The one good thing about the capitol insurrection.

Challenging an election is a Constitutional right. Stopping someone from exercising those rights is tyranny and treason. It is a fine argument because there is no counter argument for an American. Dealing with you is not dealing with an American. You have made that very clear.
But I'm an American. So you're just being a misguided drama queen. Again.
Drama queen? I am not the one saying the insurrection that wasn't is eqivalent to 9/11 or Pearl Harbor, that is your side. Projection from a traitor is still projection.
"Traitor". You're a drama queen. Man up, snowflake.

You don't even have the balls to actually quote me saying the things you claim. Because, of course, you can't.
Don't you dare talk about manning up. Release the evidence so it can be investigated. Stop murdering unarmed women before you even mention manhood again.
Man up, snowflake.
Again you do not know enough about being a man to even consider that coming from you anywhere near credible.
Look at how easy it is to trigger you.

Gawd, you're boring.
Saying you should say nothing about manhood has nothing to do with being triggered. You have not demonstrated any quality that shows you are man. Men do not cheat, men do not lie, men do not murder or support the murder of an unarmed woman.

You have done, and continue to do, everyone of those things. No triggers just the truth of what a sorry SOB you are.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

An insurrection with no guns.

Silly leftist
How do you think they had insurrections before guns?

Dumb-ass tRumpling.
Can you list for us all the insurrections unarmed people had against people armed with guns since guns were invented?
not any successful ones. but idiotic attempts, just up your alley, imbecile, should be known to you, fat ass. can't list any. I know Crepitus can't.

How is it you people expect to be taken seriously?
go fly a kite, fatso. you have zero credibility here.
Do you know any reason I shouldn't laugh in your face?

Me, neither.

incontinence? how are your knees, lardo canthonorabetian.
Keep it up. I'm THIS CLOSE to registering Democrat.

Meanwhile, you making up words to pretend you're intelligent fails yet again.

Your search - canthonorabetian - did not match any documents.


  • Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
  • Try different keywords.
  • Try more general keywords.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

An insurrection with no guns.

Silly leftist
How do you think they had insurrections before guns?

Dumb-ass tRumpling.
I’m going to take a wild guess...they would use the best weapons available at the time.
Do I need to explain the rest to you or do you want to do a few more bong hits so you can forget you didn’t think up then actually post such stupidity?
Hard to get guns close to the Capitol. Perhaps they used the best weapons they had at the time?

God damn you're stupid. Put down the crack pipe for once.
Are you really "proving" it was an insurrection by saying the insurrectionists didn't want to break gun laws?
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Who are you trying to kid? Dims love Jan 6. It's a propaganda gold mine for them.
Propaganda has negative connotations. This is campaign add material, and yes, it is a goldmine.
That's right, the word "propaganda" does have negative connotations, and that's exactly the purpose of the proposed Jan 6 commission: propaganda.
Bipartisan commission with equal membership. Are you telling me you guys are disadvantaged at equal numbers? Are you that weak?
All this will do is keep the issue alive until the next election. It's a propaganda scheme.
Lol, what it will do is expose republican lies and corruption, that why they are so against it.
That's why Democrats oppose ballot audits.

Now screech NUH UH!! again. It's amusing.
Democrats don't oppose audits conducted by certified auditing companies. They do oppose audits conducted by QAnon conspiracy spouting Trump supporters.
...and that latter group includes, of course, anyone who questions the Potato-in-Chief winning the election.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

An insurrection with no guns.

Silly leftist
How do you think they had insurrections before guns?

Dumb-ass tRumpling.
I’m going to take a wild guess...they would use the best weapons available at the time.
Do I need to explain the rest to you or do you want to do a few more bong hits so you can forget you didn’t think up then actually post such stupidity?
Hard to get guns close to the Capitol. Perhaps they used the best weapons they had at the time?

God damn you're stupid. Put down the crack pipe for once.
Are you really "proving" it was an insurrection by saying the insurrectionists didn't want to break gun laws?
He is certainly stupid enough to claim that. I say you go with that.
Usually for some thing to have a”good thing” about it there would be a necessity for it to have factually, actually have occurred.

what did happen was a protest where people were invited in and a few got out of control and one was murdered.
Conservatives’ unwarranted opposition to a Congressional commission to investigate the rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy is proof Republicans care little about the truth and more about partisan politics.

It’s further proof that Republicans see the rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy as hurting them at the polls, and appropriately so.
Continue to bitterly cling to your victimization feelings while thinkers defeat the contentions at every turn
Conservatives lack the courage and honesty to learn the truth about the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy.

