The One Question No One So Far Can Answer

Saying that he will be more flexible to negotiate after an election is absolutely nothing. Don't know why you'd even bring it up. Talk about stretching an arguement. Weakest straw man ever!
Really, promising the new dreaded enemy of the US with being able to be more flexible is nothing? Really? What the hell do you think he meant? What he obviously meant in my opinion is that after he is elected he doesn't have to worry about doing the will of the people he will be more flexible to do whatever the RUSSIANS want. THAT IS NOT NOTHING. What I can't believe that he got away with such a treasonous statement meanwhile the MSM is running with the Trump BS.
I think he meant, very simply, that everything is politicized during a campaign, so it isn't the most appropriate time to be engaging with an actor as controversial as Russia. You really don't understand that? Common sense man.
Yes, of course, he meant that he would have to do something unpopular after he wins and election, absolutely he politicize the situation. To that there is no doubt, but what exactly was he promising? To do Russia's will or ours? If ours why would he need to wait?
You tell me... it's all in the past, he said it, he won the election, he served out his term. Please tell us what he did with this post election flexibility that defied the will of the voters for the will of Russia

And the Chickens have come home to roost.

"Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham on Thursday said it’s clear that after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein briefed the Senate on the investigation into Russian involvement in the presidential election that it has become a criminal probe.

“The shock to the body is that this is now a criminal investigation,” Graham (R-SC) told reporters moments after he exited the Senate chamber.

He said now that it has become a criminal investigation instead of an counterintelligence probe Congress may be impeded in carrying out its own examinations.

“You’ve got a special counsel who has prosecutorial powers now, and I think we in Congress have to be very careful not to interfere,” Graham said. “Public access to this is probably going to be very limited now. It’s going to really limit what the public will know about this.”


Let's see if you have the attention span to listen to this entire 8 minute video:

Collusion with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON. This country is not going to tolerate a Traitor sitting in the oval office.

Just as expected, the establishment moves to try and get rid of Trump. It was expected.
Yeah, Obama as president was much much worse, not even close.
Saying that he will be more flexible to negotiate after an election is absolutely nothing. Don't know why you'd even bring it up. Talk about stretching an arguement. Weakest straw man ever!
Really, promising the new dreaded enemy of the US with being able to be more flexible is nothing? Really? What the hell do you think he meant? What he obviously meant in my opinion is that after he is elected he doesn't have to worry about doing the will of the people he will be more flexible to do whatever the RUSSIANS want. THAT IS NOT NOTHING. What I can't believe that he got away with such a treasonous statement meanwhile the MSM is running with the Trump BS.
I think he meant, very simply, that everything is politicized during a campaign, so it isn't the most appropriate time to be engaging with an actor as controversial as Russia. You really don't understand that? Common sense man.
Yes, of course, he meant that he would have to do something unpopular after he wins and election, absolutely he politicize the situation. To that there is no doubt, but what exactly was he promising? To do Russia's will or ours? If ours why would he need to wait?
You tell me... it's all in the past, he said it, he won the election, he served out his term. Please tell us what he did with this post election flexibility that defied the will of the voters for the will of Russia
I guess since he didn't do anything then he didn't need make the treasonous statement.
I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?

If it happened just as you said, possibly the Trump Associate could be charged with not registering as a Foreign Agent. If the Trump associate had just said, that would be helpful without giving him any instruction on when to release the information, there would probably be no charge. However, it is likely that either this person would have lied or misrepresented the situation to salvage his career to the FBI or Congress . And that is illegal. Also, if there had been any quid pro quo arrangement, it would have been illegal.

However, the damage would not be an associate of Trump found guilty but rather the political fall out of confirmation that the Russians helped Trump win the election which a lot of Trump supporters do not believe.
I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?

In your scenario, probably no law is being broken. If they were complicit in spreading false Informstion to influence an election then they are probably flirting with treason. If they told the Russians not to react to sanctions because the new administration will be more forgiving then I'm guessing that's a violation... not sure which exact law it's breaking though. Perhaps treason as well. Undermining our government
Since the Trump associate was working with the Russian by requesting the release of the information on the Tuesday of the election, he was operating as an agent for a foreign power and would be required to register as such an agent and make periodic full disclosure. The punish is a fine of up to $10,000 and/or 5 years in prison.
Foreign Agents Registration Unit (FARA)
I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?

If it happened just as you said, possibly the Trump Associate could be charged with not registering as a Foreign Agent. If the Trump associate had just said, that would be helpful without giving him any instruction on when to release the information, there would probably be no charge. However, it is likely that either this person would have lied or misrepresented the situation to salvage his career to the FBI or Congress . And that is illegal. Also, if there had been any quid pro quo arrangement, it would have been illegal.

However, the damage would not be an associate of Trump found guilty but rather the political fall out of confirmation that the Russians helped Trump win the election which a lot of Trump supporters do not believe.

