The only gun control needed.


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Dec 17, 2015
Weapon on safe until needed, finger off trigger until ready to fire, and the round hits what I'm aiming at down range.
Is the nation suffering from national PTSD?

PTSD nation? US shootings inflict growing mental toll
6 Jan.`16 -- Mass shootings from Newtown to San Bernardino are weighing ever more heavily on Americans, with signs of post-traumatic stress spreading far beyond the circle of survivors and loved ones, experts say.
Gun violence kills about 30,000 Americans every year and mass shootings -- extremely rare in most countries -- have been on the rise in the United States. According to tracking website, there were 330 mass shootings in the United States last year, up from 281 in 2014. They affected nearly every part of the country, reaching into both big cities and small towns. When you add up the dead, the wounded, emergency personnel, relatives and other loved ones close and far, these massacres have "an impact on all of us," said Merritt Schreiber, a psychology professor at the University of California, Irvine. The searing images of the young and innocent dying before their time have become harder to escape, especially as offices, hospitals and even elementary schools have begun holding regular "active shooter" drills.

That, experts say, has led to a rise in anxiety, depression and exhaustion, all the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. "Has America become a PTSD nation?" George Washington University psychology professor Jean Kim asks on the AlterNet website. President Barack Obama, in announcing limited gun control measures Tuesday, wiped away tears as he remembered 20 elementary school children -- some as young as five or six -- shot dead three years ago in Newtown, Connecticut. "We do not have to accept this carnage as the price of freedom," he said. Obama formally unveiled a handful of executive measures intended to make it harder to buy and sell weapons.

But many Republicans immediately expressed opposition to the measures -- though Donald Trump conceded that he thought Obama's tears were sincere -- and even the president admitted that the new steps would not stop the scourge of mass shootings. Indeed, on the very first day of this year, one such event in Texas wounded four people.

- Climate of fear -

See also:

Rev. Graham on Obama’s Gun Action: ‘Your Proposal Will Do Nothing to Stop the Violence’
January 6, 2016 | Commenting on President Barack Obama’s executive action to further restrict gun sales and ownership, Reverend Franklin Graham said it would “do nothing to change this horrific problem” because it stems from “sin” and “a government that has taken God out of society,” leaving a culture where Hollywood glorifies and “glamorizes gun violence.”
“Your proposal will do nothing to stop the violence that is being glorified by Hollywood,” said Rev. Graham in a Jan. 6 post on Facebook. “Every night the networks, movie channels, and theaters are filled with programming that glamorizes gun violence—guns are used to shoot, to kill, and to splatter human blood all over screens across America.” “There needs to be legislation to curb this,” said the reverend. “I would propose starting with a heavy tax on the manufacturers of any film or game that graphically depicts violence. If violent films and games were taken off the shelves, I believe we would see a dramatic drop in gun violence over the next few years.” “As a nation we have turned our back on God and this kind of violence and bloodshed is a result,” he said.


Earlier in his post, Rev. Graham said, “Mr. President, you’re looking at the wrong place when it comes to the root cause of gun violence. Your executive actions will do nothing to change this horrific problem.” “You can take all the guns in America and put them in a pile on the Mall in Washington DC, and those guns will stay there and will eventually rust and decay,” said Graham. “Not one gun will crawl out of that pile and shoot or harm anyone. It takes a human being, and a human heart bent on evil, to pick up a gun, load it, and pull the trigger.” “The problem we have in this country is sin,” said the reverend. “We have a government that has taken God out of society. Our founding fathers certainly did not intend this to happen.”

In conclusion, Rev. Graham said, “The Bible tells us, ‘The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?’ (Jeremiah 17:9). The only cure? Jesus Christ. That’s what will make a difference in our nation.” Franklin Graham is the president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and he also oversees the international Christian aid group Samaritan’s Purse. Graham, 63, is married and has five children. His father, world-renowned pastor Billy Graham, is 97.

Rev. Graham on Obama’s Gun Action: ‘Your Proposal Will Do Nothing to Stop the Violence’


For gun sales, 2015 goes down as best year ever
Wednesday 6th January, 2016 | WASHINGTON - New federal data show that 2015 was a record-smashing year for the American firearms industry, with gun sales appearing to hit the highest level on record. Background checks for gun purchases and permits jumped 10 percent last year to 23.1 million, the largest number since the federal background check system began operating in 1998.
Black Friday 2015 was the single biggest gun-purchasing day ever, with more than 185,000 checks processed, according to background check figures from the FBI. December saw the highest number of background checks processed in any month. The last five weeks of the year all ranked among the 10 biggest weeks ever for firearm background checks. The year-end surge happened partly in response to the mass shooting in San Bernardino, followed by calls by President Obama for more restrictions on gun sales. Obama unveiled Monday a package of executive actions that seek to curb gun violence, including conducting more background checks. This matches a familiar pattern: tragedy, followed by calls for gun control, followed by surging firearm sales. Interest in concealed carry permits has generally followed a similar pattern.

