The "other" George Zimmerman.

Naw, he did what all the other "brave zimmerHEROman bashers" have done

They chose C, it's not listed but it's.

C. Truth is I have to answer B, but if I do I admit the Jury got it right and I'm just a tool.

Can you blame em?

Maybe Zona would give it a shot?

If I am in a fight, and I start to lose, I dont shoot the guy because I cant fight. I defend and get out of the situation with using deadly force. If he grabbed something, then he has a weapon. That is a different story. If he pulled a gun, that is a different situation but some skinny kid on top of me.....I would like to think I could handle that. Zimmerman is a pussy it seems but I think he got the end result he was looking for all night.

It really seemed like Zimmerman is a pussy who started something he couldnt handle with his hands.

Hey Zimmerman, dont stalk, follow and step to people when you cant fight. I kow , I know, you carry but you cant murder twice without something happening to you....!! ?? (Oh wait, your in florida, maybe you can.)

He got punched in the nose, went down and shot a kid. Fuck Zimmerman.

Wow that's quite the fantasy. You should be a fiction writer.

Truth is that Martin was a thug wannabe and he was looking to up his street cred that night. the stupid douchebag picked the wrong guy. Shit happens.

I give Zona and Sallow a lot of credit for the attempt at answering the question

I do believe they are being sincere. I don't think either has had the pleasure of being sucker punched by an angry person. I have

An angry coworker who was just fired( to this day he says he has no idea why he picked me, I was just in the right place at the right time) sucker punched me not once, but four times. I was a damn good baseball catcher and both a wide out and free safety in high school. I was also a Jailor with training in how to subdue and restrain prisoners, but a sucker punch is something that changes your life in a micro second

I was just lucky I was able to take it without going to the ground or who the hell knows what he would have done. The look in his eyes were like nothing I had ever encountered before.

You have no time to think, you go into complete survival mode.

Had he got me to the ground and I had a weapon, my answer to my own question would be, YES I would have shot! No question in my mind I would have wanted to be the one that left standing

I was lucky that another coworker heard what was going on and rushed to my aide so it never got that far

You do not know what it's like until you've been there. I was just lucky that my training in sports and as a Jailer gave me the ability to take a punch without hitting the ground quickly. I think I would have been either dead or severely damaged.
Are you so bored that you have to start grabbing at straws?

Let's bring down George at any stretch of the imagination.

It's not really George, per's the law.

You shoot an unarmed kid, not involved in any criminal should be a crime.


You keep forgetting the beating martin was laying on zimmerman. THATS the crime in question. Good old assault.

Keep grasping at straws, it just makes you look stupid.


republicans have not cheered his death

and really...nazis....

why are you such a dishonest hack?

because he is Far other reason needed....Dean is a divider....he hates it when anyone he THINKS,is like him, actually talks to someone to his right.....and he is a fucking jerk.....

George looked quite a bit different when he was under attack.

ooops -
Obama co-sponsored legislation strengthening Illinois' "stand your ground" law - Illinois Review
Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB2386

now, are you willing to call Obama out on his sponsoring law strengthening the stand your ground law in Illinois? I know I won't be holding my breath.

Dudley criticize Obama?....he would cut his Pecker off dont say anything against a just do what they tell ya.....
It's not really George, per's the law.

You shoot an unarmed kid, not involved in any criminal should be a crime.


I fail to see what purpose your blatant dishonesty is supposed to serve here.

Where is the dishonesty?

it is hard for someone as dishonest as you are Dean to see....dishonesty......but i understand.....Far Right and Left people want division....and in order to propagate have to be dishonest and spin things.....its just the way you assholes are....
Are you so bored that you have to start grabbing at straws?

Let's bring down George at any stretch of the imagination.

It's not really George, per's the law.

You shoot an unarmed kid, not involved in any criminal should be a crime.

It IS a crime



This kid was not assaulting the man. He was not, at that time, engaging in criminal activity. The man at that point, had no reasonable fear of death or serious injury. The kid was not, at that point, any threat to his property. Good conviction.
Was his nose broken? Any xrays or expert opinion to confirm that?

And the "assault" would have been stopped in 15 seconds. True story! :thup:

Ok sallow, fair enough, take the broken nose out of the equation. See, I'm being fair.

Now, answer the question. That is, if you can

Be a leader dude


You are talking to the wrong guy.

