The other GOP candidates promise to support the liar, con artist for president

I read the subject line and thought they were going to support Mrs. Tuluza Clinton. But she wouldn't even make a good three card monte dealer let alone a con artist, take some brains and her's is damaged.
I think you are wrong, she is great at taking other peoples money and making it hers.

That is true, but there is a difference between conning people out of their money and being bought for political favors. One takes brains, the other takes a lack of integrity.
Say what you want, it does not change the fact that she is the biggest piece of trash to ever run for president

This is what the GOP is... It used to be the anti Obama party but in a radical change it is becoming the anti Hillary party.
Will the GOP be able to get over this time of change... They invested so much of the hate filled rants into Obama and now have to switch....

I think there main problem is that they told us the world was going to end because of Obama... Guess what? It didn't...
Now they are telling us the world is going to end because of Hillary...
didn't say the world was going to end. They said the country would be fucked beyond repair, and that racial tension would grow. Guess what? correct on both accounts.
Your black Jesus hosed us all.
We have the extreme pleasure and privilege to have the only person on Earth who has never told a lie, running for president. She has been, according to her, the most transparent politician of modern times. We are so lucky to have her coming to save the Mighty Mouse.
muddy If every politician who told a lie were lying dead in the streets there'd be no room to drive
And that's supposed to be a valid excuse?

We can do better than that.
and do you think Drumphf is that person?

Trumps plusses

1. using his own money
2. scares the establishment of both parties
3. saying what real americans are thinking
4. not PC
5. Has made thousands of good deals
6. top notch negotiator
7. tells it like it is
8. would destroy Hillary in a debate
9. has taken every punch thrown at him and come back stronger
10. scares the Chinese and Russians and radical muslims

Trumps negatives
1. never held office-------so what, neither did Washington
2. tells it like it is-----------good
3. has a lot of money--------duh
4. has played the game with politicians---------knows how it works.
hey red how much you think trump will need if he's your nominated guy? one billion ? 2 billion ? think hes going to reach into his pocket? Think big donors will support him?? Think again

the people will support him, that's what matters. But if he gets the GOP nomination he will have plenty of donors. Fear not
Last night at the GOP debate the other candidates were asked if they were going to support Trump if he gets the nomination. They all said they would. All of them have called Trump a liar, a con artist, a misogynist, a narcissist, a tax cheat, a small dick, and they are all willing to subject the American people to this yuck. This really should be the end of the GOP.
This line of thinking from either party is thoroughly disgusting. You vote on people based on how well you think they could be president not what party they run for. Politicians like this who are only saying what they think they want their party to hear is destroying America. It is the reason we currently have a racist, sexist, narcissist presidential candidate who legitimately has a chance of holding the highest office in the greatest country of the world.
I read the subject line and thought they were going to support Mrs. Tuluza Clinton. But she wouldn't even make a good three card monte dealer let alone a con artist, take some brains and her's is damaged.
I think you are wrong, she is great at taking other peoples money and making it hers.

That is true, but there is a difference between conning people out of their money and being bought for political favors. One takes brains, the other takes a lack of integrity.
Say what you want, it does not change the fact that she is the biggest piece of trash to ever run for president

This is what the GOP is... It used to be the anti Obama party but in a radical change it is becoming the anti Hillary party.
Will the GOP be able to get over this time of change... They invested so much of the hate filled rants into Obama and now have to switch....

I think there main problem is that they told us the world was going to end because of Obama... Guess what? It didn't...
Now they are telling us the world is going to end because of Hillary...
didn't say the world was going to end. They said the country would be fucked beyond repair, and that racial tension would grow. Guess what? correct on both accounts.
Your black Jesus hosed us all.

You are asking shit up again .

The country is fine , and we talk about race more than ever .
I think you are wrong, she is great at taking other peoples money and making it hers.

That is true, but there is a difference between conning people out of their money and being bought for political favors. One takes brains, the other takes a lack of integrity.
Say what you want, it does not change the fact that she is the biggest piece of trash to ever run for president

This is what the GOP is... It used to be the anti Obama party but in a radical change it is becoming the anti Hillary party.
Will the GOP be able to get over this time of change... They invested so much of the hate filled rants into Obama and now have to switch....

