The other GOP candidates promise to support the liar, con artist for president

Last night at the GOP debate the other candidates were asked if they were going to support Trump if he gets the nomination. They all said they would. All of them have called Trump a liar, a con artist, a misogynist, a narcissist, a tax cheat, a small dick, and they are all willing to subject the American people to this yuck. This really should be the end of the GOP.

thankfully for us, your side is committed to nominating an awful candidate. Let's face it, Hilldawg is thought of as a liar and does not excite the base & Comrade Bernie is the only alternative, sets up for a republican win
Your hat is like an empty suit.
PARK CITY, Utah — The presentation is an 11th-hour rebuttal to the fatalism permeating the Republican establishment: Slide by slide, state by state, it calculates how Donald Trump could be denied the presidential nomination.

Marco Rubio wins Florida. John Kasich wins Ohio. Ted Cruz notches victories in the Midwest and Mountain West. And the results in California and other states are jumbled enough to leave Trump three dozen delegates short of the 1,237 required — forcing a contested convention in Cleveland in July.

The slide show, shared with The Washington Post by two operatives advising one of a handful of anti-Trump super PACs, encapsulates the newly emboldened view of many GOP leaders and donors. They see a clearer path to stopping Trump since his two losses and two narrower-than-expected wins in Saturday’s contests.

Seeing Trump as vulnerable, GOP elites now eye a contested convention
If you have to win by backing someone who, in your heart of hearts, believe is a terrible choice and will be a terrible President, have you really won anything at all?

After losing every other time before, it has indeed come to that. So I'll ask you this: since when has me voting for the nice guy gotten me anywhere? Do you honestly think voting for a guy who makes the same promises as the men before him will change anything? What have we won thus far?

In the first place, your guys didn't lose because they were "nice" and if you cannot see that being an egomaniac is a poor lifestyle choice (let alone an attractive quality for those seeking public office) that is just sad. Senator McCain lost because GWB was on the ballot. Governor Romney lost because he ran a campaign that was chronically impotent. The man went to Poland during the campaign. Poland.

As for the results of your vote; you should remember that the President has to get two other deliberate bodies to work with her or him to do anything. The House and the Senate. Voting for a guy who has no relationships at either body except to have called them "losers" is pretty insipid.
PARK CITY, Utah — The presentation is an 11th-hour rebuttal to the fatalism permeating the Republican establishment: Slide by slide, state by state, it calculates how Donald Trump could be denied the presidential nomination.

Marco Rubio wins Florida. John Kasich wins Ohio. Ted Cruz notches victories in the Midwest and Mountain West. And the results in California and other states are jumbled enough to leave Trump three dozen delegates short of the 1,237 required — forcing a contested convention in Cleveland in July.

The slide show, shared with The Washington Post by two operatives advising one of a handful of anti-Trump super PACs, encapsulates the newly emboldened view of many GOP leaders and donors. They see a clearer path to stopping Trump since his two losses and two narrower-than-expected wins in Saturday’s contests.

Seeing Trump as vulnerable, GOP elites now eye a contested convention
Trump is leading in both Florida and Ohio.
I read the subject line and thought they were going to support Mrs. Tuluza Clinton. But she wouldn't even make a good three card monte dealer let alone a con artist, take some brains and her's is damaged.
I think you are wrong, she is great at taking other peoples money and making it hers.

That is true, but there is a difference between conning people out of their money and being bought for political favors. One takes brains, the other takes a lack of integrity.
Say what you want, it does not change the fact that she is the biggest piece of trash to ever run for president

This is what the GOP is... It used to be the anti Obama party but in a radical change it is becoming the anti Hillary party.
Will the GOP be able to get over this time of change... They invested so much of the hate filled rants into Obama and now have to switch....

I think there main problem is that they told us the world was going to end because of Obama... Guess what? It didn't...
Now they are telling us the world is going to end because of Hillary...
Last night at the GOP debate the other candidates were asked if they were going to support Trump if he gets the nomination. They all said they would. All of them have called Trump a liar, a con artist, a misogynist, a narcissist, a tax cheat, a small dick, and they are all willing to subject the American people to this yuck. This really should be the end of the GOP.

Perhaps, because GOP candidates place the interests of the country ahead of the interests of the Party and they place the interests of the party over the interests of the individual.

Which is the exact opposite of the liberal/Democrat mentality.
Trump supporters have such third grade sandbox banter. Okay, back to the playground kids. Let the adults make some intelligent comments.

Why are you giving Clinton a free pass on endangering our national security? Is that the president you want?
Last night at the GOP debate the other candidates were asked if they were going to support Trump if he gets the nomination. They all said they would. All of them have called Trump a liar, a con artist, a misogynist, a narcissist, a tax cheat, a small dick, and they are all willing to subject the American people to this yuck. This really should be the end of the GOP.
They promised to support Hillary?
and those above are trumps good qualities
Only if you're a Democrat voter.
Democrats like the fact that their party is run by liars and con artists. They're content with it.
Republicans are in the process of weeding theirs out as we speak state by state.

You guys should change your name to "The Dishonest Party".


Liars? All the candidates in your the GOP only John Kasich has a record that competes with Hillary...

That is your problem... Reality just makes you look foolish...
Actually what you are seeing in typical primary banter. Once it is settled then the party will come together. There will be no brokered nomination. The nomination will go the way the primaries lead, anything else would cause a revolt in the party so it ain't gonna happen.

