happened if it was a real insurrection.
Just because they weren't particularly good at it doesn't mean it wasn't real.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
It shows what coward our supposedly brave politicians are. The run and hide not one stood up to the crowd. The were more than happy to cower in the corner, Also says a lot about capital security.
They let a crowd led by a guy wearing the Fred Flintstone Water Buffalo head dress run rough shod against them. I cant imagine what would have happened if it was a real insurrection.
Just because they weren't particularly good at it doesn't mean it wasn't real.
It wasn't real, if it was real you would know it.
The idea of downplaying January 6th is mindboggling to me. It was a violent attempt to disrupt our democratic process. Anyone who cares one bit about the strength of our republic should decry that from every rooftop. Their goal was to stop the vote count; they shouted that as they charged in. They were armed; they brought some weapons, stole others, improvised more. They beat the hell out of the cops who stood in the way; we saw it happen. We watched it all on live TV. They were there to stop our republic from working.

But people -- from their own party -- are bending over backwards to explain it away, to minimize it, to defend it as innocent or somehow patriotic. Boggles my mind.

I'll tell you now: Until us Americans -- and I'm looking mostly at you, conservative right -- can put our personal issues aside sometimes in order to keep the republic strong, we're going to get more and more split, toward a very bloody end that no amount of blame will alleviate.
I'm a conservative, Constitution-supporting veteran Christian white male. According to the Democratic Party, I'm responsible for everything bad ever done.

And you want me to agree with them?

How do you think that's going to work out?
Not at all. Ignore the Democrats. You're a conservative, and should stand by your beliefs.

I assume you're a Republican, so I'd like Constitutional conservatives like you to call out the pro-authoritarians who stormed the Capitol, hold them responsible, reject their anti-republican message, and kick them the hell out.

The Democrats do it, but of course they do; they'd oppose the GOP no matter what. It's the pro-Constitution conservatives that will determine how this story ends.
"A real insurrection would have ended in political prisoner's being taken, and then them being locked up, a new government installed, and the President reinstalled to his rightful position, and the country locked down completely until sorted all out."

Well, I suppose, in theory.

That is what poster 'beagle9's view of what a 'real' insurrection could possibly look like. see, 'real' insurrections oft-times have 'can-do' semi-competent folks spearheading them. Not always, but probably many of the successful ones do.

And there's the rub. The January 6th Insurrection was pushed, promoted, and executed by America's demographic of cultural losers.

The last-row-in-class, don't study, last-2b-hired, first-2b-fired, ne'er-do-wells. America's losers who have accumulated and curated a whole host of grievances....about 'college-educated', smarty-pants, Title IX sports, Affirmative Action, SUV driving chardonnay drinking pretty people, and Mexican immigrants, Muslims, Jews, Asians, and people who live in cities.

Hell, that collection of losers is pissed at everything because they have been unsuccessful in achieving the American Dream.

Don Trump recognized that, spoke to them and stoked them.

THAT's who led that Insurrection.

It's no wonder it was a failed attempt.

But an attempted insurrection nonetheless.

Laugh the frick out loud at your idiocy, so what you are saying is that it wasn't an insurrection, because those who done what they did weren't organized, smart enough or connected to a structured organized effort to embark on an insurrection if they wanted too. Then you attempt to place Trump as their leader, as if he would actually believe that the one's you describe could actually represent his alledged intentions to overthrow the incoming administration, and remain the President. Laughing uncontrollably now... Ok I caught my breath again, so dude, do you even hear yourself and your crazy when you speak ??? Rotflmbo.
Yeah but you support certain thought to be patriot's against other thought to be patriot's by taking one side. And everyone knows the side that you've taken. Thanks for pointing that out eh ? As if you didn't know.
I'm not exactly sure what that means, but great.
It means that you take one side via your support for one side, and this regardless of who thinks of either side being patriot's or not. The right see's themselves as patriot's, and the left does too, and you fight against one side while supporting the other. Just so happens that you defend the left. It's ok, to each his own I guess.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
It shows what coward our supposedly brave politicians are. The run and hide not one stood up to the crowd. The were more than happy to cower in the corner, Also says a lot about capital security.
They let a crowd led by a guy wearing the Fred Flintstone Water Buffalo head dress run rough shod against them. I cant imagine what would have happened if it was a real insurrection.
Just because they weren't particularly good at it doesn't mean it wasn't real.
It's only real in your mind, while the riots, burning and looting over the summer wasn't real in your mind. That's the definition of crazy right there, but whose counting anymore. lol
View attachment 492771

I know which president I would listen to.

You know Thomas Jefferson never said the quote that you attribute to him.
The source is immaterial. Do you agree with it, or don't you?
It’s an inaccurate statement that is attributed to Thomas Jefferson.

If the people are scared of the government we have a dictator.

if government is scared of the people we have one that is becoming a dictatorial police state.

You want the latter.
View attachment 492771

I know which president I would listen to.

You know Thomas Jefferson never said the quote that you attribute to him.
The source is immaterial. Do you agree with it, or don't you?
It’s an inaccurate statement that is attributed to Thomas Jefferson.

If the people are scared of the government we have a dictator.

if government is scared of the people we have one that is becoming a dictatorial police state.

You want the latter.
The later is total horseshit. How would it turn into a dictatorial police state because the police are afraid of the people? How could that possibly work?
View attachment 492771

I know which president I would listen to.

You know Thomas Jefferson never said the quote that you attribute to him.
The source is immaterial. Do you agree with it, or don't you?
It’s an inaccurate statement that is attributed to Thomas Jefferson.

If the people are scared of the government we have a dictator.

if government is scared of the people we have one that is becoming a dictatorial police state.

You want the latter.
View attachment 492771

I know which president I would listen to.

You know Thomas Jefferson never said the quote that you attribute to him.
The source is immaterial. Do you agree with it, or don't you?
It’s an inaccurate statement that is attributed to Thomas Jefferson.

If the people are scared of the government we have a dictator.

if government is scared of the people we have one that is becoming a dictatorial police state.

You want the latter.
The later is total horseshit. How would it turn into a dictatorial police state because the police are afraid of the people? How could that possibly work?
View attachment 492771

I know which president I would listen to.

You know Thomas Jefferson never said the quote that you attribute to him.
The source is immaterial. Do you agree with it, or don't you?
It’s an inaccurate statement that is attributed to Thomas Jefferson.

If the people are scared of the government we have a dictator.

if government is scared of the people we have one that is becoming a dictatorial police state.

You want the latter.
No, I don't; that's utterly absurd, and nothing I've ever written here supports that conclusion.

You're welcome to look, but you won't find anything.

What I want is for government to stop interfering in individual lives.

And I'm guessing you don't agree with that.
View attachment 492771

I know which president I would listen to.

You know Thomas Jefferson never said the quote that you attribute to him.
The source is immaterial. Do you agree with it, or don't you?
It’s an inaccurate statement that is attributed to Thomas Jefferson.

If the people are scared of the government we have a dictator.

if government is scared of the people we have one that is becoming a dictatorial police state.

You want the latter.
The later is total horseshit. How would it turn into a dictatorial police state because the police are afraid of the people? How could that possibly work?

The police are afraid of the people because it's a dictatorship, numskull

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