I think there main problem is that they told us the world was going to end because of Obama... Guess what? It didn't...
Now they are telling us the world is going to end because of Hillary...
didn't say the world was going to end. They said the country would be fucked beyond repair, and that racial tension would grow. Guess what? correct on both accounts.
Your black Jesus hosed us all.

You are asking shit up again .

The country is fine , and we talk about race more than ever .
The country is not fine and there has not been this much racial distrust since the 60s
View attachment 66347

Liars? All the candidates in your the GOP only John Kasich has a record that competes with Hillary...

That is your problem... Reality just makes you look foolish...

Hillary has a long record of lying to the public and lying to law enforcement.

Anyone who continues to support Hillary is dishonest themselves. She couldn't hold a security clearance after mishandling top secret communications while secretary of state. She mishandled the Libyan ambassadors schedule, which is top secret. She neglected her duties as secretary of state and lied about her neglect to cover it up. She worked in conjunction with the White House to perpetrate a fraud claiming a video caused Benghazi, knowing full well it was a lie, and her emails proved she knew it was a lie. She helped Iran get ahold of nuclear materials despite UN sanctions being in place. She conspired to overthrow a foreign government which led to murder of Colonel Qadaffi. .

She was recorded laughing about it afterwards, saying about Qadaffi "He came.....he saw.....he's dead...hahahahahaha!!!!"

She gave speeches to Goldman Sachs for hundreds of thousands of dollars. She refuses to release the transcripts from these speeches showing she can be bought by Wall Street and billionaire hedge funders.:deal:

Her husband is a pervert who likes having sex with underage girls. :suck:

A vote for Hillary is a vote to continue the corruption that currently infests the Executive Branch. The DoJ will continue to follow only the laws they like, and anyone who Hillary doesn't like will come under assault.

Personally, I think Hillary is running a criminal enterprise and becoming president is the best way she knows how to keep out of jail. It worked for LBJ.

25 years of constant bashing and what's the result ? I mean it's a good tactic, repeat things enough and people will believe it's true .

Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house !
Roughly 70% feel Hillary is dishonest. The rest are lying.
They are ALL dishonest... Saying what they need to say to get elected and promote their agenda. Welcome to politics. Honesty isn't what is important in todays world (unfortunately) what's important is understanding each persons agenda. If it falls in line with yours then you got your candidate.
Remember this slade?
So a huge complaint of the right when Obama was running was that he was "only a senator" and thus did not have an experience to run the country. Now, there are two senators and a casino owner in the race for the Republican nom and not a word about their experience. In fact, the front runner has never served a day in any office. The consensus was that Governors make better presidents, even going to far as to say that was why Sarah Palin would be a good VP. Why aren't you hypocrites going full force for Kasich?

View attachment 66347

Liars? All the candidates in your the GOP only John Kasich has a record that competes with Hillary...

That is your problem... Reality just makes you look foolish...

Hillary has a long record of lying to the public and lying to law enforcement.

Anyone who continues to support Hillary is dishonest themselves. She couldn't hold a security clearance after mishandling top secret communications while secretary of state. She mishandled the Libyan ambassadors schedule, which is top secret. She neglected her duties as secretary of state and lied about her neglect to cover it up. She worked in conjunction with the White House to perpetrate a fraud claiming a video caused Benghazi, knowing full well it was a lie, and her emails proved she knew it was a lie. She helped Iran get ahold of nuclear materials despite UN sanctions being in place. She conspired to overthrow a foreign government which led to murder of Colonel Qadaffi. .

She was recorded laughing about it afterwards, saying about Qadaffi "He came.....he saw.....he's dead...hahahahahaha!!!!"

She gave speeches to Goldman Sachs for hundreds of thousands of dollars. She refuses to release the transcripts from these speeches showing she can be bought by Wall Street and billionaire hedge funders.:deal:

Her husband is a pervert who likes having sex with underage girls. :suck:

A vote for Hillary is a vote to continue the corruption that currently infests the Executive Branch. The DoJ will continue to follow only the laws they like, and anyone who Hillary doesn't like will come under assault.

