The Orwellian Visions of Perpetual War Are with Us Now


Old Navy Vet
Jun 25, 2012
"Elite U.S. Special Operators Build Center for Perpetual War on Terror

Preparing for a multi-generational, international fight against terrorists, U.S. special operations chiefs are launching a new counterterrorist nerve center at an undisclosed location in the Middle East to fight the so-called Islamic State, al Qaeda, and any other terrorist actor.

The Joint Special Operations Command, the U.S. military’s premier counterterrorist strike force, is expanding its existing targeting nerve center in the region to make space for more American terror hunting personnel from three-letter agencies like the CIA, NSA, and FBI to foreign partners like Britain, France, Iraq and Jordan."

More: Elite U.S. Special Operators Build Center for Perpetual War on Terror

One repeating line in Orwell's "1984" is, "Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia."

This nation has lost its way and collective mind to be so fixated on this alleged "WAR ON TERROR". At what point do the righteous become the terrorists?
"Elite U.S. Special Operators Build Center for Perpetual War on Terror

Preparing for a multi-generational, international fight against terrorists, U.S. special operations chiefs are launching a new counterterrorist nerve center at an undisclosed location in the Middle East to fight the so-called Islamic State, al Qaeda, and any other terrorist actor.

The Joint Special Operations Command, the U.S. military’s premier counterterrorist strike force, is expanding its existing targeting nerve center in the region to make space for more American terror hunting personnel from three-letter agencies like the CIA, NSA, and FBI to foreign partners like Britain, France, Iraq and Jordan."

More: Elite U.S. Special Operators Build Center for Perpetual War on Terror

One repeating line in Orwell's "1984" is, "Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia."

This nation has lost its way and collective mind to be so fixated on this alleged "WAR ON TERROR". At what point do the righteous become the terrorists?

haven't been reading the news about Germany or France lately, I take it?

Question: Is there a number of bombs and mass murders committed by Islamic terrorists that you are willing to absorb before you change your opinion? How many?
I've given a simple solution to countries experiencing islamic or any other type of organized terrorism...respond simply with economic terrorism. The intelligence agencies in each country know the bankers behind the terrorists and their well-timed attacks. Simply, and without press or explanation why, ban one import item from that "head of the snake" country each time terror happens.

It's a very simple and very effective way of fighting back without shedding a single drop of blood or boots on the ground.
The NWO Globalist Elites finally created their perfect war. Their 'War on Terror' is meant to be a permanent war. They can label anyone a 'Terrorist.' Anyone who refuses to go along with their New World Order, will be labeled a 'Terrorist.' That's where they're headed. Permanent War = Power and Money. Why would the Globalist Elites ever wanna end it? They'll always invent a Boogeyman for the Sheeple to fear and hate.

False Flag operations are very real. It's time people understand that. It's not all just a 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory.' The Elites do carry out False Flags to get the Sheeple on board supporting their oppression and endless war. It's vital the People stand up to them. I just hope & pray more people are willing to do that. Otherwise, there's only a dark dismal future to look forward to.
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The NWO Globalist Elites finally created their perfect war. Their 'War on Terror' is meant to be a permanent war. They can label anyone a 'Terrorist.' Anyone who refuses to go along with their New World Order, will be labeled a 'Terrorist.' That's where they're headed. Permanent War = Power and Money. Why would the Globalist Elites ever wanna end it? They'll always invent a Boogeyman for the Sheeple to fear and hate.

False Flag operations are very real. It's time people understand that. It's not all just a 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory.' The Elites do carry out False Flags to get the Sheeple on board supporting their oppression and endless war. It's vital the People stand up to them. I just hope & pray more people are willing to do that. Otherwise, there's only a dark dismal future to look forward to.
So then the People, having sniffed the winds on the country(s) responsible can stop buying their products.

This could become a fun game! Terror for terror. Seems fair.
The NWO Globalist Elites finally created their perfect war. Their 'War on Terror' is meant to be a permanent war. They can label anyone a 'Terrorist.' Anyone who refuses to go along with their New World Order, will be labeled a 'Terrorist.' That's where they're headed. Permanent War = Power and Money. Why would the Globalist Elites ever wanna end it? They'll always invent a Boogeyman for the Sheeple to fear and hate.

False Flag operations are very real. It's time people understand that. It's not all just a 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory.' The Elites do carry out False Flags to get the Sheeple on board supporting their oppression and endless war. It's vital the People stand up to them. I just hope & pray more people are willing to do that. Otherwise, there's only a dark dismal future to look forward to.
So then the People, having sniffed the winds on the country(s) responsible can stop buying their products.

