The other GOP candidates promise to support the liar, con artist for president

So all the Romney supporters are backing Hillary Geeze loiuze this could tell us why we lost in 2o and freaking 12.
The other GOP candidates promise to support the liar, con artist for president
The GOP would never support Hillary Clinton.
Trumps problem is that the Devils in the details . You start to see it now . People are pressing him on details . Pull back the curtain and it's clear that oz can't make good on his promises .
If you think 90 seconds is plenty of time to spell out in detail how many lies Fux Noise moderators told last week, you're fucking bonkers. Lies about BBB ratings. Lies about the savings in costs effecting the deficit. The debate format doesn't allow for details.

The BBB came out and said trump is lying.

Point is the BBB isn't relevant. The BBB is a bunch of scam artists who charge a fee for their rating.

Then why did Trump feel it necessary to tell multiple lies about them?
The #NeverTrump movement died the moment they made that promise.

I disagree.
Do you find it kind of sad and even a little pathetic that the focus of the majority of the GOP candidates are attacks on the other candidates? Instead of running on their ideas and policy positions they are emphasizing the point "Don't vote for him because he sucks". It's a low and undermining position to take and they are all jumping on board. Kasich is the only one running on his ideas and experience and he is only making a whisper. What does that tell you about the electorate?
Negative campaigns work.

The trick is making yourself look good while you're doing it. Hillary doesn't attack anyone because she has a MSM willing to do it for free. She has no competition from Bernie Sanders because he refuses to go negative for some weird reason.
1 question mud where is trump going to get the couple billion he'd need if he was your nominee?? Big money hates his guts I'm told and he's not reaching for that much
He'll take out a low interest loan from his company.

Oh, and he has rich me.

But I thought you guys LOVED him because he was self-funding, and that meant he couldn't be bought.

Now you're just shrugging and saying, "Well, he'll just do the same things that he excoriated others for doing, and invalidate that. No big."
muddy If every politician who told a lie were lying dead in the streets there'd be no room to drive
And that's supposed to be a valid excuse?

We can do better than that.
and do you think Drumphf is that person?

Trumps plusses

1. using his own money
2. scares the establishment of both parties
3. saying what real americans are thinking
4. not PC
5. Has made thousands of good deals
6. top notch negotiator
7. tells it like it is
8. would destroy Hillary in a debate
9. has taken every punch thrown at him and come back stronger
10. scares the Chinese and Russians and radical muslims

Trumps negatives
1. never held office-------so what, neither did Washington
2. tells it like it is-----------good
3. has a lot of money--------duh
4. has played the game with politicians---------knows how it works.
hey red how much you think trump will need if he's your nominated guy? one billion ? 2 billion ? think hes going to reach into his pocket? Think big donors will support him?? Think again

the people will support him, that's what matters. But if he gets the GOP nomination he will have plenty of donors. Fear not

What happened to "self-funding"? "Can't be bought"? "Beholden to no one"? I thought all that shit was THE reason we had to have Trump.
Trumps problem is that the Devils in the details . You start to see it now . People are pressing him on details . Pull back the curtain and it's clear that oz can't make good on his promises .
If you think 90 seconds is plenty of time to spell out in detail how many lies Fux Noise moderators told last week, you're fucking bonkers. Lies about BBB ratings. Lies about the savings in costs effecting the deficit. The debate format doesn't allow for details.

The BBB came out and said trump is lying.

Point is the BBB isn't relevant. The BBB is a bunch of scam artists who charge a fee for their rating.

So now that they confirm Trump is lying they are irrelevant?
Excuse me? Did you sustain head trauma and get amnesia? Did you really just accuse ME of being lackluster about taking on Obama and his cronies? ME?!

Yes, I did. But not necessarily "lackluster", more like giving equal effort. It seems like to me you have divided your effort on two fronts instead of focusing it wholly on one common enemy.

Who in the hell do you think you're talking to?

I'm talking to you. Unless you're a robot or something, in that case, which buttons do I press?

I could not possibly give less of a shit about the Republican Party. Like all institutions, it's a tool, and at the point where it stops serving its purpose, it becomes useless and should be discarded.

I am happy to stand corrected then. Thanks.

So you'd rather just settle for the empty, meaningless victory of "I voted for the guy who won. He destroyed the country, but hey, I was on the winning team"?

I'm not. I just don't care. Voting for any of them would have constituted a "meaningless victory" for me had they won. I've been let down too many times. I honestly don't know why I vote in the first place. I consider them to all have an equal chance of destroying this country.

and you need to learn to think past the delusion being thrown up that there's only Donald Trump and "establishment" and "liberals" out there.