Personally, I think Hillary is running a criminal enterprise and becoming president is the best way she knows how to keep out of jail. It worked for LBJ.

25 years of constant bashing and what's the result ? I mean it's a good tactic, repeat things enough and people will believe it's true .

Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house !
Roughly 70% feel Hillary is dishonest. The rest are lying.
They are ALL dishonest... Saying what they need to say to get elected and promote their agenda. Welcome to politics. Honesty isn't what is important in todays world (unfortunately) what's important is understanding each persons agenda. If it falls in line with yours then you got your candidate.
Remember this slade?
So a huge complaint of the right when Obama was running was that he was "only a senator" and thus did not have an experience to run the country. Now, there are two senators and a casino owner in the race for the Republican nom and not a word about their experience. In fact, the front runner has never served a day in any office. The consensus was that Governors make better presidents, even going to far as to say that was why Sarah Palin would be a good VP. Why aren't you hypocrites going full force for Kasich?

Edds, Barrypuppet was a Bilderburg plant. He was given a platform at the DNC convention in 2004 and because he could read from a teleprompter and sound eloquent while doing so, thus he was "crowned" as the next puppet of USA.INC because he was groomed to be "that guy" . Hillary bowed out of the race in June of 2008 when she realistically had a shot because she was promised that her turn would come in 2016... even in spite of all of her missteps and fuck-ups, planned or otherwise as Secretary of State after she "carpetbagged a Senate seat Therefor she is the frontrunner as the next CFR, Tri-Lateral Commission/ Bilderburg puppet. Trump may not be what he claims to be......but IMHO, he is the "Hail Mary" pass into the end zone from our own forty yard line with 4 seconds's s friggin long shot but I would rather cast my lot with Trump than Sanders, Clinton, Rubio, Cruz and even Kasich....I have yet to hear him speak or any one else speak out against the foreign owned Federal Reserve and endorse a "top to bottom" audit. People are tired of the same 'ol shit and many have woken up to this debt slavery system that we are under. They have figured out that "fair trade" means a lower standard of living for blue collar workers.
I read the subject line and thought they were going to support Mrs. Tuluza Clinton. But she wouldn't even make a good three card monte dealer let alone a con artist, take some brains and her's is damaged.
I think you are wrong, she is great at taking other peoples money and making it hers.

That is true, but there is a difference between conning people out of their money and being bought for political favors. One takes brains, the other takes a lack of integrity.
Say what you want, it does not change the fact that she is the biggest piece of trash to ever run for president

This is what the GOP is... It used to be the anti Obama party but in a radical change it is becoming the anti Hillary party.
Will the GOP be able to get over this time of change... They invested so much of the hate filled rants into Obama and now have to switch....

I think there main problem is that they told us the world was going to end because of Obama... Guess what? It didn't...
Now they are telling us the world is going to end because of Hillary...
didn't say the world was going to end. They said the country would be fucked beyond repair, and that racial tension would grow. Guess what? correct on both accounts.
Your black Jesus hosed us all.
the tension grew because your red neck racists couldn't tolerate a black guy in our wh

Hillary has a long record of lying to the public and lying to law enforcement.

Anyone who continues to support Hillary is dishonest themselves. She couldn't hold a security clearance after mishandling top secret communications while secretary of state. She mishandled the Libyan ambassadors schedule, which is top secret. She neglected her duties as secretary of state and lied about her neglect to cover it up. She worked in conjunction with the White House to perpetrate a fraud claiming a video caused Benghazi, knowing full well it was a lie, and her emails proved she knew it was a lie. She helped Iran get ahold of nuclear materials despite UN sanctions being in place. She conspired to overthrow a foreign government which led to murder of Colonel Qadaffi. .

She was recorded laughing about it afterwards, saying about Qadaffi "He came.....he saw.....he's dead...hahahahahaha!!!!"

