The "other" George Zimmerman.

Sallow has been hit in the head way to many times for him to make any sense at all.
I understand it fine.

In this case a vigilante murdered a kid.

When you chase a "suspect" and you are NOT a are a vigilante.

No, in this case, according to the people who actually know something about it (not you), Zimmerman shot in self-defense. You can label him a vigilante if you want to, but it doesn't change the fact that Zimmerman didn't murder Travon. And all of your idiotic rantings doesn't change the facts.:cuckoo:

See dude..I don't need to insult you.

I just need to rationally go over the facts.

They don't line up at all with Zimmerman's fairly tales.

Which sends you folks into an emotional tailspin.


You do need to rationally go over the facts. The problem is you don't know the facts because you have no freakin clue what the witnesses testified to. Want to know how I know? Because you keep asking questions you wouldn't have to ask if you were paying attention.

The facts show that Trayvon martin was on top of Zimmerman attacking him. At that point anyone is entitled to shot him because they are in danger of death of seriously bodily injury. Period. No stand your ground needed. No need to wait until you are actually seriously injured or dead. The second someone puts you in danger, you can retaliate.
Was actually robbed.

Profiled young black kid.

Shot him.

Got life.

negged for being a lying pile of shit.

there is no comparison here, none at all you partisan racist buffoon.

Racist against whom?

By the way, Thumbs, pointing out racism, isn't racist.


you assumed he was guilty when you thought he was white

and now your dumb ass is stuck.

again, there's no comparison, so you're the racist ass here.

You are talking to the wrong guy.

I've had my head hit with a bat, been bashed in the eye with a tire iron, have used the head on concrete technique against opponents in fights, had it used on me, been stabbed, shot at..

Heck, I got hurt worse then Zimmerman when I feel off a swing face first into the pavement as a kid. Lost my four of my front teeth with broke off into my upper lip.

Zimmerman's boo boos don't seem at all life threatening. Had he curled into a ball for 15 seconds he would have been fine.

dam Sallow.....your head must be a mis-shapen ball of flesh and bone..........

Harry, Harry.... How long have you known sallow? Isn't it apparent to you by now that he has suffered brain damage?

Sallow sometimes acts like Dean got to him......but generally he is fairly moderate....i think Sallow is a good guy....

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