I've had my head hit with a bat, been bashed in the eye with a tire iron, have used the head on concrete technique against opponents in fights, had it used on me, been stabbed, shot at..

Heck, I got hurt worse then Zimmerman when I feel off a swing face first into the pavement as a kid. Lost my four of my front teeth with broke off into my upper lip.

Zimmerman's boo boos don't seem at all life threatening. Had he curled into a ball for 15 seconds he would have been fine.

dam Sallow.....your head must be a mis-shapen ball of flesh and bone..........
Ok sallow, fair enough, take the broken nose out of the equation. See, I'm being fair.

Now, answer the question. That is, if you can

Be a leader dude


You are talking to the wrong guy.

I've had my head hit with a bat, been bashed in the eye with a tire iron, have used the head on concrete technique against opponents in fights, had it used on me, been stabbed, shot at..

Heck, I got hurt worse then Zimmerman when I feel off a swing face first into the pavement as a kid. Lost my four of my front teeth with broke off into my upper lip.

Zimmerman's boo boos don't seem at all life threatening. Had he curled into a ball for 15 seconds he would have been fine.

dam Sallow.....your head must be a mis-shapen ball of flesh and bone..........

Harry, Harry.... How long have you known sallow? Isn't it apparent to you by now that he has suffered brain damage?
Are you so bored that you have to start grabbing at straws?

Let's bring down George at any stretch of the imagination.

It's not really George, per's the law.

You shoot an unarmed kid, not involved in any criminal should be a crime.


As much as you want to pretend otherwise, if you are on top of someone else beating them against the ground, you are very much engaged in criminal activity.
It's not really George, per's the law.

You shoot an unarmed kid, not involved in any criminal should be a crime.


You're ignoring some real basic facts there Sallow. Please tell us what they are.

What basic facts?


A wannabe cop follows a kid into a dark courtyard after chasing in a car and calling 911. At some point they meet, an altercation ensues and the kid is murdered. The man emerges with very slight injuries.

So what you have left is his statement. Which changes multiple times. And his "veracity" which is shot to heck by the fact he's outright lied on multiple occasions and on national tv.

1) His statement didn't change multiple times
2) You are ignoring the eye witness who had Martin on top of Zimmerman beating him.
3) You are ignoring the forensic evidence which show no evidence (aside from the bullet wound) of Zimmerman fighting with Trayvon, only Trayvon attacking Zimmerman.
4) You are ignoring the testimony of the police offers who found Zimmerman's version of events believable and who indicated that Zimmerman was geniunely surprised to find out that Martin was dead.

In short, you are ignoring all the evidence that actually is to create some false story in your head and you wonder why people disagree with you when they actually look at what happened.
What basic facts?


A wannabe cop follows a kid into a dark courtyard after chasing in a car and calling 911. At some point they meet, an altercation ensues and the kid is murdered. The man emerges with very slight injuries.

So what you have left is his statement. Which changes multiple times. And his "veracity" which is shot to heck by the fact he's outright lied on multiple occasions and on national tv.

and yet...even the prosecution witnesses supported zimmerman's story.

why are you such a pathetic liar?

Lie about what? And it's pretty pathetic that you call someone a "liar" yet DEFEND a liar.

And seems that the "prosecution" threw the case.

Big time.

The prosecution didn't throw the case. They had no case.
What basic facts?


A wannabe cop follows a kid into a dark courtyard after chasing in a car and calling 911. At some point they meet, an altercation ensues and the kid is murdered. The man emerges with very slight injuries.

So what you have left is his statement. Which changes multiple times. And his "veracity" which is shot to heck by the fact he's outright lied on multiple occasions and on national tv.

A young racist thug picked the wrong "creepy ass cracker" to jump and pummel. It's very simple.

I'm sorry..but where did you get that "creepy ass cracker" thing from?

We actually paid attention to the trial when his girlfriend said that is what Trayvon called Zimmerman.

Try actually looking at the evidence sometimes. You aren't an idiot. Maybe when you actually look at the evidence you'll realize your mistake here.
You see any prosecutor happy with losing a case?


You don't know many prosecutors do you? Most are happy just to have the case over with regardless of the outcome. They put the best case they can on.

You seriously think she is going to risk her license by throwing a case? Especially when she had all power to withdraw the case if she didn't see it?

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