OK, let's look at this. The FARA deals with representing the interest of a foreign government to influence the US government or one of its agencies. I don't think it would apply to private parties or private political campaigns. And why would anyone need to CYA when no laws were broken? Also I have yet to see any proof that the supposed Russian effort wasn't just to hurt the bitch and coincidentally aid anyone who was her opponent. Do you seriously think Wikileaks wouldn't have released the emails regardless if her opponent was Jeb, Cruz or anyone else? It's about time you folks disengage your political animosity and engage you brain for a change.

Saying that he will be more flexible to negotiate after an election is absolutely nothing. Don't know why you'd even bring it up. Talk about stretching an arguement. Weakest straw man ever!
Really, promising the new dreaded enemy of the US with being able to be more flexible is nothing? Really? What the hell do you think he meant? What he obviously meant in my opinion is that after he is elected he doesn't have to worry about doing the will of the people he will be more flexible to do whatever the RUSSIANS want. THAT IS NOT NOTHING. What I can't believe that he got away with such a treasonous statement meanwhile the MSM is running with the Trump BS.
I think he meant, very simply, that everything is politicized during a campaign, so it isn't the most appropriate time to be engaging with an actor as controversial as Russia. You really don't understand that? Common sense man.
Yes, of course, he meant that he would have to do something unpopular after he wins and election, absolutely he politicize the situation. To that there is no doubt, but what exactly was he promising? To do Russia's will or ours? If ours why would he need to wait?
You tell me... it's all in the past, he said it, he won the election, he served out his term. Please tell us what he did with this post election flexibility that defied the will of the voters for the will of Russia
I guess since he didn't do anything then he didn't need make the treasonous statement.
Haha, so you call Obamas "flexibility" statement treasonous yet you don't see treason in Trumps actions?! Talk about blind ignorance.
Really, promising the new dreaded enemy of the US with being able to be more flexible is nothing? Really? What the hell do you think he meant? What he obviously meant in my opinion is that after he is elected he doesn't have to worry about doing the will of the people he will be more flexible to do whatever the RUSSIANS want. THAT IS NOT NOTHING. What I can't believe that he got away with such a treasonous statement meanwhile the MSM is running with the Trump BS.
I think he meant, very simply, that everything is politicized during a campaign, so it isn't the most appropriate time to be engaging with an actor as controversial as Russia. You really don't understand that? Common sense man.
Yes, of course, he meant that he would have to do something unpopular after he wins and election, absolutely he politicize the situation. To that there is no doubt, but what exactly was he promising? To do Russia's will or ours? If ours why would he need to wait?
You tell me... it's all in the past, he said it, he won the election, he served out his term. Please tell us what he did with this post election flexibility that defied the will of the voters for the will of Russia

And the Chickens have come home to roost.

"Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham on Thursday said it’s clear that after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein briefed the Senate on the investigation into Russian involvement in the presidential election that it has become a criminal probe.

“The shock to the body is that this is now a criminal investigation,” Graham (R-SC) told reporters moments after he exited the Senate chamber.

He said now that it has become a criminal investigation instead of an counterintelligence probe Congress may be impeded in carrying out its own examinations.

“You’ve got a special counsel who has prosecutorial powers now, and I think we in Congress have to be very careful not to interfere,” Graham said. “Public access to this is probably going to be very limited now. It’s going to really limit what the public will know about this.”


Let's see if you have the attention span to listen to this entire 8 minute video:

Collusion with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON. This country is not going to tolerate a Traitor sitting in the oval office.

Collusion with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.

What's collusion? Collusion in what? What's the crime?

Who is the foreign adversary?

And please, lol, share your definition of treason, because it's light years from the real one.

Are you trying to ask dumbass questions to get attention or are you serious?

Treason is colluding aka coordinating with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American National election. A coordination between American citizens with foreign citizens to interrupt and or interfere into an American democratic process that we refer to as elections. That's Treason. Russia is a foreign adversary.

We consider Cyber Attacks to be the 21st century Act of War.

Russia is not our friend. In fact 1-1/2 years ago they hacked into the PENTAGON and it was moving so fast through the Joint Chiefs of Staff emails--they had to shut the system down and it took two weeks to replace hardware and software.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

Russia is always trying to hack into our power grids, especially if they're around U.S. Military bases and other installations. Russian hackings are a constant battle and constant threat to the security of this Nation.
From Russia With Malware

Besides Russia you picked up another friend in this election too. Julian Assange-- Wikileaks.

Julian Assange who has been hole'd up in the Ecuador Embassy for the last 4 YEARS, with the UK police surrounding the building--while he is avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face charges on what he did to G.W. Bush. In fact, Trump's pick for CIA chief (Pompeo) just declared Julian Assange to be a hostile intelligence source.
CIA Director Pompeo calls WikiLeaks a 'hostile intelligence service'
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

Julian Assange who recently leaked 1000's of CIA classified documents to terrorists around the world--as to to the tactics used by intelligence services to catch them.
Federal criminal probe being opened into WikiLeaks' publication of CIA documents -

I doubt any other GOP candidate would have used Julian Assange to campaign on--but Trump did. Frequently Trump has praised Wikileaks and he and Sean Hannity have both frequently referenced "quoted" Julian Assange, as if he's their friend--LOL

Trump and his supporters LOVE Wikileaks.