She gave speeches to Goldman Sachs for hundreds of thousands of dollars. She refuses to release the

transcripts from these speeches showing she can be bought by Wall Street and billionaire hedge funders.:deal:

Her husband is a pervert who likes having sex with underage girls. :suck:

A vote for Hillary is a vote to continue the corruption that currently infests the Executive Branch. The DoJ will continue to follow only the laws they like, and anyone who Hillary doesn't like will come under assault.

Personally, I think Hillary is running a criminal enterprise and becoming president is the best way she
knows how to keep out of jail. It worked for LBJ.

25 years of constant bashing and what's the result ? I mean it's a good tactic, repeat things enough and
people will believe it's true .

Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house !
Roughly 70% feel Hillary is dishonest. The rest are lying.
They are ALL dishonest... Saying what they need to say to get elected and promote their agenda. Welcome to politics. Honesty isn't what is important in todays world (unfortunately) what's important is understanding each persons agenda. If it falls in line with yours then you got your candidate.
Remember this slade?
So a huge complaint of the right when Obama was running was that he was "only a senator" and thus did not have an experience to run the country. Now, there are two senators and a casino owner in the race for the Republican nom and not a word about their experience. In fact, the front runner has never served a day in any office. The consensus was that Governors make better presidents, even going to far as to say that was why

Sarah Palin would be a good VP. Why aren't you hypocrites going full force for Kasich?


Hillary has a long record of lying to the public and lying to law enforcement.

Anyone who continues to support Hillary is dishonest themselves. She couldn't hold a security clearance after mishandling top secret communications while secretary of state. She mishandled the Libyan ambassadors schedule, which is top secret. She neglected her duties as secretary of state and lied about her neglect to cover it up. She worked in conjunction with the White House to perpetrate a fraud claiming a video caused Benghazi, knowing full well it was a lie, and her emails proved she knew it was a lie. She helped Iran get ahold of nuclear materials despite UN sanctions being in place. She conspired to overthrow a foreign government which led to murder of Colonel Qadaffi. .

She was recorded laughing about it afterwards, saying about Qadaffi "He came.....he saw.....he's dead...hahahahahaha!!!!"

She gave speeches to Goldman Sachs for hundreds of thousands of dollars. She refuses to release the transcripts from these speeches showing she can be bought by Wall Street and billionaire hedge funders.:deal:

Her husband is a pervert who likes having sex with underage girls. :suck:

A vote for Hillary is a vote to continue the corruption that currently infests the Executive Branch. The DoJ will continue to follow only the laws they like, and anyone who Hillary doesn't like will come under assault.

Personally, I think Hillary is running a criminal enterprise and becoming president is the best way she knows how to keep out of jail. It worked for LBJ.

25 years of constant bashing and what's the result ? I mean it's a good tactic, repeat things enough and people will believe it's true .

Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house !
Roughly 70% feel Hillary is dishonest. The rest are lying.
They are ALL dishonest... Saying what they need to say to get elected and promote their agenda. Welcome to politics. Honesty isn't what is important in todays world (unfortunately) what's important is understanding each persons agenda. If it falls in line with yours then you got your candidate.
Remember this slade?
So a huge complaint of the right when Obama was running was that he was "only a senator" and thus did not have an experience to run the country. Now, there are two senators and a casino owner in the race for the Republican nom and not a word about their experience. In fact, the front runner has never served a day in any office. The consensus was that Governors make better presidents, even going to far as to say that was why Sarah Palin would be a good VP. Why aren't you hypocrites going full force for Kasich?

Edds, Barrypuppet was a Bilderburg plant. He was given a platform at the DNC convention in 2004 and because he could read from a teleprompter and sound eloquent while doing so, thus he was "crowned" as the next puppet of USA.INC because he was groomed to be "that guy" . Hillary bowed out of the race in June of 2008 when she realistically had a shot because she was promised that her turn would come in 2016... even in spite of all of her missteps and fuck-ups, planned or otherwise as Secretary of State after she "carpetbagged a Senate seat Therefor she is the frontrunner as the next CFR, Tri-Lateral Commission/ Bilderburg puppet. Trump may not be what he claims to be......but IMHO, he is the "Hail Mary" pass into the end zone from our own forty yard line with 4 seconds's s friggin long shot but I would rather cast my lot with Trump than Sanders, Clinton, Rubio, Cruz and even Kasich....I have yet to hear him speak or any one else speak out against the foreign owned Federal Reserve and endorse a "top to bottom" audit. People are tired of the same 'ol shit and many have woken up to this debt slavery system that we are under. They have figured out that "fair trade" means a lower standard of living for blue collar workers.
First off I want to thank you for telling me to send it in on GOLD but there we part ways I've had enough of republicans like gwb trump cruz rubio I don't love Hill but I'd rather her than any of them Repubs have been throwing stuff against the wall forever and NOTHING has stuck
I have never in my life cast a vote that I subsequently was ashamed of, and I'm too old to start now.

