"The Oscars: White B E T Awards..."


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
There is buzz on t.v. this morning involving black entertainers being noticeably absent once again in this years bullpen of Oscar nominees.

One tweet mentioned by the talking heads on the tube said "The Oscars: White B E T Awards..."

Should there be quotas for private corporations like The Academy? :eusa_think:

Should The Black Entertainment Television awards be opened up to all entertainers? :eusa_think:

Should The Oscars be renamed The White Entertainment Awards? :eusa_think:

Is there any name out there that is 'whiter' than "Oscar"? :dunno:

So, the democrat debate last night was the "white politics forum"?
There is buzz on t.v. this morning involving black entertainers being noticeably absent once again in this years bullpen of Oscar nominees.

One tweet mentioned by the talking heads on the tube said "The Oscars: White B E T Awards..."

Should there be quotas for private corporations like The Academy? :eusa_think:

Should The Black Entertainment Television awards be opened up to all entertainers? :eusa_think:

Should The Oscars be renamed The White Entertainment Awards? :eusa_think:

Is there any name out there that is 'whiter' than "Oscar"? :dunno:


Shouldn't there have been more good movies featuring black entertainers? Shouldn't there have been more good movies period? Shouldn't there have been more black directors?
There is buzz on t.v. this morning involving black entertainers being noticeably absent once again in this years bullpen of Oscar nominees.

One tweet mentioned by the talking heads on the tube said "The Oscars: White B E T Awards..."

Should there be quotas for private corporations like The Academy? :eusa_think:

Should The Black Entertainment Television awards be opened up to all entertainers? :eusa_think:

Should The Oscars be renamed The White Entertainment Awards? :eusa_think:

Is there any name out there that is 'whiter' than "Oscar"? :dunno:
I'll go with Pearl.
Shouldn't there have been more good movies featuring black entertainers? Shouldn't there have been more good movies period? Shouldn't there have been more black directors?

Why do so many people give a crap as to the opinion of some corporate board which calls itself "The Academy" and gives out awards?

I know, right?!?
Shouldn't there have been more good movies featuring black entertainers? Shouldn't there have been more good movies period? Shouldn't there have been more black directors?

Why do so many people give a crap as to the opinion of some corporate board which calls itself "The Academy" and gives out awards?

I know, right?!?

Lots o' cash is tied up in that baby.

Look, by the time this event rolls around I am trying to catch up on the movies. I had a plan year last year to try to make it to a theater to see some 3 or 4 movies in a row. It was advertised as such. Failing that, I talked my kid into watching a movie (Bird Man) rented from Red Box that was up for an award. He has not forgiven me since.
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"If any of you tuned in to ABC tonight expecting to see the new show "Blackish", yeah, this ain't it."

That's funny right there. I don't care who you are...
What's the Oscars? Ask the under twenty crowd outside of noo yerk if they watched. The star worship is fading in this country faster than the idea of paying a lot of money to watch some grown men play a kids game. Yeah and what can you expect from Black Ego Teevee ? HAHAha oh yah
True dat.

Hopefully Will Smith and his wife are feeling o.k. about the poll the counts: The box office; and it's award: money.
Yes there would be NO single racist in the world if no one taught racisim as a business.
I'm white but I don't mind the people bringing up concerns, but I don't like to see them used by politicians who don't give a damn about them, I worked in Central Memphis and a lot of all poor black neighborhoods, and saw some kids get popped accidentally, knew an older woman her son was shot in the head at 16 and quad, her house was immaculate, but the damn city wouldn't keep the trash out of the ditch by her house and the boy had rat bites all over him sometimes. I'm an old man but things like that make my blood boil. when we worked there we cleaned up but we only got by once or twice a year. Calling the city office, and all of the land owners around was useless too. That's why I hate liberal "gonna help you out, just don't come to my country club" politicians. Real people make better leaders. Just pick the lesser of the liars.

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