The other GOP candidates promise to support the liar, con artist for president

Trumps problem is that the Devils in the details . You start to see it now . People are pressing him on details . Pull back the curtain and it's clear that oz can't make good on his promises .
Trumps problem is that the Devils in the details . You start to see it now . People are pressing him on details . Pull back the curtain and it's clear that oz can't make good on his promises .
If you think 90 seconds is plenty of time to spell out in detail how many lies Fux Noise moderators told last week, you're fucking bonkers. Lies about BBB ratings. Lies about the savings in costs effecting the deficit. The debate format doesn't allow for details.
Trumps problem is that the Devils in the details . You start to see it now . People are pressing him on details . Pull back the curtain and it's clear that oz can't make good on his promises .
If you think 90 seconds is plenty of time to spell out in detail how many lies Fux Noise moderators told last week, you're fucking bonkers. Lies about BBB ratings. Lies about the savings in costs effecting the deficit. The debate format doesn't allow for details.

Forget Fox News . Listen to any of his stump speeches . Zero details . It's all. "Just wait and see". Or "well come up with something much better".

Take that dopey wall. The whole claim that Mexico will build it is regoddamndiculous !
The #NeverTrump movement died the moment they made that promise.

I disagree.
Do you find it kind of sad and even a little pathetic that the focus of the majority of the GOP candidates are attacks on the other candidates? Instead of running on their ideas and policy positions they are emphasizing the point "Don't vote for him because he sucks". It's a low and undermining position to take and they are all jumping on board. Kasich is the only one running on his ideas and experience and he is only making a whisper. What does that tell you about the electorate?
Last night at the GOP debate the other candidates were asked if they were going to support Trump if he gets the nomination. They all said they would. All of them have called Trump a liar, a con artist, a misogynist, a narcissist, a tax cheat, a small dick, and they are all willing to subject the American people to this yuck. This really should be the end of the GOP.
They promised to support Hillary?
and those above are trumps good qualities
Only if you're a Democrat voter.
Democrats like the fact that their party is run by liars and con artists. They're content with it.
Republicans are in the process of weeding theirs out as we speak state by state.

You guys should change your name to "The Dishonest Party".

View attachment 66347

Liars? All the candidates in your the GOP only John Kasich has a record that competes with Hillary...

That is your problem... Reality just makes you look foolish...

Hillary has a long record of lying to the public and lying to law enforcement.

Anyone who continues to support Hillary is dishonest themselves. She couldn't hold a security clearance after mishandling top secret communications while secretary of state. She mishandled the Libyan ambassadors schedule, which is top secret. She neglected her duties as secretary of state and lied about her neglect to cover it up. She worked in conjunction with the White House to perpetrate a fraud claiming a video caused Benghazi, knowing full well it was a lie, and her emails proved she knew it was a lie. She helped Iran get ahold of nuclear materials despite UN sanctions being in place. She conspired to overthrow a foreign government which led to murder of Colonel Qadaffi. .

She was recorded laughing about it afterwards, saying about Qadaffi "He came.....he saw.....he's dead...hahahahahaha!!!!"

She gave speeches to Goldman Sachs for hundreds of thousands of dollars. She refuses to release the transcripts from these speeches showing she can be bought by Wall Street and billionaire hedge funders.:deal:

Her husband is a pervert who likes having sex with underage girls. :suck:

A vote for Hillary is a vote to continue the corruption that currently infests the Executive Branch. The DoJ will continue to follow only the laws they like, and anyone who Hillary doesn't like will come under assault.

Personally, I think Hillary is running a criminal enterprise and becoming president is the best way she knows how to keep out of jail. It worked for LBJ.

Lets help... You have no proof of her lying to the extend you are saying...

You choose to ignore that GOP candidates have a terrible record for telling the truth....

Again this has been the RW strategy for years... Lie and keep lying....

This is a Goobles strategy, just one small problem... You said the same crap about Obama that was complete crap too...

You have lost credibility

You will keep at the same thing... We have shown you that Trump struggles to tell the truth...

