The other GOP candidates promise to support the liar, con artist for president

And that's supposed to be a valid excuse?

We can do better than that.
and do you think Drumphf is that person?

Trumps plusses

1. using his own money
2. scares the establishment of both parties
3. saying what real americans are thinking
4. not PC
5. Has made thousands of good deals
6. top notch negotiator
7. tells it like it is
8. would destroy Hillary in a debate
9. has taken every punch thrown at him and come back stronger
10. scares the Chinese and Russians and radical muslims

Trumps negatives
1. never held office-------so what, neither did Washington
2. tells it like it is-----------good
3. has a lot of money--------duh
4. has played the game with politicians---------knows how it works.
hey red how much you think trump will need if he's your nominated guy? one billion ? 2 billion ? think hes going to reach into his pocket? Think big donors will support him?? Think again

the people will support him, that's what matters. But if he gets the GOP nomination he will have plenty of donors. Fear not

What happened to "self-funding"? "Can't be bought"? "Beholden to no one"? I thought all that shit was THE reason we had to have Trump.
It don't think Trump thought the GOP establishment would be so dirty and underhanded. They're acting like the way Democrats and the MSM always acts. So sometimes you have to change tactics to fit the threat. But I don't think he's going to work with the donor class supporting the establishment until they learn a lesson. They can snap their fingers with any other candidate. When they go down in flames they will be on the outside pissing and moaning. Real change will be taking place instead of the fake change that Obama ushered in.
Last night at the GOP debate the other candidates were asked if they were going to support Trump if he gets the nomination. They all said they would. All of them have called Trump a liar, a con artist, a misogynist, a narcissist, a tax cheat, a small dick, and they are all willing to subject the American people to this yuck. This really should be the end of the GOP.
They promised to support Hillary?
and those above are trumps good qualities
Only if you're a Democrat voter.
Democrats like the fact that their party is run by liars and con artists. They're content with it.
Republicans are in the process of weeding theirs out as we speak state by state.

You guys should change your name to "The Dishonest Party".

View attachment 66347

Liars? All the candidates in your the GOP only John Kasich has a record that competes with Hillary...

That is your problem... Reality just makes you look foolish...
You're the second person that has called me a republican over this thread.....even the cons get a laugh out of that.
Last night at the GOP debate the other candidates were asked if they were going to support Trump if he gets the nomination. They all said they would. All of them have called Trump a liar, a con artist, a misogynist, a narcissist, a tax cheat, a small dick, and they are all willing to subject the American people to this yuck. This really should be the end of the GOP.
They promised to support Hillary?
and those above are trumps good qualities
Only if you're a Democrat voter.
Democrats like the fact that their party is run by liars and con artists. They're content with it.
Republicans are in the process of weeding theirs out as we speak state by state.

You guys should change your name to "The Dishonest Party".

View attachment 66347

Liars? All the candidates in your the GOP only John Kasich has a record that competes with Hillary...

That is your problem... Reality just makes you look foolish...
You're the second person that has called me a republican over this thread.....even the cons get a laugh out of that.
If I did that I very humbly apologize ,,,,,,,UGH!!!
Last night at the GOP debate the other candidates were asked if they were going to support Trump if he gets the nomination. They all said they would. All of them have called Trump a liar, a con artist, a misogynist, a narcissist, a tax cheat, a small dick, and they are all willing to subject the American people to this yuck. This really should be the end of the GOP.

Let's see Trump vs Clinton???

The possibility of turning DC on it's head vs same old shit???

Based on your past and present post, you like the same old shit, big surprise...
You obviously missed my "Hillary flaunts her lies in the debate" thread. Cons have such diarrhea of the mouth....always talking shit without a clue about what they are saying.
Last night at the GOP debate the other candidates were asked if they were going to support Trump if he gets the nomination. They all said they would. All of them have called Trump a liar, a con artist, a misogynist, a narcissist, a tax cheat, a small dick, and they are all willing to subject the American people to this yuck. This really should be the end of the GOP.
Shut up...Ya left wing radical moon bat
Last night at the GOP debate the other candidates were asked if they were going to support Trump if he gets the nomination. They all said they would. All of them have called Trump a liar, a con artist, a misogynist, a narcissist, a tax cheat, a small dick, and they are all willing to subject the American people to this yuck. This really should be the end of the GOP.
Shut up...Ya left wing radical moon bat
Obviously.....a hurtz doughnut! BWAH HA HA HA HA!
Re-read the header and ponder why Republicans might want to nominate Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky. After all, she's perfectly described.....
Trump supporters have such third grade sandbox banter. Okay, back to the playground kids. Let the adults make some intelligent comments.
You have an opinion. Demented and sad, but you are free to express your views.
Your opinion is also not going to affect any change. So why waste your time?
Trump supporters have such third grade sandbox banter. Okay, back to the playground kids. Let the adults make some intelligent comments.
You have an opinion. Demented and sad, but you are free to express your views.
Your opinion is also not going to affect any change. So why waste your time?
I imagine we are all here to "waste time" as you put it, in one way or another. Some perhaps are here to learn and express, exercise the the mind during the commercial breaks of the real housewives, others to blow smoke up peoples asses and raise temperatures. Don't think any of us assume we are changing the world here.
Last night at the GOP debate the other candidates were asked if they were going to support Trump if he gets the nomination. They all said they would. All of them have called Trump a liar, a con artist, a misogynist, a narcissist, a tax cheat, a small dick, and they are all willing to subject the American people to this yuck. This really should be the end of the GOP.
Shut up...Ya left wing radical moon bat
The truth hurts spoon
Yeah, well, imagine that feeling magnified if you vote for Trump and then have to watch his buffoonery for four years, knowing you supported it.