I'm only 28. I've voted all of four times in my life (not counting the primaries). I've already gotten to the point where I'm ashamed of whoever I vote for. People left right and sideways want to tear the party apart because of Donald Trump. I left the party because of this kind of stuff. You guys talk about coalescing the party, but this doesn't do it. You want unity, but this doesn't do it. People want what's in the best interests of this party, of our country, but this is furthest from. People demand loyalty but never give it.

Where was this vigorous fervor when taking on Obama and his cronies?

Excuse me? Did you sustain head trauma and get amnesia? Did you really just accuse ME of being lackluster about taking on Obama and his cronies? ME?!

And who the fuck is "you guys" talking about "coalescing the party" and "unity"? Who in the hell do you think you're talking to?

I could not possibly give less of a shit about the Republican Party. Like all institutions, it's a tool, and at the point where it stops serving its purpose, it becomes useless and should be discarded. But I DO give a shit about my country, and I will not give it that pusillanimous clown as a President just so I can vent my spleen and get a warm fuzzy about being on the "winning side".

There's a difference between being disappointed in the person you voted for, and being ashamed of having voted for him. I have had occasion to be disappointed, because everyone's human and has feet of clay, but there is no realistic way I can believe I would not be ashamed of voting for Donald Trump from the moment I did it, and only get more ashamed as he capered in front of the entire world like a court jester who's suddenly been crowned king.

I am not going to watch the only party that has a possibility of reflecting conservatism descend into this.

Don't get me wrong, ma'am, I respect your wisdom and experience, so the remarks hitherto are not meant to be offensive, but with all due respect, if this is what conservatism is as of now, I want none of it. If you guys want to tear this party to shreds over the fear of one man, do it on your own. I will not watch as a party based on values and principles abandons those things in an attempt to rig the process. This does not represent even one modicum of conservatism. In essence, conservatism has already completed its descent into the depths of treachery and deceit. There is no need to reflect on it, because it has already happened.

You misunderstand. The point is that this ISN'T conservatism. Not the GOP leadership, and sure as hell not Donald Trump. I, and people like me, are not the ones who want to tear the party apart OR are on the verge of tearing it apart without even realizing it, and you need to learn to think past the delusion being thrown up that there's only Donald Trump and "establishment" and "liberals" out there.

Donald's bitterest opponents are the ideological conservatives who have made up the base that the GOP leadership has taken for granted for so long, the people who got angry and fed up with being lied to LONG before the Johnny-Come-Lately, bread-and-circuses Trumpettes came along. To be sure, there's some overlap as people have given into despair and decided "fuck it all, burn it down", but the conservatives who oppose Trump are actually the least destructive of the three groups in the GOP right now. It's not that we give a damn about the party one way or the other; it's just that this is not a time in America's history that we can afford someone like Trump as President, or the power vacuum and chaos caused by the collapse of the Republican Party. Unfortunately, as with the replacing of the Whig Party, it seems that crisis and the death of political parties kinda go hand-in-hand.

I once believed the party valued "free and independent thought," but when they're uniting against one person who believes differently than they do on a few issues, to stop him instead of the one person they should be uniting to stop (aka Hillary), they don't value free and independent thought whatsoever. This rigid state of mind will kill the party on its own. You won't need Donald Trump for that.

I can see it now, members of the Republican party establishment, like the Japanese Kamikaze pilots of WWII, drinking their ceremonial last cup of sake before they are sent off to die.