The fact I'm a libertarian now should tell you I'm fully aware of that. I'm not blind, Cecilie.

When did I ever suggest voting for a guy who makes empty promises? Once again, you are projecting, "Oh, you hate Trump, so you're all about supporting the establishment." One of the things you learn as you get old(er) is that life is rarely black and white, either-or. It stubbornly refuses to be that simple.

Perhaps you are right. I lack the wisdom people your age have. It's hard not to get wrapped up in the dissonance of politics. So, thus, I am easily swept up. It is only when I am at the crest of the wave do I wind up regretting it; it does hurt to crash and burn, and I do it often.

It's a hard fact of life that sometimes, there is no trophy, no triumph, no glory and conquest at the end of the battle.

There can be none of those things when I believe that we are all fighting the wrong battles.

Sometimes all you ever win is knowing, in your heart of hearts, that you fought for what was right and you didn't betray your conscience, even when it would have been easier or more comfortable or let you claim to have "won".

The sole motivator for my voting (if there is one), is that I know in my heart of hearts, that I am lending my voice to the collective who shares my views, in essence lending strength to that cause. I am not so single minded as to think this is a "my team" or "your team" game, nothing so base and childish.

Again, you're making the mistake of thinking this is an "either-or" situation, where anyone who opposes Donald Trump is automatically "establishment" and "looking to rig the system".

I might be, but then again, perhaps I am more upset at the dishonesty and hypocrisy I'm seeing (no, you aren't a hypocrite, nor are you dishonest. I've read your posts and your honesty is second to none).

What I AM saying is that if Trump becomes the nominee, then he and his followers will go it alone in the general election without my help and support.

That is your choice. But I believe you, and anyone who shares your feelings are ensuring that Hillary Clinton wins the White House. Do you not see the danger of that mentality? Would you take such a risk that in an effort to stick to your values and your "heart of hearts" that you indirectly elect someone who is further from those things than Donald Trump is? I'm curious.

That's one thing Donald Trump, with all his braggadocio about being a "winner", has never understood: sometimes it's not about "winning"; it's about drawing a line and saying, "This is where I will stand, no matter what", and going down fighting.

Perhaps that's what I did. I drew my last line in the sand, at the edge of the precipice.

When nothing you do matters, all that matters is what you do.

Well, I've done what I've done. It probably won't matter this time either.

A couple of things. One, I have expended scads of effort into criticizing and berating and pointing out the flaws in not only Obama, but every single member of the political left who rears his or her ugly head to spew garbage all over my country. If I put any more effort into it, I'd have a stroke. But I think it's incumbent upon me, both to be fair (to the extent I think that word has any meaning at all) and to retain my own mental balance and perspective, to ALSO call out my own putative side in the argument when it steps on its johnson.

It has been a source of never-ending frustration to me to watch the nation I love, the nation I grew up in under the strength, optimism, and pride of the Reagan Administration, sliding inexorably toward the dustbin of history due to the inertia of its own apathy, stupidity, and coarsening culture. And meanwhile, the people who allegedly stood for the values and ideals that could stop the decline were a bunch of gutless poltroons, sitting around in a circle jerk, worrying about their own personal power and prerogatives and trying to get some liberal Democrat somewhere to say something nice about them.

And now, here we are, facing a world with greater imminent dangers to everyone on it, and the United States can't seem to pull its collective head out of its ass enough to even recognize the danger, let alone head it off. We are no longer just running out of time; we've damned near run out of it entirely. And what do we have? A population that is enacting some real-life production of "Harrison Bergeron". We simply do not have time to piss around playing games any more. Rome is burning, and Nero is rosening up his fiddle bow.

You have the "just noticed it yesterday" anger of being 28. I've been watching my beloved country throw away its heritage with both hands for thirty years. This is neither the time nor the venue for a national fit of pique.

Second, I'll keep saying this for as long as it's necessary: I am no longer accepting these cynical, self-serving attempts at guilt-tripping. I am not enabling Hillary's victory by refusing to vote for someone I believe is nothing but a catastrophe. The people blithely insisting, "We want him, and fuck you, and you'll come around, so THERE!" are. If you are warned of the consequences and choose to ignore it, who's responsible for them?

Let me clarify something. For all that I'm a coldhearted bitch, I'm also an idealist. I do not consider voting to be a right; I consider it a responsibility. My vote is not "owed" to anyone: not to you, not to the Republican Party, not to Donald Trump or whatever other loser gets dredged up and stuck on a ballot "or else!" It does not exist to be cast to "send a message", or to vent my anger, or to stop this candidate or that party from winning, or to throw onto whichever bandwagon I think will let me be on the "winning side". In my eyes, my vote exists for one reason and one reason only: to cast for a person I genuinely believe will be a good President. Neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton meets this description, therefore I cannot vote for either one, and I do not cast votes AGAINST.