One point of caution with the FBI's numbers: The bureau stresses that you can't draw a 1-to-1 correspondence between "background checks" and "gun sales." The numbers include background checks for gun permits too, which may or may not be accompanied by a sale. Different states have different procedures in place for running permit checks. Some unknown but likely significant percentage of gun transactions don't involve a federally licensed dealer, and hence aren't accompanied by a background check at all. Still, the FBI's figures provide a useful approximation of overall gun transactions in this country. And they strongly indicate that 2015 was a great year for gun manufacturers.

One interesting wrinkle is that national surveys indicate that the number of households owning firearms is either flat or trending downward, depending on whether you prefer measurements by Gallup or the General Social Survey. If gun sales are increasing, as these numbers from the FBI and different data from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms suggest, the implication is that most of the growth in the firearms industry is coming from existing owners stocking up on more guns, rather than new purchasers buying for the first time. In 2013, for instance, calculations suggest there were about eight guns in the typical gun-owning household. That's double the number in 1994, when the typical gun-owning household had only four firearms. In the end, the biggest long-term impact of the gun policy changes may simply be another month of record gun sales in January.

For gun sales, 2015 goes down as best year ever
Is the nation suffering from national PTSD?
No more than usual, no.
Mass shootings from Newtown to San Bernardino are weighing ever more heavily on Americans
Umm, not really. They're horrific, but every shooting is horrific. These no more than the ones that came before, or the ones yet to come.

Looks to me like the only "new" development is that the press is having less and less luck getting people to shout in wrath.

And that has nothing to do with the shootings per se. Only that people are realizing the media is driving their reactions, and have decided not to play their game to generate headlines any more.

More and more people are opting to seek solutions that actually work, instead.
Is the nation suffering from national PTSD?
No more than usual, no.
Mass shootings from Newtown to San Bernardino are weighing ever more heavily on Americans
Umm, not really. They're horrific, but every shooting is horrific. These no more than the ones that came before, or the ones yet to come.

Looks to me like the only "new" development is that the press is having less and less luck getting people to shout in wrath.

And that has nothing to do with the shootings per se. Only that people are realizing the media is driving their reactions, and have decided not to play their game to generate headlines any more.

More and more people are opting to seek solutions that actually work, instead.

Only an idiot would think that. Basically the frequency has reduced the outrage; it's exactly the what the fundraisers at the NRA wanted--the atmosphere at least. Nobody is outraged any longer and the monies continue to pour in as they work hard to ramp up the fear factor.

What made Sandy Hook so painful was that it was 6 year olds. NRA executives had wives that were busting their balls to do something. When nothing was done, it sank in that our government was too entrenched to make any changes. Subsequent blood baths in Oregon, San Bernadino, Colorado, just dulled the senses. San Bernadino was unique because it was a Muslim and supposed ISIS involvement so it had some legs. But overall the public has moved on knowing that the Congress can offer nothing but thoughts and prayers to the victims of the NRA strategy.

Only an idiot would think that the public is blaming the media. Human nature is to express outrage at the outset of an issue then as it becomes the norm, the outrage disappears. Like when you discovered your kid dented your fender on Sunday, you were pissed. You're still not the same level of pissed on Tuesday and even less so on Friday.

Thank God we have a President that is actually doing something--as minor as it is--and is offering something other than thoughts and prayers to the victims.
Is the nation suffering from national PTSD?
No more than usual, no.
Mass shootings from Newtown to San Bernardino are weighing ever more heavily on Americans
Umm, not really. They're horrific, but every shooting is horrific. These no more than the ones that came before, or the ones yet to come.

Looks to me like the only "new" development is that the press is having less and less luck getting people to shout in wrath.

And that has nothing to do with the shootings per se. Only that people are realizing the media is driving their reactions, and have decided not to play their game to generate headlines any more.

More and more people are opting to seek solutions that actually work, instead.

Only an idiot would think that. Basically the frequency has reduced the outrage; it's exactly the what the fundraisers at the NRA wanted--the atmosphere at least. Nobody is outraged any longer and the monies continue to pour in as they work hard to ramp up the fear factor.

What made Sandy Hook so painful was that it was 6 year olds. NRA executives had wives that were busting their balls to do something. When nothing was done, it sank in that our government was too entrenched to make any changes. Subsequent blood baths in Oregon, San Bernadino, Colorado, just dulled the senses. San Bernadino was unique because it was a Muslim and supposed ISIS involvement so it had some legs. But overall the public has moved on knowing that the Congress can offer nothing but thoughts and prayers to the victims of the NRA strategy.

