The opinions of legal "experts" on Trumps federal case are 100% irrelevant

Bullshit fucking lies. You have faith in the system you've been blasting since cops get off and the treyvon case and the kid who shot off the dudes arm at the riot. You jackasses couldn't cry loud enough about how corrupt our system is. This is NOTHING MORE than you covering for what will be an inevitable guilty verdict from a hack jury.

Trump isn't guilty of anything the last half dozen presidents (including republicans) haven't done before him, including Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State and Biden as a senator. Is trumps bathroom any less secure than Bidens fucking garage or Clinton's closet???
That in an of itself PROVES how fucking wack this shit is.

This is 100% a political hit job and these fucktards have opened a can of worms we'll NEVER recover from.
Again; you haven't read the indictment.

I'm beginning to think it's because you can't read.
I’ll also say the court of public opinion is irrelevant. Trump is going to be judged by a jury of his peers, and personally I don’t think he’ll get a fair trial. Maybe it’s karma for being such a dick
I know as much about the charges as everyone else here. What I know even better is how partisans can't see outside their bubble.
Democrat jury guilty
Republican jury innocent

And you KNOW I'm right so stop your asinine trolling
"The heart of the wise leans right. The heart of the fool leans left" -- GOD
Let me get this straight.

We have to create new laws to prosecute the conduct that is criminalized by the current law, so that we can be left with the exact same thing when it's all said and done.
No fucktard. They need laws that prohibit presidents from TAKING CLASSIFIED MATERIAL. As of today there are NO LAWS prohibiting a president from taking whatever they like.

Having said that Hillary was not president nor was Biden when they took what they did so where are your cries for their prosecution?

Fuck off now hack
Actually, we do have laws against that. In fact, Donald Trump is currently charged with about 30 counts of breaking said laws.
No, Trump is being targeted because the left are UNHINGED.
And like every person in the US he is presumed innocent until found guilty so no, he hasn't committed any crimes.

If I accused you of robbing a bank does it make it so?

I would tell you not to be such a political HACK but your username ensures my efforts would be in vein
Bro I don't listen to anyone so how the hell am I brainwashed lol. I don't do talk radio because it's not appropriate at work. I literally listen to 80's music from 7 am till about 4 pm. Then I come home and water my garden/pick weeds/chase off squirrels and rabbits. Then I mow every other day as a form of cardiovascular exercise. Best fucking lawn on the block. Then cook on my deck while listening to music Then shower Then l chill on the heating pad for about an hour then in bed between 8 & 9.

When exactly do you think I get brainwashed?
You sure do comment a lot for someone who doesn't keep up with what is happening.
You're a fucking idiot.


Without that we don't have justice we have a fucking banana republic where every administration chases & jails the prior.

You people are so fucking stupid you don't even see the plug you just pulled from the drain
Hey, Einstein.

NOT prosecuting him, with the evidence they have, PROVIDED BY HIS OWN PEOPLE, would be unequal justice. NOT prosecuting him would be putting him above the law. Evidently that's what you want.

But enjoy your talking points. Cling to them. And keep thinking that anyone who dares to not think like you is stupid.
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You're a fucking idiot.


Without that we don't have justice we have a fucking banana republic where every administration chases & jails the prior.

You people are so fucking stupid you don't even see the plug you just pulled from the drain

You are arguing equal outcome. Not equal application of the law.

Under your argument. If anyone is not convicted of Rape, no one can be tried for it. That’s not the equal application of law. That is the lame assed excuse of a dolt who is caught speeding. It’s the complaint of a child who is caught passing notes in class.

Each case is judged and tried on its own merits. No jury ever convicted someone because everyone else was busted too.
He was indicted in a red state. The evidence is incredibly compelling, which is why his cult is too terrified to read the indictment.
Stop lying, faggot.