This could become a fun game! Terror for terror. Seems fair.

Most Americans are completely oblivious to the fact their own Government has been funding & arming Islamic Extremists for many years. There wouldn't be an Al Qaeda and ISIS, without massive funding and arming from the US and 'allies' like Saudi Arabia. Bin Laden himself, was armed and trained by the US. It was part of the effort to remove the Soviets from Afghanistan. That effort created the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

And it's also fact that the last two ISIS leaders were armed and trained by the CIA. The US and others supported ISIS to kill Assad in Syria. It was about 'Regime Change.' So if the money & weapons from the US and allies dried up, large radical Islamic orgs would have a hard time surviving. We need to demand that our Government end the support. And it has to get nations like Saudi Arabia to end its support too. Now, will all that happen? I'm not very optimistic.
"Elite U.S. Special Operators Build Center for Perpetual War on Terror

Preparing for a multi-generational, international fight against terrorists, U.S. special operations chiefs are launching a new counterterrorist nerve center at an undisclosed location in the Middle East to fight the so-called Islamic State, al Qaeda, and any other terrorist actor.

The Joint Special Operations Command, the U.S. military’s premier counterterrorist strike force, is expanding its existing targeting nerve center in the region to make space for more American terror hunting personnel from three-letter agencies like the CIA, NSA, and FBI to foreign partners like Britain, France, Iraq and Jordan."

More: Elite U.S. Special Operators Build Center for Perpetual War on Terror

One repeating line in Orwell's "1984" is, "Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia."

This nation has lost its way and collective mind to be so fixated on this alleged "WAR ON TERROR". At what point do the righteous become the terrorists?

haven't been reading the news about Germany or France lately, I take it?

Question: Is there a number of bombs and mass murders committed by Islamic terrorists that you are willing to absorb before you change your opinion? How many?
Is that question about the chicken or the egg? What happened in 1953 regarding the ME? You ever hear of Operation Ajax that Eisenhower launched? You ever hear of the puppet who took over, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi? You ever hear of SAVAK? You ever hear of the profound 1998 warning of the WIF's fatwa calling for,"Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders" because they were tired of the quasi-colonization and the RAPE of their resources?

Newton was absolutely correct in determining that for every ACTION in nature there is an equal and opposite REACTION! You go to fucking war! I've already been and have become weary of the futility and insanity.
"Elite U.S. Special Operators Build Center for Perpetual War on Terror

Preparing for a multi-generational, international fight against terrorists, U.S. special operations chiefs are launching a new counterterrorist nerve center at an undisclosed location in the Middle East to fight the so-called Islamic State, al Qaeda, and any other terrorist actor.

The Joint Special Operations Command, the U.S. military’s premier counterterrorist strike force, is expanding its existing targeting nerve center in the region to make space for more American terror hunting personnel from three-letter agencies like the CIA, NSA, and FBI to foreign partners like Britain, France, Iraq and Jordan."

More: Elite U.S. Special Operators Build Center for Perpetual War on Terror

One repeating line in Orwell's "1984" is, "Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia."

This nation has lost its way and collective mind to be so fixated on this alleged "WAR ON TERROR". At what point do the righteous become the terrorists?

haven't been reading the news about Germany or France lately, I take it?

Question: Is there a number of bombs and mass murders committed by Islamic terrorists that you are willing to absorb before you change your opinion? How many?
Is that question about the chicken or the egg? What happened in 1953 regarding the ME? You ever hear of Operation Ajax that Eisenhower launched? You ever hear of the puppet who took over, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi? You ever hear of SAVAK? You ever hear of the profound 1998 warning of the WIF's fatwa calling for,"Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders" because they were tired of the quasi-colonization and the RAPE of their resources?

Newton was absolutely correct in determining that for every ACTION in nature there is an equal and opposite REACTION! You go to fucking war! I've already been and have become weary of the futility and insanity.
Oh, interesting. I guess up until 1953 Islam was at peace with the world and with itself?

Still cannot explain Muhammad’s conquering the middle east and north Africa, all Christian nations, by the sword and forced conversions in the 7th century.
Still cannot explain Islam's murderous intrusions into Christian Spain, Portugal, France and Italy in the middle ages. Was Eisenhower alive then? Were we helping them extract their oil back then?
Not sure why they have hated Jews to the core forever either? Did the USA have something to do with that?
And the poor Kurds, I guess not Muslim enough.
I know a Shiite would have no problem roasting a Sunni and vice versa. Again, was that the West who caused that?

