The One Thing That Liberals ALWAYS Overlook

He said fellow countries should pay their fair share. Pretty reasonable IMO.

He also said that we should pull us from NATO, but I don't remember him saying that he wanted to end it. :/

Biden does like poking at the Russian bear. Libs think that makes him a tough guy

Again,.. that's like comparing a Chihuahua to a Rottweiler.
Yet again. You don’t know what Putin’s demands were and are confused.

You’re very poorly informed.
Putin wants to bring the old Soviet Union back together as part of his legacy before he dies. Hence he took Georgia under Bush, Crimea under Obama and trying to take it all or most under Biden. It is not overly difficult to decipher. You are a joke. You didn't even know how to spell Neville Chamberlain's last name. Y'all...
He may be. But he focuses almost exclusively on irrelevant culture war issues rather than things that actually matter like this.
Hardly. He speaks articulately and knowledgeably on a host of very relevant issues and points out the dangers of leftist indoctrination and brainwashing.
Trump would have passed on sanctions on Putin

He would have told Europe to ignore Ukraine because Russian Oil was more important

President Trump sanctioned Nord Stream 2 in 2019 ... President Biden lifted those sanctions in 2021.
You got your facts mixed up ... Again ... :thup:

Keep your friends close.............keep your enemies in the living room.

As I stated in another post on this subject..................Trump is a businessman. He knows how to talk business to other businessmen. He knows how to play the pacification game to keep your adversaries from blowing their lids or getting irate.

Trump stated many times when he was running, that he's a businessman, and this country needs to be ran like the business it is.......not like an ATM that the Dems and Libs do.

And thats what he did. And like any businessman, he met with his opposing sides to see what needed to be done in order to handle them and control them to the point that they could be reasoned with.

The DementiacRats don't have a fucking CLUE how to intelligently TALK to people or REASON with them........all they know how to do is harass, irritate, annoy, belittle, slander, infuriate, cajole, coerce, torment, lie to, and threaten.
This country should never be run like a business.
Btw, speaking of the left's heroine Hillary,.. if roles were reversed and Trump had been spying on her he would be locked up.
Putin wants to bring the old Soviet Union back together as part of his legacy before he dies. Hence he took Georgia under Bush, Crimea under Obama and trying to take it all or most under Biden. It is not overly difficult to decipher. You are a joke. You didn't even know how to spell Neville Chamberlain's last name. Y'all...
He didn’t take Georgia dip shit. Georgia is still a country and getting closer to becoming a member of NATO.

Putin released a draft treaty with demands late last year.

You didn’t know that because you’re not well informed.
He didn’t take Georgia dip shit. Georgia is still a country and getting closer to becoming a member of NATO.

Putin released a draft treaty with demands late last year.

You didn’t know that because you’re not well informed.
They are? Really. Link that please.
Of course you fell for it. And I bet you can’t even admit that Trump never said neo-Nazis were fine people.
How did you determine I “fell for it”?

Trump didn’t call neo nazis fine people. He said some of the people who showed up to a white supremacists rally were fine people. It’s still a stupid statement.

Your turn. Did Putin and Russia hack the DNC?

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