All I can do is what I can do, and in this case, all I can do is cast that one, lone vote for what is right, even if no one else stands with me. Like I said, sometimes you have to tilt at windmills. Chapter Thirteen of "Don Quixote" tells us that windmills, when you fight with them, may swing round their huge arms and cast you down into the muck . . . or up among the stars.

Don't play the cynical, trying-to-be-clever "electability" game. I heard a lady on the radio today, trying to decide who to vote for. She kept saying she thought one candidate was the best choice, but "he can't win, so should I vote for the guy who actually has a chance?" I don't remember the radio host's answer, but what I wanted to hear him say was, "Follow your conscience. That's why you have it." If we would all stop trying to calculate "electable" and simply voted for what we genuinely believed was right, it would be a good start toward the nation we used to have. Maybe if we all followed our conscience, the guy we thought couldn't win actually would. And maybe we'd start getting better candidates to choose from.
While I recognize that a brokered convention is part of the legitimate rules of Republican primaries if there's no clear winner, I think it would be disastrous, and I certainly do not approve of a plan to deliberately engineer one for the purpose of injecting a hand-picked leadership yes-man. I would be among the first to revolt against such a move.

Thank you for once again clarifying yourself... or perhaps helping me understand you. I feel like an idiot now.

You're welcome.

It flabbergasts me that the GOPe is so tone-deaf and delusional that they can't wrap their brains around the fact that their power is gone. Their day is over. There is no scenario that allows them to continue manipulating and running the show, and continuing business as usual. It's as plain as their noses on their faces, but they can't see it. Whatever happens, they are not in control anymore.
Sometimes you have to tilt at windmills, because sometimes the battles most worth fighting are the losing battles.

The difference here between you and I is that, perhaps as the side effect of the life I'm leading now, I feel like I'm losing all the time. The "win," the "conquest," as it were, is simply to save face. I don't feel like I'm winning even when I actually am. That's the feeling I carry when I vote. It's futile no matter who I pick.

Yeah, well, imagine that feeling magnified if you vote for Trump and then have to watch his buffoonery for four years, knowing you supported it. You think you feel betrayed by officeholders now? Wait until you vote for Trump to "stop Hillary", and then he starts inviting her and her horny hick husband to the White House for cozy little chats and advice. Think I'm being hyperbolic? He started his campaign after a phone consultation with Bill.

I can't tell you it's not futile. You can't save other people from their problems. If the nation is bound and determined to go down in flames, there's not a damned thing you can do to stop them. It sucks, but there you go. The question is, do you want to hand them another can of accelerant?
One, I have expended scads of effort into criticizing and berating and pointing out the flaws in not only Obama, but every single member of the political left who rears his or her ugly head to spew garbage all over my country. If I put any more effort into it, I'd have a stroke. But I think it's incumbent upon me, both to be fair (to the extent I think that word has any meaning at all) and to retain my own mental balance and perspective, to ALSO call out my own putative side in the argument when it steps on its johnson.

That's a fair point.

It has been a source of never-ending frustration to me to watch the nation I love, the nation I grew up in under the strength, optimism, and pride of the Reagan Administration, sliding inexorably toward the dustbin of history due to the inertia of its own apathy, stupidity, and coarsening culture.

I spend moments during the day researching the greatness of what was the Reagan Administration. I think to myself... "I wish I could have been there when this country was truly great." I'm jealous. Well, I can brag that I was born during his administration!

For all that I'm a coldhearted bitch, I'm also an idealist. I do not consider voting to be a right; I consider it a responsibility.

First, you aren't a "coldhearted bitch" you are simply outspoken, in a very good way. I was raised by my grandmother to understand that voting is a civic duty. So I understand that much. I also respect honesty. If people mistake that for being coldhearted, so be it.

You have the "just noticed it yesterday" anger of being 28. I've been watching my beloved country throw away its heritage with both hands for thirty years. This is neither the time nor the venue for a national fit of pique.

I have an unpleasant feeling that I'll be noticing it for a while yet. And I've been watching this decline for nearly a decade now. I started noticing it when Bush was in office during my teenage days. Those "fits of pique" that came as a result of the so called failures of the Bush Administration are what gave us Obama for two terms. I agree they are damaging. But mine wasn't. It was just me holding my hand over my eyes while I picked someone that I knew I was going to regret going forward. I should have known better than to go against my better judgement. I will accept full responsibility for the damage should Trump win the White House.

In my eyes, my vote exists for one reason and one reason only: to cast for a person I genuinely believe will be a good President. Neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton meets this description, therefore I cannot vote for either one, and I do not cast votes AGAINST.