Like I said. I'll take full responsibility for my carelessness.

Wait until you vote for Trump to "stop Hillary", and then he starts inviting her and her horny hick husband to the White House for cozy little chats and advice. Think I'm being hyperbolic? He started his campaign after a phone consultation with Bill. disturbing.

Your granny probably also told you things like "You're known by the company you keep", "birds of a feather flock together", "you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas", and "when you sup with the devil, use a long spoon". All these things are cliches for a reason.

One of the surest measures of a person is the people he chooses to call his friends. And why.
One, I have expended scads of effort into criticizing and berating and pointing out the flaws in not only Obama, but every single member of the political left who rears his or her ugly head to spew garbage all over my country. If I put any more effort into it, I'd have a stroke. But I think it's incumbent upon me, both to be fair (to the extent I think that word has any meaning at all) and to retain my own mental balance and perspective, to ALSO call out my own putative side in the argument when it steps on its johnson.

That's a fair point.

It has been a source of never-ending frustration to me to watch the nation I love, the nation I grew up in under the strength, optimism, and pride of the Reagan Administration, sliding inexorably toward the dustbin of history due to the inertia of its own apathy, stupidity, and coarsening culture.

I spend moments during the day researching the greatness of what was the Reagan Administration. I think to myself... "I wish I could have been there when this country was truly great." I'm jealous. Well, I can brag that I was born during his administration!

For all that I'm a coldhearted bitch, I'm also an idealist. I do not consider voting to be a right; I consider it a responsibility.

First, you aren't a "coldhearted bitch" you are simply outspoken, in a very good way. I was raised by my grandmother to understand that voting is a civic duty. So I understand that much. I also respect honesty. If people mistake that for being coldhearted, so be it.

You have the "just noticed it yesterday" anger of being 28. I've been watching my beloved country throw away its heritage with both hands for thirty years. This is neither the time nor the venue for a national fit of pique.

I have an unpleasant feeling that I'll be noticing it for a while yet. And I've been watching this decline for nearly a decade now. I started noticing it when Bush was in office during my teenage days. Those "fits of pique" that came as a result of the so called failures of the Bush Administration are what gave us Obama for two terms. I agree they are damaging. But mine wasn't. It was just me holding my hand over my eyes while I picked someone that I knew I was going to regret going forward. I should have known better than to go against my better judgement. I will accept full responsibility for the damage should Trump win the White House.

In my eyes, my vote exists for one reason and one reason only: to cast for a person I genuinely believe will be a good President. Neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton meets this description, therefore I cannot vote for either one, and I do not cast votes AGAINST.

My grandmother has that belief. She voted for Mike Huckabee in the 2008 Georgia Primary, even though he would go on to lose out to McCain elsewhere. She thought he was the best guy for the job. Damn it. Why have I not been paying attention to that? There are fools, damned fools, and then there's me!

Chapter Thirteen of "Don Quixote" tells us that windmills, when you fight with them, may swing round their huge arms and cast you down into the muck . . . or up among the stars.

I'll be looking for that book at the library now.
You two should meet up and go out for coffee and pecan pie

I miss eating pecan pie. Anything that's almost entirely corn syrup is too much refined sugar for my system, but it's one of my favorites. *sigh*
and do you think Drumphf is that person?

Trumps plusses

1. using his own money
2. scares the establishment of both parties
3. saying what real americans are thinking
4. not PC
5. Has made thousands of good deals
6. top notch negotiator
7. tells it like it is
8. would destroy Hillary in a debate
9. has taken every punch thrown at him and come back stronger
10. scares the Chinese and Russians and radical muslims

Trumps negatives
1. never held office-------so what, neither did Washington
2. tells it like it is-----------good
3. has a lot of money--------duh
4. has played the game with politicians---------knows how it works.
hey red how much you think trump will need if he's your nominated guy? one billion ? 2 billion ? think hes going to reach into his pocket? Think big donors will support him?? Think again

the people will support him, that's what matters. But if he gets the GOP nomination he will have plenty of donors. Fear not

What happened to "self-funding"? "Can't be bought"? "Beholden to no one"? I thought all that shit was THE reason we had to have Trump.
It don't think Trump thought the GOP establishment would be so dirty and underhanded. They're acting like the way Democrats and the MSM always acts. So sometimes you have to change tactics to fit the threat. But I don't think he's going to work with the donor class supporting the establishment until they learn a lesson. They can snap their fingers with any other candidate. When they go down in flames they will be on the outside pissing and moaning. Real change will be taking place instead of the fake change that Obama ushered in.