Republicans put partisan politics over what’s best for America.
You sure do hate it when people don't believe your propaganda.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
We already did this one. You need to get your handlers to send you new stuff.
why? the TRUTH must really eat you up you ask yourself, ever, why you are such a pathetic shit stain...being as you agree w/the bottom 2...that makes you a anti-AMERICA piece of shit
I'm anti-american? I didn't try to overthrow our democracy and install and orange dick-tater.
yes you are...any one that supports the corrupted, scum demonRATS fits that definition....the rioters were actors of black FLIES matter, and the other group of PIG-LOUSI paid criminals....until you can accept the TRUTH, you will be a anti-AMERICAn asshole
Get treatment, fast.
If he gets a lobotomy, he'll agree with you.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
We already did this one. You need to get your handlers to send you new stuff.
why? the TRUTH must really eat you up you ask yourself, ever, why you are such a pathetic shit stain...being as you agree w/the bottom 2...that makes you a anti-AMERICA piece of shit
I'm anti-american? I didn't try to overthrow our democracy and install and orange dick-tater.
yes you are...any one that supports the corrupted, scum demonRATS fits that definition....the rioters were actors of black FLIES matter, and the other group of PIG-LOUSI paid criminals....until you can accept the TRUTH, you will be a anti-AMERICAn asshole
Wrong. Video footage all over the fucking web proves otherwise. Something is wrong with you. Seriously wrong.
Until we can arrange for mass deprogramming for these folks they're never gonna change their "minds".
Oh, look -- yet another leftist wanting to put dissenters in re-education camps.

Have you ever considered, maybe, making rational arguments for your beliefs instead of threatening people with government violence when they disagree with you?

Trick question. I know you haven't.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
Darn! And I so want you people to take me seriously!
When you can't admit the damage these people did is far, far worse than anything on Jan 6th why should anyone take you seriously?
They've done a shitload of property damage. They're unhinged, ignorant, bone-headed idiots who have their heads firmly up their asses. Worse, the leadership of those cities have been astonishingly weak, most likely because they're afraid of the political repercussions on the Left. So are, I assume, national Democratic politicians, who make sure to say as little about this as possible. Kind of like the way they regularly ignore the regular slaughter on the streets of Chicago from gang violence.

I could go on. But since you seem to enjoy maintaining a complete and arrogant ignorance of my positions on issues, why bother.

And don't worry -- I won't ask you to take an honest look at the Trumpian violence on our nation's Capitol and our very electoral process. I know that you have neither the honesty nor the honor to do so. Not to mention the fact that you've been completely conned. By a buffoon.

You're welcome!
Anx yet you support the rioting in the cities.
Nobody supports rioting, you idiot.

Protesting, not rioting.






What about the thugs in the pictures above



Is that you standing on the car?


Who are you trying to convince...normal people, or yourself?
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
That's some wishful thinking. It will be long forgotten by mid-summer, and trying to rehash around mid-terms will backfire. The American attention span for old news isn't that long. Meanwhile, illegal aliens will still be flooding into the country, because the person in charge of the border, Harris, is totally AWOL. That is something people will be talking about.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

An insurrection with no guns.

Silly leftist
How do you think they had insurrections before guns?

Dumb-ass tRumpling.

My bad sugar. I thought we were talking about a few months ago not the middle ages cupcake?
A. I don't swing that way, so you're barking up the wrong tree.

B. You said we couldn't have an insurrection with out guns. That's just not factual.

And insurrection implies a rebellion.
How can one accomplish a rebellion without force of arms?
The protestors I saw were not trying to destroy the existing government, but instead believed there was a fraud committed in secret that the government and the people needed to know about.
I disagree with them and think they were wrong, but that does not make them insurrectionists.
In their mind they were vigilantes trying to reveal a crime everyone else was unaware of.


  1. a violent uprising against an authority or government.
    "the insurrection was savagely put down" ·
    rebellion · revolt · uprising · mutiny · revolution · insurgence · insurgency · rising · rioting · riot · sedition · civil disobedience · civil disorder · unrest · anarchy · fighting in the streets · coup · coup d'état · jacquerie · putsch
Ok, so a guy attacks you with a baseball bat. Is he armed? Are you just gonna let him do it because he doesn't have a gun?

Or maybe you shoot him, which is understandable.

You gonna tell the cops he was unarmed?