Only an idiot would think that the public is blaming the media. Human nature is to express outrage at the outset of an issue then as it becomes the norm, the outrage disappears. Like when you discovered your kid dented your fender on Sunday, you were pissed. You're still not the same level of pissed on Tuesday and even less so on Friday.

Thank God we have a President that is actually doing something--as minor as it is--and is offering something other than thoughts and prayers to the victims.

What your President did was find an opportunity (once again) to use these poor souls to advance his political agenda. Even by his own admission these new policies won't do squat, but it's one step of many to try and get as close as he can to stomping on the Second amendment.

He also displayed his hatred in our system of government. When will you people wake up? We have a balance of power for a reason. Our founders designed it that way so people like DumBama can't overtake the entire government and make rules all by his lonesome.

What DumBama didn't realize however is the ammunition (excuse the pun) that he gave to us freedom loving gun owners. Now when terrible things happen, we will be here to remind everybody how his stupidity didn't solve one problem when it comes to guns, and that it only empowered the criminal element even more.
Is the nation suffering from national PTSD?
No more than usual, no.
Mass shootings from Newtown to San Bernardino are weighing ever more heavily on Americans
Umm, not really. They're horrific, but every shooting is horrific. These no more than the ones that came before, or the ones yet to come.

Looks to me like the only "new" development is that the press is having less and less luck getting people to shout in wrath.

And that has nothing to do with the shootings per se. Only that people are realizing the media is driving their reactions, and have decided not to play their game to generate headlines any more.

More and more people are opting to seek solutions that actually work, instead.

Only an idiot would think that. Basically the frequency has reduced the outrage; it's exactly the what the fundraisers at the NRA wanted--the atmosphere at least. Nobody is outraged any longer and the monies continue to pour in as they work hard to ramp up the fear factor.

What made Sandy Hook so painful was that it was 6 year olds. NRA executives had wives that were busting their balls to do something. When nothing was done, it sank in that our government was too entrenched to make any changes. Subsequent blood baths in Oregon, San Bernadino, Colorado, just dulled the senses. San Bernadino was unique because it was a Muslim and supposed ISIS involvement so it had some legs. But overall the public has moved on knowing that the Congress can offer nothing but thoughts and prayers to the victims of the NRA strategy.

Only an idiot would think that the public is blaming the media. Human nature is to express outrage at the outset of an issue then as it becomes the norm, the outrage disappears. Like when you discovered your kid dented your fender on Sunday, you were pissed. You're still not the same level of pissed on Tuesday and even less so on Friday.

Thank God we have a President that is actually doing something--as minor as it is--and is offering something other than thoughts and prayers to the victims.

What your President
He's your president too. 332-206

did was find an opportunity (once again) to use these poor souls to advance his political agenda. Even by his own admission these new policies won't do squat, but it's one step of many to try and get as close as he can to stomping on the Second amendment.
If they save one life, they are worth it.

He also displayed his hatred in our system of government. When will you people wake up? We have a balance of power for a reason. Our founders designed it that way so people like DumBama can't overtake the entire government and make rules all by his lonesome.
What are the new rules? You sell a gun in a building; you have to do a background check. Call the building a gun show or a garage, you don't have to. Closing that loophole will help.

What DumBama didn't realize however is the ammunition (excuse the pun) that he gave to us freedom loving gun owners. Now when terrible things happen, we will be here to remind everybody how his stupidity didn't solve one problem when it comes to guns, and that it only empowered the criminal element even more.

That is what us liberals are counting on. People like you to continue to insist they can do nothing and offer only "thoughts and prayers" to widows, widowers, and the mothers and fathers having to bury their kids. Your empty gestures and empty words are, politically, music to our ears.

Keep up the good work, the cold shoulders, and the opposition to common sense gun control measures. It pays dividends to the Democrats and the NRA who is really laughing all the way to the bank off of idiots just like the ones you see in the mirror every day.
Is the nation suffering from national PTSD?
No more than usual, no.
Mass shootings from Newtown to San Bernardino are weighing ever more heavily on Americans
Umm, not really. They're horrific, but every shooting is horrific. These no more than the ones that came before, or the ones yet to come.

Looks to me like the only "new" development is that the press is having less and less luck getting people to shout in wrath.

And that has nothing to do with the shootings per se. Only that people are realizing the media is driving their reactions, and have decided not to play their game to generate headlines any more.

More and more people are opting to seek solutions that actually work, instead.

Only an idiot would think that. Basically the frequency has reduced the outrage; it's exactly the what the fundraisers at the NRA wanted--the atmosphere at least. Nobody is outraged any longer and the monies continue to pour in as they work hard to ramp up the fear factor.

What made Sandy Hook so painful was that it was 6 year olds. NRA executives had wives that were busting their balls to do something. When nothing was done, it sank in that our government was too entrenched to make any changes. Subsequent blood baths in Oregon, San Bernadino, Colorado, just dulled the senses. San Bernadino was unique because it was a Muslim and supposed ISIS involvement so it had some legs. But overall the public has moved on knowing that the Congress can offer nothing but thoughts and prayers to the victims of the NRA strategy.

