The only gun control needed.

An appeal to emotion is a logical fallacy.
Any position based on a fallacy is unsound.
Why do you not care if your positions are unsound?
Couple of things. Who says my position is based on emotion. As I said, it is common sense.
As soon as you post one that you think is not based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty, I will illustrate for you and the rest of the world how it is based ion emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
That aside, who's playing god and saying an appeal to emotion is a logical fallacy?
List of fallacies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thou shalt not commit logical fallacies
Logical Fallacies Handlist
You can continue to believe that an appeal to emotion is a logical fallacy -- it just means you choose to be wrong.
And so, I ask again:
Why do you not care if your positions are unsound?
My positions are sound.
As soon as you post a position that you think is not based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty, I will illustrate for you and the rest of the world how it is based ion emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty - and thus, unsound.
You may now begin.
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An appeal to emotion is a logical fallacy.
Any position based on a fallacy is unsound.
Why do you not care if your positions are unsound?
Couple of things. Who says my position is based on emotion. As I said, it is common sense.
As soon as you post one that you think is not based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty, I will illustrate for you and the rest of the world how it is based ion emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
That aside, who's playing god and saying an appeal to emotion is a logical fallacy?
List of fallacies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thou shalt not commit logical fallacies
Logical Fallacies Handlist
You can continue to believe that an appeal to emotion is a logical fallacy -- it just means you choose to be wrong.

And so, I ask again:
Why do you not care if your positions are unsound?

My positions are sound. Just because you say they are not and are hiding behind the fallacy BS doesn't make you right. You're just offering an opinion. If I was to say to you that if there were NO guns at all in the US then nobody would die from gunshot wounds you'd call it a logical fallacy. IOW, you're just bandying those words around because you have nothing else. Banning certain guns because they are not necessary in a modern, civilised society is not any sort of fallacy. it's common sense. Every other western society agrees with me.
It isnt a logical fallacy. It's a factual fallacy. Your use of that is a strawman fallacy btw.
There are 300M guns in America with a service life over 100 years. There is no way to ban guns. There is no way to ban certain guns. Not necessary is merely your opinion. And an irrelevant one at that.
As soon as you post a position that you think is not based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty, I will illustrate for you and the rest of the world how it is based ion emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty - and thus, unsound.
You may now begin.

Nothing I have written is based on emotion. Just because you think it is doesn't make it so...
It isnt a logical fallacy. It's a factual fallacy. Your use of that is a strawman fallacy btw.
There are 300M guns in America with a service life over 100 years. There is no way to ban guns. There is no way to ban certain guns. Not necessary is merely your opinion. And an irrelevant one at that.

Certain guns have been banned successfully in most European countries and Australia and NZ. You are wrong...
It isnt a logical fallacy. It's a factual fallacy. Your use of that is a strawman fallacy btw.
There are 300M guns in America with a service life over 100 years. There is no way to ban guns. There is no way to ban certain guns. Not necessary is merely your opinion. And an irrelevant one at that.

Certain guns have been banned successfully in most European countries and Australia and NZ. You are wrong...

Wait a minute!!! Didn't you claim before that you did NOT want to ban guns. You only wanted "reasonable" gun control measures? :lol:

You are a perfect example of the dishonesty that the anti-rights crowd displays on a regular basis. That is why no one should ever listen to anything you say or take you seriously. You are a traitor to the people of America.
Wait a minute!!! Didn't you claim before that you did NOT want to ban guns. You only wanted "reasonable" gun control measures? :lol:

You are a perfect example of the dishonesty that the anti-rights crowd displays on a regular basis. That is why no one should ever listen to anything you say or take you seriously. You are a traitor to the people of America.

Absolutely I want some guns banned. But not a total ban....

You're not too bright are you...and I'm not even talking about what you think I said about guns....
It isnt a logical fallacy. It's a factual fallacy. Your use of that is a strawman fallacy btw.
There are 300M guns in America with a service life over 100 years. There is no way to ban guns. There is no way to ban certain guns. Not necessary is merely your opinion. And an irrelevant one at that.