Trump Mentioned WikiLeaks 164 Times In Final Month - Political Wire

Now you may not feel that Trump is a threat to this 200 year old Democracy but there's not too many that will agree with you, including James Clapper.
James Clapper: U.S. government “under assault” by Trump after Comey firing – The Denver Post

Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy

Leaking highly classified information to the Russians--that our allies didn't even know about, along with blocking American media while letting in Russian media should give you give a clue to what he is up too.
Trump gives top intel to Russians, Washington Post reports


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I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?

In your scenario, probably no law is being broken. If they were complicit in spreading false Informstion to influence an election then they are probably flirting with treason. If they told the Russians not to react to sanctions because the new administration will be more forgiving then I'm guessing that's a violation... not sure which exact law it's breaking though. Perhaps treason as well. Undermining our government
Since the Trump associate was working with the Russian by requesting the release of the information on the Tuesday of the election, he was operating as an agent for a foreign power and would be required to register as such an agent and make periodic full disclosure. The punish is a fine of up to $10,000 and/or 5 years in prison.
Foreign Agents Registration Unit (FARA)

Excuse me, the term "Tuesday" is the generic term, election day was NOT part of it. That's one of the flaws of you regressives, you like to read things into everything that really isn't there.

I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?

If it happened just as you said, possibly the Trump Associate could be charged with not registering as a Foreign Agent. If the Trump associate had just said, that would be helpful without giving him any instruction on when to release the information, there would probably be no charge. However, it is likely that either this person would have lied or misrepresented the situation to salvage his career to the FBI or Congress . And that is illegal. Also, if there had been any quid pro quo arrangement, it would have been illegal.

However, the damage would not be an associate of Trump found guilty but rather the political fall out of confirmation that the Russians helped Trump win the election which a lot of Trump supporters do not believe.

OK, let's look at this. The FARA deals with representing the interest of a foreign government to influence the US government or one of its agencies. I don't think it would apply to private parties or private political campaigns. And why would anyone need to CYA when no laws were broken? Also I have yet to see any proof that the supposed Russian effort wasn't just to hurt the bitch and coincidentally aid anyone who was her opponent. Do you seriously think Wikileaks wouldn't have released the emails regardless if her opponent was Jeb, Cruz or anyone else? It's about time you folks disengage your political animosity and engage you brain for a change.


You'll need to get through an 8 minute video--and YES it has turned into a Criminal Investigation--because it is TREASON to collude with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American Election--and there's NOTHING "private" about it.
I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?

In your scenario, probably no law is being broken. If they were complicit in spreading false Informstion to influence an election then they are probably flirting with treason. If they told the Russians not to react to sanctions because the new administration will be more forgiving then I'm guessing that's a violation... not sure which exact law it's breaking though. Perhaps treason as well. Undermining our government
Since the Trump associate was working with the Russian by requesting the release of the information on the Tuesday of the election, he was operating as an agent for a foreign power and would be required to register as such an agent and make periodic full disclosure. The punish is a fine of up to $10,000 and/or 5 years in prison.
Foreign Agents Registration Unit (FARA)

Michael Flynn's goose is COOKED.

"The revelation came after Representative Jason Chaffetz, Republican of Utah and chairman of the House oversight committee, and other lawmakers on the panel examined classified documents related to Mr. Flynn, including a form he filled out in January 2016 to receive his security clearance. The form is known as an SF-86 and is required by anyone in the government who handles classified information.

As part of the review, Representative Elijah E. Cummings of Maryland, the committee’s senior Democrat, said Mr. Flynn did not disclose in those documents payments totaling more than $45,000 that he received from the Russian government for giving a speech in Moscow in 2015, among others.

The development is the latest trouble for Mr. Flynn, who also did not disclose payments from Russian-linked entities on a financial disclosure form that the Trump administration released in late March. Earlier in March, Mr. Flynn filed papers acknowledging that he worked as a foreign agent last year representing the interests of the Turkish government, causing another uproar and more unfavorable headlines for the Trump administration."

Subpoenas went out on Flynn last week. His lawyers asked for immunity against prosecution, for testimony--"citing he has a story to tell" but that was denied by the Senate.
Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm
Really, promising the new dreaded enemy of the US with being able to be more flexible is nothing? Really? What the hell do you think he meant? What he obviously meant in my opinion is that after he is elected he doesn't have to worry about doing the will of the people he will be more flexible to do whatever the RUSSIANS want. THAT IS NOT NOTHING. What I can't believe that he got away with such a treasonous statement meanwhile the MSM is running with the Trump BS.
I think he meant, very simply, that everything is politicized during a campaign, so it isn't the most appropriate time to be engaging with an actor as controversial as Russia. You really don't understand that? Common sense man.
Yes, of course, he meant that he would have to do something unpopular after he wins and election, absolutely he politicize the situation. To that there is no doubt, but what exactly was he promising? To do Russia's will or ours? If ours why would he need to wait?
You tell me... it's all in the past, he said it, he won the election, he served out his term. Please tell us what he did with this post election flexibility that defied the will of the voters for the will of Russia

And the Chickens have come home to roost.

"Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham on Thursday said it’s clear that after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein briefed the Senate on the investigation into Russian involvement in the presidential election that it has become a criminal probe.

“The shock to the body is that this is now a criminal investigation,” Graham (R-SC) told reporters moments after he exited the Senate chamber.

He said now that it has become a criminal investigation instead of an counterintelligence probe Congress may be impeded in carrying out its own examinations.

“You’ve got a special counsel who has prosecutorial powers now, and I think we in Congress have to be very careful not to interfere,” Graham said. “Public access to this is probably going to be very limited now. It’s going to really limit what the public will know about this.”


Let's see if you have the attention span to listen to this entire 8 minute video:

Collusion with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON. This country is not going to tolerate a Traitor sitting in the oval office.

Just as expected, the establishment moves to try and get rid of Trump. It was expected.

You know when this all comes collapsing down around your ears--you need to blame the RIGHT people, and it's not going to be "establishment Republicans." YOU DID THIS--not them. You had 16 other GOP candidates, a couple of them much more qualified and competent that would not be ingulfed in these serious scandals today. You were warned a 1000 times about Donald Trump, and you ignored all those warnings. A very good article--funny--but it hits it right on the nail.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

Other than yourselves never thinking beyond the tips of your noses, you were guided to Trump by right wing talk show hosts. It all started 7 years ago with Rush Limbaugh--who set his sites on what you refer to as Establishment Republicans aka Rino's--you're two favorite words. Limbaugh and others continually violating Reagan's 11th commandment "thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican" basically eating their own. He continually did this without giving you even one brief lession in basic civics. Like:
1. You cannot defund Obamacare leaving millions that were forced onto it without medical insurance overnight. Yes--Republicans could have done that, but the odds of them winning a dog catchers position afterwards would have been zero to none.
(all for ratings and those obscene profit breaks.)


The next one you can BLAME is FOX NEWS: Who gave Trump an unprecedented 2 billion in free news coverage during the primaries while ignoring all other GOP Candidates. (all for ratings and those obscene profit breaks.)
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings?


I don't need to tell you who the other right wing talk show hosts that promoted this ass clown you already know who they are. But they ALL did it for nothing more than those (ratings and & obscene profit breaks.)


Donald Trump broke the conservative media
Caller to Limbaugh Show Exposes That Rush Knows He Blew It with Donald Trump

Right now everyone in the above right wing talk show host group--is in a full panic spin mode. They know they are 100% responsible for Trump. They own this disaster. Just YOU remember who they are--(that ratings and profits were more important to them)--than anything else.
Last edited:
I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?

If it happened just as you said, possibly the Trump Associate could be charged with not registering as a Foreign Agent. If the Trump associate had just said, that would be helpful without giving him any instruction on when to release the information, there would probably be no charge. However, it is likely that either this person would have lied or misrepresented the situation to salvage his career to the FBI or Congress . And that is illegal. Also, if there had been any quid pro quo arrangement, it would have been illegal.

However, the damage would not be an associate of Trump found guilty but rather the political fall out of confirmation that the Russians helped Trump win the election which a lot of Trump supporters do not believe.

OK, let's look at this. The FARA deals with representing the interest of a foreign government to influence the US government or one of its agencies. I don't think it would apply to private parties or private political campaigns. And why would anyone need to CYA when no laws were broken? Also I have yet to see any proof that the supposed Russian effort wasn't just to hurt the bitch and coincidentally aid anyone who was her opponent. Do you seriously think Wikileaks wouldn't have released the emails regardless if her opponent was Jeb, Cruz or anyone else? It's about time you folks disengage your political animosity and engage you brain for a change.


You'll need to get through an 8 minute video--and YES it has turned into a Criminal Investigation--because it is TREASON to collude with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American Election--and there's NOTHING "private" about it.

Here's a thought, try coming up with something original and stop spamming almost every thread with the same tired BS. You and Matthew must share the same form of OCD.

I think he meant, very simply, that everything is politicized during a campaign, so it isn't the most appropriate time to be engaging with an actor as controversial as Russia. You really don't understand that? Common sense man.
Yes, of course, he meant that he would have to do something unpopular after he wins and election, absolutely he politicize the situation. To that there is no doubt, but what exactly was he promising? To do Russia's will or ours? If ours why would he need to wait?
You tell me... it's all in the past, he said it, he won the election, he served out his term. Please tell us what he did with this post election flexibility that defied the will of the voters for the will of Russia

And the Chickens have come home to roost.

"Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham on Thursday said it’s clear that after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein briefed the Senate on the investigation into Russian involvement in the presidential election that it has become a criminal probe.

“The shock to the body is that this is now a criminal investigation,” Graham (R-SC) told reporters moments after he exited the Senate chamber.

He said now that it has become a criminal investigation instead of an counterintelligence probe Congress may be impeded in carrying out its own examinations.

“You’ve got a special counsel who has prosecutorial powers now, and I think we in Congress have to be very careful not to interfere,” Graham said. “Public access to this is probably going to be very limited now. It’s going to really limit what the public will know about this.”


Let's see if you have the attention span to listen to this entire 8 minute video:

Collusion with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON. This country is not going to tolerate a Traitor sitting in the oval office.

Just as expected, the establishment moves to try and get rid of Trump. It was expected.

You know when this all comes collapsing down around your ears--you need to blame the RIGHT people, and it's not going to be "establishment Republicans." YOU DID THIS--not them. You had 16 other GOP candidates, a couple of them much more qualified and competent that would not be ingulfed in these serious scandals today. You were warned a 1000 times about Donald Trump, and you ignored all those warnings. A very good article--funny--but it hits it right on the nail.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

Other than yourselves never thinking beyond the tips of your noses, you were guided to Trump by right wing talk show hosts. It all started 7 years ago with Rush Limbaugh--who set his sites on what you refer to as Establishment Republicans aka Rino's--you're two favorite words. Limbaugh and others continually violating Reagan's 11th commandment "thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican" basically eating their own. He continually did this without giving you even one brief lession in basic civics. Like:
1. You cannot defund Obamacare leaving millions that were forced onto it without medical insurance overnight. Yes--Republicans could have done that, but the odds of them winning a dog catchers position afterwards would have been zero to none.
(all for ratings and those obscene profit breaks.)


The next one you can BLAME is FOX NEWS: Who gave Trump an unprecedented 2 billion in free news coverage during the primaries while ignoring all other GOP Candidates. (all for ratings and those obscene profit breaks.)
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings?


I don't need to tell you who the other right wing talk show hosts that promoted this ass clown you already know who they are. But they ALL did it for nothing more than those (ratings and & obscene profit breaks.)


Donald Trump broke the conservative media
Caller to Limbaugh Show Exposes That Rush Knows He Blew It with Donald Trump

Right now everyone in the above right wing talk show host group--is in a full panic spin mode. They know they are 100% responsible for Trump. They own this disaster. Just YOU remember who they are--(that ratings and profits were more important to them)--than anything else.

In the end Trump ain't Hillary and the SCOTUS won't go bonkers to the left. Nothing else really matters.
Really, promising the new dreaded enemy of the US with being able to be more flexible is nothing? Really? What the hell do you think he meant? What he obviously meant in my opinion is that after he is elected he doesn't have to worry about doing the will of the people he will be more flexible to do whatever the RUSSIANS want. THAT IS NOT NOTHING. What I can't believe that he got away with such a treasonous statement meanwhile the MSM is running with the Trump BS.
I think he meant, very simply, that everything is politicized during a campaign, so it isn't the most appropriate time to be engaging with an actor as controversial as Russia. You really don't understand that? Common sense man.
Yes, of course, he meant that he would have to do something unpopular after he wins and election, absolutely he politicize the situation. To that there is no doubt, but what exactly was he promising? To do Russia's will or ours? If ours why would he need to wait?
You tell me... it's all in the past, he said it, he won the election, he served out his term. Please tell us what he did with this post election flexibility that defied the will of the voters for the will of Russia
I guess since he didn't do anything then he didn't need make the treasonous statement.
Haha, so you call Obamas "flexibility" statement treasonous yet you don't see treason in Trumps actions?! Talk about blind ignorance.
What did Trump do that you consider treason? Name it, show it. Not just some speculation from the Washington establishment trying their hardest to get rid of Trump.

OBAMA SAID IT that can not be denied. Trump? What are you accusing him of? Having the Russians release information they would have released anyways and that information was actually truthful? THAT you put on the same level as Obama saying he would be more flexible after the election? Really?
I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?

If it happened just as you said, possibly the Trump Associate could be charged with not registering as a Foreign Agent. If the Trump associate had just said, that would be helpful without giving him any instruction on when to release the information, there would probably be no charge. However, it is likely that either this person would have lied or misrepresented the situation to salvage his career to the FBI or Congress . And that is illegal. Also, if there had been any quid pro quo arrangement, it would have been illegal.

However, the damage would not be an associate of Trump found guilty but rather the political fall out of confirmation that the Russians helped Trump win the election which a lot of Trump supporters do not believe.

OK, let's look at this. The FARA deals with representing the interest of a foreign government to influence the US government or one of its agencies. I don't think it would apply to private parties or private political campaigns. And why would anyone need to CYA when no laws were broken? Also I have yet to see any proof that the supposed Russian effort wasn't just to hurt the bitch and coincidentally aid anyone who was her opponent. Do you seriously think Wikileaks wouldn't have released the emails regardless if her opponent was Jeb, Cruz or anyone else? It's about time you folks disengage your political animosity and engage you brain for a change.