We have Proof... Something you should learn about...
Trumps problem is that the Devils in the details . You start to see it now . People are pressing him on details . Pull back the curtain and it's clear that oz can't make good on his promises .
If you think 90 seconds is plenty of time to spell out in detail how many lies Fux Noise moderators told last week, you're fucking bonkers. Lies about BBB ratings. Lies about the savings in costs effecting the deficit. The debate format doesn't allow for details.

The BBB came out and said trump is lying.
Trumps problem is that the Devils in the details . You start to see it now . People are pressing him on details . Pull back the curtain and it's clear that oz can't make good on his promises .
If you think 90 seconds is plenty of time to spell out in detail how many lies Fux Noise moderators told last week, you're fucking bonkers. Lies about BBB ratings. Lies about the savings in costs effecting the deficit. The debate format doesn't allow for details.

Forget Fox News . Listen to any of his stump speeches . Zero details . It's all. "Just wait and see". Or "well come up with something much better".

Take that dopey wall. The whole claim that Mexico will build it is regoddamndiculous !
Not really. Mexico won't have any choice.

You're just so much of a cynic you can't see the possibilities. The easiest way to do it is through Western Union fees to finance the wall. Charging fines to illegals caught jumping the fence. Tariffs on goods from Mexico. Shit, we could even sell all of the confiscated grass captured at the border in Colorado and Countries like Denmark. It would be easy. Work visas granted to guest workers and they'd have to pay a toll to enter on a work visa.
Trumps problem is that the Devils in the details . You start to see it now . People are pressing him on details . Pull back the curtain and it's clear that oz can't make good on his promises .
If you think 90 seconds is plenty of time to spell out in detail how many lies Fux Noise moderators told last week, you're fucking bonkers. Lies about BBB ratings. Lies about the savings in costs effecting the deficit. The debate format doesn't allow for details.

The BBB came out and said trump is lying.

Point is the BBB isn't relevant. The BBB is a bunch of scam artists who charge a fee for their rating.
They promised to support Hillary?
and those above are trumps good qualities
Only if you're a Democrat voter.
Democrats like the fact that their party is run by liars and con artists. They're content with it.
Republicans are in the process of weeding theirs out as we speak state by state.

You guys should change your name to "The Dishonest Party".

View attachment 66347

Liars? All the candidates in your the GOP only John Kasich has a record that competes with Hillary...

That is your problem... Reality just makes you look foolish...

Hillary has a long record of lying to the public and lying to law enforcement.

Anyone who continues to support Hillary is dishonest themselves. She couldn't hold a security clearance after mishandling top secret communications while secretary of state. She mishandled the Libyan ambassadors schedule, which is top secret. She neglected her duties as secretary of state and lied about her neglect to cover it up. She worked in conjunction with the White House to perpetrate a fraud claiming a video caused Benghazi, knowing full well it was a lie, and her emails proved she knew it was a lie. She helped Iran get ahold of nuclear materials despite UN sanctions being in place. She conspired to overthrow a foreign government which led to murder of Colonel Qadaffi. .

She was recorded laughing about it afterwards, saying about Qadaffi "He came.....he saw.....he's dead...hahahahahaha!!!!"

She gave speeches to Goldman Sachs for hundreds of thousands of dollars. She refuses to release the transcripts from these speeches showing she can be bought by Wall Street and billionaire hedge funders.:deal:

Her husband is a pervert who likes having sex with underage girls. :suck:

A vote for Hillary is a vote to continue the corruption that currently infests the Executive Branch. The DoJ will continue to follow only the laws they like, and anyone who Hillary doesn't like will come under assault.

Personally, I think Hillary is running a criminal enterprise and becoming president is the best way she knows how to keep out of jail. It worked for LBJ.

Lets help... You have no proof of her lying to the extend you are saying...

You choose to ignore that GOP candidates have a terrible record for telling the truth....

Again this has been the RW strategy for years... Lie and keep lying....

This is a Goobles strategy, just one small problem... You said the same crap about Obama that was complete crap too...

You have lost credibility

You will keep at the same thing... We have shown you that Trump struggles to tell the truth...