Certain guns have been banned successfully in most European countries and Australia and NZ. You are wrong...

And we did the exact same thing here in America. It was called the Brady Bill, and it produced zero results. That's why when it came up for renewal, they turned the renewal down.
Is the nation suffering from national PTSD?
No more than usual, no.
Mass shootings from Newtown to San Bernardino are weighing ever more heavily on Americans
Umm, not really. They're horrific, but every shooting is horrific. These no more than the ones that came before, or the ones yet to come.

Looks to me like the only "new" development is that the press is having less and less luck getting people to shout in wrath.

And that has nothing to do with the shootings per se. Only that people are realizing the media is driving their reactions, and have decided not to play their game to generate headlines any more.

More and more people are opting to seek solutions that actually work, instead.

Only an idiot would think that. Basically the frequency has reduced the outrage; it's exactly the what the fundraisers at the NRA wanted--the atmosphere at least. Nobody is outraged any longer and the monies continue to pour in as they work hard to ramp up the fear factor.

What made Sandy Hook so painful was that it was 6 year olds. NRA executives had wives that were busting their balls to do something. When nothing was done, it sank in that our government was too entrenched to make any changes. Subsequent blood baths in Oregon, San Bernadino, Colorado, just dulled the senses. San Bernadino was unique because it was a Muslim and supposed ISIS involvement so it had some legs. But overall the public has moved on knowing that the Congress can offer nothing but thoughts and prayers to the victims of the NRA strategy.

Only an idiot would think that the public is blaming the media. Human nature is to express outrage at the outset of an issue then as it becomes the norm, the outrage disappears. Like when you discovered your kid dented your fender on Sunday, you were pissed. You're still not the same level of pissed on Tuesday and even less so on Friday.

Thank God we have a President that is actually doing something--as minor as it is--and is offering something other than thoughts and prayers to the victims.

What your President
He's your president too. 332-206

did was find an opportunity (once again) to use these poor souls to advance his political agenda. Even by his own admission these new policies won't do squat, but it's one step of many to try and get as close as he can to stomping on the Second amendment.
If they save one life, they are worth it.

He also displayed his hatred in our system of government. When will you people wake up? We have a balance of power for a reason. Our founders designed it that way so people like DumBama can't overtake the entire government and make rules all by his lonesome.
What are the new rules? You sell a gun in a building; you have to do a background check. Call the building a gun show or a garage, you don't have to. Closing that loophole will help.

What DumBama didn't realize however is the ammunition (excuse the pun) that he gave to us freedom loving gun owners. Now when terrible things happen, we will be here to remind everybody how his stupidity didn't solve one problem when it comes to guns, and that it only empowered the criminal element even more.

That is what us liberals are counting on. People like you to continue to insist they can do nothing and offer only "thoughts and prayers" to widows, widowers, and the mothers and fathers having to bury their kids. Your empty gestures and empty words are, politically, music to our ears.

Keep up the good work, the cold shoulders, and the opposition to common sense gun control measures. It pays dividends to the Democrats and the NRA who is really laughing all the way to the bank off of idiots just like the ones you see in the mirror every day.

Don't try to educate them......they're too stupid to learn.
It isnt a logical fallacy. It's a factual fallacy. Your use of that is a strawman fallacy btw.
There are 300M guns in America with a service life over 100 years. There is no way to ban guns. There is no way to ban certain guns. Not necessary is merely your opinion. And an irrelevant one at that.

Certain guns have been banned successfully in most European countries and Australia and NZ. You are wrong...
You mean like fully automatic AK47s of the type used in the Paris shootings?
Wait a minute!!! Didn't you claim before that you did NOT want to ban guns. You only wanted "reasonable" gun control measures? :lol:

You are a perfect example of the dishonesty that the anti-rights crowd displays on a regular basis. That is why no one should ever listen to anything you say or take you seriously. You are a traitor to the people of America.

Absolutely I want some guns banned. But not a total ban....