Again, you're making the mistake of thinking this is an "either-or" situation, where anyone who opposes Donald Trump is automatically "establishment" and "looking to rig the system". While I recognize that a brokered convention is part of the legitimate rules of Republican primaries if there's no clear winner, I think it would be disastrous, and I certainly do not approve of a plan to deliberately engineer one for the purpose of injecting a hand-picked leadership yes-man. I would be among the first to revolt against such a move.

What I AM saying is that if Trump becomes the nominee, then he and his followers will go it alone in the general election without my help and support. There is absolutely no chance of my vote ever being cast for him. I will write in a candidate who I can genuinely believe would be a good President, because Donald Trump is not, and never could be, that person. And that's what most members of the #NeverTrump movement are saying: that we consider the election lost at the point that Trump becomes the nominee, no matter who wins the general.

If you have to win by backing someone who, in your heart of hearts, believe is a terrible choice and will be a terrible President, have you really won anything at all?

After losing every other time before, it has indeed come to that. So I'll ask you this: since when has me voting for the nice guy gotten me anywhere? Do you honestly think voting for a guy who makes the same promises as the men before him will change anything? What have we won thus far?

So you'd rather just settle for the empty, meaningless victory of "I voted for the guy who won. He destroyed the country, but hey, I was on the winning team"?

When did I ever suggest voting for a guy who makes empty promises? Once again, you are projecting, "Oh, you hate Trump, so you're all about supporting the establishment." One of the things you learn as you get old(er) is that life is rarely black and white, either-or. It stubbornly refuses to be that simple.

It's a hard fact of life that sometimes, there is no trophy, no triumph, no glory and conquest at the end of the battle. Sometimes all you ever win is knowing, in your heart of hearts, that you fought for what was right and you didn't betray your conscience, even when it would have been easier or more comfortable or let you claim to have "won". That's one thing Donald Trump, with all his braggadocio about being a "winner", has never understood: sometimes it's not about "winning"; it's about drawing a line and saying, "This is where I will stand, no matter what", and going down fighting. Sometimes you have to tilt at windmills, because sometimes the battles most worth fighting are the losing battles.

Joss Whedon actually said it very well: When nothing you do matters, all that matters is what you do.
Excuse me? Did you sustain head trauma and get amnesia? Did you really just accuse ME of being lackluster about taking on Obama and his cronies? ME?!

Yes, I did. But not necessarily "lackluster", more like giving equal effort. It seems like to me you have divided your effort on two fronts instead of focusing it wholly on one common enemy.

Who in the hell do you think you're talking to?

I'm talking to you. Unless you're a robot or something, in that case, which buttons do I press?

I could not possibly give less of a shit about the Republican Party. Like all institutions, it's a tool, and at the point where it stops serving its purpose, it becomes useless and should be discarded.

I am happy to stand corrected then. Thanks.

So you'd rather just settle for the empty, meaningless victory of "I voted for the guy who won. He destroyed the country, but hey, I was on the winning team"?

I'm not. I just don't care. Voting for any of them would have constituted a "meaningless victory" for me had they won. I've been let down too many times. I honestly don't know why I vote in the first place. I consider them to all have an equal chance of destroying this country.

and you need to learn to think past the delusion being thrown up that there's only Donald Trump and "establishment" and "liberals" out there.

The fact I'm a libertarian now should tell you I'm fully aware of that. I'm not blind, Cecilie.

When did I ever suggest voting for a guy who makes empty promises? Once again, you are projecting, "Oh, you hate Trump, so you're all about supporting the establishment." One of the things you learn as you get old(er) is that life is rarely black and white, either-or. It stubbornly refuses to be that simple.

Perhaps you are right. I lack the wisdom people your age have. It's hard not to get wrapped up in the dissonance of politics. So, thus, I am easily swept up. It is only when I am at the crest of the wave do I wind up regretting it; it does hurt to crash and burn, and I do it often.

It's a hard fact of life that sometimes, there is no trophy, no triumph, no glory and conquest at the end of the battle.

There can be none of those things when I believe that we are all fighting the wrong battles.

