The only way the Democratic Party will survive is to move to the center

The Nazis and the Communists waved red flags, stirred up nations towards hatred and war, and murdered millions of people in concentration camps. Anyone who thinks there is some sort of big distinction between these two evil political parties is looking for something that isn't there.
Wrong oh and the fact that the National Socialists DESPISED communism
No they didn't. They despised the lack of power. They despised the threat to their own dominance. They didn't despise the economic system at all as it completely mirrored their own.

This is akin to saying that Saddam Hussein hated oil because he invaded Kuwait. :eusa_doh:
The Nazis and the Communists waved red flags, stirred up nations towards hatred and war, and murdered millions of people in concentration camps. Anyone who thinks there is some sort of big distinction between these two evil political parties is looking for something that isn't there.
Wrong oh and the fact that the National Socialists DESPISED communism
No they didn't. They despised the lack of power. They despised the threat to their own dominance. They didn't despise the economic system at all as it completely mirrored their own.

This is akin to saying that Saddam Hussein hated oil because he invaded Kuwait. :eusa_doh:
Wrong again. International Communism and National Socialism were polar opposites.
The only way the Democratic Party will survive is to move to the center

How ridiculous.

Trump didn't even get as many votes as Romney.

Clinton got, like, 6 million votes less than Obama.

Trump didn't win, Clinton lost. Bernie or even Joe would have won.
Yeah....and Rand Paul or Ted Cruz would have won even bigger than Trump. Do you have an idea how many conservatives refused to vote for Trump?!?
Do you have any idea how many Americans refused to vote for Clinton?

Cruz and Rand Paul would have both been creamed, even by Clinton.

Nobody likes Cruz. This is important for you to understand.

Rand Paul comes across as weak. He's not taken seriously as a POTUS, much like Dennis Kucinich was not taken seriously, or Lincoln Chafee was not taken seriously. Sorry.
The Nazis and the Communists waved red flags, stirred up nations towards hatred and war, and murdered millions of people in concentration camps. Anyone who thinks there is some sort of big distinction between these two evil political parties is looking for something that isn't there.
Wrong oh and the fact that the National Socialists DESPISED communism
No they didn't. They despised the lack of power. They despised the threat to their own dominance. They didn't despise the economic system at all as it completely mirrored their own.

This is akin to saying that Saddam Hussein hated oil because he invaded Kuwait. :eusa_doh:
Wrong again. International Communism and National Socialism were polar opposites.
They both had to be destroyed, and many brave Americans had to die to get the job done. Your sympathies with the Nazis makes you an enemy of the United States.
The Nazis and the Communists waved red flags, stirred up nations towards hatred and war, and murdered millions of people in concentration camps. Anyone who thinks there is some sort of big distinction between these two evil political parties is looking for something that isn't there.
Wrong oh and the fact that the National Socialists DESPISED communism
No they didn't. They despised the lack of power. They despised the threat to their own dominance. They didn't despise the economic system at all as it completely mirrored their own.

This is akin to saying that Saddam Hussein hated oil because he invaded Kuwait. :eusa_doh:
Wrong again. International Communism and National Socialism were polar opposites.
They both had to be destroyed, and many brave Americans had to die to get the job done. Your sympathies with the Nazis makes you an enemy of the United States.

The Jew thanks you for defending a "country" and not your race. I don't care about a "country" that does NOTHING for my race only a fool and traitor would.ORION. Our Race Is Our Nation.
Facism is where the people exist for the work for the "mother country" and for it's greatness.

Communism is where the nation-state exist for the people....There are no rulers or leaders (in theory) and everyone is equal, and everything is shared equally (again in theory).

There is absolutely no political way Facism can be Communist, and no way Communism can be Facist.
I just showed you the way....yell up from your parents basement and have your mommy help you....snowflake...
I take offense.
Im moving back to my moms basement Monday morning.
Not funny, I actually am.
ObamaEconomy get you?

My humor is in the fact that your mommy will be yelling down to the basement for your kelp unlike our liberal snowflake friends who have to yell up from the basement for mommys help...:lol:
Well that, and stop nominating pathological liars like Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama. They need to find decent people like Gabby Giffords, Mike O'Malley, and Ron Wyden.
Giffords is an anti gun nut,You mean Martin O'Malley? He is a progressive cuckold. They need to get people like Joe Manchin to run..they have damn near run him out of the democrat party.
Martin O'Nazi is a fascist democrat Nazi under the wing of the democrats ultimate Nazi, Soros....he is a worthless piece of shit....
The only way the Democratic Party will survive is to move back to the center to recapture the white vote and recapture the male vote.
I'm not exactly sure where "the center" is at this point.

The two ends have gone off in different directions, and to me, finding a "center" would have to begin with finding common ground.

But yeah, I'd love to see the Democrats marginalize the crazies and move to the center. I'd be all over that.
The Democrats used to have lots of good middle-of-the-road people, but they aged out and now who's left who isn't a strident leftist?

Moderates need to toss out lunatics like Nancy Pelosi and take the Democratic Party to the center where it used to be before the unfortunate nomination of George McGovern.

You have lost almost all power at the federal and state level, so please believe that if you keep doing what you are doing now, the Democratic Party will simply go extinct.
They ran the Blue Dogs out starting in 2008. It was done quietly.
Facism is where the people exist for the work for the "mother country" and for it's greatness.

Communism is where the nation-state exist for the people....There are no rulers or leaders (in theory) and everyone is equal, and everything is shared equally (again in theory).