You don't have to have firearms to be armed. A crowd is a weapon all by itself.
with kenosha i learned that a skateboard was a deathly weapon.
On Jan 6 we learned that zip ties and bear spray are deadly weapons.
Those weren't "zip ties" they were flex cuffs. Specifically designed to restrain people.
Says who? They aren't lethal either, fuck stick.
Reality, dildo. Flex cuffs aren't every day use things, even for police. They are for restraining lots of people at once and quickly.
They aren't weapons, dildo. They also aren't illegal to posses.
They are not illegal to posses. Whether they are weapons or not is open to interpretation. That they are an indication that the person carrying them through the capitol building had criminal intent is a fact.
Whether they are weapons is not open to interpretation. You can't indict someone because you assume they wanted to commit a crime. They actually have to commit a crime.
But remember, leftists fully support use of government violence on people with dangerous opinions.

And any opinion that doesn't fully endorse leftism is dangerous.

Just ask Creppy. He wants to put people in camps.
The idea of downplaying January 6th is mindboggling to me. It was a violent attempt to disrupt our democratic process. Anyone who cares one bit about the strength of our republic should decry that from every rooftop. Their goal was to stop the vote count; they shouted that as they charged in. They were armed; they brought some weapons, stole others, improvised more. They beat the hell out of the cops who stood in the way; we saw it happen. We watched it all on live TV. They were there to stop our republic from working.

But people -- from their own party -- are bending over backwards to explain it away, to minimize it, to defend it as innocent or somehow patriotic. Boggles my mind.

I'll tell you now: Until us Americans -- and I'm looking mostly at you, conservative right -- can put our personal issues aside sometimes in order to keep the republic strong, we're going to get more and more split, toward a very bloody end that no amount of blame will alleviate.
I'm a conservative, Constitution-supporting veteran Christian white male. According to the Democratic Party, I'm responsible for everything bad ever done.

And you want me to agree with them?

How do you think that's going to work out?
Yeah but you support certain thought to be patriot's against other thought to be patriot's by taking one side. And everyone knows the side that you've taken. Thanks for pointing that out eh ? As if you didn't know.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

True. In addition, the American people will be reminded how full-of-shit Democrats, Liberals, and their media spent an entire year either ignoring or justifying the burning, looting, murdering, and violence that spread throughout US cities during a pandemic when people were supposed to be staying home, staying safe; yet, somehow destroying people’s livelihoods and beating the shit out of innocent drivers became forms of essential protest.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

True. In addition, the American people will be reminded how full-of-shit Democrats, Liberals, and their media spent an entire year either ignoring or justifying the burning, looting, murdering, and violence that spread throughout US cities during a pandemic when people were supposed to be staying home, staying safe; yet, somehow destroying people’s livelihoods and beating the shit out of innocent drivers became forms of essential protest.
Don't forget -- Democrats have a First Amendment right to destroy property and kill and assault people when their feelings are hurt.
Yeah but you support certain thought to be patriot's against other thought to be patriot's by taking one side. And everyone knows the side that you've taken. Thanks for pointing that out eh ? As if you didn't know.
I'm not exactly sure what that means, but great.
The idea of downplaying January 6th is mindboggling to me. It was a violent attempt to disrupt our democratic process. Anyone who cares one bit about the strength of our republic should decry that from every rooftop. Their goal was to stop the vote count; they shouted that as they charged in. They were armed; they brought some weapons, stole others, improvised more. They beat the hell out of the cops who stood in the way; we saw it happen. We watched it all on live TV. They were there to stop our republic from working.

But people -- from their own party -- are bending over backwards to explain it away, to minimize it, to defend it as innocent or somehow patriotic. Boggles my mind.

I'll tell you now: Until us Americans -- and I'm looking mostly at you, conservative right -- can put our personal issues aside sometimes in order to keep the republic strong, we're going to get more and more split, toward a very bloody end that no amount of blame will alleviate.
You say all this as if an audit isn't taking place in state's that found their election's to be possibly compromised in some way or another. Just like before, you and your cohorts aren't willing to assist in the making sure that the elections are secure, and that improprieties haven't taken place......Such things need appropriately investigated, and yet you condemn the action's of those who might have figured that the steal was real, and that something had to be done about it because the court's failed them, otherwise by not considering the evidence in a transparent forum conducted in the court room for all Americans to review and agree on in one way or the other.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
It shows what coward our supposedly brave politicians are. The run and hide not one stood up to the crowd. The were more than happy to cower in the corner, Also says a lot about capital security.
They let a crowd led by a guy wearing the Fred Flintstone Water Buffalo head dress run rough shod against them. I cant imagine what would have happened if it was a real insurrection.

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