You might not think that, but you'd be wrong and making lame excuses. Trump said from the get-go that he wouldn't be able to self-fund a general election. He's been playing you gulli-bulls (sorry, I can't help but flash back to Bugs Bunny on that word every time) on this subject, just like everything else.
One, I have expended scads of effort into criticizing and berating and pointing out the flaws in not only Obama, but every single member of the political left who rears his or her ugly head to spew garbage all over my country. If I put any more effort into it, I'd have a stroke. But I think it's incumbent upon me, both to be fair (to the extent I think that word has any meaning at all) and to retain my own mental balance and perspective, to ALSO call out my own putative side in the argument when it steps on its johnson.

That's a fair point.

It has been a source of never-ending frustration to me to watch the nation I love, the nation I grew up in under the strength, optimism, and pride of the Reagan Administration, sliding inexorably toward the dustbin of history due to the inertia of its own apathy, stupidity, and coarsening culture.

I spend moments during the day researching the greatness of what was the Reagan Administration. I think to myself... "I wish I could have been there when this country was truly great." I'm jealous. Well, I can brag that I was born during his administration!

For all that I'm a coldhearted bitch, I'm also an idealist. I do not consider voting to be a right; I consider it a responsibility.

First, you aren't a "coldhearted bitch" you are simply outspoken, in a very good way. I was raised by my grandmother to understand that voting is a civic duty. So I understand that much. I also respect honesty. If people mistake that for being coldhearted, so be it.

You have the "just noticed it yesterday" anger of being 28. I've been watching my beloved country throw away its heritage with both hands for thirty years. This is neither the time nor the venue for a national fit of pique.

I have an unpleasant feeling that I'll be noticing it for a while yet. And I've been watching this decline for nearly a decade now. I started noticing it when Bush was in office during my teenage days. Those "fits of pique" that came as a result of the so called failures of the Bush Administration are what gave us Obama for two terms. I agree they are damaging. But mine wasn't. It was just me holding my hand over my eyes while I picked someone that I knew I was going to regret going forward. I should have known better than to go against my better judgement. I will accept full responsibility for the damage should Trump win the White House.

In my eyes, my vote exists for one reason and one reason only: to cast for a person I genuinely believe will be a good President. Neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton meets this description, therefore I cannot vote for either one, and I do not cast votes AGAINST.

My grandmother has that belief. She voted for Mike Huckabee in the 2008 Georgia Primary, even though he would go on to lose out to McCain elsewhere. She thought he was the best guy for the job. Damn it. Why have I not been paying attention to that? There are fools, damned fools, and then there's me!

Chapter Thirteen of "Don Quixote" tells us that windmills, when you fight with them, may swing round their huge arms and cast you down into the muck . . . or up among the stars.

I'll be looking for that book at the library now.
You two should meet up and go out for coffee and pecan pie

I miss eating pecan pie. Anything that's almost entirely corn syrup is too much refined sugar for my system, but it's one of my favorites. *sigh*

I'll get grandma to whip up some good black coffee and pecan pie. Ooooh. What a combo.
Yeah, well, imagine that feeling magnified if you vote for Trump and then have to watch his buffoonery for four years, knowing you supported it.

Like I said. I'll take full responsibility for my carelessness.

Wait until you vote for Trump to "stop Hillary", and then he starts inviting her and her horny hick husband to the White House for cozy little chats and advice. Think I'm being hyperbolic? He started his campaign after a phone consultation with Bill. disturbing.

Your granny probably also told you things like "You're known by the company you keep", "birds of a feather flock together", "you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas", and "when you sup with the devil, use a long spoon". All these things are cliches for a reason.

One of the surest measures of a person is the people he chooses to call his friends. And why.
Another surer measure is who he calls his enemies.......welcome you and sassy to my list
Yeah, well, imagine that feeling magnified if you vote for Trump and then have to watch his buffoonery for four years, knowing you supported it.

Like I said. I'll take full responsibility for my carelessness.

Wait until you vote for Trump to "stop Hillary", and then he starts inviting her and her horny hick husband to the White House for cozy little chats and advice. Think I'm being hyperbolic? He started his campaign after a phone consultation with Bill. disturbing.

Your granny probably also told you things like "You're known by the company you keep", "birds of a feather flock together", "you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas", and "when you sup with the devil, use a long spoon". All these things are cliches for a reason.

One of the surest measures of a person is the people he chooses to call his friends. And why.
Another surer measure is who he calls his enemies.......welcome you and sassy to my list

I think you got a higher quality of enemy than we did.
You obviously missed my "Hillary flaunts her lies in the debate" thread. Cons have such diarrhea of the mouth....always talking shit without a clue about what they are saying.

No, more like you can't deal with reality, she has the delegates, Bernie will not get the nomination...

In that empty space between your ears, everything and everyone leaves you in their dust...
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This thread might have a small bit of credibility if the left was not so willing to support a candidate under investigation by the F.B.I. Now we don't know what the outcome will be but I don't think I'm going out on much of limb by saying the majority of the left would still support Hilllary even if the F.B.I. recommendation was to indict.

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