You are so ignorant or naïve you do not justify further expansion of this issue. Islam has always been a religion or ideology of hatred, intolerance, conquer by the sword and forced conversions. Now hang on to that Eisenhower trump card of yours.
"Elite U.S. Special Operators Build Center for Perpetual War on Terror

Preparing for a multi-generational, international fight against terrorists, U.S. special operations chiefs are launching a new counterterrorist nerve center at an undisclosed location in the Middle East to fight the so-called Islamic State, al Qaeda, and any other terrorist actor.

The Joint Special Operations Command, the U.S. military’s premier counterterrorist strike force, is expanding its existing targeting nerve center in the region to make space for more American terror hunting personnel from three-letter agencies like the CIA, NSA, and FBI to foreign partners like Britain, France, Iraq and Jordan."

More: Elite U.S. Special Operators Build Center for Perpetual War on Terror

One repeating line in Orwell's "1984" is, "Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia."

This nation has lost its way and collective mind to be so fixated on this alleged "WAR ON TERROR". At what point do the righteous become the terrorists?

Under Bush and Obama, Orwell's "1984" changed from a cautionary tale to an Operating manual
"Elite U.S. Special Operators Build Center for Perpetual War on Terror

Preparing for a multi-generational, international fight against terrorists, U.S. special operations chiefs are launching a new counterterrorist nerve center at an undisclosed location in the Middle East to fight the so-called Islamic State, al Qaeda, and any other terrorist actor.

The Joint Special Operations Command, the U.S. military’s premier counterterrorist strike force, is expanding its existing targeting nerve center in the region to make space for more American terror hunting personnel from three-letter agencies like the CIA, NSA, and FBI to foreign partners like Britain, France, Iraq and Jordan."

More: Elite U.S. Special Operators Build Center for Perpetual War on Terror

One repeating line in Orwell's "1984" is, "Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia."

This nation has lost its way and collective mind to be so fixated on this alleged "WAR ON TERROR". At what point do the righteous become the terrorists?

haven't been reading the news about Germany or France lately, I take it?

Question: Is there a number of bombs and mass murders committed by Islamic terrorists that you are willing to absorb before you change your opinion? How many?
Is that question about the chicken or the egg? What happened in 1953 regarding the ME? You ever hear of Operation Ajax that Eisenhower launched? You ever hear of the puppet who took over, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi? You ever hear of SAVAK? You ever hear of the profound 1998 warning of the WIF's fatwa calling for,"Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders" because they were tired of the quasi-colonization and the RAPE of their resources?

Newton was absolutely correct in determining that for every ACTION in nature there is an equal and opposite REACTION! You go to fucking war! I've already been and have become weary of the futility and insanity.
Oh, interesting. I guess up until 1953 Islam was at peace with the world and with itself?

Still cannot explain Muhammad’s conquering the middle east and north Africa, all Christian nations, by the sword and forced conversions in the 7th century.
Still cannot explain his murderous intrusions into Christian Spain, Portugal, France and Italy in the middle ages. Was Eisenhower alive then? Were we helping them extract their oil back then?
Not sure why they have hated Jews to the core forever either? Did the USA have something to do with that?
And the poor Kurds, I guess not Muslim enough.
I know a Shiite would have no problem roasting a Sunni and vice versa. Again, was that the West who caused that?

You are so ignorant or naïve you do not justify further expansion of this issue. Islam has always been a religion or ideology of hatred, intolerance, conquer by the sword and forced conversions. Now hang on to the Eisenhower trump card of yours.
I knew that would go over your head as it passed 9.5" off the ground, you ignorant fuck! Go peddle your canned schtick to those down on your level!
"Elite U.S. Special Operators Build Center for Perpetual War on Terror

Preparing for a multi-generational, international fight against terrorists, U.S. special operations chiefs are launching a new counterterrorist nerve center at an undisclosed location in the Middle East to fight the so-called Islamic State, al Qaeda, and any other terrorist actor.

The Joint Special Operations Command, the U.S. military’s premier counterterrorist strike force, is expanding its existing targeting nerve center in the region to make space for more American terror hunting personnel from three-letter agencies like the CIA, NSA, and FBI to foreign partners like Britain, France, Iraq and Jordan."

More: Elite U.S. Special Operators Build Center for Perpetual War on Terror

One repeating line in Orwell's "1984" is, "Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia."

This nation has lost its way and collective mind to be so fixated on this alleged "WAR ON TERROR". At what point do the righteous become the terrorists?