You'll need to get through an 8 minute video--and YES it has turned into a Criminal Investigation--because it is TREASON to collude with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American Election--and there's NOTHING "private" about it.

8 mins of crying about how bad Trump is without one shred of evidence. What is truly wrong is how the MSM didn't run with Obama. It was like Obama could do no wrong. Saying that he would be more flexible with the Russians after the election can be nothing less than treason, if we are to believe what Trump is accused of doing is anywhere near treason.
I think he meant, very simply, that everything is politicized during a campaign, so it isn't the most appropriate time to be engaging with an actor as controversial as Russia. You really don't understand that? Common sense man.
Yes, of course, he meant that he would have to do something unpopular after he wins and election, absolutely he politicize the situation. To that there is no doubt, but what exactly was he promising? To do Russia's will or ours? If ours why would he need to wait?
You tell me... it's all in the past, he said it, he won the election, he served out his term. Please tell us what he did with this post election flexibility that defied the will of the voters for the will of Russia

And the Chickens have come home to roost.

"Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham on Thursday said it’s clear that after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein briefed the Senate on the investigation into Russian involvement in the presidential election that it has become a criminal probe.

“The shock to the body is that this is now a criminal investigation,” Graham (R-SC) told reporters moments after he exited the Senate chamber.

He said now that it has become a criminal investigation instead of an counterintelligence probe Congress may be impeded in carrying out its own examinations.

“You’ve got a special counsel who has prosecutorial powers now, and I think we in Congress have to be very careful not to interfere,” Graham said. “Public access to this is probably going to be very limited now. It’s going to really limit what the public will know about this.”


Let's see if you have the attention span to listen to this entire 8 minute video:

Collusion with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON. This country is not going to tolerate a Traitor sitting in the oval office.

Collusion with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.

What's collusion? Collusion in what? What's the crime?

Who is the foreign adversary?

And please, lol, share your definition of treason, because it's light years from the real one.

Are you trying to ask dumbass questions to get attention or are you serious?

Treason is colluding aka coordinating with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American National election. A coordination between American citizens with foreign citizens to interrupt and or interfere into an American democratic process that we refer to as elections. That's Treason. Russia is a foreign adversary.

We consider Cyber Attacks to be the 21st century Act of War.

Russia is not our friend. In fact 1-1/2 years ago they hacked into the PENTAGON and it was moving so fast through the Joint Chiefs of Staff emails--they had to shut the system down and it took two weeks to replace hardware and software.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

Russia is always trying to hack into our power grids, especially if they're around U.S. Military bases and other installations. Russian hackings are a constant battle and constant threat to the security of this Nation.
From Russia With Malware

Besides Russia you picked up another friend in this election too. Julian Assange-- Wikileaks.

Julian Assange who has been hole'd up in the Ecuador Embassy for the last 4 YEARS, with the UK police surrounding the building--while he is avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face charges on what he did to G.W. Bush. In fact, Trump's pick for CIA chief (Pompeo) just declared Julian Assange to be a hostile intelligence source.
CIA Director Pompeo calls WikiLeaks a 'hostile intelligence service'
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

Julian Assange who recently leaked 1000's of CIA classified documents to terrorists around the world--as to to the tactics used by intelligence services to catch them.
Federal criminal probe being opened into WikiLeaks' publication of CIA documents -

I doubt any other GOP candidate would have used Julian Assange to campaign on--but Trump did. Frequently Trump has praised Wikileaks and he and Sean Hannity have both frequently referenced "quoted" Julian Assange, as if he's their friend--LOL

Trump and his supporters LOVE Wikileaks.

Trump Mentioned WikiLeaks 164 Times In Final Month - Political Wire

Now you may not feel that Trump is a threat to this 200 year old Democracy but there's not too many that will agree with you, including James Clapper.
James Clapper: U.S. government “under assault” by Trump after Comey firing – The Denver Post

Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy

Leaking highly classified information to the Russians--that our allies didn't even know about, along with blocking American media while letting in Russian media should give you give a clue to what he is up too.
Trump gives top intel to Russians, Washington Post reports


Treason is colluding aka coordinating with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American National election.

That's not in any definition of treason I've ever seen.
Post the link to that definition.
Yes, of course, he meant that he would have to do something unpopular after he wins and election, absolutely he politicize the situation. To that there is no doubt, but what exactly was he promising? To do Russia's will or ours? If ours why would he need to wait?
You tell me... it's all in the past, he said it, he won the election, he served out his term. Please tell us what he did with this post election flexibility that defied the will of the voters for the will of Russia

And the Chickens have come home to roost.

"Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham on Thursday said it’s clear that after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein briefed the Senate on the investigation into Russian involvement in the presidential election that it has become a criminal probe.