We have Proof... Something you should learn about...
If you're saying Hillary is honest you have no credibility. Zip, zero, nada.
The #NeverTrump movement died the moment they made that promise.

I disagree.
Do you find it kind of sad and even a little pathetic that the focus of the majority of the GOP candidates are attacks on the other candidates? Instead of running on their ideas and policy positions they are emphasizing the point "Don't vote for him because he sucks". It's a low and undermining position to take and they are all jumping on board. Kasich is the only one running on his ideas and experience and he is only making a whisper. What does that tell you about the electorate?
Negative campaigns work.

The trick is making yourself look good while you're doing it. Hillary doesn't attack anyone because she has a MSM willing to do it for free. She has no competition from Bernie Sanders because he refuses to go negative for some weird reason.
The #NeverTrump movement died the moment they made that promise.

I disagree.
Do you find it kind of sad and even a little pathetic that the focus of the majority of the GOP candidates are attacks on the other candidates? Instead of running on their ideas and policy positions they are emphasizing the point "Don't vote for him because he sucks". It's a low and undermining position to take and they are all jumping on board. Kasich is the only one running on his ideas and experience and he is only making a whisper. What does that tell you about the electorate?
Negative campaigns work.

The trick is making yourself look good while you're doing it. Hillary doesn't attack anyone because she has a MSM willing to do it for free. She has no competition from Bernie Sanders because he refuses to go negative for some weird reason.
1 question mud where is trump going to get the couple billion he'd need if he was your nominee?? Big money hates his guts I'm told and he's not reaching for that much
The #NeverTrump movement died the moment they made that promise.

I disagree.
Do you find it kind of sad and even a little pathetic that the focus of the majority of the GOP candidates are attacks on the other candidates? Instead of running on their ideas and policy positions they are emphasizing the point "Don't vote for him because he sucks". It's a low and undermining position to take and they are all jumping on board. Kasich is the only one running on his ideas and experience and he is only making a whisper. What does that tell you about the electorate?
Negative campaigns work.

The trick is making yourself look good while you're doing it. Hillary doesn't attack anyone because she has a MSM willing to do it for free. She has no competition from Bernie Sanders because he refuses to go negative for some weird reason.
1 question mud where is trump going to get the couple billion he'd need if he was your nominee?? Big money hates his guts I'm told and he's not reaching for that much
He'll take out a low interest loan from his company.

Oh, and he has rich me.
The #NeverTrump movement died the moment they made that promise.

I disagree.
Do you find it kind of sad and even a little pathetic that the focus of the majority of the GOP candidates are attacks on the other candidates? Instead of running on their ideas and policy positions they are emphasizing the point "Don't vote for him because he sucks". It's a low and undermining position to take and they are all jumping on board. Kasich is the only one running on his ideas and experience and he is only making a whisper. What does that tell you about the electorate?
Negative campaigns work.

The trick is making yourself look good while you're doing it. Hillary doesn't attack anyone because she has a MSM willing to do it for free. She has no competition from Bernie Sanders because he refuses to go negative for some weird reason.
Agreed, Negative works, hence my question... What does that tell you about the electorate?

Wouldn't you agree that especially this season the GOP is taking it to a whole new level and making themselves look bad in the process?
The #NeverTrump movement died the moment they made that promise.

I disagree.
Do you find it kind of sad and even a little pathetic that the focus of the majority of the GOP candidates are attacks on the other candidates? Instead of running on their ideas and policy positions they are emphasizing the point "Don't vote for him because he sucks". It's a low and undermining position to take and they are all jumping on board. Kasich is the only one running on his ideas and experience and he is only making a whisper. What does that tell you about the electorate?
Negative campaigns work.

The trick is making yourself look good while you're doing it. Hillary doesn't attack anyone because she has a MSM willing to do it for free. She has no competition from Bernie Sanders because he refuses to go negative for some weird reason.
1 question mud where is trump going to get the couple billion he'd need if he was your nominee?? Big money hates his guts I'm told and he's not reaching for that much
He'll take out a low interest loan from his company.

Oh, and he has rich me.
when he bashed AAPL I'll bet he lost a couple of his friends,,,,and made some big enemies
The #NeverTrump movement died the moment they made that promise.