Under Bush and Obama, Orwell's "1984" changed from a cautionary tale to an Operating manual
You point is taken! As far as I'm concerned, the time for pointing fingers at who shot John is past and the time is now to STOP THIS FUCKING INSANITY!
"Elite U.S. Special Operators Build Center for Perpetual War on Terror

Preparing for a multi-generational, international fight against terrorists, U.S. special operations chiefs are launching a new counterterrorist nerve center at an undisclosed location in the Middle East to fight the so-called Islamic State, al Qaeda, and any other terrorist actor.

The Joint Special Operations Command, the U.S. military’s premier counterterrorist strike force, is expanding its existing targeting nerve center in the region to make space for more American terror hunting personnel from three-letter agencies like the CIA, NSA, and FBI to foreign partners like Britain, France, Iraq and Jordan."

More: Elite U.S. Special Operators Build Center for Perpetual War on Terror

One repeating line in Orwell's "1984" is, "Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia."

This nation has lost its way and collective mind to be so fixated on this alleged "WAR ON TERROR". At what point do the righteous become the terrorists?

haven't been reading the news about Germany or France lately, I take it?

Question: Is there a number of bombs and mass murders committed by Islamic terrorists that you are willing to absorb before you change your opinion? How many?
Is that question about the chicken or the egg? What happened in 1953 regarding the ME? You ever hear of Operation Ajax that Eisenhower launched? You ever hear of the puppet who took over, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi? You ever hear of SAVAK? You ever hear of the profound 1998 warning of the WIF's fatwa calling for,"Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders" because they were tired of the quasi-colonization and the RAPE of their resources?

Newton was absolutely correct in determining that for every ACTION in nature there is an equal and opposite REACTION! You go to fucking war! I've already been and have become weary of the futility and insanity.
Oh, interesting. I guess up until 1953 Islam was at peace with the world and with itself?

Still cannot explain Muhammad’s conquering the middle east and north Africa, all Christian nations, by the sword and forced conversions in the 7th century.
Still cannot explain his murderous intrusions into Christian Spain, Portugal, France and Italy in the middle ages. Was Eisenhower alive then? Were we helping them extract their oil back then?
Not sure why they have hated Jews to the core forever either? Did the USA have something to do with that?
And the poor Kurds, I guess not Muslim enough.
I know a Shiite would have no problem roasting a Sunni and vice versa. Again, was that the West who caused that?

You are so ignorant or naïve you do not justify further expansion of this issue. Islam has always been a religion or ideology of hatred, intolerance, conquer by the sword and forced conversions. Now hang on to the Eisenhower trump card of yours.
I knew that would go over your head as it passed 9.5" off the ground, you ignorant fuck! Go peddle your canned schtick to those down on your level!

I knew you were incapable of addressing any challenge or question.
Still you must think so highly of yourself. It's all about that shah and eisenhower, you got it pal.
The muslim terrorists are simply gadflies that will need to be dealt with same as organized crime for a long time.

Until islam can be exterminated this plague will be with the world indefinitely.
I knew you were incapable of addressing any challenge or question.
Really? You be one sad mother fucker with that lie after flying your freak flag so proudly!
Still you must think so highly of yourself.
Yup! But with good reason, which is a commodity you will never possess!
It's all about that shah and eisenhower, you got it pal.
Nope...never was! It was about the old, worn riddle of the chicken or the egg. But of course that went over your head, as I've already stated, shit for brains.

Ya'll have a nice day now, ya heeya?
I've given a simple solution to countries experiencing islamic or any other type of organized terrorism...respond simply with economic terrorism. The intelligence agencies in each country know the bankers behind the terrorists and their well-timed attacks. Simply, and without press or explanation why, ban one import item from that "head of the snake" country each time terror happens.

It's a very simple and very effective way of fighting back without shedding a single drop of blood or boots on the ground.
A Stone Age Economy for a Stone Age Religion

An international coalition should occupy and annex Muslim oilfields. Without that loot, Islam will be fighting us with sticks and stones. Even those bloodthirsty thrill-killers will quit or engage in sectarian self-genocide with 7th Century weapons.

U.S : Saudi Arabia's oil
Russian: Iran's
China: Indonesia's
Japan: Brunei's
U.K.: Iraq's
France: Algeria's
Italy: Libya's
Argentina: NIgeria's
Brazil: Angola's
The thing of it is that we have been in a "perpetual war" for eight freaking years and nobody ever referenced Orwell until a republican was elected. Get ready for the propaganda war.
Yeah, it really is crazy that we're actually beginning to live Orwell's '1984.' Endless War and massive domestic surveillance? Man, what a bleak future.

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