Sometimes all you ever win is knowing, in your heart of hearts, that you fought for what was right and you didn't betray your conscience, even when it would have been easier or more comfortable or let you claim to have "won".

The sole motivator for my voting (if there is one), is that I know in my heart of hearts, that I am lending my voice to the collective who shares my views, in essence lending strength to that cause. I am not so single minded as to think this is a "my team" or "your team" game, nothing so base and childish.

Again, you're making the mistake of thinking this is an "either-or" situation, where anyone who opposes Donald Trump is automatically "establishment" and "looking to rig the system".

I might be, but then again, perhaps I am more upset at the dishonesty and hypocrisy I'm seeing (no, you aren't a hypocrite, nor are you dishonest. I've read your posts and your honesty is second to none).

What I AM saying is that if Trump becomes the nominee, then he and his followers will go it alone in the general election without my help and support.

That is your choice. But I believe you, and anyone who shares your feelings are ensuring that Hillary Clinton wins the White House. Do you not see the danger of that mentality? Would you take such a risk that in an effort to stick to your values and your "heart of hearts" that you indirectly elect someone who is further from those things than Donald Trump is? I'm curious.

That's one thing Donald Trump, with all his braggadocio about being a "winner", has never understood: sometimes it's not about "winning"; it's about drawing a line and saying, "This is where I will stand, no matter what", and going down fighting.

Perhaps that's what I did. I drew my last line in the sand, at the edge of the precipice.

When nothing you do matters, all that matters is what you do.

Well, I've done what I've done. It probably won't matter this time either.
While I recognize that a brokered convention is part of the legitimate rules of Republican primaries if there's no clear winner, I think it would be disastrous, and I certainly do not approve of a plan to deliberately engineer one for the purpose of injecting a hand-picked leadership yes-man. I would be among the first to revolt against such a move.

Thank you for once again clarifying yourself... or perhaps helping me understand you. I feel like an idiot now.
You almost gotta laugh that the radical left would include the words "narcissist, misogynist and small dick" in a political dialog. No surprises here.
Sometimes you have to tilt at windmills, because sometimes the battles most worth fighting are the losing battles.

The difference here between you and I is that, perhaps as the side effect of the life I'm leading now, I feel like I'm losing all the time. The "win," the "conquest," as it were, is simply to save face. I don't feel like I'm winning even when I actually am. That's the feeling I carry when I vote. It's futile no matter who I pick.
Last night at the GOP debate the other candidates were asked if they were going to support Trump if he gets the nomination. They all said they would. All of them have called Trump a liar, a con artist, a misogynist, a narcissist, a tax cheat, a small dick, and they are all willing to subject the American people to this yuck. This really should be the end of the GOP.

Let's see Trump vs Clinton???

The possibility of turning DC on it's head vs same old shit???

Based on your past and present post, you like the same old shit, big surprise...
What I wish is that we could see how badly both political parties have snowed us and kept us in this left versus right paradigm while they rob us blind. Read the comprehensive annual finance report of your city, state or county and find out how badly they have been fucking the CAFR when it comes to USA.INC to find out how big that dick has been shoved up your ass while pleading "empty pockets" is time for a cold splash of water in the face.
Last night at the GOP debate the other candidates were asked if they were going to support Trump if he gets the nomination. They all said they would. All of them have called Trump a liar, a con artist, a misogynist, a narcissist, a tax cheat, a small dick, and they are all willing to subject the American people to this yuck. This really should be the end of the GOP.
suckening the Repubs and their oaths
Last night at the GOP debate the other candidates were asked if they were going to support Trump if he gets the nomination. They all said they would. All of them have called Trump a liar, a con artist, a misogynist, a narcissist, a tax cheat, a small dick, and they are all willing to subject the American people to this yuck. This really should be the end of the GOP.
One word for you.
Last night at the GOP debate the other candidates were asked if they were going to support Trump if he gets the nomination. They all said they would. All of them have called Trump a liar, a con artist, a misogynist, a narcissist, a tax cheat, a small dick, and they are all willing to subject the American people to this yuck. This really should be the end of the GOP.

Get ready.

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