I disagree.
Do you find it kind of sad and even a little pathetic that the focus of the majority of the GOP candidates are attacks on the other candidates? Instead of running on their ideas and policy positions they are emphasizing the point "Don't vote for him because he sucks". It's a low and undermining position to take and they are all jumping on board. Kasich is the only one running on his ideas and experience and he is only making a whisper. What does that tell you about the electorate?
Negative campaigns work.

The trick is making yourself look good while you're doing it. Hillary doesn't attack anyone because she has a MSM willing to do it for free. She has no competition from Bernie Sanders because he refuses to go negative for some weird reason.
1 question mud where is trump going to get the couple billion he'd need if he was your nominee?? Big money hates his guts I'm told and he's not reaching for that much
He'll take out a low interest loan from his company.

Oh, and he has rich me.
You know that Trump has contributed very little to his campaign, relatively speaking... Most contributions on his part are loans to the campaign that he can pay himself back on whenever he wants. Also, he is holding many of his functions at his properties and making money on renting space and providing other services. In fact I believe the top two items that he has spent his money on are the Make America Great Again hats...
The #NeverTrump movement died the moment they made that promise.

I disagree.
Do you find it kind of sad and even a little pathetic that the focus of the majority of the GOP candidates are attacks on the other candidates? Instead of running on their ideas and policy positions they are emphasizing the point "Don't vote for him because he sucks". It's a low and undermining position to take and they are all jumping on board. Kasich is the only one running on his ideas and experience and he is only making a whisper. What does that tell you about the electorate?
Negative campaigns work.

The trick is making yourself look good while you're doing it. Hillary doesn't attack anyone because she has a MSM willing to do it for free. She has no competition from Bernie Sanders because he refuses to go negative for some weird reason.
Agreed, Negative works, hence my question... What does that tell you about the electorate?

Wouldn't you agree that especially this season the GOP is taking it to a whole new level and making themselves look bad in the process?

I guess they all collectively dropped trou and exposed themselves. If they go too far, they are going to be fried by their base. 3rd party will become a reality and the establishment will be retired.
I disagree.
Do you find it kind of sad and even a little pathetic that the focus of the majority of the GOP candidates are attacks on the other candidates? Instead of running on their ideas and policy positions they are emphasizing the point "Don't vote for him because he sucks". It's a low and undermining position to take and they are all jumping on board. Kasich is the only one running on his ideas and experience and he is only making a whisper. What does that tell you about the electorate?
Negative campaigns work.

The trick is making yourself look good while you're doing it. Hillary doesn't attack anyone because she has a MSM willing to do it for free. She has no competition from Bernie Sanders because he refuses to go negative for some weird reason.
1 question mud where is trump going to get the couple billion he'd need if he was your nominee?? Big money hates his guts I'm told and he's not reaching for that much
He'll take out a low interest loan from his company.

Oh, and he has rich me.
when he bashed AAPL I'll bet he lost a couple of his friends,,,,and made some big enemies
I guess they weren't really friends.
Do you find it kind of sad and even a little pathetic that the focus of the majority of the GOP candidates are attacks on the other candidates? Instead of running on their ideas and policy positions they are emphasizing the point "Don't vote for him because he sucks". It's a low and undermining position to take and they are all jumping on board. Kasich is the only one running on his ideas and experience and he is only making a whisper. What does that tell you about the electorate?
Negative campaigns work.

The trick is making yourself look good while you're doing it. Hillary doesn't attack anyone because she has a MSM willing to do it for free. She has no competition from Bernie Sanders because he refuses to go negative for some weird reason.
1 question mud where is trump going to get the couple billion he'd need if he was your nominee?? Big money hates his guts I'm told and he's not reaching for that much
He'll take out a low interest loan from his company.

Oh, and he has rich me.
when he bashed AAPL I'll bet he lost a couple of his friends,,,,and made some big enemies
I guess they weren't really friends.
especially the hedge fund guy trump called the smartest who owned millions of shares of aaple guess he never read how to win friends and influence people?

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