There is absolutely no political way Facism can be Communist, and no way Communism can be Facist.
I just showed you the way....yell up from your parents basement and have your mommy help you....snowflake...
I take offense.
Im moving back to my moms basement Monday morning.
Not funny, I actually am.
ObamaEconomy get you?

My humor is in the fact that your mommy will be yelling down to the basement for your kelp unlike our liberal snowflake friends who have to yell up from the basement for mommys help...:lol:
actually you are correct about the direction of the yelling.
After a fairly long illness my father passed away at home Tuesday morning. I did the funeral arrangement thing yesterday (you need a savings account just for that) and starting monday I am going to be helping her with the insurance issues, getting his name taken off things like the house the cars IRA's etc...
With the distances and travel times involved, it just makes much more sense for me to move in to her house (I get my old bedroom back that I had growing up) for the duration of this process.
So, in all honesty, I am a 58 year old man that will be living in his mothers basement for a couple weeks. and I literally mean basement, my bedroom was downstairs.
The Nazis and the Communists waved red flags, stirred up nations towards hatred and war, and murdered millions of people in concentration camps. Anyone who thinks there is some sort of big distinction between these two evil political parties is looking for something that isn't there.
Wrong oh and the fact that the National Socialists DESPISED communism
Different types of Communists hate and kill each other. For example, Stalin ordered a hit on Leon Trotsky, but both men were Communists. The fact that the Nazis and Communists hated each other doesn't make them different. Both parties were based on socialist principles, both parties started wars, and both parties murdered millions.
National Socialist Germany didn't start any war. France and England declared war on Germany. You don't even know history for fuck's sake. Socialism is not bad when its done for the right reasons. National and Racial Socialism don't control the means of production nor do they want to. Communism does and its actually called Bolshevism and its 100% JEWISH. Its why Hitler and NS Germany were destroyed he dared to set up a country not controlled by the Jewish money system.
you are correct, socialism to an extent is perfectly fine, it does not have to infringe on peoples rights or freedom.
Here is the problem. Socialism works well in those countries that are and have been socialist forever, people go to work and get paid, and the cost of the social programs is taken out, they are already used to spending more for certain things like fuel etc.. and their finances are planned with all of that in place.
Now lets look at the U.S, people have planned their savings, their mortgage etc... on a certain economic standard, Introducing social programs now that triple the cost of insurance, raise the cost of fuel and other consumables, is not something in the budget, most people in the country today partly due to our weak economy can not just over night come up with all of that extra expense. So, since its being mandated that people purchase insurance, you are going to see many people being forced to downsize their lifestyle very quickly. Smaller house, maybe get rid of the BMW and trade it in for a Chevy Cruze, stop going out to eat, vacations wont be happening etc...
I think this is what the elected officials are not understanding. 200,000 a year may seem like a lot of money to some people, but those that are making that amount are most likely living right on the edge and cant afford unexpected increases in their mandatory costs of living.
its too late, over these last 8 years, Democrats have proven {well except Joe Manchin} that they are all racists, they pretty much have blown their chances to take over DC for the next 24 years
The Democratic establishment lost bigly because they moved so far left, and yet in their infinite wisdom and soul searching are deciding to move further left.
Well that, and stop nominating pathological liars like Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama. They need to find decent people like Gabby Giffords, Mike O'Malley, and Ron Wyden.
Giffords is an anti gun nut,You mean Martin O'Malley? He is a progressive cuckold. They need to get people like Joe Manchin to run..they have damn near run him out of the democrat party.
Martin O'Nazi is a fascist democrat Nazi under the wing of the democrats ultimate Nazi, Soros....he is a worthless piece of shit....
Will you clowns stop with the EVERYONE'S A NATZI crap? god you sound just like the fucking democraps.
The Democratic establishment lost bigly because they moved so far left, and yet in their infinite wisdom and soul searching are deciding to move further left.
Good...I hope that continues. The further left they move, the more rational people reject their ideology.
The only way the Democratic Party will survive is to move back to the center to recapture the white vote and recapture the male vote. If the Democrats continue their leftward trend, they will continue to shed whites of all education levels, and men of all races.

Also, this contempt of rural conservatives and Southerners have to end. These are people who were loyal Democrats for decades, and the Democrats turned on them, not the other way around.

Also, Democrats need to tell its anti-Christian haters to STFU. Christians are still a majority in this country. It is stupid beyond belief to kow-tow to Muslims, who are a tiny minority, and aggravate Christians.

Also, stop giving Republicans the gun issue and the flag issue. Gun-grabbing and flag burning just gives Republicans free votes, it's like shooting fish in the barrel to get votes when Democrats are anti-gun and anti-flag.
Gore in School With Dubya's Brother. Dubya and Kerry in Skull and Bones. And You Still Don't Get It?

Liberals are agents of the Right Wing. Their leaders, starting with JFK, are sons of the plutocracy. They can't possibly believe in anything they preach, which is as silly as giving 9-year-olds all the rights of adults. Their assignment is to purposely drive us into the clutches of Right Wing economic tyranny. They are working a Bad Cop, Good Cop scam along with their Right Wing prep-school classmates.
History tells us there is no survival for a party on the extreme left, like the democrats....

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Facism and Communism are literally political opposites. They have nothing in common. You have to put them at opposite ends of each other.
Only in the minds of idiot progressives who laughably believe that because Hiter turned on Stalin, fascism is the "opposite" of communism. :lmao:
Swishy Swastikers

Nazis were buttboys of the bosses who opposed labor unions. That makes those scabs Right Wing.

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