You're not too bright are you...and I'm not even talking about what you think I said about guns....
Why would you want some guns banned? What makes some guns bad and others good?
And we did the exact same thing here in America. It was called the Brady Bill, and it produced zero results. That's why when it came up for renewal, they turned the renewal down.

That's because it was a very watered down bill in the first place.
No. It's because the guns that were banned were not commonly used in crimes to begin with.
So try again.
Is the nation suffering from national PTSD?
No more than usual, no.
Mass shootings from Newtown to San Bernardino are weighing ever more heavily on Americans
Umm, not really. They're horrific, but every shooting is horrific. These no more than the ones that came before, or the ones yet to come.

Looks to me like the only "new" development is that the press is having less and less luck getting people to shout in wrath.

And that has nothing to do with the shootings per se. Only that people are realizing the media is driving their reactions, and have decided not to play their game to generate headlines any more.

More and more people are opting to seek solutions that actually work, instead.

Only an idiot would think that. Basically the frequency has reduced the outrage; it's exactly the what the fundraisers at the NRA wanted--the atmosphere at least. Nobody is outraged any longer and the monies continue to pour in as they work hard to ramp up the fear factor.

What made Sandy Hook so painful was that it was 6 year olds. NRA executives had wives that were busting their balls to do something. When nothing was done, it sank in that our government was too entrenched to make any changes. Subsequent blood baths in Oregon, San Bernadino, Colorado, just dulled the senses. San Bernadino was unique because it was a Muslim and supposed ISIS involvement so it had some legs. But overall the public has moved on knowing that the Congress can offer nothing but thoughts and prayers to the victims of the NRA strategy.

Only an idiot would think that the public is blaming the media. Human nature is to express outrage at the outset of an issue then as it becomes the norm, the outrage disappears. Like when you discovered your kid dented your fender on Sunday, you were pissed. You're still not the same level of pissed on Tuesday and even less so on Friday.

Thank God we have a President that is actually doing something--as minor as it is--and is offering something other than thoughts and prayers to the victims.

What your President
He's your president too. 332-206

did was find an opportunity (once again) to use these poor souls to advance his political agenda. Even by his own admission these new policies won't do squat, but it's one step of many to try and get as close as he can to stomping on the Second amendment.
If they save one life, they are worth it.

He also displayed his hatred in our system of government. When will you people wake up? We have a balance of power for a reason. Our founders designed it that way so people like DumBama can't overtake the entire government and make rules all by his lonesome.
What are the new rules? You sell a gun in a building; you have to do a background check. Call the building a gun show or a garage, you don't have to. Closing that loophole will help.

What DumBama didn't realize however is the ammunition (excuse the pun) that he gave to us freedom loving gun owners. Now when terrible things happen, we will be here to remind everybody how his stupidity didn't solve one problem when it comes to guns, and that it only empowered the criminal element even more.

That is what us liberals are counting on. People like you to continue to insist they can do nothing and offer only "thoughts and prayers" to widows, widowers, and the mothers and fathers having to bury their kids. Your empty gestures and empty words are, politically, music to our ears.

Keep up the good work, the cold shoulders, and the opposition to common sense gun control measures. It pays dividends to the Democrats and the NRA who is really laughing all the way to the bank off of idiots just like the ones you see in the mirror every day.

Don't try to educate them......they're too stupid to learn.
Ironic post of the day.
'Why would you want some guns banned? What makes some guns bad and others good?'

Guns in the hands of American nutters are always bad, and are used to kill people. Send in missionaries of civilization!
'Why would you want some guns banned? What makes some guns bad and others good?'

Guns in the hands of American nutters are always bad, and are used to kill people. Send in missionaries of civilization!
Go fuck yourself you ignorant twat. On to Iggy you go.
Nothing I have written is based on emotion. Just because you think it is doesn't make it so...
As soon as you post a position that you think is not based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty, I will illustrate for you and the rest of the world how it is based ion emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty - and thus, unsound.
You may now begin.
No, really. Bring it on. I dare you.

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