Introduction 1. Defendant DONALD J. TRUMP was the forty-fifth President ofthe United States ofAmerica. He held office from January 20, 2017, until January 20, 2021. As president, TRUMP had lawful access to the most sensitive classified documents and national defense information . gathered and owned by the United States government, including information from the agencies that comprise the United States Intelligence Community and the United States Department of Defense. 2. Over the course of his presidency, TRUMP gathered newspapers, press clippings, letters, notes, cards, photographs, official documents, and other materials in cardboard boxes that he kept in the White House. Among the materials TRUMP stored in his boxes were hundreds of classified documents. 3. The classified documents TRUMP stored in his boxes included information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries; United States nuclear programs; potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack; and plans for possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack. The unauthorized disclosure of these classified documents could put at risk the national security of the United States, foreign relations, the safety of the United States military, and human sources and the continued viability of sensitive intelligence collection methods. 4. At 12:00 p.m. on January 20, 2021, TRUMP ceased to be president. As he departed the White House, TRUMP caused scores of boxes, many of which contained classified documents, to be transported to The Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, where he maintained his residence. TRUMP was not authorized to possess or retain those classified documents. 5. The Mar-a-Lago Club was an active social club, which, between January 2021 and August 2022, hosted events for tens of thousands of members and guests. After TRUMP’s presidency, The Mar-a-Lago Club was not an authorized location for the storage, possession, review, display, or discussion of classified documents. Nevertheless, TRUMP stored his boxes containing classified documents in various locations at The Mar-a-Lago Club—including in a ballroom, a bathroom and shower, an office space, his bedroom, and a storage room. 6. On two occasions in 2021, TRUMP showed classified documents to others, as follows: 2 a. In July 2021, at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey (“The Bedminster Club”), during an audio-recorded meeting with a writer, a publisher, and two members of his staff, none of whom possessed a security clearance, TRUMP showed and described a “plan of attack” that TRUMP said was prepared for him by the Department of Defense and a senior military official. TRUMP told the individuals that the plan was “highly confidential” and “secret.” TRUMP also said, “as president I could have declassified it,” and, “Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret.” b. In August or September 2021, at The Bedminster Club, TRUMP showed a representative of his political action committee who did not possess a security clearance a classified map related to a military operation and told the representative that he should not be showing it to the representative and that the representative should not get too close. 7. On March 30, 2022, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) opened a criminal investigation into the unlawful retention of classified documents at The Mar-a-Lago Club. A federal grand jury investigation began the next month. The grand jury issued a subpoena requiring TRUMP to turn over all documents with classification markings. TRUMP endeavored to obstruct the FBI and grand jury investigations and conceal his continued retention of classified documents by, among other things: a. suggesting that his attorney falsely represent to the FBI and grand jury that TRUMP did not have documents called for by the grand jury subpoena; b. directing defendant WALTINE NAUTA to move boxes of documents to conceal them from TRUMP’s attorney, the FBI, and the grand jury; c. suggesting that his attorney hide or destroy documents called for by the grand jury subpoena; d. providing to the FBI and grand jury just some of the documents called for by the grand jury subpoena, while claiming that he was cooperating fully; and e. causing a certification to be submitted to the FBI and grand jury falsely representing that all documents called for by the grand jury subpoena had been produced—while knowing that, in fact, not all such documents had been produced.

It's still trying to prosecute a president for having things all presidents have had.
Hey, Einstein.

NOT prosecuting him, with the evidence they have, PROVIDED BY HIS OWN PEOPLE, would be unequal justice. NOT prosecuting him would be putting him above the law. Evidently that's what you want.

But enjoy your talking points. Cling to them. And keep thinking that anyone who dares to not think like you is stupid.
Well I guess not prosecuting Hillary Clinton put her above the law, huh?

No "And Justice for All" that way, Maccy?
Trump serving his 2nd term as POTUS while his appeals reach the Trump SCOTUS and get tossed...Dems will lose their minds. :auiqs.jpg:

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