What is difference is the left's reaction. They can't run on Mrs. Tuluza Clinton, not enough positives. So they must make BS up like the GOP, who has won the last two mid-terms is somehow imploding. I don't blame them when it is Mrs. Clinton they have to promote.

The other difference is that while the Democrats squashed and nipped in the bud any effort by anybody - well, except for a non-entity, who is a pseudo Democrat, sucking up to Democrats - to try to deny Hillary the chance of being the FIRST female President, while the GOP encouraged dissent and freedom from any and all, of expressing opinions no matter how offensive, childish, immature, "racist", "xenophobe" etc. they might be.

GOP is wise enough to know the age old wisdom that enemies who made peace are the best friends.
Last night at the GOP debate the other candidates were asked if they were going to support Trump if he gets the nomination. They all said they would. All of them have called Trump a liar, a con artist, a misogynist, a narcissist, a tax cheat, a small dick, and they are all willing to subject the American people to this yuck. This really should be the end of the GOP.
They promised to support Hillary?
and those above are trumps good qualities
Only if you're a Democrat voter.
Democrats like the fact that their party is run by liars and con artists. They're content with it.
Republicans are in the process of weeding theirs out as we speak state by state.

You guys should change your name to "The Dishonest Party".

View attachment 66347

Liars? All the candidates in your the GOP only John Kasich has a record that competes with Hillary...

That is your problem... Reality just makes you look foolish...

Hillary has a long record of lying to the public and lying to law enforcement.

Anyone who continues to support Hillary is dishonest themselves. She couldn't hold a security clearance after mishandling top secret communications while secretary of state. She mishandled the Libyan ambassadors schedule, which is top secret. She neglected her duties as secretary of state and lied about her neglect to cover it up. She worked in conjunction with the White House to perpetrate a fraud claiming a video caused Benghazi, knowing full well it was a lie, and her emails proved she knew it was a lie. She helped Iran get ahold of nuclear materials despite UN sanctions being in place. She conspired to overthrow a foreign government which led to murder of Colonel Qadaffi. .

She was recorded laughing about it afterwards, saying about Qadaffi "He came.....he saw.....he's dead...hahahahahaha!!!!"

She gave speeches to Goldman Sachs for hundreds of thousands of dollars. She refuses to release the transcripts from these speeches showing she can be bought by Wall Street and billionaire hedge funders.:deal:

Her husband is a pervert who likes having sex with underage girls. :suck:

A vote for Hillary is a vote to continue the corruption that currently infests the Executive Branch. The DoJ will continue to follow only the laws they like, and anyone who Hillary doesn't like will come under assault.

Personally, I think Hillary is running a criminal enterprise and becoming president is the best way she knows how to keep out of jail. It worked for LBJ.
I read the subject line and thought they were going to support Mrs. Tuluza Clinton. But she wouldn't even make a good three card monte dealer let alone a con artist, take some brains and her's is damaged.
I think you are wrong, she is great at taking other peoples money and making it hers.

beggers on the street with a tin can are good at taking other people's money.
women leaders have been great world wide ,,,Hill will continue that streak,,,,,,while repubs bash away
Last night at the GOP debate the other candidates were asked if they were going to support Trump if he gets the nomination. They all said they would. All of them have called Trump a liar, a con artist, a misogynist, a narcissist, a tax cheat, a small dick, and they are all willing to subject the American people to this yuck. This really should be the end of the GOP.
They promised to support Hillary?
and those above are trumps good qualities
Only if you're a Democrat voter.
Democrats like the fact that their party is run by liars and con artists. They're content with it.
Republicans are in the process of weeding theirs out as we speak state by state.

You guys should change your name to "The Dishonest Party".

View attachment 66347

Liars? All the candidates in your the GOP only John Kasich has a record that competes with Hillary...

That is your problem... Reality just makes you look foolish...

Hillary has a long record of lying to the public and lying to law enforcement.

Anyone who continues to support Hillary is dishonest themselves. She couldn't hold a security clearance after mishandling top secret communications while secretary of state. She mishandled the Libyan ambassadors schedule, which is top secret. She neglected her duties as secretary of state and lied about her neglect to cover it up. She worked in conjunction with the White House to perpetrate a fraud claiming a video caused Benghazi, knowing full well it was a lie, and her emails proved she knew it was a lie. She helped Iran get ahold of nuclear materials despite UN sanctions being in place. She conspired to overthrow a foreign government which led to murder of Colonel Qadaffi. .

She was recorded laughing about it afterwards, saying about Qadaffi "He came.....he saw.....he's dead...hahahahahaha!!!!"

She gave speeches to Goldman Sachs for hundreds of thousands of dollars. She refuses to release the transcripts from these speeches showing she can be bought by Wall Street and billionaire hedge funders.:deal:

Her husband is a pervert who likes having sex with underage girls. :suck:

A vote for Hillary is a vote to continue the corruption that currently infests the Executive Branch. The DoJ will continue to follow only the laws they like, and anyone who Hillary doesn't like will come under assault.

Personally, I think Hillary is running a criminal enterprise and becoming president is the best way she knows how to keep out of jail. It worked for LBJ.

25 years of constant bashing and what's the result ? I mean it's a good tactic, repeat things enough and people will believe it's true .

Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house !

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