My grandmother has that belief. She voted for Mike Huckabee in the 2008 Georgia Primary, even though he would go on to lose out to McCain elsewhere. She thought he was the best guy for the job. Damn it. Why have I not been paying attention to that? There are fools, damned fools, and then there's me!

Chapter Thirteen of "Don Quixote" tells us that windmills, when you fight with them, may swing round their huge arms and cast you down into the muck . . . or up among the stars.

I'll be looking for that book at the library now.
Yeah, well, imagine that feeling magnified if you vote for Trump and then have to watch his buffoonery for four years, knowing you supported it.

Like I said. I'll take full responsibility for my carelessness.

Wait until you vote for Trump to "stop Hillary", and then he starts inviting her and her horny hick husband to the White House for cozy little chats and advice. Think I'm being hyperbolic? He started his campaign after a phone consultation with Bill. disturbing.
One, I have expended scads of effort into criticizing and berating and pointing out the flaws in not only Obama, but every single member of the political left who rears his or her ugly head to spew garbage all over my country. If I put any more effort into it, I'd have a stroke. But I think it's incumbent upon me, both to be fair (to the extent I think that word has any meaning at all) and to retain my own mental balance and perspective, to ALSO call out my own putative side in the argument when it steps on its johnson.

That's a fair point.

It has been a source of never-ending frustration to me to watch the nation I love, the nation I grew up in under the strength, optimism, and pride of the Reagan Administration, sliding inexorably toward the dustbin of history due to the inertia of its own apathy, stupidity, and coarsening culture.

I spend moments during the day researching the greatness of what was the Reagan Administration. I think to myself... "I wish I could have been there when this country was truly great." I'm jealous. Well, I can brag that I was born during his administration!

For all that I'm a coldhearted bitch, I'm also an idealist. I do not consider voting to be a right; I consider it a responsibility.

First, you aren't a "coldhearted bitch" you are simply outspoken, in a very good way. I was raised by my grandmother to understand that voting is a civic duty. So I understand that much. I also respect honesty. If people mistake that for being coldhearted, so be it.

You have the "just noticed it yesterday" anger of being 28. I've been watching my beloved country throw away its heritage with both hands for thirty years. This is neither the time nor the venue for a national fit of pique.

I have an unpleasant feeling that I'll be noticing it for a while yet. And I've been watching this decline for nearly a decade now. I started noticing it when Bush was in office during my teenage days. Those "fits of pique" that came as a result of the so called failures of the Bush Administration are what gave us Obama for two terms. I agree they are damaging. But mine wasn't. It was just me holding my hand over my eyes while I picked someone that I knew I was going to regret going forward. I should have known better than to go against my better judgement. I will accept full responsibility for the damage should Trump win the White House.

In my eyes, my vote exists for one reason and one reason only: to cast for a person I genuinely believe will be a good President. Neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton meets this description, therefore I cannot vote for either one, and I do not cast votes AGAINST.

My grandmother has that belief. She voted for Mike Huckabee in the 2008 Georgia Primary, even though he would go on to lose out to McCain elsewhere. She thought he was the best guy for the job. Damn it. Why have I not been paying attention to that? There are fools, damned fools, and then there's me!

Chapter Thirteen of "Don Quixote" tells us that windmills, when you fight with them, may swing round their huge arms and cast you down into the muck . . . or up among the stars.

I'll be looking for that book at the library now.
You two should meet up and go out for coffee and pecan pie
Trumps problem is that the Devils in the details . You start to see it now . People are pressing him on details . Pull back the curtain and it's clear that oz can't make good on his promises .
If you think 90 seconds is plenty of time to spell out in detail how many lies Fux Noise moderators told last week, you're fucking bonkers. Lies about BBB ratings. Lies about the savings in costs effecting the deficit. The debate format doesn't allow for details.

The BBB came out and said trump is lying.

Point is the BBB isn't relevant. The BBB is a bunch of scam artists who charge a fee for their rating.

So now that they confirm Trump is lying they are irrelevant?
The only person who seems to be honest in this is Trump. Megyn Kelly knew that he had received ratings ranging from D- to A+, but she focused only on the D- rating, which Trump said truthfully wasn't important because it was only because the school was closed. If you don't pay BBB, they give you a D- rating. If you pay them, they give you a better rating. You explain to me why just a bit of cash changing the rating is important. Go ahead, figure it out.

Jesus. The BBB story is a Red-Herring. Give it a rest.
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"The other GOP candidates promise to support the liar, con artist for president"

....yeah, I heard some GOP say they'd vote for Hillary, too.

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