“The shock to the body is that this is now a criminal investigation,” Graham (R-SC) told reporters moments after he exited the Senate chamber.

He said now that it has become a criminal investigation instead of an counterintelligence probe Congress may be impeded in carrying out its own examinations.

“You’ve got a special counsel who has prosecutorial powers now, and I think we in Congress have to be very careful not to interfere,” Graham said. “Public access to this is probably going to be very limited now. It’s going to really limit what the public will know about this.”


Let's see if you have the attention span to listen to this entire 8 minute video:

Collusion with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON. This country is not going to tolerate a Traitor sitting in the oval office.

Collusion with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.

What's collusion? Collusion in what? What's the crime?

Who is the foreign adversary?

And please, lol, share your definition of treason, because it's light years from the real one.

Are you trying to ask dumbass questions to get attention or are you serious?

Treason is colluding aka coordinating with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American National election. A coordination between American citizens with foreign citizens to interrupt and or interfere into an American democratic process that we refer to as elections. That's Treason. Russia is a foreign adversary.

We consider Cyber Attacks to be the 21st century Act of War.

Russia is not our friend. In fact 1-1/2 years ago they hacked into the PENTAGON and it was moving so fast through the Joint Chiefs of Staff emails--they had to shut the system down and it took two weeks to replace hardware and software.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

Russia is always trying to hack into our power grids, especially if they're around U.S. Military bases and other installations. Russian hackings are a constant battle and constant threat to the security of this Nation.
From Russia With Malware

Besides Russia you picked up another friend in this election too. Julian Assange-- Wikileaks.

Julian Assange who has been hole'd up in the Ecuador Embassy for the last 4 YEARS, with the UK police surrounding the building--while he is avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face charges on what he did to G.W. Bush. In fact, Trump's pick for CIA chief (Pompeo) just declared Julian Assange to be a hostile intelligence source.
CIA Director Pompeo calls WikiLeaks a 'hostile intelligence service'
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

Julian Assange who recently leaked 1000's of CIA classified documents to terrorists around the world--as to to the tactics used by intelligence services to catch them.
Federal criminal probe being opened into WikiLeaks' publication of CIA documents -

I doubt any other GOP candidate would have used Julian Assange to campaign on--but Trump did. Frequently Trump has praised Wikileaks and he and Sean Hannity have both frequently referenced "quoted" Julian Assange, as if he's their friend--LOL

Trump and his supporters LOVE Wikileaks.

Trump Mentioned WikiLeaks 164 Times In Final Month - Political Wire

Now you may not feel that Trump is a threat to this 200 year old Democracy but there's not too many that will agree with you, including James Clapper.
James Clapper: U.S. government “under assault” by Trump after Comey firing – The Denver Post

Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy

Leaking highly classified information to the Russians--that our allies didn't even know about, along with blocking American media while letting in Russian media should give you give a clue to what he is up too.
Trump gives top intel to Russians, Washington Post reports


Treason is colluding aka coordinating with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American National election.

That's not in any definition of treason I've ever seen.
Post the link to that definition.

It just sounds bad, so it has to be treason, doncha know.

I think he meant, very simply, that everything is politicized during a campaign, so it isn't the most appropriate time to be engaging with an actor as controversial as Russia. You really don't understand that? Common sense man.
Yes, of course, he meant that he would have to do something unpopular after he wins and election, absolutely he politicize the situation. To that there is no doubt, but what exactly was he promising? To do Russia's will or ours? If ours why would he need to wait?
You tell me... it's all in the past, he said it, he won the election, he served out his term. Please tell us what he did with this post election flexibility that defied the will of the voters for the will of Russia
I guess since he didn't do anything then he didn't need make the treasonous statement.
Haha, so you call Obamas "flexibility" statement treasonous yet you don't see treason in Trumps actions?! Talk about blind ignorance.
What did Trump do that you consider treason? Name it, show it. Not just some speculation from the Washington establishment trying their hardest to get rid of Trump.

OBAMA SAID IT that can not be denied. Trump? What are you accusing him of? Having the Russians release information they would have released anyways and that information was actually truthful? THAT you put on the same level as Obama saying he would be more flexible after the election? Really?
I don't consider anything Trump has done treasonous. At least I haven't seen any evidence of it. You're the one calling Obamas statement treasonous which is a joke. Call it both ways if you are going to be so sensitive about it.
Yes, of course, he meant that he would have to do something unpopular after he wins and election, absolutely he politicize the situation. To that there is no doubt, but what exactly was he promising? To do Russia's will or ours? If ours why would he need to wait?
You tell me... it's all in the past, he said it, he won the election, he served out his term. Please tell us what he did with this post election flexibility that defied the will of the voters for the will of Russia

And the Chickens have come home to roost.

"Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham on Thursday said it’s clear that after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein briefed the Senate on the investigation into Russian involvement in the presidential election that it has become a criminal probe.