Only an idiot would think that the public is blaming the media. Human nature is to express outrage at the outset of an issue then as it becomes the norm, the outrage disappears. Like when you discovered your kid dented your fender on Sunday, you were pissed. You're still not the same level of pissed on Tuesday and even less so on Friday.

Thank God we have a President that is actually doing something--as minor as it is--and is offering something other than thoughts and prayers to the victims.
Your big mistake is your thinking that everyone processes the world around them like you, we don't. You are highly emotionally driven and respond to emotional things, rising high and falling low. Your focus is on the NRA and guns when they are not the problem. obama's actions do nothing except make liberals feel good, and he did it for politics.

My opinions on gun control don't rise and fall when a nut lashes out at the world, we need to focus on the problem instead of attacking windmills. Rapidly deteriorating morals, unwillingness to separate the insane from society, the overuse of mind altering drugs, criminals, gangs, etc. We do little to nothing about those because the noise makers (people like you) are clueless.
Obama hasnt done anything on this except to follow the law.

Which is exactly what the gun nutters say all the time. That there are plenty of gun laws on the books that are not followed.

Now Obama wants to make sure gun sellers follow the law. OMG.

Its the end of the world as we know it I tell you.
Obama hasnt done anything on this except to follow the law.

Which is exactly what the gun nutters say all the time. That there are plenty of gun laws on the books that are not followed.

Now Obama wants to make sure gun sellers follow the law. OMG.

Its the end of the world as we know it I tell you.
Can you support any of that? Which law has been broken? Are you a simpleton or a liar?
You are really fucking stupid arent you icy?

You sell guns for a living, you need a firearms license. A law that has been on the books for some time.

Directing attorney generals in a state to prosecute using existing gun laws. Laws that have been on the books for some time.

Improving the accuracy of back ground checks. OMG Revolutionary.

Increasing mental health capabilities.

Now that shold really be a help for you ice. Cause you are one stupid mother fucker that should never be able to buy a gun.

Cause you are fucking crazy.

Domestic outreach programs. Which should make your wife feel beter about you.

Make sure gun dealers report theft of a gun.
etc etc all shit that was on the books and being ignored. With some new funding for mental health and background checks.

I could go on but why. If you really wanted to find this shit out, learn to use Google. You stupid gun nutter fuck.
You are really fucking stupid arent you icy?

You sell guns for a living, you need a firearms license. A law that has been on the books for some time.

Directing attorney generals in a state to prosecute using existing gun laws. Laws that have been on the books for some time.

Improving the accuracy of back ground checks. OMG Revolutionary.

Increasing mental health capabilities.

Now that shold really be a help for you ice. Cause you are one stupid mother fucker that should never be able to buy a gun.

Cause you are fucking crazy.

Domestic outreach programs. Which should make your wife feel beter about you.

Make sure gun dealers report theft of a gun.
etc etc all shit that was on the books and being ignored. With some new funding for mental health and background checks.

I could go on but why. If you really wanted to find this shit out, learn to use Google. You stupid gun nutter fuck.
If someone sells a gun illegally that's against the law, duh! What's your evidence that they haven't been prosecuted?

How are background checks "inaccurate"?

Gun dealers don't report stolen merchandise? WTF? So they just eat the loss and don't care about insurance or anything?

You offered nothing to back up your claims. I hereby dub thee "Wilbur Wrong".
You are really fucking stupid arent you icy?

You sell guns for a living, you need a firearms license. A law that has been on the books for some time.

Directing attorney generals in a state to prosecute using existing gun laws. Laws that have been on the books for some time.

Improving the accuracy of back ground checks. OMG Revolutionary.

Increasing mental health capabilities.

Now that shold really be a help for you ice. Cause you are one stupid mother fucker that should never be able to buy a gun.

Cause you are fucking crazy.

Domestic outreach programs. Which should make your wife feel beter about you.

Make sure gun dealers report theft of a gun.
etc etc all shit that was on the books and being ignored. With some new funding for mental health and background checks.

I could go on but why. If you really wanted to find this shit out, learn to use Google. You stupid gun nutter fuck.
If someone sells a gun illegally that's against the law, duh! What's your evidence that they haven't been prosecuted?

How are background checks "inaccurate"?

Gun dealers don't report stolen merchandise? WTF? So they just eat the loss and don't care about insurance or anything?

You offered nothing to back up your claims. I hereby dub thee "Wilbur Wrong".

Asshole. It is not my job to educate you. Beside that would be a complete waste of time to try.

Learn to use Google.

And you claim that all the things the OBAMA has wished for is already on the books. Obama just wants the laws to be followed.


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