The ONLY way a President can have a direct effect on gas prices...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama once told Americans...
- "I prefer higher gas prices".(And how did he go about doing that?)

- The most direct impact on increasing Americans' dependence on "oil companies" and foreign oil by:
And when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers,”said Obama to Brazil.
Obama Commits American Support to Brazilian Oil

Now the ONLY direct way Obama or any President has in increasing or in Obama's case DECREASING oil supply is in signing Federal land leases for oil exploration.

Look at this table and tell me the gross distinctions between GWB, Obama and Trump.

NOTE since some might get bleary eyed at the tables:
Obama DECREASE OIL leases signed on Federal Lands from GWB.
Trump in just ONE year nearly Doubled the number.

Now NOT ONE idiot who supports Obama and hates Trump can disagree with the plain facts.
Obama DECREASED oil leases on Federal lands, THUS reducing the opportunities to INCREASE OIL supplies.
Trump INCREASED oil leases THUS INCREASING opportunities to increase OIL supplies.
The signing of fewer or more OIL leases is ONE direct method of affecting US OIL supply.
Obama was constantly fucking the poor and middle class.

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