“The shock to the body is that this is now a criminal investigation,” Graham (R-SC) told reporters moments after he exited the Senate chamber.

He said now that it has become a criminal investigation instead of an counterintelligence probe Congress may be impeded in carrying out its own examinations.

“You’ve got a special counsel who has prosecutorial powers now, and I think we in Congress have to be very careful not to interfere,” Graham said. “Public access to this is probably going to be very limited now. It’s going to really limit what the public will know about this.”


Let's see if you have the attention span to listen to this entire 8 minute video:

Collusion with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON. This country is not going to tolerate a Traitor sitting in the oval office.

Just as expected, the establishment moves to try and get rid of Trump. It was expected.

You know when this all comes collapsing down around your ears--you need to blame the RIGHT people, and it's not going to be "establishment Republicans." YOU DID THIS--not them. You had 16 other GOP candidates, a couple of them much more qualified and competent that would not be ingulfed in these serious scandals today. You were warned a 1000 times about Donald Trump, and you ignored all those warnings. A very good article--funny--but it hits it right on the nail.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

Other than yourselves never thinking beyond the tips of your noses, you were guided to Trump by right wing talk show hosts. It all started 7 years ago with Rush Limbaugh--who set his sites on what you refer to as Establishment Republicans aka Rino's--you're two favorite words. Limbaugh and others continually violating Reagan's 11th commandment "thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican" basically eating their own. He continually did this without giving you even one brief lession in basic civics. Like:
1. You cannot defund Obamacare leaving millions that were forced onto it without medical insurance overnight. Yes--Republicans could have done that, but the odds of them winning a dog catchers position afterwards would have been zero to none.
(all for ratings and those obscene profit breaks.)


The next one you can BLAME is FOX NEWS: Who gave Trump an unprecedented 2 billion in free news coverage during the primaries while ignoring all other GOP Candidates. (all for ratings and those obscene profit breaks.)
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings?


I don't need to tell you who the other right wing talk show hosts that promoted this ass clown you already know who they are. But they ALL did it for nothing more than those (ratings and & obscene profit breaks.)


Donald Trump broke the conservative media
Caller to Limbaugh Show Exposes That Rush Knows He Blew It with Donald Trump

Right now everyone in the above right wing talk show host group--is in a full panic spin mode. They know they are 100% responsible for Trump. They own this disaster. Just YOU remember who they are--(that ratings and profits were more important to them)--than anything else.

In the end Trump ain't Hillary and the SCOTUS won't go bonkers to the left. Nothing else really matters.

You've exposed your ignorance again. Niel Gorsuch is a Supreme Court Justice that Democrats LIKE. In fact they voted for him in 2006 as a G.W. Bush district court judge, at a time when they owned the Senate and could have easily rejected him.


The Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in '06

The only reason Democrats were trying to block Niel Gorsuch is because they were upset that Obama's nominee--(Merrick Garland---who ironically Republicans LIKED) didn't get a vote in the last year of Obama's term. So this was nothiing more than "political" team sports. Republicans blocked Merrick Garland--simply because they wanted to use the U.S Supreme court to campaign on during the 2016 election cycle.

Niel Gorsuch is the first nominee to my memory that put Roe V Wade away forever--citing that it is now precedent in the U.S. Constitution--meaning it's set in stone.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

So the Supreme Court was just more right wing campaign hyperbole.
Last edited:
I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?

If it happened just as you said, possibly the Trump Associate could be charged with not registering as a Foreign Agent. If the Trump associate had just said, that would be helpful without giving him any instruction on when to release the information, there would probably be no charge. However, it is likely that either this person would have lied or misrepresented the situation to salvage his career to the FBI or Congress . And that is illegal. Also, if there had been any quid pro quo arrangement, it would have been illegal.

However, the damage would not be an associate of Trump found guilty but rather the political fall out of confirmation that the Russians helped Trump win the election which a lot of Trump supporters do not believe.

OK, let's look at this. The FARA deals with representing the interest of a foreign government to influence the US government or one of its agencies. I don't think it would apply to private parties or private political campaigns. And why would anyone need to CYA when no laws were broken? Also I have yet to see any proof that the supposed Russian effort wasn't just to hurt the bitch and coincidentally aid anyone who was her opponent. Do you seriously think Wikileaks wouldn't have released the emails regardless if her opponent was Jeb, Cruz or anyone else? It's about time you folks disengage your political animosity and engage you brain for a change.

No, FARA covers political activity.
"FARA is a disclosure statute that requires persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or quasi-political capacity to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal, as well as activities, receipts and disbursements in support of those activities.

Clinton has always been a strong supporter of NATO, an organization that Putin has acknowledge as an enemy of the Russia People. Trump as a candidate states that NATO is obsolete and the U.S. might no longer be a part of the alliance. So if a member of the Trump campaign works with Russia to disclose information to defeat Clinton and elect Donald Trump, it would be clear violation of the statue of 1938 as well as the 1966 revision.

Foreign Agents Registration Unit (FARA)

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